Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2234 You will get used to it bit by bit (two in one)

With his hands in his pockets, Qian Sanyi walked into the radio station with what he thought was a cool step.

"Does it look familiar? Do you...recognize it?" Liu Yang said with a smile, "I used to be in the same class, no... I don't need to do... introduce it again."

Lin Miaomiao said, "Qian Sanyi, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Can't I come to the radio station? Is this run by your family?"

"You have to know that the broadcasting agency is the place of our liberal arts. What are you science students doing?"

"You're ignorant." Qian Sanyi's face was full of contempt: "Now colleges and universities pay attention to liberal arts and science in independent enrollment."

Arts and sciences?

This word sounds very convoluted... no, it is very impressive. Hearing this word, she couldn't help but associate it with that annoying guy Lin Yue.

That's right, because of Deng Xiaoqi's matter, she hated him again.

Sometimes when I think about it, her emotions towards this guy are like wavy lines, like carving meaningful wood carvings, feeding stray cats wandering outside the dormitory building, and interacting sweetly with children, these small operations will make her impression of him all the same Get better a little bit, so as to forget Wang Shengnan's confession, and her best friend's bed, but there will always be a day when this guy will not care about her feelings, and come to a more flamboyant... No, it should be said to be an extreme operation. Get angry once.

Her distraction reminded Qian Sanyi, who is as smart as a champion, of course he understood what she was thinking: "Hey, what's the matter? Lin Miaomiao, don't you plan to show me the radio station?"

This sentence brought back Lin Miaomiao's derailed thoughts, and said solemnly: "You have to call me Master."

Qian Sanyi naturally refused: "Return Master? It's a good idea."

"Station Master, he was the one you brought in. You have to make the decision. You can't let him break the rules of our radio station." Lin Miaomiao asked Liu Yang for help.

"Miaomiao...that's right, radio station's...rules, call it."

Qian Sanyi pursed his lips, and called arrogantly, "Master."

"Hey..." Lin Miaomiao raised her hands and twisted her body happily: "Hahaha, the emperor takes turns to come to my house this year."

Could she not be excited? Back when Jiang Tianhao injured his leg while playing basketball, she swore not to eat meat until her friend recovered from the injury, but she couldn't hold back. What was even more unlucky was that Qian Sanyi found out and threatened her to serve tea and water. Please say hello sooner or later, otherwise I will tell Jiang Tianhao about the matter, and I have been depressed for more than a month. Now that Qian Sanyi has come to my door, then she still has to order this apprentice around to avenge her old hatred.

"Miao... Miao!" Seeing that she was getting carried away, Liu Yang scolded her and handed over a pamphlet: "According to..."

"Rules and regulations." Lin Miaomiao completed the content for him, took the booklet and shook it: "Remember to memorize it in your spare time, I will do spot checks."

Just when Lin Miaomiao was about to hand over the brochure, a person suddenly walked in and threw the blue folder into her arms: "That's the rules and regulations, this is the system tutorial I made, take it easy Learn, I will also spot check."

"Lin Yue?!"

Lin Miaomiao was stunned: "Why are you here? You are not..."

She really wants to say, aren't you doing housecleaning?

Liu Yang answered: "Oh, I...forgot to tell you that from...the second half of this year...the radio station will add...the post of deputy station chief, and the first post will be Lin...Lin Yue's classmate Take charge, be responsible for assisting deal with large and small...businesses."

Deputy chief?

The radio station has a stationmaster, and there are a bunch of announcers below. What can't be done well, and a deputy stationmaster needs to be added?

This... makes no sense.

At this time, Qian Sanyi's face was gloomy: "Why are you everywhere, and your ghost lingers."

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Stationmaster Liu, tell him, when was the position of deputy stationmaster decided to be added?"

Liu Yang blinked and said, "The final exam of the first semester of high school... around."

Lin Yue asked again: "When did Qian Sanyi apply to join the radio station?"

"Just today."

"So who is haunted?"

Qian Sanyi had nothing to say, he just turned his face and looked out the window.

Lin Yue said: "If you want to work in the radio station, if you come here to meet in the future, you have to call me the station master."

Qian Sanyi: "..."

Lin Miaomiao looked at this, looked at that, always felt that something was wrong, and suddenly thought of the conversation downstairs in the classroom, Lin Yue said to "step by step, take your time", and so on. Is there any connection with the scene in front of me?

"Why, can't you accept it? If you can't accept it, you can choose to quit. No one forced you to come here." Lin Yue ran on.

Liu Yang persuaded: "Hey, Lin Yue, don' like this, it's not good."

Qian Sanyi really wanted to pick someone up and leave, but he couldn't bear the chance to get along with Lin Miaomiao. You must know that the two of them have a good relationship with each other, and they rarely interact with each other. What's more, now that Lin Yue has become her superior, he is even more reluctant to leave. He asked: "Stationmaster, why can a student be the stationmaster of a radio station?"

"Why?" Lin Yue continued, "I took care of the newly replaced equipment on the opposite side, including the later commissioning and installation, all of which were led by me, which really saved the school a considerable amount of money. What about you? Instead, you took 500,000 from the school. If you return the money and give the school another 100,000 to 200,000, I will go to the principal and help you find a deputy station master, how about it?"

When he said this, Lin Miaomiao understood. After all, in the first semester of senior high school, she watched Qiu Linan destroy the entire broadcasting system, and because the end of the semester was approaching, the school took the opportunity to stop all broadcasting activities until a few days before the start of the second year of high school. A text message was sent in the group, saying that the new equipment has been put in place, and the broadcast can be restarted after school starts. It turns out that this system was completed with Lin Yue's participation. From this point of view, he really deserves to be the deputy station master.

"Lin Miaomiao, you must be very strange, right? Why did Stationmaster Liu's stuttering problem get better after a summer vacation? It's because I bought him some local herbal medicine from Africa, combined with some conservative treatments, the effect is obvious. "Lin Yue said: "Zhuangyuan Lang, dare I ask what kind of benefits you can bring to the radio station? A rookie announcer like you can easily be replaced by someone else."

Liu Yang nodded when he heard it. There was nothing wrong with what he said, but he was stunned for a moment and realized that he agreed in front of Zhuangyuan Lang, which was a bit too shameless.

"Qian Sanyi, Miao... Miao, the situation is... such a situation, he is the deputy station master... the headmaster nods, you... If you have... comments, go to the headmaster, I... I don't way to help you."

Of course Liu Yang wanted to speak for Lin Yue, because he still expected Lin Yue to help him cure his stuttering and make him a beautiful girlfriend.

"Qian Sanyi, I think it's better for you not to enter the radio station." Lin Miaomiao was a little worried. As far as his relationship with Lin Yue was concerned, something might happen in the future. She didn't want to get involved in the grievances between the two of them. Smashed the job at the radio station.

"Why didn't you enter?" Of course, Qian Sanyi couldn't give in to Lin Yue in front of outsiders. He grabbed the brochure and the new system operation guide from Lin Miaomiao's arms and shook them, meaning that remembering this stuff would be a piece of cake. Disc, then turned and left.

"Still... quite proud." Liu Yang Chong Lin Miaomiao pouted: "New semester, work hard, don't...don't let me down."


that night.

The girls' dormitory is downstairs.

"Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, look... I bought these for you. They are all your favorite food. The delicious duck neck from Fujiekou, and the salmon hand from Yuanqi Sushi." Jiang Tianhao picked up the plastic again. Inside the bag is a square transparent box, inside is a piece of yellow pulp:

"Dangdang, that's right, it's durian, don't bring this into the dormitory to eat."

The school can only eat in the cafeteria, and takeaways are not allowed. In order to get this, he dispatched people from Dad's company to buy it from the store.

Deng Xiaoqi licks Qian Sanyi, he licks Deng Xiaoqi, but this kind of licking, he thinks it is different, Deng Xiaoqi's licking has no rules, his licking... now basically half of the school knows Deng Xiaoqi's mother's nickname It was Deng Bancheng, and those girls looked at her gloatingly, they couldn't be called exclusion, and they definitely couldn't be called intimacy, there was only one Lin Miaomiao who didn't care about her background. It can be said that this was Deng Xiaoqi's darkest moment , as long as you stay with her at this time and move her with your true feelings, is it still far from a sure relationship?

Things between men and women are often full of ideas and skinny in reality, just like now.

Deng Xiaoqi didn't pick it up, but pushed him back instead: "I don't want to eat, you can take it away."

"In the evening, you didn't eat a single bite of food in the cafeteria. Lin Miaomiao gave the steamed eggs and fried yellow croaker to Lin Miaomiao. I know you cared about those people's comments. If you are hungry, eat a little, just eat a little, okay?" Jiang Tianhao begged.

"I said I don't eat, I want to lose weight!" Deng Xiaoqi looked angry, a little annoyed at Mr. Jiang's entanglement: "If there is nothing else, I will go up."

"Okay, okay, don't eat." Seeing her reaction so intensely, Jiang Tianhao had no choice but to give up: "Xiaoqi, I thought you wouldn't come to the elite middle school to study, until I saw you during the cleaning, and knew me How happy are you?"

He only said he was happy, not how painful it was.

At that time, I was carrying a bucket and a mop to the teaching building. When I saw Deng Xiaoqi standing in the corridor of Class 2 and 6, cleaning the glass, she didn't pay attention to her feet and almost plunged into the flower pond. Even so, her calf was also cut off by the guardrail. A layer of skin has been removed, and it still hurts to touch it now.


"Don't listen to those people's dirty words. We don't comment on the affairs of adults. You haven't done anything wrong. You don't need to care about the feelings of those villains, especially rubbish like Lin Yue."

Jiang Tianhao said bitterly, if the supervisor Li Daokui hadn't favored Lin Yue, he would have made that kid suffer a long time ago.

Deng Xiaoqi still didn't say a word, because she had the cheek to go back to the elite high school... Qian Sanyi, the number one scholar, was one reason, and Lin Yue was another reason, not that her impression of the latter changed a lot because of what happened that night, At this moment, she still hates her teeth, because what he said is really not wrong-"You still want to be an actor, a star with your psychological quality? You really got admitted to an art school and entered the entertainment industry. Who did you talk to when you were young?" After a fight, the paparazzi can dig out your Chinese and math scores, not to mention your mother's nickname and your family background."

"Xiaoqi, you are talking." Jiang Tianhao thought she was moved by the above words: "Don't worry, there are soft ones if they are too hard, I will definitely vent your anger on you."

Deng Xiaoqi didn't take his words to heart: "Okay, I'm going up."

"Wait, Jiang Tianhao pulled him back again, Xiaoqi, this... you take it."

"I said, I won't eat."

Jiang Tianhao said as a matter of course: "If you don't eat them, you can give them to Lin Miaomiao. It's better than throwing them into the trash can and wasting food. Farmer Uncle raises chickens to drive away ducks, it's very hard work."

Deng Xiaoqi thought about it, and thought that it was so reasonable, she might as well take these things to Lin Miaomiao, the foodie must be very happy.

"Okay, then I will thank you on behalf of Miaomiao."

She took the two plastic bags and entered the girls' dormitory without looking back.

Mr. Jiang waved at her back with a smile on his face, until Deng Xiaoqi walked into the hall and couldn't see her back, then he calmed down and walked towards the boys' dormitory building.

Just now, when he said to avenge Deng Xiaoqi, he didn't just talk about it to gain favor, he had a plan.

People surnamed Lin, don't think that's all there is to you being assigned to the liberal arts class, you can bully anyone, dare to bully Xiaoqi? See how I deal with you.


a month later.

The sky is clear and the autumn is crisp, and it is time for the annual autumn sports meeting.

High school students have only entered campus not long ago and have not yet adapted to high school life. Some of them are not sociable and can’t even recognize their classmates. The meaning of sports to them is more about cohesion, while high school students put most of their energy on the college entrance examination In sports, they don't spend too much time training, and they don't care about competition results, so the second-year students have become the main force of the sports meeting.

However, this situation is only limited to science classes. Liberal arts classes generally have "Yin prosperity and Yang decline", and the boys in liberal arts classes are more inferior in motor function than boys in science classes. Therefore, according to the opinion of class leader Lin Miaomiao, sports meeting It doesn't matter whether the men's team wins the prize or not. The most important thing is to be the first to win the competition. The question is how to do it?

She racked her brains, deliberated, and finally proposed a cosplay show, such as Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Snow White, Ultraman, Spider Woman... In short, how to attract people's attention, so as to highlight the personality, It is eye-catching, different from the rigid square teams of other classes, and can greatly enhance the sense of participation of the students.

Fortunately, she was able to figure it out, and got the unanimous approval of the whole class—except Lin Yue, because he always felt that this kind of operation was like playing house, too low.

Of course, no one cares if he doesn't participate, because he is a thorn in the beginning, and it's good if he doesn't make trouble in everything. If he is expected to contribute to the class or something, go to bed early, it's all in the dream.

"Have you heard? Lin Yue and Deng Xiaoqi's mother are getting together."

"What? No way?"

"Why not? Then why did he expose Deng Xiaoqi's faults in front of many people? Jealous!"

"I don't believe it, Deng Xiaoqi's mother can be his mother, right?"

"Believe it or not, she showed up at the school gate many times to pick up Lin Yue's Porsche 718 that left school. It was Deng Xiaoqi's mother's car. She let her daughter not pick it up and let her go home by bus, but went to pick up a man who didn't. Related boys, what is the relationship between the two of you? What are you going to do after receiving it? Take a closer look."

"Ha, an old woman, one... Is he 19 this year? It should be two months away, a proper old cow eats young grass."

"I always feel that what you say is a bit unbelievable."

"What's unbelievable? I heard that Lin Yue's parents went to Africa to aid in the construction when he was in junior high school. He has been living with his grandfather. What does this kind of child lack? Maternal love, Deng Xiaoqi's mother, rich, fashionable dress... an Oedipus complex , one is old and likes fresh meat, so everyone can get what they need."

"What you say makes sense."

"It's not just reasonable, it's the truth."


On the playground, some people got together to discuss the proper arrangement of the square teams, some people were thinking about which slogans to shout when they passed the rostrum, and some people were happily discussing the rumors that the elite middle school was particularly popular recently.

"Stop it, stop it, he's here."

The girls who gossiped saw the figure approaching the entrance of the playground, and hurriedly stopped to disperse.

Lin Yue curled his lips. Of course he knew what those people were talking about, but rumors of this level... What is it to a scumbag who once became famous all over Shanghai?

Jiang Tianhao, oh Jiang Tianhao...

This little trick made it happen, and so did Deng Xiaoqi. In order to get revenge on herself, she actually allowed Jiang Tianhao to spread such gossip to the outside world.

Presumably she was going back to school under pressure, and she also wanted to see her own jokes.

Didn't he expose the old background of the mother and daughter? Then she will also give him a soft meal, the label of a little wolf dog, anyway, it is difficult for me, and I will not let you live a stable life.

"You, just in time, come here."

Hearing the voice from the side, Lin Yue turned his head to look, and saw Lu Haotian, the physical education teacher, beckoning him to go over with a blank expression.

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