Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 402 Anni Liang Can't Extricate Herself

September 27 at 7 a.m.

Lin Yue came to Jialin Hospital in Jialin City.

Luan Bingran is an employee of a hospice care organization. The best way to get in touch with her is to become a "short-lived" person like in the TV series. That way, she has a lot of common language, and the girl's guard against him will be greatly reduced. .

Otherwise, it would be a bit difficult for an old man in his thirties who has no money to cross the circle to date a little girl.

If there is a shortcut, why take a long detour, not to mention that only by doing this can you become a hero of the TV station's hype and get strong public support.

With popularity and a dazzling aura, the next thing to do will be much easier.

Registration, medical treatment, blood test, CT.

After a set of procedures, he just sat and waited for the film to be picked up, and waited until the patient named Wu Zhong didn't take the film to answer the phone. As he said, he asked the other party to watch the film for him on the pretext of being busy at work before going to the consultation.

The film showed that the result was pancreatic cancer, and Director Nie asked Lin Yue to talk to his family.

In the plot, Yu Huanshui called Gan Hong, but the woman didn't have any patience for the man who had been married to her for ten years, and even hung up the phone before listening to Yu Huanshui's explanation.

Of course, Lin Yue would not call Gan Hong here. He went outside to find the big sister who sold pancakes, and asked her to pretend to be his family to discuss the illness with Director Nie at the price of two hundred yuan, thus creating the idea that he was "not long to die." factual basis.

The elder sister who sold the pancakes refused to accept the two hundred yuan, saying it was bad luck. Lin Yue was not angry, but he understood the psychology of ordinary people--it is better to believe in ghosts than in nothing.

Afterwards, he found a ten-year-old kid and asked him to go to the pancake stand with 400 yuan and buy more than 40 pancakes with double eggs and ham in one go. The kindness of the director in this matter.

September 27.

It took him a whole day to find the one-bedroom apartment with Italian earl gray marble as the background wall on the shell search website. After negotiating the quarterly payment price, he rented the house.

That night, he received a call from Yu Huanshui's father, who asked him for 50,000 yuan, saying it was a gift money for Yu Huanshui's half-brother who had never lived.

Yu Huanshui disliked this father very much, and believed that half of the responsibility for his mother's death so early was due to this man. He used to like to drink, beat his wife and children when he was drunk, and then ran away with another woman. Now that he is old and has no money, that woman put her mind on Yu Huanshui and forced him, a father, to come and find him Yu Huanshui asked for money for her son to marry a wife.

How can there be such a good thing in the world!

In the TV series, Yu Huanshui was nearly collapsed by Gan Hong, Lu Fumeng and his father.

Lin Yue listened quietly to the old man's words, then found an excuse and hung up the phone. If it weren't for the fact that when Yu Huanshui returned to his hometown later, the old guy still behaved like a person, and he would have called him to stay where he was cool.

September 28, the anniversary of Da Zhuang's death.

Lin Yue received the full commission, more than 57,000 yuan.

In the afternoon, instead of Yu Huanshui, he went to Da Zhuang's cemetery with fruit and Moutai, and asked for two disposable water glasses from the cemetery staff, and sat cross-legged in the forest of steles, looking at Da Zhuang's posthumous photos and drinking them one by one. .

He is not Yu Huanshui, but he understands Yu Huanshui's mood - wife, parents-in-law, brother-in-law, father, friend, apprentice, colleague, no one around him can rely on, and can give him a comfort that can smile towards tomorrow with hope, These people either oppressed him, or didn't understand him, or calculated him, or teased him. They were all like vicious beasts, trying to tear a piece of bloody flesh from him.

Only in this place, Yu Huanshui didn't have so much pressure, he could talk to his friends calmly, and he didn't have to worry about the man in the grave torturing him like a living beast.

A bottle of Moutai, nearly eight taels of wine to drink.

Lin Yue poured out everything Yu Huanshui wanted to say, scold, and complain, until the sky suddenly poured down a torrential rain, and the staff inspecting the cemetery dragged him, reeking of alcohol, to the concierge. Called a taxi to take him home.

Eight taels of wine is nothing with Lin Yue's physique, but I don't know if it was caused by the rain, the cemetery is too cloudy, or Yu Huanshui's guilt for Da Zhuang made him feel unhappy. Sometimes I feel dizzy, and I feel a little dazed when I see things. I even mistake Liang Anni who is sitting on the steps of the stairs for Gan Hong.

"How did you come?"

"What are you doing, look at this drunken man."

"This is not your home anymore, get out of here."

Liang Anni froze for a moment before she realized: "Yu Huanshui, I'm Liang Anni, not your ex-wife."

In a daze, Lin Yue helped her into the room and leaned on the sofa.

Annie poured him a cup of hot water: "Have you eaten yet?"

Lin Yue thought for a while: "Does dragon fruit count?"

When chatting with Da Zhuang before, he peeled two of them and ate them.

"I'll make you a bowl of noodles." After speaking, she entered the kitchen.

The rain outside the window did not stop, and the intensity was a little weaker. Lin Yue lay on the sofa to sober up, and vaguely smelled the aroma of hot pot, followed by the sound of ingredients being poured into oil.

Ten minutes later, Annie walked into the living room with a bowl of tomato and egg noodles and helped him up from the sofa.

Lin Yue said thank you, picked up the bowl and drank a few mouthfuls of soup, feeling a warmth in his stomach and strength in his limbs.



In less than a minute, he ate up all the noodles in the bowl.

"Have a cigarette."

Liang Anni glared at him: "Yu Huanshui, you really treat me as a nanny. When Gan Hong was here, did you use her like this?"

Having said that, she still obediently picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette, lit it in her mouth, and handed it to him when she was done.

Lin Yue looked up at the ceiling and took a breath, feeling much refreshed: "Why are you here? Did Wei Guangsheng play tricks again?"


Liang Anni didn't go on, because she didn't know why she came to Xianglanyuan. She didn't want to go home after get off work, so she was driving around aimlessly outside. Suddenly, a cloud of dark clouds floated from the north. When it got dark, and then It was like a torrential rain.

Looking at the waterline winding down the car window and the windshield wipers, she was led here by an irresistible impulse. When she went upstairs, Yu Huanshui was not at home, and no one answered the phone. According to the thinking of normal people, she should leave here, but she didn't know what she thought at the time. She sat down on the first step of the stairs and waited for him to return. Home.

Lin Yue saw her hesitant to speak, hesitating and hesitating, hearing the sound of the rain for no reason, his heart moved, he threw the half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray, stretched out his left hand to wrap around the back of her head, and smoothed the sticky skin around her ear with his right hand. Even strands of hair slowly approached her face.


next morning.

Lin Yue jumped up, propped up his upper body on the back of the double bed, picked up the towel on the bedside table and wiped the sweat on his arms, panting slightly: "Aren't you afraid that Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin know that you are looking for me? "

"So what if you know." Annie slumped on the bed and said weakly, "Aren't they the ones who pushed me to your side?"

Lin Yue said: "I haven't answered the question I asked yesterday, why did you come to me?"

Anne remained silent, but unlike before, she really didn't know the answer to this question yesterday, and it seemed that what drove her here was only an inexplicable impulse.

Today she knows why, because she doesn't have to hide anything in front of Yu Huanshui. It feels like a wanted criminal living an invisible life incognito. Suddenly one day the police come to the door. In a flash, my heart opened up.

And she felt more and more that there was an inexplicable attraction in this man, and she felt very safe by his side. It is a crime to manufacture and sell fake cables. In addition to legal deterrence, there is more or less conscience. After all, engineering fraud is likely to kill people if an accident occurs. She is a woman, and her psychological quality is far inferior to that of Zhao Juemin and Wei Guangsheng in this kind of thing. She often wakes up in the middle of the night when she sleeps alone at home, and then can't fall asleep again. At this time, she will turn on all the lights in the room. Sit on the sofa until dawn.

The last time she stayed by Lin Yue's side for one night, she found that it was the most comfortable sleep she had slept in half a year. It was this sense of security that gave her the urge to come and find him during the thunderstorm.

She found the answer to the question, but she couldn't say it, she couldn't tell him that I fell in love with your bed.

Seeing that she didn't want to answer this question, Lin Yue didn't care: "Don't come over tonight."

"You hate me? Yu are really ruthless."

You know she still can't get a smidge of strength up to now, so you can imagine how much this man tossed her just now, but he turned his face and told her not to come at night, even if the two are not husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend , just greedy for the other party's body, this is also very hurtful.

"No, I won't let you come because I might not be home at night."

"Where are you going if you're not at home?"

Lin Yue thought for a while: "Maybe... I will go to the dormitory."

Annie was a little confused: "Why?"

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