Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 403 I am the father you will never get

After eight o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yue changed into a casual outfit and appeared at Paulaner Bar.

It was still early, there were not many people at the bar and booths, the bartender was busy arranging the wine utensils, and the resident band opposite was playing an unknown song.

Lin Yue glanced at the dazzling array of counters, and sat down on the high stool in front of the bar.

"Have a bottle of whiskey."

The bartender was stunned for a moment, thinking that this guy was really interesting, but he still took a bottle of whiskey and put it on the table.

Lin Yue turned the label to look at it, pushed it back, pointed to the flat round bottle on the top of the wine rack and said, "Give me that."

The bartender was stunned again: "Sir, how about 1,000? Are you sure?"

"Take it."


The bartender turned and took down the bottle of Sugden 18.

Lin Yue pulled out the cork, pushed the small square cup in front of him, and looked at the bartender.

This guy can drink quite a bit.

The bartender stretched his waist, picked up three ice cubes from the ice bucket below and put them in the glass. Lin Yue poured a whiskey that was about the same size as the ice cubes, and picked it up to taste the taste of the sea.

Before he finished his glass of wine, the fragrance from the right hit his face, and a skinny woman in a white T-shirt sat down next to him.

"one person?"

Lin Yue frowned, isn't this the woman who joked about Yu Huanshui's too fashionable dress in the TV series?

He didn't speak, but winked at the bartender and pointed to the bar.

OK, I have a hand.

The bartender secretly gave him a thumbs up, grabbed a square glass from the bar, put some ice cubes in it and put it in front of the woman.

Without further ado, Lin Yue poured some wine into it, picked up his own cup, touched it, and drank casually.

The woman also took a sip of wine.

"Seeing you like this, is there something on your mind?"

"Is that right?"

"Can you tell me something?"

Lin Yue glanced at her: "Eighty yuan a piece, how many pieces do you want to hear?"

The woman said: "You are more expensive than the cross talk of Deyun Society."

Lin Yue said: "Listening to cross talk is just a fresh idea. My story can touch your heart. Maybe it will still be fresh in your memory after many years. Isn't this money more cost-effective than buying a ticket?"

"You can really tell," she said, "All the men in the bar are willing to spend money on women, but you are the only one who thinks about how to make money on women."

Lin Yue touched her glass again and poured a sip of wine into his mouth: "Such an expensive wine, I have to find a way to earn back some of it. I don't want to not even be able to afford a hotel tonight."

"You're so funny. You can't live in a hotel alone with a drink worth more than a thousand yuan? I don't believe it."

"Money and wealth are foreign things, only good wine and beautiful women can't live up to it."

Lin Yue picked up the cup and touched her again, but didn't drink, and looked at her blankly.

The woman panicked when she saw it: "What's wrong?"

"You look like the heroine of one of my favorite movies when you drink."



"what movie?"


The bartender was speechless. This guy had an honest face, but his ability to pick up girls was beyond words. If he worked harder, it would definitely not be difficult to take her away tonight.

After finishing the wine in the glass, Lin Yue looked at his watch, poured himself another half glass, turned his head and saw the woman looking at him expectantly, and smiled gentlemanly: "Sorry, I'm waiting for my girlfriend."

The woman was stunned for a while, her expression was a little unnatural, she couldn't figure out why, the two of them were talking and laughing one second, but he seemed to be a different person the next second.

"Sorry for wasting your time."

Lin Yue smiled, and said to the bartender, "This lady's consumption just now will be charged to my account."

The woman gave him a complicated look and left.

The bartender put down the goblet and the cleaning cotton cloth in his hand, and leaned in front of him: "I said buddy, you're a little hasty at this corner."

Lin Yue said, "Have you heard a word?"

"What words?"

"I'm the daddy you'll never have."

"..." The bartender didn't know what to say.

"It's a good story."

"Very good." The bartender glanced at the woman who returned to the booth with a displeased face: "You came to the bar to wait for your girlfriend, right?"

Lin Yue didn't speak, and pointed in the direction of the door.

The bartender turned his head and saw a young girl in a red and white plaid long-sleeved shirt, with almost no accessories visible, walked in, took a look at the bar environment, and went straight to sit on the high stool.

"Have a glass of lemonade."

It's a bit interesting, today's guest is very unusual.

The bartender took a look at Lin Yue and mixed a glass of lemonade for her.


Luan Bingran took a few sips from the cup, looked at the female singer singing on the stage, and then at the hostile woman's face behind her, and turned her eyes to Lin Yue's face.

His hand was shaking the glass lightly, and the ice cubes made a crisp sound as the whiskey flowed to the wall of the glass.

She looked at the man curiously for a while, and felt that this man was a bit special, and his smile was very friendly, so she moved forward, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation: "What do you believe?"

Lin Yue said, "My surname is Yu."

"I mean what do you believe in?"

"I don't believe in anything."

"Don't people have to believe in something? For example, if you believe in Buddhism, Taoism, gods and ghosts, you can also believe in your wife."

Lin Yue took a sip of his wine and said calmly, "I'm divorced."

Luan Bingran said, "I'm sorry."

Lin Yue waved his hand to indicate that it's okay: "Are all the little girls now as active as you? When you come up, just ask others what they believe."

"This may be determined by the nature of my work."

"Excuse me, what do you do?"

"Oh, I'm an employee of a non-profit hospice organization, and I'm distributing leaflets on this street tonight." Luan Bingran handed Lin Yue a leaflet while speaking.

Lin Yue looked at the capitalized word "salvation" and said, "It's just right, you can redeem me too."

"are you joking?"

"Why do you think my wife divorced me, and why do I come here to drink?" Lin Yue took a sip of wine, put the glass on the bar, looked at the ice cubes in it and said, "I went to the hospital to take a photo a week ago. For the film, the doctor told me to treat myself better in the next few days, eat whatever I want, and play whatever I want.”


Lin Yue waved his hand again, pointed to the flyer in front of him and said, "Have you finished distributing this yet?"

Luan Bingran shook her head: "I feel thirsty halfway through, so come in and have a drink."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"This is not good."

"Anyway, I'm fine, and I don't want to go home too early. It's easy to think too much while lying in bed alone."

No one is afraid of death, everyone is afraid of death, it is human nature to think about it and put pressure on yourself.

Luan Bingran thought about it seriously, no matter what he said was the truth or a lie, anyway, he had nothing to lose.

"That's really a big thank you."

Lin Yue smiled, picked up the wine bottle and poured himself half a glass of wine.

The two talked for a while and got off the high stool and walked outside together. The bartender looked at the back of the two walking away and admired him very much.


The bartender thought Lin Yue had left, but within a few minutes he came back, accompanied by four well-dressed mature women.

Why does this dude change women more diligently than changing clothes?

The bartender was speechless, watching several people pass through the hall and go up to the second floor.

"Why haven't I seen you before."


"What are you doing? Pour your sisters wine."


Lin Yue picked up the beer on the table and poured it on the woman beside him.

If it wasn't for making Luan Bingran feel that he owed him a favor, he wouldn't have come to serve these four old women, although he also had the idea of ​​avenging Yu Huanshui.

"Brother Xing, you came at a good time. Where did you find the little brother? You have been here all night." The old woman in red saw the duck head coming in, and suddenly regained her spirits: "You said you are a wine accompaniment ..."

Lin Yue stood up and raised his hand to signal her to shut up: "You guys are mistaken, I'm helping people distribute leaflets, not serving drinks."

"You, come out for me, let's go to the side and chat." Brother Xing tilted his head to the outside, with a bad tone.

Lin Yue didn't say anything, followed him out of the booth, and the two went to the outside hall, surrounded by three hostesses in trendy suits.

"Where did the blind wild dog come from, and come to my site to grab business, it's quite courageous."

Brother Xing reached out to push the back of Lin Yue's head, but halfway through, his hand was grabbed by a stronger hand, twisted clockwise, and then pushed down.


The sound of knuckles cracking, followed by Brother Xing's scream.

Lin Yue kept moving, and kicked Brother Xing in the chest, kicking him to the bone.

The three people next to him were stunned for a moment, and the guy with the earrings reacted the fastest. He was about to kick someone, when a black shadow crossed the border, and a fist the size of a 200-watt light bulb slammed into his face.

For a while, blood flew everywhere, and the soreness spread along the nasal bone to his face, and he squatted down covering his face in pain.

On the right side, the half-leg of the wine accompaniment man with a middle part was lifted, and Lin Yue bent his foot to hook him, and he fell on his back with a thump, rolling on the ground with the back of his head in his arms, moaning and rolling.

The male accompanying the wine with three-thirds of Northwest Shaomin blood was the slowest to react, but he was in a good position. He rushed over and grabbed Lin Yue's throat from behind. The pan surged, and the body weighing more than one hundred and fifty catties turned in a circle, snap! He fell heavily to the ground.

Over there, Brother Xing breathed a sigh of relief, struggling to get up from the ground, he pinched the back of his neck with one hand and pressed down on the ground, with a bang, his ears buzzed, and he felt that the whole world was shaking.

Lin Yue picked up Brother Xing's dropped phone and threw it in front of him: "Are you reporting this to the police or should I?"

On the TV, Yu Huanshui was beaten up by these four people. His nose was broken, his eyes were blue, and his phone was broken. Of course he wants to take revenge.

Even without considering what happened to Yu Huanshui, from a personal standpoint, Lin Yue wanted to take care of these people, what the hell was wrong with him, he wanted to be a duck.

What's even more irritating is that you are so arrogant when you are a duck, you say you deserve a beating or not.

Brother Xing groaned on the ground in pain, and the surrounding people were all stunned. No one thought that he knocked down the other four by himself, and...he even picked up his mobile phone and called the police.

What is this guy up to? How can there be any reason to call the police after beating someone?

Thank you for the 100 starting coins that I am Brother Xiangyu, Fu News, and book friends with the tail number 2971.

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