Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 408 Why does he always provoke the police?

Of course Lin Yue knew that Zhao Juemin was playing tricks behind his back, so he smiled at Wei Guangsheng, took out his phone in his pocket, opened WeChat, and sent a message to the three of them.


Following the continuous beeps, the three of them took out their phones to unlock the screen one after another.

Zhao Juemin's complexion changed as if a gust of evil wind passed through the area, and a slight smugness remained at the corner of his mouth, but the panic and surprise in his eyes submerged him quickly from scratch.

How did Yu Huanshui know the location of the factory? Also went in and took a video.

Lin Yue glanced at Wei Guangsheng, who had a sullen face, unzipped his briefcase, took out a cable with a Hongqiang cable label from it, and threw it on the desk.

"All three of you know this thing?"

Wei Guangsheng looked at Zhao Juemin, with anger in his eyes besides questioning. The stall in the factory was managed by Zhao Juemin. Now Yu Huanshui not only took pictures of the inside of the factory, but also brought physical evidence from it. He has reason to ask why and hold accountable.

"This this……"

That's not how the script was written. Isn't Yu Huanshui always cheating Wei Guangsheng and Liang Anni? From the former, he got a position as a sales manager, and from the latter, he tasted the sweetness other than his wife.

Although he also suffered a lot, he secretly had a sense of superiority, thinking that Wei Guangsheng and Liang Anni were two idiots, but why...why did things become like this?

He came here with the mood of seeing Yu Huanshui embarrassing, and the result? He was the one who couldn't step down.

"Where did you get this thing?"

"You don't care where I got it, as long as I can send you to prison."

Zhao Juemin thought carefully for a while: "Are you following me?"

Lin Yue took a look at Wei Guangsheng, and the general manager felt terrified before he turned his head and smiled: "Can't you?"

At this time Liang Anni came over and pretended to be hostile: "You know we are talking about a USB flash drive, not this one."

Lin Yue said: "I put the U disk in a safe place and have it kept by a reliable person, lest you play dirty tricks with me, such as kidnapping and murder."

Wei Guangsheng took a look at the cable: "How much do you want?"

"Twenty million."

"How dare you speak, Yu Huanshui, you want to take all our profits at once."

"At this time, you still want to cheat me." Lin Yue looked at Wei Guangsheng and sneered: "Based on your shipments during this period, the gross profit should be 40 to 50 million, even if you remove gifts, bribes, customer relationship maintenance and other things. Loss, the money you get is at least 30 million, do I want you more than 20 million?"

While speaking, he took out a newspaper from his bag and pushed it in front of the three of them: "This is the Jialin Daily's report on a cable fraud case last year. I calculated the sentence for you. Mr. Wei has the highest position and the greatest responsibility." The longest sentence is twenty years. As for the two of you, at least ten years in prison."

The atmosphere is a bit chilly.

Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin never thought that Lin Yue had calculated them clearly and clearly, the shipment volume, gross profit, charges, sentence... This guy has a book in his mind.

boom boom boom~

At this moment, there was a hasty knock on the door outside.

"Who is it?" Wei Guangsheng asked with a frown, of course he was very upset to be disturbed at this time.

"President Wei, it's me, Wu Antong."

"Are you alright?"

"Mr. Wei, is my master in your office?"

"Yes, he is."

"Oh, two policemen came outside and indicated that they wanted to talk to Master."


These two words seemed to have a magical power, which lifted the hearts of the three people.

Liang Anni expected that Zhao Juemin would be slapped in the face, but she didn't expect the police to come to her door.

She looked at Lin Yue.

Lin Yue shrugged, expressing that he didn't know.

"Yu Huanshui, did you call the police?" Zhao Juemin was anxious.


"Then why did they find the company?"

"Probably, he invited me to drink tea."

Invite him to tea?

Hey, it's so fresh! You said what kind of place he used as a police station. He just stayed there for one night a few days ago, and two policemen were recruited today.

Just as Zhao Juemin felt very upset, there was another knock on the door outside: "Hello, we are policemen from the Jialin City Police Station."

Wei Guangsheng didn't dare to be negligent, he winked at Zhao Juemin, and then went back and sat down behind the desk.

Zhao Juemin walked over and opened the door, and two policemen walked in from the outside.

"Which of you three is Yu Huanshui?"

Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin pointed at Lin Yue: "He."

The policeman with one stripe and three flowers on the epaulets looked at the two suspiciously, and said to Lin Yue who was sitting on the chair, "Come with us."

"Hey." He didn't have anything, grabbed his bag and left with the two of them.

Until the footsteps faded away, Wei Guangsheng walked over to close the office door, turned his face and said, "You two called the police?"

Zhao Juemin said: "Why should I call the police? Do I want to go in and eat in prison?"

Liang Anni glanced at him: "That's not necessarily true. If you surrender yourself and perform meritorious service, you should be able to reduce your sentence by a few years."

"Liang Anni, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Wei Guangsheng said, "It's not you, it's not her, it's not me, it's Yu Huanshui himself?"

"No, no, he just asked us to extort 20 million yuan. Didn't he hit the police as soon as he called the police? Could it be that he committed another crime, like... the time he fought with the drinking man?"

Liang Anni said, "That's okay."

"What's the matter?" Wei Guangsheng said with a gloomy face, "What if he talks baldly inside and confesses our affairs? Why do you say that he always provokes the police when he is idle and free!"

He hated, was afraid, and was helpless.


"Xu Dapao has a grudge against being insulted by Zhang Jianguo in 2006, and has been waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on the Zhang family."


"After interrogation, it was learned that the gasoline used by Xu Dapao to burn the corpse was purchased by Xu Erpao from an unlicensed black oil station in the town, and he played the role of accomplice in the murder of three members of the Zhang family."

"In addition, the knife-wielding robbery at Sanchakou 400 meters south of Hexi Town on the night of July 23, 2018 has also been confirmed to be the work of Xu Erpao and others."


"Brothers Xu Dapao and Xu Erpao were brought to justice thanks to Comrade Yu Huanshui's courageous behavior. Here, on behalf of the police system and the Municipal Bureau, I pay tribute to and thank Comrade Yu Huanshui."

Lin Yue was invited to the stage, and looked very "restrained" facing the camera lens below.

The policeman with two bars and two stars on the epaulettes behind the speaking platform stood up and said: "Friends from the media, I am here to announce to you that in order to commend Comrade Yu Huanshui's heroic deeds, our bureau now awards Comrade Yu Huanshui the title of advanced individual in Jialin City for righteousness and bravery. "

The policeman with two Samsung bars next to him handed over a certificate, and the policeman who spoke just now also gave him a plaque with a bonus of 100,000 yuan for righteous deeds, but the flower delivery was replaced by the young man in the white coat. Xu Dapao was stabbed and sent to the hospital. The situation here has changed. It is natural for the young man to show up at the press conference to thank him.

Click, click, click, click...

The sound of continuous pressing of the shutter sounds.

The faces of Lin Yue, the two policemen, and the young man were frozen in the lens of the camera in the hands of the media reporter.

When he was young, a female reporter stood up to interview him.

"May I ask Mr. Yu, are you feeling particularly excited right now?"

Lin Yue nodded, as if he didn't dare to face the female reporter and the camera lens directly.

"Were you very nervous facing the Xu brothers alone at that time?"

"Neither nervous nor nervous."

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean."

"At the beginning, when I saw him take out the knife, I was really nervous, but then I became less nervous, because I was only afraid."

"You are so afraid that you can subdue two gangsters in one go. Did you practice martial arts before?"

"When I saw the knife, my mind went blank. I just thought that if they died or I would die today, there is no way out, so I can only fight."

"You are so brave."


Yu Huanshui's deeds began to ferment.

Jialin TV, Jialin Daily, Jialin Online, Public News Network, Voice of the People...

From traditional media to online media, from bus and elevator advertisements to large outdoor display screens in business districts, the images of his interviews at the police station are continuously played in a loop.

There was a huge response from the public opinion circle, and many people remembered his name.

"The country needs heroes, the society needs heroes, and Jialin City also needs heroes."

This is what the city said to the deputy director of Jialin City Radio and Television Station, and it is also a political mission for him.

After thinking about it, Deputy Director Liu decided to hand it over to Lao Bai of the News Department, digging as far as possible into Yu Huanshui's brave deeds and the story behind it, so as to create a wider impact on this small figure who suddenly appeared in the spotlight power and topicality.

Bai Niankang, who had been the deputy director of the news department for twelve years, knew that this was his last chance to rectify himself, so he devoted all his energy to conceiving the next publicity plan.

The first thing he thought of was to do a talk show, which is the best window for the audience to get close to the hero and understand the hero.

It was precisely because of his idea that Gan Hong received an invitation letter from Jialin TV Station.

But now, this invitation letter fell into the hands of a man.

"Gan Hong, do you still remember what Yu Huanshui's father said? I think you should go, no, you should say you must go, whether it's out of revenge for Yu Huanshui, or to take back the house that should belong to you."

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