Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 409 The Sour Interview Tonight

Gan Hong looked at his ex-boyfriend sitting on a park bench, wondering why he said that.

Jialin City in October is already a bit chilly, a gust of wind blows, blowing the green leaves and yellow flowers falling on the ground, and there is a soft rustling sound.

A few passers-by in sportswear ran past with earphones, just glanced at them and then looked away to continue exercising.

"Think about it, it's an interview tonight, the talk show with the highest ratings on Jialin TV Station, facing the audience present, facing the audience in front of the TV, Yu Huanshui would never dare to mess with you again, the program production team wanted to Highlighting the stalwart image of a city hero will definitely give him a job."

The man talked eloquently: "If I were the person in charge of the propaganda task of the TV station, I would either package him as the pillar of a loving husband and wife, brothers, friends, and family, or package him as a peerless man who concealed his illness so as not to drag down his wife and son. A good man, no matter who he is, as long as he shows his love for Yu Chen in front of the TV camera, and the fact that he is a husband and wife with you, the power of public opinion and society will force him to stand on the high ground of a moral model. At that time, if he He didn’t leave you any property, and even threw the child to you to raise. Once this matter spreads to the outside world, his image of a city hero will collapse, and eventually he will be ruined. We will also take revenge on the Mid-Autumn Festival. If he Leaving the house to Yu Chen means you get the house back, it's a win-win situation."

Gan Hong thought about it carefully, it was such a reason. A few days ago, Yu Huanshui's father found her and begged her not to divorce Yu Huanshui. He also told her that his son was about to die, because patients with advanced pancreatic cancer would not live more than half a year. The family lives together, and at least they send people away.

Of course she refused, because she didn't want to stay with Yu Huanshui for a minute. The old guy with body odor didn't let her kneel down. Later, the security guards of the office building came upstairs and took him away.

She was very happy, very happy, and her heart was filled with the pleasure of getting revenge. Yu Huan's evil deeds in their house during the Shuiqiu Festival are hated by the heavens, and she finally got her retribution. Not long ago, it was not in vain that she faced her parents' resentful eyes every day, and her younger brother and younger siblings have been critical in every possible way until now.

Now that her ex-boyfriend analyzed Yu Huanshui's situation, she suddenly came to her senses. Yu Huanshui is terminally ill, if he dies, who will leave his property under his name? Isn't it Yu Chen's? As long as she holds Yu Chen firmly in her hands and kills Yu Huanshui, the house, the 100,000 yuan reward for being brave, and the money owed to him by Lu Fumeng and Gan's parents will not be at her disposal.

What made her even more confident was that Yu Huanshui had cancer, and his father was so virtuous. Could Yu Chen's custody change hands?


The two went from being a married couple living under the same roof to turning against each other. Didn't this struggle end in the loss of both Yu Huanshui's talents?

"Xu Jiang, we will be able to live together after half a year at most. When the time comes, you will move to Xianglanyuan to live with us, and you won't have to look at Gan Meng and Sun Jia's bad faces."

"I've been waiting for more than ten years, so what is this little time, I just wronged you, and I'm going to make false claims with that lunatic."

"Don't worry about me. If you think about it, watching him die day by day is actually quite satisfying." Gan Hong took a deep breath: "In that case, I'll call Director Bai back."

The man got up from the bench, held her hand and kissed her forehead: "Hit."


About the same time period.

Tang Yun's home.

Lu Fumeng looked at Yu Huanshui, who was called a city hero by the female reporter on TV, with a resentful expression on his face, and put the teacup in his hand back on the coffee table heavily.

"That guy who was full of lies and didn't take responsibility turned out to be a great hero? This is really the most ironic thing in the world. Would Da Zhuang and his mother be sad when they saw this scene? The guy who even betrayed his friends What qualifications do you have to be called a hero? He doesn't deserve it!"

Tang Yun, who was drying clothes on the balcony, was puzzled to see him so angry: "So many years have passed since Da Zhuang's incident, and now Yu Huanshui has captured two fugitives and rescued a young man. He has indeed done a great deed." , I think you should let go of your prejudices and try to accept him?"

"No matter how many people Yu Huanshui saves, Da Zhuang and his mother's lives will never be saved."

"Lu Fumeng, can you stop being so paranoid?"

"You say I'm paranoid? Why am I paranoid? I just want to seek justice for Da Zhuang and his mother, so why am I paranoid?"

Tang Yun raised her hands to signal him not to get excited: "I don't want to quarrel with you about Yu Huanshui. You can settle your breakfast yourself. I'll go to the studio."

She couldn't understand why Lu Fumeng had to compete with Yu Huanshui. It seemed that if he didn't drive him to a dead end, he would be sorry for his dead buddy.

She changed her shoes and clothes, picked up the handbag on the cabinet, and was about to open the door when the doorbell rang.

"Who are you looking for?"

A young man in a light blue shirt stood outside the door: "Excuse me, does Mr. Lufmont live here?"

"Yes, what's your business with him?"

"Oh, that's how it is. I'm Xiao Ding from the News Department of the Municipal Radio and Television Station. Here is an invitation letter for an interview. Director Bai hopes that I can hand it over to Mr. Lu."

"Invitation letter? What invitation letter?" Tang Yun took the envelope and flipped through it in her hand.

Xiao Ding said: "It's an invitation letter for the tonight interview column of the city TV station. There will be an exclusive interview with Mr. Yu Huanshui in three days. Director Bai knows that Mr. Lu is a friend of Yu Daxiong, and wants to invite him to the venue as a guest."

Hearing the conversation between the two at the door, Lu Fumeng walked over from the living room, opened the envelope, took out the invitation letter inside, took a look at it, and said after a moment of pondering, "Please tell Director Bai that I will definitely attend."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Xiao Ding shook hands with him, turned and left.

Tang Yun looked at the expressionless Lu Fumeng: "What are you planning?"

Lu Fumeng said: "It's nothing, I just want to chat with him in front of the TV camera."

"Lu Fumeng, don't mess around."

"My dear, you only need to focus on drawing, there is no need to worry about other things."

"Lu Fumeng, you can go to the interview, but you must not embarrass him."


"because of him……"

"Just because he returned the painting to us, you started to sympathize with him and approve of him?"

"Yu Huanshui did something that shouldn't be done before, but you can't help but give him a chance to correct it? Besides, I don't think he has done anything wrong to you. The last time I took away my painting was because you defaulted on his loan No, Lu Fumeng, I think you have fallen into a strange circle in this matter. The focus of the word punishment is discipline, not punishment, and what you did to Yu Huanshui is no longer punishment, but venting, venting dissatisfaction over the years and resentment."

"Tang Yun, you said a few days ago that you would keep a distance from the person who persuaded you to be magnanimous without understanding the situation. Why is it like a different person when it comes to this matter?"

"I don't understand the situation?" Tang Yun frowned slightly: "Okay, I don't understand the situation."

After speaking, she left without looking back.

Lu Fumeng knew that she was a little angry, but he didn't care too much. Tang Yun is a person who focuses on painting and is not good at dealing with people. Whether it is in life or career, she must rely on his help, otherwise she will not There are achievements like today.


The day of the interview.

City TV studio.

There is a red sofa in the middle of the stage, and the flower pots on the small table in front of the sofa are blooming beautifully, and the big screen behind the sofa displays the four characters "Interview Tonight".

In front of the stage, the auditorium was full of people, and the cameraman was concentrating on pushing the camera forward, taking a long close-up shot of Lin Yue sitting in the middle of the sofa.

The hostess, who wore a white coat and shorts and showed off her long legs, smiled and said her opening remarks.

"Mr. Yu, you have seen all the recent TV, Internet, and newspapers reporting your deeds. They call you a hero of the city. What do you think of this title?"

"I'm really not a hero, I'm just an ordinary person who cares about a dollar or two and is sad and distressed by a mid-life crisis."

As soon as the words fell, director Bai of the backstage news department gave the director a signal.

The big screen at the front desk flickered, and Lin Yue's face disappeared, replaced by a video shot with a mobile phone.

In the picture, the young man in white with a painted face was pulling with the driver of the Jinbei van. At this moment, the door of the rear compartment opened, and a man with a gloomy face came down and stabbed the young man in white with a dagger in his hand.

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

Seeing that the dagger was about to hit the target, a figure who suddenly broke into the camera pulled the man's arm, and when it was over, he cursed, and the dagger turned around, stabbing the passerby in the stomach.

At the same time, the plastic bag containing bottled mineral water, which was eagerly used as a weapon, hit the gangster hard on the head, and the man fell headfirst.

Another gangster quickly picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, but before he could avenge his accomplice, he was also knocked to the ground by a heavy plastic bag.

After a burst of crazy output, after confirming that the opponent was unable to fight back, the person who saw the injustice and drew his sword to help stayed for a while, dropped the plastic bag in his hand and ran away.

That's the end of the clip.

The hostess said: "There were so many people watching, but no one dared to stand up. Only you... stood up at the critical moment."

Lin Yue said shyly: "Actually, I didn't dare at first. Later, Xu Dapao took down the knife, and the young man was so focused on the man nicknamed Heizi that he didn't notice the death threat that was approaching quickly. I hesitated here, thinking about an incident that happened not long ago, I think it can’t be like this, I have to help that young man, and don’t let him be hurt by the gangster’s knife.”

At this time, Director Bai's voice came from the receiver of the hostess: "Ask him what's the matter."

"Mr. Yu, can you tell us what made you change your mind?"

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