Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 415 Delivering Meals to Anni Liang

"Director Bai?"

"Mr. Liang Weibing, the boss of Jialin City Branch of Taiping Insurance Company, came to see you."

Bai Niankang stepped aside, and a middle-aged man with a square face walked in, followed by a male assistant and a media reporter with a camera on his shoulder.

"Mr. Yu Huanshui, hello."

Liang Weibing walked over and held his hand with both hands, looking very enthusiastic and honored.

The media reporters behind carried cameras on their shoulders and carefully recorded the interaction between the two.

"Mr. Liang, I was wrong about what happened ten years ago. If your company wants to file a claim against me, I will do my best to compensate you for the loss."

"Mr. Yu Huanshui, what is the social responsibility of an insurance company? Isn't it to protect the life and property safety of the insured citizens as much as possible on the basis of maintaining its own healthy operation? You defeated Xu Dapao and Xu Erpao, and saved a young Although the behavior of human life is different from that of our insurers, the goal is the same. I have reported what happened back then to the head of the headquarters, and got special approval not to pursue it, so what you have to do now is not to worry about compensation Instead, actively cooperate with doctors to get better as soon as possible, do more practical things for the society, and make greater contributions.”

"Thank you for the great love of the leaders of Taiping Insurance Company." Lin Yue shook his hand and said, "I will actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment and strive to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible."

Mr. Liang glanced at the male assistant next to him, who handed Lin Yue a bouquet of flowers and a check for 50,000 yuan.

"This is?"

"This is a condolence money from the company to thank you for your contribution to Jialin City."

"Thank you, thank you, I really appreciate Mr. Liang."

"You're welcome, it's you who let us witness the greatness in the ordinary."

After Liang Weibing said this, he stood behind the wheelchair, and the male assistant also walked to the side. The three of them smiled and faced the camera lens.

Click, click, click.

Three flashes in a row.

"Mr. Yu, you are in poor health and need more rest. We will not bother you. If you need anything in your life in the future, please call me."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Liang for your care."

Liang Weibing waved to him and led them away.

Bai Niankang followed outside the ward, watched Liang Weibing disappear into the corner of the corridor, turned around, walked back to the ward, pulled a chair and sat down.

"Fortunately, I listened to your suggestion."

"how to say?"

"Deputy Director Liu spoke very highly of the last program, saying that the leaders in the city were touched. He also said that this is the best program I have done since I became the deputy director of the News Department."

Lin Yuexin said, what's so strange about this, what do people like you see? What you see is whose daughter was admitted to a foreign university, whose son got an offer from a foreign company, whose son-in-law opened a company and contracted which projects in the city, all the young people in your eyes are The second generation in the back wave, and more young people are delivering food, delivering express, setting up street stalls, playing tricks, and the exquisite life has nothing to do with them.

It is no wonder that the ratings are high if TV programs are produced with an "aesthetic" that is divorced from the public.

What is the impression he wants to give the audience? An ordinary person forced by life to do an extraordinary thing under the catalysis of appropriate feelings and contradictions at the right time and place, this kind of Yu Huanshui is as ordinary and close as a friend around him, and as himself as himself Life is suffocating but still sticks to kindness.

Women are more emotional than men, so show them sad stories. Children and teenagers are full of enthusiasm, so tell them the deeds of heroes. When a man is bent by the pressure from life and society, he pats them on the shoulder like a brother and tells them to persevere. As for the elderly, they will see in him the epitome of the married life of their children.

Good people are healed, and those who err are comforted, because heroes are not perfect.

In short, Yu Huanshui's story is suitable for all ordinary people.

In recent years, the IQ of the masses has grown considerably, and the propaganda model of decades ago, wishing to make heroes perfect, is no longer effective.

"Okay, there are a lot of people coming and going today, you should be tired too, so I won't say more, let's go, come back tomorrow." Director Bai patted his hand, stood up and said goodbye.

Lin Yue was indeed a little tired and tired.

He went back to bed, lay down and slept, and turned on the TV for a while towards evening.

Yue Quankang was on the TV, and Liang Weibing was also on the TV. The two talked to the camera, telling the story of their company's people-oriented, benefiting the public as the blueprint, and willingness to be socially responsible.

Yue Quankang's condolences to the hospital is the original plot of the TV series, Liang Weibing, he was the one who caught it.

Did the interview tonight hit the Gan family? Kicked and disabled Lu Fumeng? Taking revenge on Xu Jiao? This is only part of the goal. More importantly, tonight's interview created a tainted hero, and the taint of this tainted hero's life will be passively washed away in a way that is recognized by the public.

He said that he would compensate the Taiping Insurance Company for the loss, what would the other party do? Of course not, because Taiping Insurance was placed on the moral high ground by him, and it could only choose to forgive in the face of public opinion, because it wanted to package itself.

Is it worth it to spend 180,000 yuan to buy a TV advertisement and a good reputation?

So worth it!

Now that the loser is not held accountable, do other people still have the confidence to attack Yu Huanshui with this matter?

boom boom boom~

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Lin Yue pressed the mute button on the remote control and called out "Enter".

The door opened, and Liang Anni walked in from the outside. Instead of holding flowers like those who came during the day, she was carrying a food box.

"How did you come?"

"Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin asked me to come over and find out your reality." She put down her handbag and food box on the bedside table: "Is what you said on TV true?"

Lin Yue looked at her and nodded.

Liang Anni glanced at the bouquet of flowers piled up on the balcony.

Lin Yue said, "Aren't you very happy? After Zhao Juemin and Wei Guangsheng are settled, you will be completely relieved once I die."

Liang Anni didn't speak, she unscrewed the lid of the food box on the bedside table, and turned over the sticky white porridge with a spoon: "The food in the hospital is not good, I made eight-treasure porridge, you can eat some."

She leaned forward, handed the food box to Lin Yue, scooped up a spoonful of rice porridge and fed it.

Looking at the white air rising in front of him and the real ingredients inside, Lin Yue took the food box from her hand, closed the lid and put it back on the bedside table.

"Eight-treasure porridge is too bland, I want something spicy."

Liang Anni froze for a moment: "Didn't you have pancreatic cancer? How can a patient eat spicy food?"

Lin Yue got off the bed, went to the front of the door and squeezed the button under the handle to turn it.


The door was locked from the inside.


after an hour.

Lin Yue ate up all the eight-treasure porridge in the food box, and when he was done, he dug out the cigarettes and lighters "hidden" under the bedding, lit one for himself and put it in his mouth.

Liang Anni straightened her wrinkled trousers and looked at him like a devil.

"You... how is it that a patient should look like?"

Lin Yue looked out of the window and said, "So don't think that you can escape from my palm. Even if you only have one day to live, I can destroy you."

She stopped talking.

After knowing that Lin Yue's life was not long, she did have the idea of ​​betraying him.

"It's getting late, you rest, I'm leaving."

"Wait." Lin Yue stopped her: "I don't like sweet porridge, so I will make some chicken porridge and bring it here tomorrow."

"Okay." Liang Anni agreed, and left with the food box.

Yu Huanshui ate her to death, whether it was mentally or physically, but for some reason, she didn't very much reject the feeling of being called and drank, and even had a faint sense of joy, because... she Is his body still attractive to him?

She knew that this kind of thinking was dangerous, but she couldn't restrain the urge to come to see him no matter what.

Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin wanted her to find out the truth?

Wrong, nothing.

It was her own idea, that's all.

Standing in front of the window of the ward, Lin Yue watched Liang Anni walk out of the gate of the inpatient department, get into the red Porsche Cayenne, and drive away from the hospital.

"You don't want to die? Tell me! Where did you hide the cigarettes?" The little nurse's angry question came from behind.

"No smoking."

"Why is there a smell of cigarettes in the room without smoking?"

"Is there? Why didn't I smell it?"

"Yu Huanshui! I'll be angry if you do this again."

"Okay, okay." Lin Yue took out a crumpled cigarette case from under the bed and handed it over.

The little nurse snatched it like a robbery, gave him a hard look and left.


third day.

Bai Niankang was very upset, super upset, constipation-like.

Under the arrangement of the doctor, Lin Yue took a blood test and a CT scan, and the results showed that he was not sick, and the director got the video of him taking the film at the Airport Hospital, which confirmed that this was an oolong incident.

After returning to the ward, Lin Yue asked to be discharged from the hospital immediately. Of course, Bai Niankang quit, because once the fact that Yu Huanshui's cancer was a false alarm was known to the public, the energy and time he had put in before would be wasted. It is hoped that through this incident, the word "deputy" in the title will be removed.

In order to persuade Lin Yue to accompany him to perform the trick, he said that Quankang Company had prepared a one million bonus.

Of course Lin Yue knew about this.

In the TV series, Yu Huanshui didn't get the one million bonus until the end, because the misdiagnosis was exposed. Although the public didn't know about it because of the official cover-up, Yue Quankang, as the CEO of Quankang Group, must have received the news early in the morning. Of course, this million cannot be given to Yu Huan.

Lin Yue even suspected that the reporter who asked Yu Huanshui whether his pancreatic cancer had been misdiagnosed at the last commendation meeting was arranged by Yue Quankang—in order not to invest more money in Yu Huanshui, after all, so many commendation meetings had been held. The potential for publicity is almost tapped, and it can be done.

Of course, he can't accept the result of fetching water from a bamboo basket like Yu Huanshui. Celebrities still have to go to the hole, and the civilian heroes in Jialin City will help you hold five commendation meetings to promote Quankang Group. You will get one million Is there a lot of bonuses? Not much.

The key is how to get the money out of the hands of Yue Quankang, a guy who talks about running trains.

Thanks to the nobles of the imperial city for the 500 starting coins, LYL3646, and the tree heart for the 100 starting coins.

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