"The last thing I want to say is that if I encounter a similar situation again, I will stand up and fight the gangsters bravely. No matter what the result is, I will not run away again, because the facts tell me that there are still many good people in this society and there is justice. Many people are touched, my son’s experience in Qihang Primary School is just an example, not all. I will work harder to contribute to this society, thank you.”


There was thunderous applause from the audience.

Yue Quankang and his female assistant walked onto the stage and handed Lin Yue a sample check representing one million.

Jialin City TV reported the process of the commendation meeting during the prime time, and many people knew that Yu Huanshui had won a one million bonus.

Of course it also includes Gan Hong.

Xu Jiang glanced at Yu Chen who was playing games with his mobile phone in front of the dining table, and sat down beside Gan Hong.

"Gan Hong, I know you're wronged. But there's nothing I can do about it. You see, I'm still renting a house. This one-bedroom apartment is fine for two people, but it's too crowded for three people. Now that housing prices are so high, Three years ago, my deposit was just enough to pay the down payment, and now I just bought a parking space, and you fell out with the family again. I don’t know when Uncle Gan’s promise to help us make up the down payment will be fulfilled. We... always It can’t go on like this forever.”

"Then you let me beg that bastard? Didn't you see how he humiliated me in the interview tonight? I used to tell him to listen at home. When he saw that I was angry, he could hide in the toilet in fright. Don't When it comes to arguing, I dare not even give a fart."

"Gan Hong, Yu Huanshui will only be able to live for three or four months if he is fully paid. What are you competing with a dead person? Think about it, even if we bought a house, it would be enough to pay off the loan every month with the two of us's salary For the needs of life, where can we have spare money to raise a child that belongs to us? Yu Huanshui is Yu Chen’s biological father after all. If he can leave this money to Yu Chen, we basically don’t need to worry about the living expenses and education expenses from elementary school to university Is it a loss to endure a moment of grievance and enjoy ten years of peace? Not a loss."

Gan Hong glanced at Yu Chen, and felt that what her ex-boyfriend said was reasonable. She really can't afford to be angry with a dying person, the most important thing now is to fight for the inheritance... by whatever means.

Fortunately, she has Yu Chen's trump card in her hand.

The 1 million awarded by Quankang Company, the 50,000 condolence money from the insurance company, the 100,000 yuan encouragement money from the police station, the 180,000 arrears from Gan Meng, and the 130,000 yuan from Lu Fumeng. Calculate the interest, it adds up to more than 1.4 million, and there is a house...

How many years has he struggled with Xu Jiang to save enough money.

"Okay, I'll go."


Just like what was shown on TV, the commendation conference was just a formality. Yue Quankang did not give him one million immediately, but also hinted through Bai Niankang that he must actively cooperate with the arrangement of Quankang Company in order to get the money. Fifteen similar events were completed.

He knew the plot, and when he met Yue Quankang for the first time, he was a little unhappy about his turning "charity" into a business, but the matter hadn't actually happened, and the unhappiness was not intense. Now that he participated in the commendation meeting, his unhappiness increased rapidly .

It's so frustrating.

This bastard Yue Quankang is using him to smear Quankang's company and his own reputation.

If one swipe is not enough, you have to swipe it twice, swipe it, swipe it twice, swipe it again and again... What do you think of him? Is it a copy BOSS?

And don't want to give money.

Turning charity into a business is done by many big companies and celebrities. Lin Yue doesn't want to make complaints about it. The key is that you have to always consider the physical condition of the "patient".

It is true that Quankang Company is a profit-oriented enterprise, but what is its main business? Pharmaceuticals! Companies that produce imported commodities such as medicines and food should have a little more sense of social responsibility and conscience than companies that produce other daily necessities. what? It doesn't seem very realistic.

He had to find a way to bleed Yue Quankang and get back his own one million.

After the speech at the Party-mass Service Center in Longquanli Community, DL District, Lin Yue welcomed three special visitors—Principal Zhang, Vice-principal Huang, and Director Yin from Qihang Primary School.

Principal Zhang is bald, potbellied, and speaks in an official tone; Vice Principal Huang is as thin as a bamboo pole, and he is half behind Principal Zhang no matter whether he is walking or sitting, he is a very sensible person.

Jinyuyan Director Yin is a bit aggressive, he speaks loudly and has a bad temper. Of course, it is also possible that when he came to the hospital this time, his character design was just a bad face, and he deliberately put on this look.

"Mr. Yu, you have repeatedly named Qihang Primary School's name at the commendation meeting, which has caused a great impact on our reputation. I hope you will not do this next time."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Director Yin, give me a reason not to mention Hang Primary School."

"Ms. Xu has already apologized and seriously reviewed it. You still hold her like this, isn't it a bit too much?"

Vice-principal Huang said on the side: "Mr. Xu, you are a hero who stands up for justice and a fighter against cancer. I'm afraid it doesn't fit your status if you keep embarrassing a woman?"

"What is my identity?" Lin Yue sneered and said, "The hero who sees righteousness and bravery is what you put on my head, and the anti-cancer fighter is also imposed by the TV station. I have said over and over again that I am an ordinary person, and you haven't heard it. ?"

The three people who said this were blocked in their hearts.


you do not say.

Urban hero and anti-cancer fighter are what major media, newspapers, and TV stations call him. When did this guy give a speech on stage and never say that he is an ordinary person?

People don't listen to it, and they don't care about it. They focus on those impressive titles. Now the other party asked a rhetorical question, and the three of them were speechless.

"Okay, let's not talk about what urban heroes and cancer fighters should do. As the father of classmate Yu Chen, you should always think about his future."

"Treat me with the child? Damn! Who cares about the principal and director, get out of the room, immediately, immediately." Lin Yue threw the cup on the bedside table to the ground, pointed at the door and shouted: "Get out!"

Those three people were all dumbfounded all of a sudden, and no one thought that his attitude would change so quickly, and he would turn his back if he said it.

The nurses and doctors outside surrounded him when they heard the commotion inside, and Deputy Director Bai of the Information Department also dragged Xiao Ding into the room.

"What happened?"

"It's hard to accept swearing by urban heroes and cancer fighters, right? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Today I will scold, not only scold, if conditions permit, I also want to kill these three beasts."

Lin Yue looked at everyone who looked at them with astonishment, took out the mobile phone from under the quilt, first pressed the stop button, and then pressed the play button.


"Okay, let's not talk about what urban heroes and cancer fighters should do. As the father of classmate Yu Chen, you have to think about his future."


After finishing the work, he didn't look at the faces of the people in the ward. With a swipe of his hand, he sent the recording group to WeChat, QQ colleagues group, children's parent group, classmate group, car friend group and other groups.

"Apologize, I'm so sorry! Who can I apologize to in Moments? I'm in the hospital, and many people know the ward number. Why don't you come to my ward to apologize? Yu Chen is in class, why don't you tell me in front of your classmates? The child apologized? What happened to the teacher? Just because she Xu Jiao is a teacher and Yu Chen is a student, she can turn right and wrong without asking right or wrong? And you three bastards, what are you doing here? The title of Cancer Fighter has threatened me with children when I failed. Let me tell you, I am not afraid of anything now, and whoever dares to put shoes on Yu Chen, I dare to fight him desperately."

Principal Zhang of Qihang Primary School was really dumbfounded.

He is the head of the school, and he came to see Yu Huanshui to show his attitude - he is here to solve the problem. However, according to their idea, Director Yin will play the bad face first, and when the situation is almost the same, he will come out to play the bad face.

The results of it?

Director Yin didn't finish his sentence, Yu Huanshui just went crazy, scolded the three of them bloody in front of the doctors and nurses, and even posted the matter on the Internet.

"Yu Huanshui!" When did Director Yin experience this?

"Get out! I'll let you get out! Are you deaf?" Lin Yue picked up the flowers placed by the bed and threw them over his head and face: "Get out!"

Xiao Ding saw this posture, and hurried over to hug Lin Yue: "Big hero, calm down first, calm down, don't get angry and ruin your body."

Over there, Deputy Director Bai winked at the nurses and asked them to persuade the three leaders of Qihang Elementary School to leave on the grounds that the patient's health was not optimistic and he could not be stimulated.

What else can we do if things turn out like this?

Principal Zhang, Vice Principal Huang, and Director Yin left in dismay.

When the doctors and nurses left the ward, Xiaoding closed the door and went out. Bai Niankang frowned and said, "How could you do this? This is good, the glorious image is completely ruined."

Lin Yue walked to the sofa by the window and sat down, picked up the apple that Liang Anni had peeled for him before she left, and took a bite: "Deputy Director Bai, if your child is bullied at school, the teacher will favor the bullying your child." Student, what was your first reaction?"


"What if there is no justice?"

Bai Niankang stopped talking. Unlike before, most of the children are only children, and they are the darlings of their parents. Don't talk about finding school theories for their children's bullying. Some extreme cases may even cause bloodshed.

"In modern society, for ordinary people, the pressure comes not only from houses, cars, marriages, but also medical and educational issues. Do you know why I did this? I need to vent my anger, and thousands of parents also need to vent their anger."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yue took another bite of the apple. The pulp had been stored for a long time, and the surface showed signs of slight oxidation.

"At night, pay attention to the comment areas of well-known local forums and news apps."

Bai Niankang stared blankly at the person on the opposite sofa, his mind was spinning fast, trying to grab something.

After eating the apple, Lin Yue looked back and smiled at him.

Bai Niankang had a chill for no reason.

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