Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 417 Give You a Taste of Cyberbullying

Netizens are forgetful.

Originally, the enthusiasm for the Yu Huanshui incident had almost disappeared, but a recording that was widely circulated in the WeChat group in the afternoon stirred up the enthusiasm again.

Public opinion is overwhelmingly in favor of Yu Huanshui, because most parents don't like the current education atmosphere. To put it simply, the existence of school district housing artificially creates unfairness in educational resources. This kind of unfairness is passed on to ordinary people. Life pressure , If you encounter a class teacher who has no teacher ethics, you will definitely accumulate resentment in your heart.

The reason why the parents hold back is not to protect their children from being put on by the teacher? This is an act of helplessness, but it is also an act of connivance.

On the one hand, they are not used to the chaos in education, such as teachers taking their salaries and running cram schools outside, and parents of students having to go to bookstores that have collusion with teachers to buy learning materials, but on the other hand they dare not stand up and expose evil deeds. Because people who have no power, no power, no money and no name are only worthy of lingering cautiously.

Now Mr. Yu Huanshui, an urban hero and anti-cancer fighter in Jialin City, said things they dared not say, scolded people they dared not to scold, and vented their anger for a long time. How does it feel?

One word "cool" and two words "really cool".

The child is the heart and soul of a mother, and the child is also the back scale of a bloody father.

The recording of Yu Huanshui cursing the three leaders of Qihang Primary School like a lunatic not only did not shame him as an urban hero anti-cancer fighter, but instead aroused netizens to support him, saying that he scolded well and did the right thing. He should have the courage to fight for his children and some animals like him.

Qihang Primary School was brought to the fore, and Principal Zhang, Vice Principal Huang, Director Yin, and Xu Jiao became the targets of verbal criticism from parents.

An anonymous netizen pointed out that the teaching building project of Qihang School involves the transfer of benefits, and the big boss behind the construction is the brother-in-law of Principal Zhang. Some people say that the purchase price of some teaching aids in the procurement plan led by Vice President Huang is more than three times the market price, and there is a suspicion of taking kickbacks. Director Yin has also been exposed as having a black history of opening the back door to children who are not residents of the school district. There is also a self-proclaimed Yu Chen Netizens of the parents of the students in the class posted anonymously on the local forum, accusing Xu Jiao of retaliating against Yu Huanshui's behavior in the office by changing positions, sarcasm, and instigating classmates to isolate Yu Chen.

Early the next morning, Lin Yue received a call from a leader of the Education Bureau, saying that he was very concerned about what happened to him, and promised to properly resolve the matter.

Lin Yue returned to the hospital after participating in the third activity organized by Quanquankang Company, and got the news that Xu Jiao was expelled from Qihang Primary School. Principal Zhang was transferred to be the principal of a primary school in the outer suburbs of the DL district. It seemed to be in a low-level position, but both power and status had shrunk. Vice-principal Huang was dismissed because a supplier who had previously done business with Qihang Primary School reported that he was bidding. In the process, he took money and did nothing; Director Yin recorded a major demerit and was demoted to the deputy director of the grade.

That night, Lin Yue received a call from Gan Hong, but the speaker was Yu Chen. The little guy told Lin Yue that the new homeroom teacher was very enthusiastic about him, so he changed him from the last row to the third row, and the class meeting was held. At that time, he also talked about his father's deeds and praised his father as a great hero.

Lin Yue is not surprised to have such a result. The way to deal with hooligans is to be more hooligan than him. Just like Gan Meng, risk your life to fight with him. If you hurt him, you will restrain yourself a lot in the future. After all, no one wants to lose the iron rice bowl that guarantees income from droughts and floods.

Speaking of Gan Meng, this guy gave a canvas bag to the nurse on duty while he was out giving a speech, and asked her to pass it on to him.

The 180,000 car accident compensation that had been borrowed by the Gan family for nine years came back with no more and no less.

Lin Yue was not satisfied with the result, 180,000 yuan, based on the bank loan interest rate for the same period, the interest alone would be 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

But he can't care about Gan's family for the time being, just the skinny posts about Gan's father and Gan Meng on the Internet are enough for them to drink a pot.

According to the TV plot, Yu Huanshui said that the Gan family was nothing before 2009. After his car accident, his career ran aground and he was dead. Later, Gan's father was promoted to an official position, and Gan Meng followed suit.

It can be seen from the episodes that Gan Meng is an uneducated person, and Sun Jia also looks like an urban village shrew who lacks a tutor. Can such a guy earn enough money to buy a Prado?

Now someone on the Internet has revealed that during his tenure at the Urban Construction Bureau, Gan’s father used his power to seek personal gain. He handed over part of the greening project to Gan Meng’s company through a black-box operation method, and Gan Meng outsourced it to an affiliated company to earn the difference. , and made millions in just a few years.

Regarding this, Lin Yue thought of a sentence - seeing him build a tall building, seeing him entertain guests, seeing his building collapse.

In the afternoon of the next day, he was lying on the hospital bed for his morning rest when he suddenly heard slightly messy footsteps outside, followed by a light knock on the door.


A moment, it sounds very gentle.

He hurriedly threw the Wangqing water back into the system space, turned over and sat up, looked at the door and called "Come in".

With a soft bang, the door opened.

Li Qian walked into the ward with a bag of fruit, and Zhang Ziming weakly called Uncle Yu.

"How did you come?"

Ever since he was admitted to the hospital, Li Qian hadn't come to see her, she just sent a text message on WeChat to ask about his situation.

Li Qian didn't answer his question, she knelt down and patted the child's blindfolded hair: "You have seen Uncle Yu too, look, he is fine, there is no problem at all."

Zhang Ziming turned his head to look at Lin Yue, and nodded slightly.

"Go outside and play with Uncle Su first, Mom has something to say to Uncle Yu."

"Yes." Zhang Ziming turned and left.

Li Qian walked to the door, watched the child lead Su Dongsheng's hand into the elevator room, and gently closed the door while turning around.


The door lock is closed.

At about the same time, she rushed over with red eyes and hugged his body tightly.

Lin Yue froze for a moment, not expecting her reaction to be so intense.

Li Qian leaned on his shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't come to see you until now, I...I...I really can't believe it, and I don't want to believe it..."

Her voice trembled slightly, some words were choked in her throat and unable to utter, and the whole sentence was intermittent, as if it had been broken into pieces.

Lin Yueyang slowly lowered her hands and hugged her petite body from behind.

No wonder Li Qian didn't come to see him. She thought she was realistic and regarded him as "terminally ill" as a burden. It seemed that she was wrong. It was because she couldn't accept this sudden bad news.


I was still lying in bed all day before, you feed me and I feed you and eat takeaway, and then I announced to the world that I am terminally ill, and no one can accept it.

He had had many women before. Li Qian was not one of the top-notch ones, nor one with a great figure, but she had feelings. Seeing her sad like this, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of guilt in his heart.

Lin Yue tilted his head downward, leaned over and kissed her on the mouth with difficulty, "Don't be sad, I'm fine."

Heavy and warm breath sprayed on his face, Li Qian hugged him tighter: "You don't need to comfort me, I checked a lot of information about advanced pancreatic cancer on the Internet, once this disease starts, it will get worse very quickly, Conventional treatments are doing very little."

"It's true." Lin Yue said: "Yesterday, the dean and the city's experts had a consultation on my examination results, and they believed that my condition is improving. The previous diagnosis of pancreatic cancer may have been a misdiagnosis."

"is this real?"

"Do I have to lie to you?"

Lin Yue picked her up, turned around and put her on the bed: "The hospital will give me a second examination tomorrow. If the results are consistent with the results of the last examination, I can consider leaving the hospital."

Li Qian raised her head slightly to look at his face for about half a minute, then suddenly grabbed the collar of the hospital gown and pulled it forward, kissing him vigorously.

Or he really likes Li Qian, this girl is never pretentious in matters of men and women.

The relationship between the two was originally in the honeymoon period. They haven't seen each other for several days since the last time they parted. She was sad for a long time because of Lin Yue's terminal illness. Hit by a car, now it is said that it was a misdiagnosis, so the emotion in my heart is not like a wild horse running wild?

At this time, I can no longer control whether I am at home or in the hospital.

She went to unbutton the hospital gown, and Lin Yue also went to unbutton her skirt.

Just when the fire was about to ignite, there was a soft click, and the door of the ward opened.

Just now Li Qian just closed the door without locking it. The two people behind were focused on each other, ignoring the changes in the outside world.

Then an embarrassing scene appeared.

Li Qian turned her body sideways, glanced at the door of the ward, and stood outside alone.

It's not a nurse, it's not a doctor, it's not Director Bai, it's Gan Hong.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 5965 for the reward of 100 starting coins

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