Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 419 Humiliate Gan Hong

Lin Yue looked at her face and said, "Stay with me for one night, and you can do whatever I tell you to do. Let me also taste what it's like to be a serf and become a master."

Gan Hong was like a wild cat whose tail was stepped on, and the thorns all over his body exploded: "Yu Huanshui, you stinky rascal!"

The rainy day, the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet, the interview venue tonight...

Now he wants her to stay with him for another night, humiliating her not only mentally, but also physically humiliating him, how can he be so despicable?

"A hooligan? I'm a hooligan?" Lin Yue said calmly: "Marrying me for money, are you shameless? After marriage, when is the intimacy not to make you happy, just like the queen rewards the slaves with sweetness? This year We have been together for nine months, how many times have I bumped into you? January is because I gave you a year-end bonus and bought you a set of 8,000 yuan cosmetics, and April is because you paid off your credit card. It’s okay if you are frigid , but you are not."

"Speaking of this, let's settle the score. You married me because of my money, so I won't talk about feelings with you. Let's talk about money. We talked about having children before. However, I won’t mention it here. Is it right to advocate equality between men and women now? You fancy my money to marry me, and I want your body to marry you. I have no money. You can look down on me and kick me, you become You are a yellow-faced woman, so I can also find a younger and more beautiful one for you. In business, we should pay attention to fairness and justice."

"I don't care about water and electricity bills, property fees, firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea with you. I just buy you clothes, bags, jewelry, and cosmetics. In ten years, there will be 200,000 yuan, right? Buy gifts before you get married, and get married when you get married." Respect your parents-in-law during Chinese New Year, decorate your house, buy a car for Gan Meng, etc. The money spent on Gan’s family is probably 200,000 yuan, plus three gold gifts for the wedding gift. At that time, I had money, roughly It’s at least 380,000 yuan, and what’s more interesting is that you didn’t get a cent of the 280,000 yuan gift, oh yes, your father took it to buy a house. With this calculation, it’s just spent on you and your family The money is as much as 780,000 yuan, which is more than 210 yuan per day."

"In the past ten years, how often have we made out? I calculated it, about once a week, that is to say, I can touch you once for 1,400 yuan, even if the RMB depreciation factor is not included. According to the current price, It’s enough to exchange for a one-night spring dinner for a young girl in her twenties. If you’re lucky, it’s not impossible to pay six thousand yuan a month for a female student of a vocational high school. Compared with them, your price-performance ratio is extremely weak.”

"What are the common values ​​of the people today? After I die, don't care about the flood, otherwise why the incidents of tainted milk powder, gutter oil, and Sudan red happen frequently, and now you want me to leave the inheritance to Yu Chen for the sake of father and son's affection? Ten years later, he will forget what I look like. Besides, what was the price of that house when I bought it? Two million, I took a down payment of one million, loaned one million for 20 years, and now I have paid it back for ten years. There are almost 600,000 loans outstanding. Looking at the current housing prices, the house in Xianglanyuan can sell for at least 5 million."

"Accompany me for a night to change a house. Is this a loss? It's not a loss. You've made a profit. You've made a lot of money."

Lin Yue spoke for a long time, leaving Gan Hong speechless.

What can she say? Don't humiliate me with your filthy money?

But she just came to ask for money!

Say you never want to see Yu Chen again? She had used this trick when Yu Huanshui was fighting with Xu Jiao before, and it turned out that it didn't work at all.

So she is not qualified to set up a memorial arch at all.

She was shameless and came to ask for money.

Yu Huanshui responded to her like a hooligan.

Shameless VS hooligans.

What can she say? She has nothing to say.

Lin Yue looked at the woman sitting on pins and needles opposite, and said to himself that you asked for this.

In the TV series, Yu Huanshui told Gan Hong more than once that he was not sick. Gan Hong always said that he was lying. Is it the sequelae of his previous marriage?


She deliberately refused to admit that Yu Huanshui was not ill, because Yu Huanshui left her the house and car to her when he was terminally ill. The purpose was to give Yu Chen a good living environment. If Yu Huanshui was not ill, she was a If you are a good woman, shouldn't you consider re-dividing property?

She didn't want to return the house and car to Yu Huanshui, and she didn't want to expose the true face of the bitch, so the only thing she could do was to pretend to be stupid.

From Lin Yue's point of view, dealing with such a green tea whore is impossible.

"Oh, there is a prerequisite for the above requirements, after you and Xu Jiang get the certificate, so you'd better act fast, if I die, it's hard to say who will leave the house to."


"He asked you to participate in tonight's interview, right? It was his idea to come to me and ask for a million dollars. If he wants to use my house to support other men, do you think it's possible for him not to pay a price? Dare to pry my house?" Women, you must be mentally prepared to be green."

"Yu Huanshui, you are really a devil."

Lin Yue sneered and remained silent.

Boom, boom, boom~

There was a knock on the door outside, and Lin Yue raised his head and called "Come in".

The door opened, and a beautiful little girl wearing a white Adidas sweater and carrying a backpack walked in, and was stunned when she saw the woman sitting in front of the hospital bed.

"Mr. Yu, is it the right time for me to come? Or should I go outside for a while?"

"No, this is my ex-wife. She brought her children to visit me, and she's leaving soon." Lin Yue said with a smile. Luan Bingran was the one who sent a WeChat message to put pressure on Gan Hong.

"5 million, go back and think about it."

He issued an eviction order.

Gan Hong glanced at the youthful and beautiful Luan Bingran, picked up her handbag and left with a sullen face.

Now Yu Huanshui is like a different person, she can't handle it at all, the aloofness and arrogance that Yu Huanshui tried a lot in the past has been beaten to pieces, and she can't even pick it up.

"She's your ex-wife, so the kid outside is your son?" Luan Bingran was an acquaintance, watched Gan Hong disappear and sat down on a chair, picked up the mineral water bottle under the bedside table, unscrewed it, and poured it into his mouth.

Lin Yue said, "Didn't you watch the interview tonight?"

"I didn't recognize it." Luan Bingran smiled awkwardly: "What are they doing here?"

"You want money and you want a house."

"Then did you give it?"



"I'm still paralyzed on the bed and can't move, so I'm thinking about my inheritance? Can you be happy if you put it on your body?"

Luan Bingran shook his head.

"It's still..." Lin Yue said: "Let's not talk about her, I'm here this time to ask how the approval process of your bucket list is going."

"Oh, several items have already been approved, such as bungee jumping, camping, fishing at sea, watching the sunrise in the sea of ​​clouds..." Luan Bingran took out her small notebook from her backpack as she spoke, and told him one by one.

Half an hour later, Luan Bingran left the ward, and Lin Yue sent a message calling Li Qian to come up.

Because Su Dongsheng had urgent matters to deal with and left early, Zhang Ziming had already started to feel sleepy and yawned constantly, and the two of them just rubbed each other's ears for a while, Li Qian returned home with a damp heart.


The next day, after finishing the fourth speech in cooperation with Quankang Company, people from the news department of the TV station drove to the station of "Hongqiang Cable".

As soon as the car stopped, Wu Antong trotted over and opened the door.

The two security guards wanted to fight him, but they were shoved by Lin Yue and almost fell to the ground, which caused an uproar among the audience.

"I'm very happy to hear that I'm going back to the company today. I ate two extra steamed buns in the morning. I have nowhere to use my strength. Don't be surprised."

Zhao Juemin was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the planned dismount would be aborted like this.

Wei Guangsheng said calmly, "The hero of our company is back."

After speaking, he walked over and held out both hands.

Lin Yue glanced at him and passed his right hand over.

Wei Guangsheng clasped his hands together, and before he could shake them, a strong force surged down his palms, and his face changed suddenly.

"Where's the camera? Xiao Ding, what are you doing, quickly take a close-up of Mr. Wei." Lin Yuewang shouted behind him.

Wei Guangsheng blushed and said tremblingly.

"Big hero, the whole company misses you."

"I miss you too."

Lin Yue added another two points of force, and Wei Guangsheng felt that his bones were about to be crushed, and he groaned in pain.

Want to humiliate me? Fuck you all to death.

"Welcome Manager Yu home, Manager Yu, we miss you."

Amidst the applause of the employees, Anni Liang walked up to Lin Yue who was sitting in a wheelchair with a bouquet of flowers in her arms, leaned over and said loudly, "Hero, you are back."

Lin Yue took the flowers and said loudly, "Aren't you very sexual?"

Liang Anni had to turn her mind several times before she realized that she was speechless and helpless to his teasing, this guy was never willing to suffer no matter in words, in business, or even in bed.

But today... Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin put up such a big fight to humiliate him, and he clearly sent a message to remind him not to come, but why didn't he listen?

Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, he prefers to walk on the mountain, but he is really... Should I say brave or stubborn?

"Wu Antong, what are you waiting for, push your master upstairs." Wei Guangsheng ordered with a smug smile.

Yu Huanshui provoked the police many times, which made the three of them very upset. Now that he has the opportunity to punish him, he should not be humiliated to death. Anyway, as long as Yu Huanshui is still thinking about 20 million stolen money, he will not dare to reveal the fake cable. .

Yu Huanshui, oh Yu Huanshui, I spent a lot of money to bribe Bai Niankang to get a chance to take revenge on you.

Don't let me down!

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Eryingshu

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