Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 420 Lin Yue's Butcher Knife

Soon, Lin Yue came to the floor where the company was located.

In order to humiliate him, Wei Guangsheng asked people to remove the tables and chairs, and held a mourning ceremony in the office hall.

Green grass, plain-colored paintings, employees in black clothes and black trousers holding white bouquets stood in three rows under the stage.

Lin Yue was wearing a hospital gown and sitting in a wheelchair. He glanced at Wu Antong and Zhao Juemin, who were gloating about their misfortunes.

Wei Guangsheng walked in front of him with a "sorrowful" mood.

"Today, our long-awaited hero finally came back. We welcome our hero home with extremely complicated feelings."

Crack, crack, crack~

The employees below applauded vigorously.

"At this moment, our feelings are the same as our hero's. We are proud of him. At the same time, he was terminally ill and died soon. However, we want to Turn grief into strength, turn our..."


One word interrupted Wei Guangsheng's impassioned speech.

No, to be precise, he should have choked back.

Others may not know what he is going to talk about, but he knows very well that what follows should be "make our cables the strongest in China and the strongest in the world."

It took him twenty minutes to memorize the above words before he could finish them fluently, but...

Wei Guangsheng looked at Lin Yue, who looked like a ball with a hole drilled in it, and his aura suddenly lost.

"Fake... I mean, how do you count it for me? This should be considered a sick leave, and who is watching the subway station project at Mr. Tang's side?"

The flesh on Wei Guangsheng's face twitched a few times, and it took him a long time to squeeze out an ugly smile: "Hero Yu never forgets about his work when he is sick. Don't worry, the salary will be paid as usual, and you will also be indispensable to Mr. Tang's commission for the subway station project."

Yu Huanshui threatened him with a "fake cable", and after jumping from the fake cable to sick leave, what could he say? I can only stabilize him first and talk about other things.

Fuck me!

Zhao Juemin quit, so let’s pay the wages for sick leave. Anyway, the company pays for it, and Yu Huanshui will only be able to live for three to five months. But what does Wei Guangsheng mean by borrowing other people’s money to offer flowers to Buddha?

Before, Yu Huan was in charge of his performance and snatched away the project of Mr. Tang's subway station. He endured it. Now that the product has entered the hospital, the project returned to him. What happened? When I was happy, I sold that old thing to Wei Guangsheng within two days.

He runs, he stares, he contributes, and the commission for his performance counts as Yu Huanshui? Why?

Wei Guangsheng noticed Zhao Juemin's expression, and quickly gave him a wink, meaning to ask him whether the commission was more important than his life.

Liang Anni looked at Zhao Juemin and said, "President Wei is right. The company has such excellent employees, and we are really lucky to have such excellent colleagues."

Lin Yue silently praised her in his heart, Liang Anni's ability to spread salt to her wounds is really not a cover.

Here, Zhao Juemin is not in the mood to lead the staff to shout slogans, and Wei Guangsheng naturally has no energy to memorize the manuscript: "Here, I want to solemnly announce that Hongqiang Group will give 20,000 yuan to reward our hero, Comrade Yu Huanshui!"

After speaking, he took the RMB from Zhao Juemin's hand and handed it over with both hands.

Without saying a word, Lin Yue took it and tore off the little white flower on it and put it in his pocket.

"Cough, in addition, I would like to solemnly announce that we will purchase a luxurious cemetery for Comrade Yu Huanshui in the name of the company, and fund the preparation of his funeral to honor and commemorate this man who was cultivated by the company from an ordinary person Great employees who become heroes of the people."

As soon as Wei Guangsheng finished his sentence, Lin Yue tugged at his skirt from behind before applauding: "How much?"

"How much is what?"

"Funeral expenses, what's the standard for a company like mine?"

"Three... no, fifty thousand."

"Where's the cemetery? I don't want one that's too far away."

"Not far, not far, the one next to Tianta Lake."

"Yisi Garden?"

"Yes, Yisiyuan."

Wei Guangsheng was naturally very happy when Lin Yue answered the conversation with him, because he could be humiliated, but his expression changed after the question and answer, because the kid took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello, is this Xiao Zhao from Yisiyuan? I'm Yu Huanshui."


"That's right, that's Yu Huanshui who was interviewed tonight."


"It's okay, it's okay, just ignore it. That's it, I called you because our company is going to help me buy a luxury cemetery in Yisi Garden..."


"Yes, the most expensive one. How can it reflect 'luxury' and the sincerity of the company if it is not expensive?"


"Are you free now? Then come here, let's sign the agreement while the iron is hot. I should buy this thing early. If the price goes up, I have to save the company two dollars."


"It's not bad luck, it's not bad luck. Many people in our hometown have coffins in the side houses. When the old people were alive, they had half of their own behind-the-scenes stories. And look at the emperor, some of them just ascended the throne. The mausoleum will be built in the next day."


"By the way, do you still have urns for sale? How much is the most expensive one?"


"It's made of golden nanmu? Don't be afraid."


"You bring your things together later, so as not to bother you when you can."


"No way, I have to figure it out myself. You know, I'm divorced."


"Well, well, yes, it's a good company, and the leader is also good. Okay, I will definitely recommend you to Mr. Wei, such a good salesman, it's a pity to sell cemeteries over there."


"Okay, that's it, we'll meet and talk later."


Lin Yue hung up the phone.

Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin looked at each other.

This kid is good at beating snakes with sticks, but they just casually asked if it was okay, why did he take it seriously?

Wei Guangsheng's expression was extremely ugly, and Zhao Juemin was so angry that he was about to hit someone. All the employees below looked at him like an old monk in meditation, and they also knew that the three leaders made a move for Yu Huanshui.

Liang Anni seemed expressionless, but she was actually very happy in her heart.

humiliate him?

For a person who came back after turning around the gate of hell, not to mention his reputation, he could even risk his life. Is humiliation useful?

In the end, it was nothing but self-defeating.

Lin Yue looked at Wei Guangsheng, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, how much is the most luxurious cemetery in Yisi Garden in Tianta Lake? The most high-end "customized art tomb" costs 500,000 yuan. If you get this done today, if you resell it in a few days, you can earn at least 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.

Wei Guangsheng and Zhao Juemin wanted to humiliate him? Come on, I won't kill you, you know, for today, he has memorized the sales hotlines of all the cemeteries in Jialin City, no matter which cemetery Wei Guangsheng mentions, he can't escape his killing knife.

In front of all the employees of the company, there is a camera specially prepared to humiliate him, does Wei Guangsheng dare to refuse? Can Wei Guangsheng refuse?


Ten minutes later, the general manager's office.

Lin Yue threw the white flowers in his arms into the trash can.

"It took such a big fight to humiliate me, are you satisfied now?"


He is the one who is satisfied.

Wei Guangsheng took a deep breath: "Yu Huanshui, you are smart, you are really smart, I never thought that you are such a powerful person. Why didn't you show your talent before? If I knew you were so powerful, What else do I do with Zhao Juemin?"

Lin Yue said: "Stop talking about these useless things and focus on the key points."

Wei Guangsheng walked over, leaned on the handle of the wheelchair, looked at his face closely and said, "We compromise, we admit defeat, we admit that we can't beat you, and we agree to all your conditions."

"Heh, tell me about your conditions."

"Either you say you are amazing." Wei Guangsheng straightened up: "I have thought about it in detail, even if I give you 20 million, can you guarantee that the USB drive will not appear in the hands of others in the future and threaten us?"

"Just tell me your plan."

"Time." Wei Guangsheng said: "As long as we reach a settlement and you give us the USB flash drive, we can pay you 500,000 on the spot, and then we will find an agent and lawyer to talk to you about the remaining 19.5 million. Sign a donation agreement with legal effect. From the day after your death, as long as the content of the USB flash drive has not been circulated within three years, the lawyer will call your designated heir at once after three years. How good is this, you After death, your son can legally own the money, have a good life, and enjoy high-quality education. What do you think, Lao Yu? Is this plan fair?"

"Fair, very fair..."

Wei Guangsheng smiled: "So you agree? If you have no objection, I'll call the lawyer and ask him to send the donation agreement. In the evening, the three of us will find a place where we can eat quietly and eat together." signed it."

Lin Yue said, "I said the plan was fair, but I didn't say I would sign it."

"Yu Huanshui, what do you mean?"

"It's simple, I changed my mind."

"Changed your mind?"

"Yes, I changed my mind." Lin Yue narrowed his eyes and said something.

five minutes later.

Wei Guangsheng looked at Lin Yue suspiciously: "Yu Huanshui, did I hear you right, what you just said is true?"

He and Zhao Juemin overturned the car on Yu Huanshui several times. Although the proposal just now sounded very tempting, who knows if that guy buried a big hole for them in front.

"I'll give you half a day to think about it. If you have a decision, call me in the evening, otherwise my speech will be held at the Procuratorate tomorrow."

Lin Yue walked outside pushing the rim of his hand, and stopped when he was close to the door: "When Xiao Zhao comes in a while, remember to have a better attitude. He has a good impression of you. He praised you as a good leader who is considerate of his subordinates, and said he wanted to come to us. The company does sales."

The corners of Wei Guangsheng's mouth twitched a few times, his face was as bitter as a pumpkin.

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