Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 623: Bitch Is Hypocritical

Licking a dog is a terrible death!

A very harsh sentence, but it was not spoken, it was written.

Jiang Chen was angry at first, and then saddened: "Brother Chen, your eyes are really poisonous, um, your mouth is also pretty bad."

Although Wang Manni looked relaxed every time he came here, he knew very well that his mentality was the same as when he broke up a few years ago. He wished he could greet her and take good care of her, but it was just because he had a boyfriend I am afraid of misunderstanding, so I dare not go too far.

Lin Yue first confirmed the number of slander counters, the protagonist came to 14, and the supporting role came to 21—these two numbers have been since Gu Jia’s birthday party.

He didn't get angry when he told him to lick the dog? It seems that Jiang Chen also knows that he is a dog licker. If so, don't blame yourself for being rude.

"Why do you lick a dog?"

Jiang Chen said: "If you don't really like it, who would want to be a licking dog?"

Lin Yue said, "Tell me your story?"

"I'll go get another cup for you." Jiang Chen left with the coffee cup in hand, and brought out a fresh cup of coffee after a while: "That spring six years ago..."

ten minutes later.

He finished speaking.

Lin Yue said: "So you still can't forget her?"

"Yes, in fact, when I opened this cafe, I just held my breath and wanted to show her a wonderful life. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I gradually forgot about it. However, I didn't expect that she I came here for coffee suddenly, I really didn't expect that there would be a chance to meet again in such a big city."

"So you have the idea of ​​chasing her again?"

Jiang Chen shook his head: "She has a boyfriend, a financially free Chinese."

"Then why do you still have thoughts that you shouldn't have?"

"Can you control your emotions?"

Well, I also found a reason for my dog-licking behavior.

"Don't you think it's cheap to do that?"


Depend on!

This guy is really the best, the counter didn't respond to scolding him for licking dogs and people, and the counter still didn't respond when he was said to be a bitch.

Lin Yue couldn't bear it anymore, looked at the coffee cup in front of him, stood up abruptly and punched him.

Jiang Chen didn't expect him to hit someone at all, he was punched in the face, and he felt dizzy immediately, and felt that his back molars were loose.

At first there was confusion, then anger.

Finally got angry!

The number in the supporting role column of the hate counter finally reached 22.

To put it bluntly, it is not clean up.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the coffee shop, only a couple of men and women in the corner looked at them in surprise. Unexpectedly, the two talking and laughing just now were fighting with each other in a blink of an eye.

The waitress who was arranging the cups and plates behind the bar was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

Lin Yue was the one who made the move. He was supposed to take the blame, but unexpectedly, he became even more aggressive and grabbed Jiang Chen's collar: "Are you still a man, and you don't want to lose your bones because of a woman? People use you as a spare tire , Can’t even tell? For a woman like Wang Manni, do you think you can catch up with being moved and accompanied? Stop daydreaming.”

When he yelled like this, Jiang Chen's anger disappeared quite a bit. It was quite aggrieved to be punched, but what Chen Xu said, as well as his expression of hating iron and steel, were clearly doing him wrong. Worth, if you fight back in this situation, your friends won't have to do it in the future, and he still counts on Chen Xu to get more precious Geisha coffee beans for the coffee shop.

The waitress at the bar put back the hand that took the fruit knife. Although the person she liked was beaten, but... now she just wants to say that it was a good fight.

ten minutes later.

"Sorry, I was so excited just now, I couldn't hold back for a while."

"I know you are doing it for my own good, but can you not slap your face in the future?"

"Next time I will definitely pay attention."

next time? And next time? The waitress behind shivered.


"Xiaoqin, I told you to talk to Chen Yu, did you go or not?"

"Oh mom, can you stop getting involved in our affairs?"

"I said you child, I'm your mother, how can I be called blind Shenhe? Is it possible that a good marriage just broke up like this?"

"A good marriage? You think it's good, but life is mine, so I don't think it's good to have the same life every day."

"If you want me to say, you have brainwashed those articles on the Internet that are written for traffic and fans. Isn't the life of ordinary people just peaceful and peaceful?"

"Mom, don't talk about it. I won't look for him anyway. If you take ten thousand steps back, you won't be able to find him even if you look for it."

"What's the meaning?"

"Chen Yu went to Africa."

"Going to Africa?"

"Yes, he went to Africa to photograph his rhinos, lions, tigers, and elephants."

"Look, what am I talking about? As soon as you get divorced, they will go abroad to shoot animals. They should have such a plan a long time ago. In the past, he was safe and sound when he was dragged down by his family. Now that there are no restraints, it's like... How do you say that sentence? The sky is high for birds to fly? The sea is wide for fish to leap? Not satisfied, you are too dissatisfied."

"You really don't plan to get back together with Chen Yu?" Father Zhong joined the argument between the mother and daughter.

"Not getting back together."

Zhong Xiaoqin remembered what happened to Xiaoshanmen Cafe and Jiang Chen when she had a dinner with Wang Manni two days ago. She felt that what Wang Manni said was right, there is no reason for a good horse to turn back.

"It's fine if you don't get back together. I'll ask Aunt Hulan to help you find a reliable partner."

"Oh dad, can you let me live the life I want for a few days?"

Zhong's mother said: "What kind of life do you want? Eat enough for one person and the whole family will not be hungry? Or be a moonlight family? A woman's youth is only a few years, and you are already 31 years old. If you spend more time, it will be too late to have children. question."

"Give birth to a child, do women live to give birth to a man?"

Zhong Xiaoqin became annoyed at what she told the two, pushed open the door and left.


In a few more days.

Lin Yue was chatting with a Dutch lady on INS when he suddenly received a call from Gu Jia asking where he was.

He told her the location of the music bar he was in.

About fifteen minutes later, a Cadillac XT5 stopped on the side of the road outside the door, Lin Yue paid the bill and left, and got into the back compartment.

"Are you a driver today? Speaking of which, this is the first time I've been sitting in the back. It just feels different."

Gu Jia didn't pay attention to his joke.

"Chen Xu, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

"Something happened at the tea factory."


"Mrs. Wang recommended Ziyan Kindergarten, and Mrs. Yu helped the fireworks company get the order for BJ Paradise, so I naively thought that the ones my wife gave me were the best, and Mrs. Li's tea factory was no exception, but When I came back from BJ, I received a call from the accountant and rushed to Xiangxi only to find out that there was a problem with the accounts of the tea factory I just took over, and the organic label had expired for more than half a year.”

Of course Lin Yue knew what was going on.

"So, you want me to accompany you to Mrs. Li's clubhouse? You want Mrs. Li to return the money to you because I have done a big favor to his husband?"

Gu Jia glanced at the inner rearview mirror and did not speak. What Chen Xu introduced to Li Yuanxin were all big businesses worth tens of millions or more. Compared with a tea factory worth 3 million yuan, it was a huge difference, even if the tea factory belonged to Mrs. Li , not under her husband's control, with Chen Xu's relationship, she thinks that at least the 1.5 million installment transfer fee can be waived, so that if another 500,000 is invested in it, the tea factory can resume operation. As a result, she Both Xu Huanshan and Xu Huanshan can accept it.

Lin Yue smiled: "I can't let you be my driver for nothing, just drive."

He didn't hate her, it's not that he didn't want to sprinkle salt on Gu Jia's wound, because under the current situation, no matter how bad she said about the tea factory, she would not be angry, but would only be depressed or criticize herself, so it was useless to hate her Damn, it's better to save your energy.

But, just because you don't have a chance to hate now doesn't mean you won't have a chance to hate him later, and there are some supporting roles like Mrs. Li, right?

"Chen Xu, thank you."

Gu Jia thanked Bi and drove forward. When going to BJ, Xu Huanshan told her to try not to bother Chen Xu if there was nothing serious in the future. After all, the relationship between him and her two girlfriends was not very harmonious, and she was afraid that she would be caught in the middle.

She had similar thoughts at the time, but now that something happened at the tea factory, she found that the only person she could ask for help was him, and this time she asked him for help without telling Xu Huanshan, after all, the tea factory was stuck in mid-air If you don’t do it, the 1.5 million invested in the early stage will be in vain. If you do a rough calculation, you will need to invest another 2 million. Even if the fireworks company has a good cash flow, it will be a heavy expense to fill this hole.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped downstairs at Mrs. Li's house.

Lin Yue opened the car door and walked out, standing in the yard full of green trees and flowers, staring fixedly at the four-story western-style building in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Gu Jia came down with her bag.

"I was wondering where to start to transform it into the way I like it. Its current shape is very inconsistent with the surrounding high-rise buildings."

"are you joking?"

Lin Yue smiled and walked towards the hall without saying anything.

He used to be Li Yuanxin's guest, and Gu Jia was also a member of the wife circle, so no one would stop them. When the two of them entered the hall, Lin Yue's cell phone rang. He took it out and frowned.

"You go first, I'll answer the phone."

"Okay." Gu Jia lifted the bag on her shoulder and walked towards the room where the ladies learned to cut.

Five minutes later, Lin Yue hung up the phone, asked where the activity room was and walked over.

"This man, if he takes a wrong step, he won't be a thing."

"What kind of thing are you? What's wrong with our clubhouse? Cats and dogs can sneak in. Gu Jia, let me tell you, we've wanted to clean up the house for a long time, but you just refused to leave."


"Thank you, Mrs. Li, for such an inconspicuous person like me, you have worked so hard to dig such a big hole. I am willing to pay for my mistakes. Every step a person takes has to pay the price. I pay mine, everyone. Well, you will definitely pay yourselves in the future. I always feel that I have shortcuts and backers. This is called value distortion. Like me, it will be corrected one day. The difference is that I can still have my own name. Leaving, how about everyone? Surviving because of the husband's surname, living within the husband's value radius, and gaining a sense of superiority, getting together to show off and compare, is really more glamorous and sadder. My name is Gu Jia. will be indefinite."

Lin Yue was very surprised to hear the gunpowder-smelling conversation coming from the front room. Didn't Gu Jia call her here to ask for money for her? How can you talk about it, just like in the TV series, and the group of people in the wife's circle? This is against the purpose of her coming.

When he reached the door, Gu Jia was walking out from inside.

"Let's go, I don't want the money."

"Wait." Lin Yue stopped her: "I don't agree with what you said."

Ps: Waiting for 20 minutes of children's shoes, why don't you watch it in the morning?

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