The people in the room did not expect that Lin Yue would also come, let alone that this promising young man who was very close to Gu Jia would speak to them.

Gu Jia looked at him with a puzzled face. When he came to the lobby of the clubhouse, he answered a phone call and called the other party "Mr. Li". She thought that someone had told Li Yuanxin what happened here, and they called to ask him to Don't mind your own business.

Thinking about it in another way, he earns commissions by connecting rich people with foreign business organizations. If he offends Li Yuanxin because of her affairs, he will suffer a great loss.

After entering this room, Mrs. Liu said a few harsh words to her. She was very angry, but she also figured it out. She relied on Chen Xu to recover the money she was cheated on, and she was the same as Mrs. Wang who had found a kindergarten for Xu Ziyan before. Is there any difference if Mrs. Yu comes to find an order for the fireworks company?

They're all about taking shortcuts.

So she temporarily decided that she couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and left after beating Mrs. Kuo around.

Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Ma...

They all start with their husband's surname and end with their wife, without their own names, unlike her Gu Jia, who is always "Gu Jia" from beginning to end, even if they leave at a disadvantage, they still have the characteristics of a modern independent woman. Dignity and pride.


Lin Yue almost scolded her for being an idiot, hadn't she read too many foul-smelling articles on the Internet? Many chicken soups are not nourishing, but poisonous. Or it is best to lie to women with long hair and short knowledge. Anyone with a little bit of historical knowledge and independent thinking ability knows that her fallacies are untenable and are purely the screenwriter's self-indulgence.

"When is it an insult to women to put your husband's surname in front of your name? The relatively civilized and progressive Western society has not abolished this kind of rule that you regard as disrespectful to women. It is a mentality to say that you always want to take shortcuts. Distorted, in my opinion, you who say such things are more like a mentally handicapped."

Everyone who said a word was dumbfounded.

Gu Jia pissed everyone off with a haughty face, and was about to leave the room with her head held high, but turned around and gave the person she brought to the town a hammer. What's going on?

"It's never an insult to a child to take the husband's surname or to take the husband's surname after marriage, but to protect the disadvantaged. There is an old saying in the countryside that children are immature and playful. Find a wife for him and give birth to a son. That’s it. It’s rough and reasonable. Only when a wife and children follow their husband’s surname can a man have a sense of belonging and responsibility to the family. Try to break this rule and let the child take the mother’s surname and the husband take the wife’s surname. I dare to follow You bet more than 90 percent of the families would collapse."

"Although we are in a peaceful age, the mainstream values ​​of society are civilization, tolerance, and understanding. Many women dare to be self-willed and dare to challenge the moral bottom line. Once the uneven distribution of social resources breaks through the critical point, war will follow, because War has always been the ultimate means to redistribute social resources. Who would talk to you about civilization in a war environment? At that time, whoever had the biggest fist was the uncle, and whoever had the biggest fist had the right to mate. A man without a sense of family belonging Will protect women? Or expect women to go to war? It's ridiculous."

"Society does not always move forward, and civilization does not always win over barbarism, such as some countries in the Middle East. When there are more and more women like you, and most men are unbearable in the name of false independence and equality, once the future appears Turmoil and changing situation, if someone uses the hatred of those who can’t find a wife to gain some kind of support, what awaits you is likely to be darkness and barbarism that never sees the light of day.”

"What Mrs. Li and Mrs. Liu have done is disgusting, but their titles are not a stepping stone for you to be pretentious."

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Yu had just praised Gu Jia for being educated, but they turned their heads and gave Lin Yue a political lesson. While they were stunned, they were still a little angry.

The two of them have a good relationship with Gu Jia, but what she said just now was indeed a bit harsh.


Gu Jia was so angry with him that he was speechless.

"What about me? I'm just talking about facts. What's wrong with being educated? Being educated doesn't mean you have ideas. You have read a lot of books, know astronomy and geography, but lack the ability to think independently, and you are led by other people's opinions every day. , that is also a piece of trash, no different from Mrs. Li and Mrs. Liu who you despise."

Lin Yue didn't care how ugly her face was.

"Wife circle, what is a wife circle? Please get in touch with real big families and celebrities before defining the wife circle. The theme of the real wife circle is never to show off and compare. The real wife circle is for exchanging information , and to expand the social circle for oneself, husband or family. Just like those glamorous socialites on weekdays, you don’t know whose bed she sleeps in today, what she listens to, and who she will sleep in tomorrow In the room, repeat what you heard yesterday."

"Distinguishing whether commercial information is true or false, and whether it is reliable, is a basic skill for members of this type of circle. You also know that there is a big gap between you and the people here, so you should be more cautious, but how do you do it? They huddle together to keep warm because they can benefit from each other and stabilize their own class and wealth. What about you? Is there any benefit for them? You think that by virtue of your cultural literacy, you can help one or two of them show off, and you can make them Agree with you? You have misunderstood the nature of the wife circle, a fringe person like you, if necessary, is always the first one to sacrifice."


Let go!

Good scolding!

Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Ma couldn't figure out why Gu Jia and Lin Yue rebelled against each other.

But these remarks really touched their hearts. They are uneducated, and they can't say Gu Jia, but he has it. Not only is he educated, but he also has a clear sense of history and reality. Look at Gu Jia's face. Make him look suspicious of life.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Ma looked at Mrs. Li with some emotion in their eyes.

Mrs. Li is very proud, why do you say that? Because the young man surnamed Chen has to rely on her husband for food, didn't he facilitate the acquisition of a hotel in Rome by the Hongshan Group last time, and got a huge commission? It is normal to speak to them now.

As the old saying goes, money can turn ghosts around.

It's better for Mane to say a thousand words and ten thousand.

Mrs. Liu smiled happily, because just now she scolded Gu Jia for being the worst, and said that it was not too much to tear her face.

But in the next second, her smile froze on her face.

Lin Yue asked her a word.

"Mrs. Liu, I heard that your husband bought a property in Toronto's Chinatown, but the owner's name is neither you nor Liu. It's a lady named Fang. I'm curious about her relationship with you."

After he paused for three seconds, he said again: "What? You don't know? I have a detective friend in Toronto. Would you like to ask him to help you find out? Seeing from the relationship we know, how about a 20% discount on labor costs? ? Similarly, if you need a lawyer, I can also introduce you."

Everyone can understand the meaning inside and outside the words.

Mrs. Liu was very proud just now, but now she looks gloomy. How did he know about the Liu family's scandal? And saying it in front of everyone, doesn't that make her unable to step down?

Lin Yue turned to look at Mrs. Ma after uncovering the scars of the Liu family.

"Mrs. Ma, the last time I traveled to Europe, I met a Cantonese who was studying at the Oxford University Law School. He told me that there is no Chinese student named Ma in the school. If there is, as a compatriot, he must We know each other, could it be... Your son has changed his nationality? Then he can't even change his surname, right?"

What is the proudest thing in Mrs. Ma's life? It is to send his son and daughter to Oxford University.

Now he says that there are no students surnamed Ma at Oxford University Law School. What does that mean?

Everyone looked at Mrs. Ma, could it be... what she said was all false?

"I... my son graduated this year."

"Then I ask him to find your daughter? Which college is she in?"

Mrs. Ma was at a loss for words.

"Isn't he graduating this year?"

Seeing Mrs. Ma making a fool of herself, Mrs. Wang couldn't help grinning.

It was good that she didn't smile, but Lin Yue immediately caught her eye when she smiled.

"Mrs. Wang, I remember that the painting on the east wall of your house is Monet's "Water Lilies", right?"

Mrs. Wang's heart skipped a beat when she heard the words: "Yes... yes."

"Coincidentally, a friend of mine visited the National Gallery in London yesterday. This guy secretly took pictures with his mobile phone in a very tasteless manner. The painting is exactly the same as Monet's "Water Lilies". Could it be that your painting was sold to the British yesterday? Or did the group of British bumpkins hang up a fake one because they didn't know what to buy?"

"Heh...hehe..." The corners of Mrs. Wang's mouth twitched, this guy's ability to speak irony is really good.

Lin Yue's eyes shifted and fell on Mrs. Yu's face next to her.

The 18th-line actress shivered in fright.

"Don't worry, it depends on the culture. I will go back to the police station to protect me. I won't demolish your platform."

When Mrs. Yu heard this, she let out a long sigh of relief, and she was very grateful for her husband's kind behavior back then.

"As for your Mrs. Li..." He shifted his gaze to the mistress of the house, who was also the target of Gu Jia's trip.

Thanks for the pursuit of perfection, pay for the news, 500 starting coins from the big soldiers, 400 starting coins from book friends with tail number 8298, LL4, book friends with tail number 4094, book friends with tail number 19780, with tail number 5147 book friend, 100 starting coins as a reward from Sister Shu

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