Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 625 Gu Jia, you don't like him, do you?

Mrs. Li said, "How about me?"

He didn't believe that Lin Yue dared to hate her like other wives, because she had always been the core of the wife circle, and more importantly, the young man in front had to rely on her husband for food, and the consequences of offending her were too serious.

The rest of the wives seemed to have forgotten their shame, and looked at him in unison. This kid didn't know why he was crazy today. Except for Mrs. Yu who escaped unharmed because of her husband's good deeds, everyone else, regardless of friend or foe, gave him a slap in the face. Now it's the turn of the big customer's wife, does he dare to hate her?

Lin Yue glanced at everyone present, let go of the hand behind his back, and handed several documents to Gu Jia.

"This thing can not only help you get back the money you invested in it, but Mrs. Li will also willingly give it to you for that tea factory."

What are you kidding?

If you get back the money you paid in advance, can you still earn a tea factory for nothing?

Mrs. Wang doesn't believe it, Mrs. Yu doesn't believe it, and Mrs. Liu doesn't believe it. Cows fly in the sky, but people brag on the ground, right?

Gu Jia flipped through the documents in her hand, her expression suddenly changed, her face was almost bloodless, and her hands were trembling.

1.5 million plus a tea factory?

No, the value of this thing is dozens of "human heads".

When she looked at Lin Yue again, there was no anger in her eyes, nor gratitude, but only fear.

How did he get this thing?

"What? Gu Jia? Don't you show me the things that can be exchanged for the investment funds and the tea factory? I'm curious, what gave him the courage to bargain with me."

Mrs. Li looked at Lin Yue provocatively.

Gu Jia turned her head, looked at Mrs. Li with a miserable smile, went to the bar behind and asked the waiter for a lighter, and lit the documents in front of the puzzled eyes of the few people in front of her.

The flames rose, the flames surged, and soon the document was reduced to a cloud of ashes in the trash can.

"Mrs. Li, I don't want the money anymore. I will also give you the promised profit." Gu Jia was persuaded, but it wasn't that she was willing to gamble and admit defeat after being tricked, it was because Chen Xu gave her the money just now. Her stuff can be called a nuclear bomb in the commercial district. If it really detonated, many big shots in the district would not be able to sleep. She didn't want to drag her family into a storm because of a tea factory with two or three million yuan.

"Tch, I thought you were tough, but it turned out to be a silver-like pewter gun head. Speaking of important documents, in my opinion, at best, it is a prop for me to find a way to fool people." Mrs. Li looked at Mrs. Liu The others said, "You think so, don't you?"

Mrs. Ma said: "It's a trick."

Gu Jia now had no intention of entangled with them at all, walked up to Lin Yue and said, "Let's go, this time you drive."

It's not that she's playing big cards, it's that when she thinks of those documents, her heart jumps. Driving in this situation is prone to accidents.

Yes, Chen Xu pissed her off just now, but judging from the documents he took over just now, he really wanted to get her money back, and was able to get it back, but she didn't want it herself.

"You are too timid. Since ancient times, you have been seeking wealth and danger." Lin Yue looked at Mrs. Li and said, "Even a small person like Gu Jia is cheating. Mrs. Li is so anxious to cash out her assets, but you My family’s business is spread all over the first-tier cities in the mainland, and there are houses, land, orchards and other real estate. It is not an easy task to exchange them all into cash and transfer them out. I think the big backer who came to your family has not slept well recently. Would you like me to recommend you a tonic that can calm your mind and calm your mind, and bring two boxes with you when Li Yuanxin visits next time?"

"You... what do you mean?"

Mrs. Li's complexion suddenly changed. Not many people know that their family's backer may be about to collapse. Li Yuanxin is also a person with a keen sense of smell. He transferred assets outside as soon as he heard the news. She is also actively dealing with the project at hand. , sell as much as possible to recover cash.

Gu Jia only knew that she was tricked, but she didn't know the motive behind it. However, this guy named Chen has really poisonous eyes.

"Sorry, I won't take your business from now on." Lin Yue stepped aside and followed Gu Jia out of the room.

Mrs. Li glanced at the trash can, a flash of panic flashed in her heart, she had to tell Li Yuanxin about this.

five minutes later.

Gu Jia drank half a bottle of Evergrande Bingquan before regaining her composure: "Chen Xu, where did you get those data?"

"It's on Li Yuanxin's laptop."

"..." Gu Jia couldn't understand how the confidential data on Li Yuanxin's laptop got into his hands, but that's not the point: "Do you know that this thing will bring you big trouble?"

Lin Yue didn't answer. Of course he knew that dogs would bite people when they were in a hurry, but the business he did was like this. High income also came with certain risks. Unless he made a few orders and went abroad to enjoy life, it was very important. If you want to be in China, if you don't get well, you will close sooner or later and something will happen.

"It's a good thing I burned it."

Lin Yue looked up and glanced at the inside rearview mirror: "I have a backup."

"You... aren't you asking for trouble for yourself?"

"The trouble is there, and one day it will come to you. Some troubles are not for hiding, but for solving."

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty. How can Gu Jia remind me of this kind of thing.

What he is doing now can be said to be a knife-edge stroll in terms of his background. To put it bluntly, he is a witness to the dirty side of the wealthy class. When those people use him, it is natural that the two brothers have a deep friendship, If it is no longer needed, his situation is very delicate.

So before that, you must give these people the opportunity to see the leopard and experience his energy, so as to ensure your own safety, just like what happened to Gu Jia in the wife's circle - only by letting the other party recognize your ability, can you not be a marginal person, Ruffle tiles on a mahjong table.

Although there was a public opinion battle with the Hongyuan Group before, he won in the end, but it was not enough. This only proved his strength and could not show his ruthlessness to the enemy.

Yes, whether Gu Jia burned those documents or not, they were all bait for fishing.


After a few days.


Small Mountain Cafe.

Wang Manni, Gu Jia, and Zhong Xiaoqin sat around the dining table.

Jiang Chen brought the coffee from the tray in front of the three of them: "Come, try this, the authentic Geisha coffee beans are roasted, dried, ground and brewed, which is better than the St. Helena coffee beans I brought you last time." The hand-dripped coffee is more layered and sweet."

Gu Jia said: "Well, I've heard of this coffee bean. It is said that it is very expensive. It costs several thousand yuan a pound."

Wang Manni looked at the steaming coffee in front of her: "Isn't it?"

Jiang Chen nodded with a smile: "About 3000, it's still the friend's price."

Zhong Xiaoqin has the nickname of coffee machine operator in the property department of Hongyuan Group, and has done a lot of research on the cup output of coffee beans: "A pound of coffee beans can produce about 20 cups of coffee, 3000 pounds, counting labor, my God, This one is almost worth my day's salary, and I can't afford this."

Jiang Chen amused her: "I don't charge money today, so I treat it as a treat, and let you taste the new products in the store and give me your opinions or something."

"You are so generous." Zhong Xiaoqin gave him a big smile.

"Well, it's really sweet and delicious. This kind of sweetness is different from the sweetness of granulated sugar, and there is a faint floral fragrance after drinking it." Wang Manni took a sip of coffee and said, "Okay, Jiang Chen, I haven't been here for a few days , The grade of coffee in your small shop has risen again."

"Thanks to the help of a friend, otherwise, based on my relationship, where can I buy this popular product? You must know that this is the authentic premium Geisha coffee beans produced in the Jaramillo plot of the Emerald Manor in Panama. On our side , you can’t even buy it at a high price without a strong relationship.”

Gu Jia said: "There are so many things about coffee beans."

"I heard from Manni that you took over a tea factory?"

Gu Jia nodded.

"Whether it is growing coffee beans or tea leaves, there are many things in common. Sun exposure, rainfall, soil, altitude, fertilizers, etc. will all affect the taste of the finished product."

After saying this, he saw a few guests walking outside: "Here are the guests, I'll go greet them, drink slowly, and call me if necessary."

"Okay." The three said in unison.

Watching Jiang Chen leave, Gu Jia touched Wang Manni's wrist and winked.

"What are you thinking about?"

She glared at Gu Jia, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip: "Liang Zhengxian took me to his party with those rich friends the night before yesterday."

"You really went?" Zhong Xiaoqin blinked her big eyes and said.

"I think since he introduced me to his friends, he is really thinking about our relationship seriously, so... I plan to give him another chance, if he can handle that Zhao Jingyu within a month, I will Go on with him."

Gu Jia said, "Even if you don't get married?"

Wang Manni nodded.

"Manni, I think you should be more cautious, this is not the first time Liang Zhengxian has lied to you." Zhong Xiaoqin persuaded kindly.

Wang Manni asked back: "Aren't you and Zhong Xiaoyang the same?"

"He is different from him. I think what Zhong Xiaoyang said is right. What Chen Xu said at Gu Jia's birthday party that day was to break us up... Besides, I didn't accept him as my boyfriend. It was because I quarreled with my parents that day. In the end, I had nowhere to go, so I just complained to him about my troubles and asked him to help find a place to stay, you see... I paid for the rent by myself, and it didn’t cost him a penny.”

"Forget it, let's not talk about this issue. Today we just got together to celebrate Gu Jia's tea factory getting investment. Come, let's toast to the tea factory's good profits."



The two men substituted coffee for wine and took a deep sip.

Gu Jia glanced at the figure passing by the window, hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you know where Chen Xu is now? He went to the Netherlands, and I heard that he was negotiating a deal about lithography machines."

Wang Manni frowned: "How can we talk about him properly?"

"Manni, I know you always feel that he is targeting you, but think about it objectively, which of the things he did did not expose Liang Zhengxian's lies? Although the words are not pleasant, the results are all good."

"Well, what's good, it's good for me to make me look ugly and sad?"

Zhong Xiaoqin also echoed beside him: "If I knew he had become like this, I shouldn't have introduced him to Mr. Xu before."

Gu Jia said: "You two were blinded by anger. In fact, he is a very good person. I think that if you choose a boyfriend, he is much more reliable than Liang Zhengxian."

Wang Manni showed displeasure: "Such a boyfriend, you want it if you want it, but I don't want it anyway."

"Yes, I wouldn't want it for me. I don't know how to feel sorry for others." Zhong Xiaoqin said, "It's you who keep saying good things about him."

Wang Manni stared at Gu Jia for a while, thinking of something, and said meaningfully: "I know why you keep saying that he is excellent in front of us, and that he is fine."

"Why?" Zhong Xiaoqin also seemed to have thought of something, and was taken aback by her own thoughts: "Manni, you mean...Gu Jia fell in love with him, right?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible. Chen Xu was their driver, and he often drove Gu Jia here and there.

Wang Manni was dumbfounded, she didn't mean that, okay, what is Zhong Xiaoqin's head full of?

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