Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 633 I Just Moved to a Small House

On the rear seat of the Maserati president, Gu Jia looked at the driver in front of him, and then at Mrs. Wang sitting beside her, but she was still a little confused about the situation.

"Mrs. Wang, I've been busy with the tea factory recently, and I'm really powerless with the activities in the wife's circle."

"Gu Jia, just treat it as a favor for me, okay?" Mrs. Wang patted his hand: "Don't worry, I'm in charge of everything."

Gu Jia knew why she said this, because last time there was a big upset in the clubhouse, she and Mrs. Li and Mrs. Liu had already torn skins, and it would be too spineless to join in the circle of wives , this is not her style of acting.

What Mrs. Wang said just now was to persuade her not to care. If Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Ma dare to speak sarcastic words, she will help her back.

"Mrs. Wang, what kind of event is it that I must participate? Are you not afraid that I will embarrass you?"

Just now at the Grand Hyatt Mansion, Mrs. Wang left the words "Follow me" and took her hand downstairs. After getting in the car, she told her that she was going to participate in the activities of the wife's circle, which was still indispensable for her.

What activities can't do without her?

For example, making pastries and desserts, such as the science popularization of water with different pH levels last time, or holding some Western-style activities.

However, before deciding on the theme of the event, she also needs to search for information on the Internet, and she also needs to ask knowledgeable people for advice. She is not a know-it-all. Don't mention the matter of embarrassment after meeting people, if it is an activity she is not good at, wouldn't that be tantamount to humiliating herself.

Mrs. Wang said, "I promise you won't be ashamed."

She felt that Mrs. Wang's state today was a little bit wrong, maybe she really encountered some difficult problem that only she could solve, otherwise why would she be so polite to her.

At this moment, Mrs. Wang's cell phone rang, and she pressed the connect button and held it to her ear.

It was Mrs. Yu who called. Although I couldn't hear the content of the conversation, one thing is certain is that the subject of the discussion is also about her.

What happened to these people today?

Gu Jia touched the Chanel bag beside her. The feeling of becoming the focus of the wife's circle made her feel apprehensive and at a loss.

Soon, the car stopped in front of Li's house.

Gu Jia got out of the car, looked at the single-family building in front of her in silence, and couldn't help sighing every time she came here.

She is already a middle class envied by many people. She lives on the 12th floor of the Grand Hyatt Mansion, but it is nothing compared to Mrs. Wang's penthouse duplex. Mud farewell.

villa? What is that.

Mrs. Li's house is a single-family building in the city center.

"What? Are you nervous? Don't be afraid, you'll be fine." Mrs. Wang noticed her expression and comforted her.

Gu Jia smiled, did not speak, and walked forward behind Mrs. Wang.

Unlike before, this time she didn't go to the room where she learned to cut. Mrs. Wang led her through the main hall and into the area with awnings in the back garden.

Although the Double Ninth Festival has passed, the weather is less muggy and more autumnal, but for Mrs. Kuo, it is still necessary to avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible.

"Hey, it's Gu Jia who's here."

From a distance, Mrs. Yu greeted her.

Walking a few steps forward, there is a newly built stove in front of you. The stove is plugged with a fire head, and there are bursts of refreshing fragrance from the pot.

This is……

She is very familiar with this taste, because she only saw it in Xiangxi not long ago.

"Mrs. Yu." She glanced at the tea leaves that had been roasted in the dustpan, and finally understood why Mrs. Wang said that she was indispensable for today's event. Tailoring, and now remaking tea.

The key is whether the tea-making skills are too low for Mrs. Kuo?

"Gu Jia, you're here."

She was in a trance when Mrs. Ma came over with a new pot of tea and greeted her with a smile.

"Mrs. Wang, Gu Jia, you are late, and you will be fined three glasses of wine during lunch." Mrs. Liu walked behind Mrs. Ma, speaking with an attitude as if she had forgotten the scene of tearing her face.

its not right.

Gu Jia is really confused, are Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Liu trying to curry favor with her? Even if Chen Xu beat her up at that time and made this group of people angry, but he turned his head and beat everyone except his wife, how could they admit that they were cowardly and submissive?

"Where's Mrs. Li?"

She looked around, but she didn't see No. 1 in the wife's circle.

"Gu Jia, Gu Jia, please teach us how to roll tea."

No one answered her question, and Mrs. Wang changed the subject abruptly.

Gu Jia frowned, not knowing what was going on.

At this moment, a few people appeared around the corner.

"Shovel off the holly over there, and build a flower pond here, with a fountain in the middle, and there, there..."

"By the way, remember to tell the foreman to be careful when removing the frame of the terrace, and don't touch those blue-glazed flower pots."

this voice...

Gu Jia turned her head and looked over, and saw a young man walking slowly, followed by a man in overalls and a straw hat on his right, who seemed to be a gardener.

Chen Xu?

Why is he here? He also looked like pointing the country.

"Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to know architecture." It was Yu Wenhua who spoke, and handed a piece of paper to Wang Xiangqun who followed him.

"I understand a little, I understand a little." Lin Yue said modestly.

The wording is modest, but no one with sight would call that modest.

Who is following behind him is a big boss worth billions and billions?

Gu Jia thought this scene was funny, a group of 40-50-year-old foxes were circling around a young man...

"Chen Xu, you organized this event?"

She can now see why Mrs. Wang has lowered her stature and ran to the 12th floor to call her. She really needs her—to use her to help Wang Xiangqun gain favorability in front of Chen Xu.

Although the KTV violence last time ended with Chen Xu escaping safely and the thugs one dead and two seriously injured, it can only show that he is good at martial arts. It's too cheap.

And not only Yu Wenhua, Wang Xiangqun, and Mr. Dong, who she has met on two or three occasions, Mrs. Liu's cheating husband Liu Wanshan, and Mrs. Ma's husband Ma Yunai are all following behind. The same as the three grandchildren.

"Yes, I moved to a small house and invited my friends to gather together."

moved a small house...

Moved a small house?

Gu Jia looked at the single-family building behind him that blocked the sun: "You...are you kidding me?"

That is the house of the Li family.

"Do you think I'm joking? Mr. Li is going to live in Canada. This house is also idle in China. I told him that I like its quietness. Mr. Li discussed it with his wife and decided to leave The house was sold to me."


Gu Jia caught a glimpse of the changes in the eyes of Wang Xiangqun, Yu Wenhua and others. If his eyes could write, his face must be full of "ghost talk".

She didn't know what happened, but one thing is certain, this building has most likely become Driver Chen's private property, otherwise Liu Wanshan and Ma Yun'ai, who have a good personal relationship with Li Yuanxin, would never remain silent.

What did he do?

The KTV thing... Li Yuanxin really hired someone to do it?

She suddenly remembered that the last time she came to Li's house, this guy stood on the road in front of the courtyard and said that he didn't like the structure of the building and had to change it to what he liked. At that time, she asked him mockingly if he was joking.

Combined with the conversation between the two of them on the car about "seeking wealth and insurance" after they came out of Li's house...


Gu Jia didn't know what to say.

"Remember to call Mr. Xu later, I have a good meal here at noon, and it's warm for me."

"You... live in such a big house alone?"

"Can't you, are you jealous? You can buy it if you have the ability, oh, you lost a few million in the tea house, and spent more than 300,000 in Internet marketing. The Hermès limited-edition bags are also sold second-hand.”


Shout out to you.

Gu Jia's teeth itch with hatred, if you are capable, you can change rooms every day, and you won't be able to complete a round in a month.

The "hate" here is of course not counted. In fact, she knows very well that Lin Yue called Wang Xiangqun, Yu Wenhua, Liu Wanshan and others to come here for dinner, implying a warning, a reminder, and a demonstration. The corner of interest is specially to help her vent her anger.

You must know that when she came here last time, she was scolded by Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Ma a lot. Now, no one dares to show her face, and she also noticed that the eyes of those two people looking at Chen Xu were full of fear, like ... A lowly maidservant faces a murderous tyrant.

Although his mouth was still so small that people wanted to sew it up, but she was grateful.


On the third day, Lin Yue entrusted Brother Man with the decoration of the supervisor's house, and he took Xia Hou, who had been holding back in the system space for a long time, on the high-speed train to Quzhou, Zhejiang.

After watching the scene flying out of the window for a while, he turned his attention to the system space.

People counter, protagonist: 16, supporting role: 28.

Leaving aside the harvested technology points, if only RMB is counted, 300,000 has already been credited.

"Xu Huanshan and Lin Youyou... Heh, let's get things done."

Lin Youyou in the window of the all-seeing eye was lying excitedly on the big bed in the apartment that Xu Huanshan rented for her, imagining the good days ahead.

Get back to your own business.

Going to the twenty-eighth capital, there is one person who must be ruthless.

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