Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 634 Skinning Wang Manni

White walls and black tiles are tall gate towers.

Eighteen bends in the narrow alleys of the ancient town.

Lin Yue walked on the bluestone road in Erbadu, feeling the unevenness and occasional shaking of the soles of his feet.

The climate here is good, and the scenery is also excellent.

Although the development of tourism has been vigorously carried out in recent years, there can be several specialty shops in a small alley, such as gong cakes, coir raincoats, white porcelain, camellia oil...but the eyes and expressions of the shops have a kind of eyes and expressions that merchants in big cities do not have. The Buddhist system seems to say that it doesn't matter whether you buy it or not, just come and play.

On the more spacious streets, the locals leaned against the door and talked about interesting things in the town with the people under the opposite eaves without any scruples. The two went to the cinema to watch a movie.

An older leftover girl who no one cares about in big Shanghai has become a man of the hour in the small town.

Lin Yue smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't know whether to say these people were honest or gossip. In fact, this is the epitome of countless towns and villages. Some migrant workers are reluctant to weigh two catties of pork a week in the city, and cannot go to a restaurant once a month. All the money saved was bought into fireworks, just to show the neighbors a good time and to hear them loudly.

When did my hometown change from a typhoon shelter to a stage? After you sing, I will appear on the stage, always fighting for a good reputation.

Lin Yue ordered a cup of cappuccino at the coffee shop with a manicure business. The coffee in the town is indeed not as good as the coffee in the big city, and the waiter's smile is not natural enough, but the price is affordable, elegant and quiet, and will not There are too many men and women who spread dog food.

After sitting for a while, feeling that it was almost time, he checked out and walked along the main road towards the town government compound.

Under the cover of green trees, a man and a woman walked towards the bluestone bridge in the middle of the river.

"You performed really well today. The mayor just asked me to go to the office and said that I have chosen the right person. If there are similar activities in the future, I will hand them over to you."

"Oh well."

"By the way, have you seen the real estate invested by Mr. Wei? They are all small apartments under 100 square meters. It is good for a family of three to live in. Just now the comrades from the land office came to ask if our planning office would like to buy there. If you have a house, you can apply for a group purchase, so that you can save a lot of money per square meter, what do you think?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Zhang Zhi, Director of the Planning Office, took a serious look at Wang Manni's side face, and felt that she was a little absent-minded, and she had a perfunctory attitude towards work and his life planning.

And these two days seem to be avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally, and he is even more silent about the blind date, which makes him feel like a tiger meets a turtle, and he doesn't know where to start.

"Manni, what I said before..."

"Ah?" Wang Manni said, "What's the matter?"

"Just find a time for our two families to sit together and have a meal..."

"Oh, this thing, I think..."

"What do you think? You think Director Xiaozhang is putting too much pressure on you, right? Let me tell you that Comrade Xiaozhang is also a tough guy. Now that he is chasing a woman, if he can't win it in two weeks, he'd better leave. It's a shame to have such a hot face and a cold ass." Woolen cloth?"

A mocking voice came from the side alley.

Zhang Zhi was stunned for a moment and followed the sound, only to see a man standing outside a shop selling handicrafts. He was wearing a dark green leather jacket over a black T-shirt, black pants and white shoes underneath. He looked very young. , but the address he was given just now...

"It's you?!"

Wang Manni looked at the man who was walking step by step, and her face suddenly sank.

In any case, she never thought that she could see him even after returning to her hometown. She was really haunted and disgusted.

"Manni, do you know him?" Zhang Zhi asked.

"Someone I don't like," she replied,

"Of course you don't like me, because one of my favorite things to do is to peel off your skin, so that people can see what kind of woman you are." Lin Yue ignored the strange gazes from around and walked to Zhang Zhihe. In front of Wang Manni.

"Your name is Zhang Zhi, the director of the town's planning office?"

Zhang Zhi didn't speak, because Wang Manni said she hated people coming, so naturally he wouldn't like them either.

"Zhang Zhi, do you think Wang Manni will fall in love with you? What kind of car do you drive? A broken Jetta that has been in operation for eight or nine years and doesn't even have electric windows. Do you know what kind of car a wealthy HK man gave her? ?Cadillac XT4. Look at the windbreaker on your body again. Do you have 2000 yuan? Look at the pair of high heels on her feet. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know him. Let me tell you, Christian Louboutin, the price is 9000+ , is worth more than all your clothes combined. She is not used to drinking coffee in the town, because an ex-boyfriend in Shanghai prepared 200+ cups of hand-made coffee for her, and the money is enough for you to live for four or five days. "

"Going out on a cruise ship, getting a loan to upgrade to a yacht club suite; attending a reception with a rich man in HK is Lafite, who has been drinking in 1985, and more than 70% of the women in the circle of friends spend thousands of dollars on clothes without blinking an eye. Such Woman, do you think you can afford to support her without being bribed? What progress is too fast, what pressure is too much, what work time does not talk about personal affairs, women's excuses are used to perfuse men who don't like it, if you It’s the rich man from HK, say a few love words, tell a few romantic stories, and then put a Banyan Tree room card into her hand, I guess she doesn’t even have the mind to go to work, maybe she will ask for leave immediately to see you .”

Zhang Zhi was dumbfounded when he heard it, and the crowd watching beside him was also in an uproar. No one thought that Wang Manni was such a person.

Wang Manni was furious: "Chen Xu, shut up."

"I think that since it's a blind date, we should clarify the personal information of both parties, so as not to break up in the future because our outlook on life and values ​​are inconsistent. That would be a waste of time, money, and the most important relationship. And I'm helping the little girl Director Zhang has a deeper understanding of you. He may talk a lot, but he has a kind heart."


Yes, it is kind to Zhang Zhi, but it is cruel to Wang Manni.

"Chen Xu, I never thought that you are such a despicable and nasty person, you actually chased me from Shanghai to my hometown to slander me, you are a bastard, a mad dog!"

"Slander you?" Lin Yue sneered.

In the TV series, before Wang Manni left Shanghai, she was drinking alone by the river, crying so hard, why? It's very simple. I wasted eight years, my dream of marrying a rich man was shattered, my job was gone, and I couldn't even pay the rent.



Poor Chacha.

Why didn't I think about today's day when I borrowed money to upgrade to executive class during my trip to Europe? What do you plan to do with the rent you save after moving to the suburbs? long trip! I never knew how to save some money to ward off risks. All I think about is enjoying life, pursuing refinement, increasing knowledge to get close to rich people, and then achieving class leaps by marrying into a wealthy family. What happens in the end? He looked aggrieved after being beaten by reality.

In contrast, the 2,000 yuan she calls her parents every month has accumulated to 100,000 yuan.

People like her are more despicable than pitiful.

"Is what I said wrong? Is this the real you? Just like what I said before you left Shanghai, can your hometown calm down your restless heart? What? Are you not convinced? Touch your right pocket , take out the contents and show Zhang Zhi, is it Wei Zhijie's business card from Zhisheng Electronics?"

Wang Manni put her hand subconsciously into her pocket, feeling a little flustered, how did he know about this?

"Don't hide it, show it to Zhang Zhi."

Wang Manni didn't speak or act, but just looked at him coldly.

"So..." Lin Yue turned his head, looked at Zhang Zhi and said, "You are a joke from the beginning to the end."

What did she say to Zhong Xiaoqin and Gu Jia when they had a breakup meal? I went back to my hometown and asked my relatives and friends to find a job. How smooth and secure it was. Later, I felt that Shanghai was very deserted, so I only made two close friends in eight years.

What about returning home?

Zhang Zhi found her a stable job that many people wanted, but she felt that it was too free. Villagers and neighbors greeted each other, greeted each other with care, and she felt pressured.

From Lin Yue's point of view, whoever marries such a woman is unlucky, let her be single, responsible for herself and others.

"That's all I've said, it's up to you whether you want to lick the dog or not."

Patting Zhang Zhi on the shoulder, Lin Yue left, leaving behind the embarrassed Director Zhang, the frosty Wang Manni, and a group of chattering onlookers.


Lin Yue didn't care about what kind of thoughts Wang Manni and Zhang Zhi had and how they separated. Anyway, it was 15,000 yuan, and 500 technology points were enough.

After returning to the hotel to rest for a while, he checked some information on the Internet, and walked to the streets of the ancient town in the dark.

Finally it was his turn to do what he most wanted to do.

Thank you for the 600 starting coins rewarded by Fu News, the 500 starting coins rewarded by the book friends with the tail number 8964, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Brother Cai.

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