Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 646 End of Book - Gu Jia's Article (Part 2)

The hand that was raised high was caught, and it could no longer be slapped.

Lin Youyou stretched out his other hand to beat again.

Lin Yue dodged to the side, opened the rear compartment door and pushed her in, then got into the driver's seat, started the car and left.

woo woo woo~

Lin Youyou was crying in the back seat, very sad.

"When you take the first step, you should know that you will face such a result."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Gu Jia can't do it, but I can. And I asked you twice, if you can give everything for Xu Huanshan."

Lin Youyou raised his head and looked at him with tears in his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"Gu Jia is too stubborn to rub the sand in her eyes. She will not continue with Xu Huanshan anyway. Xu Huanshan cares about Xu Ziyan and will not give up mother and son easily. All you can do is Put it to death and come back to life."

"According to what you mean, are you doing this to help me?"

"I'm doing myself a favor."

Can hate people, punish Lin Youyou, get money, and advance the main task, saying that there is nothing wrong with helping yourself.

If it's true, the whole thing can piss off Xu Huanshan twice—one time for Lin You, and one time for the explosion of the fireworks factory.

Of course, he would not just sit and watch the fireworks factory explode for 5,000 yuan, killing two workers and causing Xu Huanshan to go to jail.


Shock! Many women in the PD area violently beat their mistresses in the street.

Let me ask, should we use violence in the face of the mistress?

A violent incident occurred in Zhoupu this morning. A woman suspected of being a mistress was stripped for public display.


Similar headlines spread on the Internet, and some people uploaded videos, but the key parts and faces were mosaiced.

Curiosity is an evil fire, burning netizens who like to watch.

Although self-media reports made a mosaic for the video and photos, the original film was still circulated on WeChat, Netdisk, and QQ, and some people even moved it to 91, attracting countless netizens to watch.

When the evening was approaching, Zhong Xiaoqin, who was staying at home and checked Weibo, saw the news and video of the aunt tearing up the mistress.

Others may not know the specific situation, but when she saw the woman's face passing by, she didn't react for a while.

Gu Jia asked someone to beat Lin Youyou?

At the same time, Wang Manni also called and asked her if she had seen the video circulated in the WeChat group.

Then, Zhong Xiaoqin asked Gu Jia's location and took a taxi to pick up Wang Manni and rushed over.

Xu Huanshan was kicked out of the house by Gu Jia, Sister Chen was put on leave, Xu Ziyan was with Lin Yue, and she was the only one in the house.

Wang Manni showed her the video and asked if she did it, and said that she was playing well, and that such a shameless woman should be punished in this way.

Gu Jia didn't speak, she didn't hire someone to settle accounts with Lin Youyou, because in her perception, capable women deal with unfaithful men, and incompetent women will go to the mistress to tear each other up.

However, this is not important, what is important is that she saw a tattoo of blue spray on Lin Youyou's chest, which was a gift Xu Huanshan promised to only give her.

The last time I took Xu Ziyan to BJ to play, I saw two blue "U"s in the sky of the paradise, Xu Huanshan argued that he wanted to hit two "O"s in the sky, but failed, so it became a "U" .

There is also the matter that Xu Huanshan went to the fireworks factory to destroy the blue fireworks. At that time, they used to set off and destroy them instead of burning them. Now she knows why, because Xu Huanshan went with Lin Youyou and wanted to continue The production of blue fireworks was also influenced by that woman.

In vain, she always thought that she was very smart and capable, and people around her would use adjectives like smart, independent, and shrewd when talking about her, but what about now? She felt like she was living like a fool.

She took a bottle of wine and hid in the toilet, crying and drinking while pinching herself.

Wang Manni and Zhong Xiaoqin didn't know what was wrong with her. They had no choice but to comfort her through the door when they were anxious outside the bathroom. Fortunately, there was movement inside, and she could hear her scolding herself from time to time, so I felt at ease.

half an hour later.

The door of the bathroom opened, and Gu Jia, who was drenched all over, appeared in front of the two of them.

The two took her drunk to the bedroom, changed her clothes, dried her hair and stuffed it under the quilt.

Wang Manni had to go to pay for the debt the next day, and after seeing Gu Jia fell asleep, she took a taxi and left. Zhong Xiaoqin didn't leave and stayed with her.

next morning.

Zhong Xiaoqin toasted two slices of bread, took out the blueberry sauce in the refrigerator and smeared it with a knife, poured another glass of milk and walked into the bedroom. Xiaobu retreated to the living room, sat at the large dining table where fish could be raised, and ate slices of toasted bread.

At this moment, the door suddenly clicked open, and two people walked in.

One big and one small.

The younger one is Xu Ziyan, the older one is...

"Chen Xu? Why are you?"

Lin Yue looked at Zhong Xiaoqin in the living room and said, "Why can't it be me? Xu Ziyan misses his mother and insists on going home to meet him. If he doesn't see him, he won't go to school. Could it be that I brought him here and asked you for instructions?"


Zhong Xiaoqin lost her temper at the words, tore off two small pieces of bread and stuffed them into her mouth, gulping down the milk in the cup.

At this time Xu Ziyan had already run into the bedroom to wake up his mother from the hangover.

Listening to Gu Jia's questioning with a smile from inside, Zhong Xiaoqin knew that Xu Ziyan was there, she would not do stupid things, so she picked up her bag and went to the front property department to talk to her former colleagues.

Lin Yue watched Zhong Xiaoqin leave, took out the breakfast thrown into the system space, and started eating. At this time, Gu Jia came out wearing red pajamas and hugging Xu Ziyan.

"Chen Xu, thank you for helping me take care of Ziyan these two days."

"You're welcome." Lin Yue pointed to the things on the table: "I bought rice cakes and salted soy milk downstairs, do you want some?"

She shook her head, pulled out the opposite chair and sat down: "You asked someone to do what happened to Zhou Pu yesterday, right?"

"so smart."

"Is this going too far?"

Gu Jia was not surprised that he would know what happened between herself and Xu Huanshan. After all, if nothing major happened, she would not entrust Xu Ziyan to others to take care of.

"Is it too much? I think it's normal." Lin Yue smiled: "Everyone has to be responsible for their own choices. Lin Youyou should know that there will be bad consequences today when he knows Mr. Xu has a family and wants to interfere. "

"Anyway, thank you for what you did for me."

She couldn't do such a thing as tearing up the mistress with her hands. Although she felt that Chen Xu's methods were a bit uncivilized, the starting point was to help her vent her anger.

"Did you drink yesterday? Did you drink a lot?"

Gu Jia put her hand in front of her mouth, and took a breath: "Is the wine smell very strong?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Mom, Dad rarely smells so strong of alcohol."

"I'm sorry, Mommy will go take a shower in a while, okay?"

"Mom? Where's Dad?"

The child's words made her speechless. I can't say that your father has someone outside, and I kicked him out of the house.

At this moment, Lin Yue took out an Ultraman Orb doll and handed it over: "Ziyan, can you go play with the toy? Let Uncle Chen say a few words to your mother."

"Okay." The child didn't think too much, and left with the doll.

"I didn't expect you to be good at coaxing children." Gu Jia said, "At first I asked my dad to bring it, but..."

"I know." Lin Yue said, "You're afraid he won't be able to accept it."

Gu Jia picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of water: "I kicked Xu Huanshan out the night before yesterday, do you know what he said before leaving?"

Lin Yue shook his head.

Gu Jia smiled miserably: "He said that Ziyan is my youngest son, and he is my eldest son. At that time, I thought this sounded familiar, but later I recalled it carefully. I still remember that once you sent me and Ziyan home I said similar things at the time, it seems that my wife has failed, and you know him better than me."

"I'm his driver." Lin Yue wiped off the oil stains from the corner of his mouth with a tissue: "What are you going to do about this?"

Gu Jia glanced at the closed door of the children's room, turned her head to look out the window and said, "Divorce."

"No need to slow down?"

She shook her head, pressed her five fingers on her forehead and pushed it up, and pulled her hair aside, her face without makeup looked very haggard.

"We met in 2008, and we have been together for more than ten years...I never thought it would be today..."

As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

Lin Yue picked up a tissue and handed it over.

Gu Jia took it and covered her mouth and nose, a little afraid to look at him: "How could I tell you this..."

Yes, how could she unknowingly expose the most vulnerable side of her feelings? You must know that four months ago, he was just regarded as an immature brother.

Without saying anything, Lin Yue took out a piece of hard cardboard and pushed it over.

Gu Jia took away the facial tissue that was wet with tears: "What is this?"

"Air tickets."

"Air tickets?"

"Go and relax, and let yourself calm down."

Gu Jia picked up the ticket and glanced at the itinerary. The departure point was Shanghai and the destination was Changsha.

"The matter about the tea factory..."

"At this time, do you still remember about the tea factory?"

"I can't let go of those children in the village."

"Don't worry, they won't starve."

Hearing what he said, Gu Jia felt a little relieved, and gently put the ticket on the table: "Chen Xu."


"I really don't know how to thank you."

"I sent Ziyan to the kindergarten." Lin Yue ignored her, got up and walked to the children's room.

Gu Jia looked at his back and wondered when Wang Manni would realize his goodness.

Thanks to 415K for the 500 starting coins, and Lao Maoge 6 for the 100 starting coins.

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