Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 647 End of Book - Gu Jia Chapter (Part 2)

two days later.

The video of Lin Youyou being stripped naked was presented in front of Xu Huanshan. It was sent to him by a small leader of BJ Paradise who once came to the fireworks company to discuss cooperation. Have other thoughts.

Xu Huanshan was very angry. He thought Gu Jia did it, even if it wasn't Gu Jia, it was Wang Manni or Zhong Xiaoqin's idea. Although this kind of thing often happens, as a spectator watching the excitement and as a party involved, there are completely two feelings.

He wanted to call Gu Jia to question him, but he was worried that he would offend Gu Jia. After all, he still wanted to be forgiven. He also wanted to call Lin Youyou, but was afraid that this move would give her the courage to continue.

So he was very conflicted, he didn't know how to face the current situation, and he was extremely distressed. People in the company called and said that when a client came, he handed it over to Xu to receive him on the grounds that he had something urgent to do. In fact, he stayed in the hotel room from morning to noon.

Nearly 1 o'clock, there was a knock on the door outside.

He thought it was the cleaning staff, and walked over to open the door, not wanting to see an acquaintance standing opposite him.

"Chen Xu, why are you here?"

"I heard from Lao Xu that you live here, come and have a look." Lin Yue walked into the room while speaking.

"Oh, Zhong Xiaoqin is in a bad mood recently. Gu Jia took her to live there. I think the house is crowded and it's inconvenient to live in. I'll come out to deal with it for two days." Xu Huanshan rolled his eyes and made up a listen It seems reasonable reason: "Do you drink water?"

Lin Yue waved his hand to stop him from making tea.

"Xu Ziyan and Sister Chen have been with me for the past few days. I know about you and Gu Jia."

Xu Huanshan's face changed, his lips moved a few times, and he seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Do you know what happened in downtown Zhoupu?"

Xu Huanshan pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Lin Yue said, "I'm going to find that girl named Lin Youyou."

Xu Huanshan suddenly raised his head and looked at him in shock.

"Now the whole network knows that she broke up other people's families when she became a mistress. I believe it is only a matter of time before she is seen by acquaintances and passed back to her hometown. I asked her if she regretted it. Guess what she said?"

"What did she say?"

Lin Yue stared into his eyes and said, "She said she didn't regret it. Then she showed me the blue fireworks tattoo on her chest, and said that it was the best gift you gave her, and that she gave a woman the most precious thing. Without you, now it’s nothing to gain fame.”


Xu Huanshan kept silent, just held his face in his hands and rubbed it, looking very distressed.

Lin Yue said: "I finally gave her a number -- 3 million. She asked me if she seemed to be someone who promised Huanshan's family property. Even if he has nothing now and Gu Jia doesn't want him, she will be happy continue."

Xu Huanshan sighed heavily.

Lin Yue lit a cigarette and handed it over: "So I'm here, not for Gu Jia, but for Lin Youyou."

Xu Huanshan took the cigarette and took a puff, followed by a severe cough.

"I don't want to divorce Gu Jia."

"I know that you can't let go of Xu Ziyan, and you also feel reluctant to let go of Gu Jia, but it's not up to you to decide whether to divorce or not. Do you think that a strong and independent woman like Gu Jia will make do with you for the sake of her child? Poor couples may be more tolerant of this kind of thing. Besides, you ruined a young girl's life, do you think you can feel at ease by saying sorry and spending some money?"

Xu Huanshan had nothing to say to him.

Yes, on the one hand, there is Gu Jia who has known each other for ten years, the lovely Xu Ziyan, and his enviable marriage; on the other hand, there is Lin Youyou, who is young and beautiful and willing to give up everything for him without regret.

If he chooses the former, he will feel guilty all his life. Choosing the latter, he felt unwilling and unwilling to give up.

Lin Yue took out a document and threw it on the bedside.

"Before I came here, I went to see a lawyer and asked him to help draft a divorce agreement. You can read it."

Xu Huanshan glanced at him, reached out to pick up the divorce agreement, and looked at the content on it.

"From your friend's point of view, I think you should divorce Gu Jia, because she is too strong and will not forgive your cheating easily. Even if you beg for nothing to maintain your marriage, your future life will become Disaster, so it’s better to get together and get together, cut the mess quickly, and rebuild your own life.”

"From the perspective of Gu Jia's friend, you are unfaithful, so you have to pay the price. If you are still a man, just leave the house."

"From the perspective of poor Lin Youyou, everyone can laugh at her, satirize her, and abuse her, but you can't. She paid the price for her actions. For her, do you have to take your own responsibility? ? Find a little-known city to start from scratch and satisfy her longing for love and marriage?"

Lin Yue said: "This is what I thought of. You can be worthy of everyone's choice. As for Xu Ziyan, you don't need to feel guilty. Parents don't owe their children anything. Love is giving, not paying off debts. Besides, you have already left all the family property to He and his mother."

Xu Huanshan smoked a cigarette one mouthful at a time, occasionally coughing violently, and the ashes fell rustlingly, falling on his pants and leather shoes.

"This world is very realistic. No one can live without someone. Time will heal all pain. It is the best medicine in marriage and love. My words are finished, think about it carefully."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder, got up and left.

Preventing the fireworks factory from exploding, helping him avoid going to jail, and arranging a marriage for him, Lin Yue felt that he was enough friends with Xu Huanshan.


A few more days passed.

Changsha, Hunan, EUDORA music bar.

Gu Jia sat on the high stool in front of the bar, took a match and struck it, blowing it out, striking it, blowing it out, striking it, blowing it out again, striking it again, as if this was quite an interesting thing.

A young man in a sweater sat down next to her: "I see that you have a lot of wishes, and you have blown them back and forth several times."

"How much wine are you going to sell tonight?"

"Do you think I'm a bartender?"

"Then you are serious about chatting with your sister?"

"Haha... Anyway, it varies from person to person, anyway, no one here cares about age."

After the young man finished speaking, he heard the movement behind him and glanced back, and saw a man in a black windbreaker with a cigarette in his mouth walking into the bar.


Just one word.

The face under the light was younger than he looked, but for some reason there was an indescribable evil spirit.

The young man hastily left his seat with his cup in his hand.

Gu Jia heard the voice behind her and turned her head to look.

"How did you come?"

She had turned off her mobile phone since getting on the plane, and even Zhong Xiaoqin and Wang Manni didn't know where she had gone.

Yes, he bought her a plane ticket, but in the huge Changsha, with the vast sea of ​​people, it is really not easy to run into each other by chance.

Lin Yue sat down beside her, pointed to the Fujia beer on the wine cabinet, and stretched out two fingers.

The bartender took out two bottles from behind and opened them, pushing them in front of him.

Lin Yue handed Gu Jia a bottle of beer, held the glass himself, touched him lightly, and raised his head to take a sip.

"Let me sing you a song, what do you want to hear?"

Gu Jia glanced at the young man holding the guitar on the high stool of the song stage: "Can you still sing?"

Lin Yue smiled at her, walked to the song stage and said a few words to the singer, took the guitar and sat down, looked at Gu Jia and said to the microphone: "A good friend of mine encountered a little setback recently, I came here I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think of any suitable gift to make her feel better. Here, now, in this situation, let me sing a song for her. I believe that if you are as strong as you, it will be fine."

Ding ~ ding ding dong dong.


I have tried very hard to understand the darkness hidden in this city.

To demonstrate against time, to watch lonely jumping in line.

Find a seat with your eyes closed.

I heard that serious women are the most beautiful.

But who understands your embarrassment.

The heart has the courage to dominate, but no courage to be ashamed.

Seeing his stupidity, he was speechless.

Don't be discouraged.

is your greatest comfort.

Humble, or noble? We must continue to fly with regret.

The broken dreams of the night surround you, the tears you swallow and the voices bicker.

You are your fortress and no one can destroy it.

Love will be your most decent, defend~

The guests below all listened to his singing quietly, and the bartender wiped the glass in his hand for two or three minutes.

Gu Jia listened and cried in front of the bar, unknowingly drank the whole bottle of beer.



The room card returns to the slot.

The lights come on.

Lin Yue helped her to the head of the bed and sat down.

"Drink so much..."

"When I didn't have Ziyan, I used to drink with clients." She looked at his face and said, "I'm not drunk, I'm really not, I just feel a little sick to my stomach."

Lin Yue went over to pick up the electric kettle and found that it was empty. He took it to the bathroom and put half a pot of water on the base.

"You came to Changsha, didn't you just want to drive away the little brother who struck up a conversation with me?"

Lin Yue listened to the barking sound from the electric kettle, and took out a folded document from his pocket and gave it to her.

"President Xu said he respects your choice."

Gu Jia took it and scanned the header. In the middle were the five characters "Divorce Agreement", and Xu Huanshan's signature was in the lower right corner of the last page.

"I'll go down to see if the supermarket is closed."

Lin Yue walked out of the room and gently closed the door.

Gu Jia didn't move, and stared blankly at the divorce agreement in her hand. Although she had made up her mind to divorce Xu Huanshan, when she got to the step of signing, there was still an indescribable frustration and sadness in her heart.

She sat on the bed for nearly ten minutes, when she suddenly heard a bang outside, a firework blooming in the southern sky.

Seeing the splendor, she put the divorce agreement in her hand on the table...

The fireworks are shining and shining.

However, the beauty in the distance is like a thorn in her heart. Whenever there are fireworks blooming in the sky, she will think of those blue fireworks and Xu Huanshan's promise.

As long as Xu Huanshan is by his side, this kind of life cannot be avoided.


The door slammed softly, and Lin Yue walked in from the outside, holding a stainless steel basin in his hand, from which steam and noodle fragrance blew out.

"The supermarket downstairs is closed. Fortunately, the small shop in the opposite alley is still open. I borrowed the proprietress's kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles. Eat it while it's hot. It will help your stomach cold."

He put down the stainless steel basin and turned away.

Gu Jia stood in front of the window with tears all over her face.

Lin Yue glanced at the ballpoint pen pressed on the divorce agreement, and knew that she had left Xu Huanshan, so he walked over and hugged her gently.

Gu Jia wrapped her arms around his back, resting her face on his shoulder, crying loudly.

After a while, she stopped crying because a piece of tenderness covered her lips.

"Chen Xu...don't..."

"don't want……"

"Chen...Xu...wait...for a moment"



Ps: Repeat again, what happened to the ending of the three characters at the end of the volume is progressing in parallel, don't think of it as a linear sequence. Here, after Gu Jia signed the divorce agreement, he half-pushed and half-scheduled, and it happened before Wang Manni became the deputy store manager.

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