Different from the previous skills rewarded after completing the task, [Compound Eyes] does not display level attributes such as "LV1" and "LV2" behind this powerful skill, and it is attached to [Left and Right Hemisphere LV4].

More importantly, unlike the highlighted basic skills such as [Hypnotism LV2] and [Hacker LV2], [Compound Eyes] is gray.

Simply put, it doesn't work.

It's not that the system rewarded him with a useless skill, and there is an explanatory text behind why he can't use it - the pre-required skill [Left and Right Hemisphere LV5].

In other words, only when the [left and right hemispheres] reach LV5 can [compound eyes] be activated.

What makes him a little depressed is that the current skill enhancement point balance is 2, and to obtain [Left and Right Hemisphere LV5] requires 4 skill enhancement points.

Gotta be happy.

It seems that I have to save skill enhancement points again.

After confirming the changes in the skill bar, he pulled down the menu to the attribute bar.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Current properties:


Strength 27.


Intelligence 14.

Spirit 12.

Remaining unallocated attribute points: 10.

After finishing the three consecutive harvests, Tan Xiaoguang also brought the dishes out of the kitchen.

Braised potato chips, but the potato chips that should be golden yellow are more or less stained with burnt color.

"It's really a failure, let's make do with it."

After speaking, he brought up the cubed ham cut into long and thin strips, barely making up two dishes.

"I didn't know you were back, so I prepared a meal for one person."

"It's okay." Lin Yue took the half bowl of rice and chopsticks handed over by the co-tenant brother, and thanked him.

"Go to Jiang University for self-study at night?"


"You are hardworking."

"Such hard work is still not as good as you, or the old saying goes that people are more angry than people." Tan Xiaoguang took a bite of food and said: "Success or failure depends on one action. If you still fail the exam this year, you will stop thinking about it and work hard."

It can be seen that he is a little anxious, because the time is getting closer, and it has been less than three weeks.

"Don't worry, you can do it."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "I will accompany you tonight."

"What happened to you today? I thought you were going on a date with Su Han."

"If I don't go all the time, wouldn't your 200 yuan seat fee be wasted? Also, didn't you say that the two girls in the front row missed me?"

"It's less stinky."

"Hahahaha." Lin Yue thought to himself, wouldn't it be too pretentious if I told you that you were not in good condition and went to accompany you?

In addition to the key gap between social people and school students for postgraduate entrance examinations, the living and learning environment also has some influence. After all, the learning atmosphere on campus is very good, and there are too many things in society that distract people's energy.

The two had a makeshift meal and came down from upstairs when it was getting dark.

After staying in the world of "Thirty Only" for more than two days, his newly bought Cadillac XT5 was parked in front of the fast food restaurant next to the community for more than two days.

When he opened the car door and wanted to sit in the driver's seat, the proprietress of the fast food restaurant came out.

"Hey, Xiao Lin, you bought this car?"

"Yes, Miss Liu." Lin Yue replied with a smile.

"It will be parked at the door for two or three days. It's your car. If it's someone else's, the gate of my house will be locked."

Lin Yue was really embarrassed when he heard this. The new car did not have a license plate, and the center console did not leave a phone number for moving the car. It was really inappropriate to park in front of the store for several days like this.

"I'm sorry, Sister Liu, I was delayed for two days due to urgent matters, and I didn't have time to move the car. It won't be like this next time."

"I'm just talking, don't take it to heart, I just want to remind you to leave a car number under the car window, of course there will be no problem with the big sister, but if you stop at someone you don't know...it's easy Argue."

"Hey." Lin Yue nodded: "I was negligent."

Sister Liu said with a smile: "Go quickly if you have something to do, drive slowly on the road, and pay attention to safety."

"Okay." Lin Yue said goodbye to her and drove on the road.

Tan Xiaoguang sat in the co-pilot and kept looking at him strangely.

Lin Yue asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"How do I get the feeling that those women treat you so differently than they treat other people?"

"You mean parking at the entrance of the fast food restaurant?" Lin Yue said with a smile, "I'm a frequent customer of their family, if there is a dispute over parking, wouldn't it be a blow to our business?"


This sounds very reasonable, but Tan Xiaoguang doesn't think so. He has also bought a lot of mille-feuille cakes and deep-fried dough sticks from fast food restaurants, but the daily face of the proprietress surnamed Liu has a menopausal face, which is completely different from her attitude towards Lin Yue. Don't.


Thinking about Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan who were sitting in front of them in the self-study room of Jiang University, and the enthusiasm of the waitress at the previous gatherings that was different from ordinary people, he took a closer look at Lin Yue.

"Aren't you just a few years younger than me? Why..."

Lin Yue amused him: "Do you want to know why?"


"I'm a teacher killer."

"Cut, teacher? Still a killer? Why don't you say that you are a teacher's killer?"

Lin Yue clapped his hands: "This idea is good, novel and exciting enough."

When it was over, the titles of Miejue Shitai, One-armed God Nun, and Nanhai God Nun flashed through his mind, and they withered immediately: "I'd better continue to be a picky eater."

Soon, the car arrived near Jiangda University. The road opposite the west gate was full of cars. There were a lot of luxury cars, such as Lamborghini, Maserati, and Bentley.

"Today is the weekend..."

Tan Xiaoguang watched helplessly as a young girl in a sweater, jeans, and white sneakers opened the door of a Lamborghini and got in. The headlights flickered, and it merged into the main road with a whine, heading towards the city center.

"I thought girls from Jiangda University would be more reserved."

Lin Yue suddenly thought of Li Weijuan in "To Our Dying Youth": "Why do you think they worked so hard to get into Jiang University? Don't look at their young age, but they know what they want better than you and I."

Tan Xiaoguang shook his head helplessly: "Poverty is really an original sin."

Lin Yue looked at the Cadillac logo on the steering wheel. How could he not understand the mind of the co-tenant brother? No wonder he seemed a little anxious. It turned out that he was also one of the pressures.

You must know that Tan Xiaoguang's deepest impression on him is the little brother who can't afford the rent. However, it didn't take long for him to make a beautiful girlfriend. Later, he rented a house to open a pet hospital. In the past two days, he even brought a Cadillac. Although it is not a supercar like Porsche or Ferrari, it can be regarded as an entry-level luxury car.

The key is that in the postgraduate entrance examination, I obviously did not work as hard as Tan Xiaoguang, but my grades were better than him.

"Don't think too much, the most important thing now is to get into Jiang University."

Tan Xiaoguang smiled at him: "Don't worry, there are still 20 days, I will not relax."


After parking the car, the two walked into the campus of Jiang University with shoulder bags on their backs.

The mighty army of postgraduate entrance examinations is rushing from the dormitory to the library or study room.

When I came to the self-study room of the No. 4 teaching building, 70% of the students were already sitting in it. Some were studying meticulously, and some were frantically tapping their mobile phones, with two thumbs clattering like flying.

Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan each held a small pink thermos cup and poured brown sugar water into their mouths. When they saw the two of them walk in, they greeted each other with a smile.

"You have been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, so you are not afraid of failing the exam?"

As soon as Lin Yue sat down, the girl in front hit him with a stick.

"So concerned about my affairs?"

Zheng Fang said: "I bought the seat for classmate Tan, it's not worth the money."

Lin Yue glanced at Tan Xiaoguang, smiled and said, "I'm busy."

Zheng Fang was puzzled: "Busy? Is there anything more important than the exam now? There are only three weeks left."

Lin Yue said, "Does saving the world count?"

"Cut~" Zheng Fang looked disdainful.

Zhao Nannan patted her on the shoulder and pointed to her watch, which meant it was time to study.

Only then did she turn around and focus on doing the simulation questions.

Lin Yue didn't say anything. He opened the zipper of the shoulder bag, took out a little red book and put it on the table. He flipped through the book, but his attention was attracted by the two girls who were talking about the new drama in front of him. The content of their discussion It is "Celebrating More Than Years" and how handsome the male lead in this drama is, and how pure the female lead is.

Lin Yue has never watched "Celebrating More Than Years", but only knows that it is a costume TV series adapted from an online novel. He has no attitude towards whether the story is good or not, and he focuses on the label of "new drama".

"Celebrating more than one year, celebrating more than one year..."

Tapping his fingers on the table a few times, he raised his head and looked forward: "Zheng Fang, Zhao Nannan."

"Huh?" The two put down their ballpoint pens and looked back at him.

"Ask you both a question."

"what is the problem?"

Thanks to Wuliang for the reward of 1000 starting coins, the book friend with the tail number 7064 for the 500 starting coins, the hard-working drug runner for the 200 starting coins, and the second brother who uses a knife for the 100 starting coins.

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