Lin Yue said, "Are you two chasing dramas?"

Zhao Nannan nodded and said, "Chase."

Chatterbox Zheng Fang added from the side: "I haven't caught up with it in the past two or three months because I have to take the postgraduate exam. However, as long as the new domestic drama has a good reputation, it will be added to the waiting list. You can eat it as soon as the exam is over. .”

"Then... do you two know "Celebrating More Than Years"?"

Zhao Nannan nodded again, and Zheng Fang looked nympho: "I know, I know, Chen Daoming is super handsome."


Everyone else likes the male lead, Xiao Xianrou, but she is fine, she likes the middle-aged uncle.

At this moment, Tan Xiaoguang also turned his head, as if he was a little surprised why he asked the two girls whether to follow the drama.

"Then have you ever seen Thirty Only?"

"Only thirty? What is that?" Zheng Fang said, "You mean standing at thirty?"


Lin Yue looked at Zhao Nannan: "Haven't you heard of this show?"

Zhao Nannan followed suit and shook her head.

"Then... I'm Yu Huanshui?"

Zheng Fang's gaze was a bit strange: "What are you talking about? I haven't even heard of these two dramas."

Zhao Nannan didn't talk much, but she was serious. After listening to Lin Yue's words, she unlocked her phone and entered the four keywords "Thirty Only" in the search bar of the browser.

"Zheng Fang, yes, yes, there is indeed only thirty, this drama, but it hasn't been released yet."

After speaking, she handed the phone to Zheng Fang.

Lin Yue's sharp eyes saw the title of the article, which said that Tong Liya refused to accept the drama "Thirty Only", and Gu Jia was played by Tong Yao.

"It really does exist." Zheng Fang took it and searched for another drama that Lin Yue mentioned, and found that it also existed, but it was an online drama that was being filmed.

"I can't see it, you really care about the new drama."

Tan Xiaoguang said with a smile: "Of course, Lin Yue is a prospect actor, and of course he knows this kind of industry information better than you."

Zheng Fang was puzzled: "Foreground actor? What do you mean?"

Next to her, Zhao Nannan took her mobile phone and searched again, and handed her the explanation on Baidu Encyclopedia.

"Tell us, in which play did you act as a foreground actor, tell me..."

For Zheng Fang's curiosity, Lin Yue is not interested in satisfying at all, his mind is full of question marks now.

what the hell?

"Thirty Only" and "I Am Yu Huanshui" are still being filmed? So what the hell is that episode I found online?

"Hey, hello, why don't you talk?" Zheng Fang waved her hand in front of him, not understanding what was wrong with him.

Zhao Nannan next to him said very caringly: "Zheng Fang, if people are too embarrassed to tell you, don't ask."

"What does it matter if you look at it? Isn't being an actor just for people to see?"

The two of them didn't deliberately lower the volume, disturbing the students in the seat next to them. A boy with a cropped face looked at this side expressionlessly and didn't speak. The male student with a pair of slanting eyes curled his lips: "Isn't he just playing tricks?"

Yes, in the eyes of the undergraduates of Jiang University, the tricks can be said to be the best of the poor, and the Luther of the Luthor. You must know that the graduates of this university have a high-level vision. They either take the postgraduate entrance examination or Study abroad, either in central enterprises, banks, BAT chrysanthemum factories, or go back to your hometown to take the exam to be a civil servant who has enough food and clothing. Those are all bad guys. Who wants to go to the film and television city to be an extra? It's like losing face to the school.

Of course, the nature of playing tickets does not count. No matter how bad JACK is in filming, who will laugh at him?

The taunting voice caused several nearby students to take a look at Lin Yue in their busy schedule. It seems that the label of "playing tricks" will accompany him for at least three weeks.

Of course, Lin Yue would not be angry with a group of little kids. He told Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan the names of the two dramas openly, and pointed out which episode he showed his face. Search the Internet for information about the two dramas "Thirty Only" and "I Am Yu Huanshui".

Because things are so weird.

What the hell is going on?

He frowned tightly, looking as if he was stumped by some question.

The topic ended here, Tan Xiaoguang continued to do his simulation questions, Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan also went back to read the book.

He thought for a long time and couldn't find the answer, so he could only give up thinking in the end, but then he didn't read a book, he took a mobile phone and went shopping around a certain place, and fell asleep on the table after 8 o'clock, so angry Tan Xiaoguang wanted to hit someone.

Everyone else wished that one minute could be used as two minutes, but he was fine here, the more critical the moment was, the more slack he became.

After finally making it to the end of the session, Lin Yue stretched his waist, ignoring the contemptuous gazes of a few motivated students who knew his professional tricks, and left the study room talking and laughing with Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan.

He didn't drive home directly, but made a small circle and stopped in front of a cafe. Tan Xiaoguang watched him go in, and after a few minutes, he came out with two cloth bags in his hand and threw them on the back seat.

"What did you buy?"

"coffee powder."

"coffee powder?"


"What are you buying this for?"

"Oh, I'm more interested in pour-over coffee recently."

Tan Xiaoguang was very speechless. In the past, Lin Yue also drank coffee, but the frequency was very low, and he bought instant coffee that cost 1 yuan a piece. It would be too expensive to order a cappuccino in a cafe, but now it’s better, let’s start Play hand rushed.

His understanding of hand punching is basically limited to the two adjectives of "costing money" and "ruining a life".

Lin Yue continued driving without explaining to him in detail.

Although it was not too early to return to the community today, luckily a car happened to leave, so he parked the car inside and went upstairs with his things.

After handing over the work of feeding Baton and Xiahou to Tan Xiaoguang, Lin Yue washed his face and plunged into his room, opening the notebook on the computer desk.

After the startup is complete, open the browser as quickly as possible, log in to your member account, type in the four keywords "Thirty Only" in the search bar, and press Enter.

The screen flashed, and the introduction of this TV series popped up. Below is the selection list.

Next, he typed "I am Yu Huanshui" in the search bar and pressed Enter.

Just like "Thirty Only", episodes 1-12 are lined up below, click to watch, there are also comments in the comment area below, and there are sharp complaints from all kinds of people when you open the barrage, such as unfinished endings, such as disrespect for women Etc., etc……

Convinced that he read it correctly, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the supporting app of the film and television website, typed "Thirty Only" and "I'm Yu Huanshui" in the search bar, and pressed Enter to show that no related content was found.

holly shit!

He swears a foul word.

Does the computer have a mobile phone? What the hell does this happen?

He searched again in disbelief, but the result was still the same.

Is it possible...

Just then, he noticed something unusual.

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