Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 653 Unprecedented cheating start

Suspense dramas, Hong Kong movies, gangster movies, anti-Japanese dramas, literary movies, urban dramas, dramas, science fiction movies, action movies... Is it a costume action movie?

The content after the failure penalty is generally indicated before accepting the task. The biggest advantage of this setting is that in case of abnormal punishment such as mission failure and obliteration, you can choose to give up. This time it is different.

Enter the movie world activation, what is the activation of entering the movie world?

This system is really not taboo, and there is no integrity.

Lin Yue shook his head, complained, and then turned his attention to the laptop, opened the browser, logged in to the member account of the film and television website, and searched for Xiuchundao to play.

There are two embroidered spring knives.

The outline of the first part is that after Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian ascended the throne, the eunuch Wei Zhongxian and his eunuchs were destroyed by the Jinyiwei. In order to redeem Zhou Miaotong, a prostitute from Jiaofang, and Jin Yichuan, the third brother, in order to get rid of the entanglement of senior brother Ding Xiu, the three brothers accepted the secret operation of Zhao Jingzhong, the governor of the East Factory, to hunt down and kill Wei Zhongxian.

During the operation, the three of them were blocked by Wei Ting, Wei Zhongxian's righteous daughter. After a bloody storm, Wei Zhongxian's "corpse" was brought back, and Lu Jianxing got his wish and was promoted to a hundred households. It was a big secret, and the minister Han Kuang saw through that Wei Zhongxian's body was a fake.

Afterwards, the three brothers were all in danger of their lives. Shen Lian finally told the truth but it was too late. In the end, Lu Jianxing was executed by Chongzhen, and Jin Yichuan died for Ding Xiu. Only Shen Lian escaped from the capital and took Zhou Miaotong to death. After being sent to Suzhou with Zhang Yan, he went north, cooperated with Ding Xiu, and killed Zhao Jing, who had surrendered to Manchu, and was loyal to Beyond the Great Wall.

Xiuchundao II is the prequel of Xiuchundao I. Despite some flaws in logic, the story revolves around Shen Lian.

Eight years after the Battle of Saerhu, and seven years from tomorrow, Shen Lian, a hundred households of Jinyiwei in Fusi, Beizhen, killed his colleague Ling Yunkai, who had always been at odds, in order to save the beautiful painter Beizhai during a mission to wipe out the chaotic party. Afterwards, on the one hand, they have to get rid of the doubts and investigations from Lu Wenzhao and Pei Lun;

At the end of the story, Shen Lian, Lu Wenzhao, Ding Baiying who were loyal to King Xin, Pei Lun, a wise man, and even the painter Beizhai, all became the pawns used by King Xin to win Wei Zhongxian's trust, except Shen Lian, who took advantage of the east wind of Chongzhen's ascension to the throne to amnesty the world. Returning to work in Jinyiwei, Beizhai fled to the south, and everyone else died in the Battle of the Broken Bridge.

After watching these two movies, Lin Yue felt that the role of Shen Lian was quite pitiful. If placed in the modern society, he would be doing a knife-edge thing, with the heart of a literary youth.

In Xiuchundao I, he liked Zhou Miaotong, a beautiful prostitute in a brothel, but they didn't like him, so he insisted on bringing women to live in the south, which eventually caused his elder brother to lose his head and his third younger brother to die.

Bei Zhai, whom she liked in Xiu Chun Dao II, also did not have true love for him. When King Xin said that he wanted to eradicate the eunuchs, she handed over her life. The result was still the same routine, the same formula, and Shen Lian tried to save Bei Zhai. He cheated Pei Lun, and he almost confessed to the chasing soldiers.

Some people see rivers and lakes and courts in this movie, some people see beauties like jade and swords like rainbows in this movie, and some people see the sinister world in this movie.

When he arrived at Lin Yue's place, he just wanted to say one thing, beauty, disaster.

Of course, no matter how many holes in the story, the question before him now is whether to accept the mission.

You must be careful on the premise of not being sure about the content of the punishment for failure. After all, you have been punished once before... Although he took advantage of the loophole, it is basically nothing major except for a little inconvenience in life.

From the perspective of the plot, the power level of the world of "Xiu Chun Knife" is not much different from that of "Ip Man". He who has mastered Liuhe Daqiang should not be weaker than Shen Lian and others, not to mention [Left and Right Hemisphere LV4].

Unless he was caught in a tens of thousands of battles like the Battle of Saerhu, where the number of enemies exhausted him to death, otherwise, he should be more careful and he would not be in danger of his life.

Thinking of this, he made a decision, and found some movie reviews and related background materials on the Internet to read, then walked to the balcony when midnight was approaching, threw the big villain into the portable space, pulled down the system menu to the property bar, added 3 points for constitution, 2 points for strength and 1 point for agility.

Current properties:

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Constitution 20.

Strength 29.

Dexterity 15.

Intelligence 14.

Spirit 12.

Remaining unallocated attribute points: 4.

Since he thought he could practice alone with Ding Xiu, um, he was better than Jin Yichuan anyway, so he switched to the task list and chose to accept the task.


A white light flashed in the dark room, the milky white window screen swayed, and his figure disappeared without a trace.


Whether it's history or not, it's fun.

He is not a person who likes to read history books. He doesn't know much about the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. However, he hates the evil feudal society. It's bad to enter the pass, isn't it?


The ears are stuffy, the glare fades in front of the eyes, the five senses return, and the mind is turned on.

He found himself in a state of astral,

Then, seeing the scene in front of him, he froze.

A young man in his early twenties was lying on the bed in front of him, and beside him stood an old man holding a scythe.

In the next breath, raise the knife and drop it.

Then there is no more.

At the same time, he felt pushed by someone and lightly landed on the young man's body.

What's the situation?

The old man holding the knife on the opposite side raised and lowered the knife swiftly. After bandaging the wound, he realized that the person tied to the door had woken up.

"The dosage of Mafeisan is correct, how can people wake up?"

But that's not important, I've cut so many times in my life, I can't get a few different ones, otherwise I'll be sorry for his money to make a living.

"Come on, carry it down, and walk a few steps with the help of the person when he wakes up, and he will be able to do things after ten and a half months of recuperation. Remember to give him less water."

Lin Yue was carried down like this.

How could he still not know what happened? The system put him together!

What's the start?

The worst start ever!

Before accepting the task, he thought hard and thought hard, and he felt that he should act cautiously and develop in a low-key manner with his own skills.

How did you know that you can possess such a thing as soon as you travel through time.

Or it was cheated by the system.

Is it because he sees himself living too chicly in the previous few worlds? There are too many women, let him be an ascetic this time, right?


In vain, when he chose to accept the task, he was complacently thinking about whether he would have something to do with Beizhai, Zhou Miaotong, or Zhang Yan.

Lin Yue wanted to cry but had no tears.

At this moment, a stream of information poured into my mind, which was the identity setting this time.

The possessed guy is also surnamed Lin, but not Lin Yue, but Lin San, because he is the youngest in the family and the third eldest, so his father gave him an easy-to-understand and easy-to-remember name.

It is said to be easy to understand and easy to remember, but in fact it is uneducated and inappropriate.

It's no wonder that a poor family who ate their last meal and didn't finish their meal gave birth to three sons in a row.

No matter it is called Lin San, Lin Mao, Lin Gou or Lin Dung Daner, anyway, it will pull people up anyway, but a daughter-in-law will never be able to marry. Lin San is poor in physique among brothers, unable to do hard work, so he can only follow his parents Barely getting by, the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty was difficult, natural disasters continued, and life went from bad to worse.

In order to have a stutter, Lin Sanyi gritted his teeth cruelly, and chose a way to support himself...well, to be an eunuch.

Hehe, experience a different life?

I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen.

The system is definitely intentional.

What can I do now besides scolding a few ugly words?

With the idea of ​​what was already there, Lin Yue called out the system and pulled down the list to the task bar.

The first thing that catches the eye is the words "heavenly fortune".

The system's comments are actually heaven-sent?

Pooh! He was cut off as soon as he traveled through time, and he said it was a blessing from the heavens. Isn't it embarrassing?

Huh, this is it?

Thanks to the passing of time, the book friends with the tail number 6463 rewarded 200 starting coins, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Jumeng Huge Salary.

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