Main missions (tasks divided into difficulty levels): normal difficulty——to be reused by Chongzhen; difficult difficulty—to make Chongzhen lose face and have nothing to do with you; nightmare difficulty—to kill Chongzhen and become emperor.

Sub-quests: No Breaking No Standing: Break the mentality of the characters in the play (regardless of the main and supporting roles), successfully +1CM once.

Special task: Defeat the main and supporting characters in the play, each defeating the all-seeing eye will add 1500 technology points.

Basic Rewards: ?

Task Difficulty: Optional.

Failure penalty: The final rewards of side missions are synchronized to the real world.

Whether to give up the task: at any time.

Time limit: the seventh year of Tianqi - the second year of Chongzhen.

Lin Yue was dumbfounded.

This time the character setting is different from the past in many ways, including the difficulty of nightmares for the first time, and this wonderful side mission. The most important thing is that the rewards of side missions will be synchronized in the real world.

In other words... If he doesn't break the character's mentality a lot, and even fails to complete the side mission once, even if he returns to the real world, he will become a eunuch.

What about vice versa?

Well, well, a high degree of task completion is indeed a blessing from heaven, but a low degree of task completion is a tragedy from heaven.

Going back to the question of the task, "Thirty Only" is simply slandering people. As long as the words are ugly and the face is ugly, you can get it with a little bit of technology. It's troublesome here.

It should not be difficult to complete the special missions to defeat the main and supporting characters of the force type. The key is that the mental breakdown of the side missions is difficult to do.

However, it is still Lin Yue's favorite project. Even if the main task is not completed, the side task must be completed.

Looking through the memories in my mind, it is now June of the seventh year of the Apocalypse, and Zhu Youxiao of Mingxi Zong has already fallen into the water, not far from the opening plot of Xiuchundao II.

It seems that we have to cut into the main line as soon as possible, but the key is, Lin Yue took a look, and he must get better soon.


Two weeks later, Hungry Ghost Festival.

Outside the officer's room, the eunuch with palm prints, Guo Zhen, looked at the newly promoted leader standing in the corridor with a displeased expression on his face.

"How do you do things? I asked you how to do things. I want you to clean up the study. You dropped the inkstone for me. I told you to make tea for me. I drank a fly. Now I want you to look for it in front of me. A decent dress, and you gave me such a piece of crap in the end? If it wasn’t for Concubine Ren’s face, I would have demoted you to the palace supervisor as a handyman.”

Lin Yue looked at Eunuch Guo with a bumpy face in front of him, and thought to himself, am I not working as a handyman right now? If it wasn't for the time, I would have stabbed you to death a long time ago.

It's not that he is still immersed in his previous status as a big boss in the world of film and television dramas, and he can't adapt to the current environment. You have to know that he hasn't acted in anything when he was playing tricks. Dead bodies with various reclining figures...

The point is that on the first day I came here, the surname Guo asked him to pour the chamber pot. Thanks to his cleverness, he said that he had to go to Concubine Ren to deliver the mosquito repellent sachet, so he escaped Guo Zhen's humiliation. Or let's say Mawei.

Since then, although he has not been assigned to empty the chamber pot again, he has done a lot of things like tidying up the study, taking clothes, and cleaning the yard. As long as he sees him free, there must be new work on his head, and he will swear from time to time , what a bastard, something without eyes...

"What are you still doing? Look for it again!"

Guo Zhen threw the clothes in his hand aside, turned and entered the room.

Yes, he was deliberately making things difficult for the new eunuch who was assigned to the Inner Prison. Who is Concubine Ren? Adopted daughter of Wei Zhongxian. who is he? He is a person who believes in the king. Others may not know it, but he knows very well that he was the one who caused the emperor to fall into the water while playing in Taiye Lake last month.

I heard that it was Concubine Ren who asked the supervisor of ceremonies to give this clever little eunuch a good job, so he was sent to be his long-term follower. He found someone to touch the bottom of the little eunuch, and his identity seemed to be fine, but what is incomprehensible is that it took only three days for this guy to walk around in the field from castration. How can anyone recover so well? force? And it's summer now.

He suspected that this eunuch named Lin San was sent by Wei Zhongxian to spy on him. After all, that old man has been very angry recently. If the emperor has something wrong, the eunuch's future life...God knows if it will be easy.

Lin Yue ran back and forth three times before finding a piece of clothing that Guo Zhen didn't say was good or bad.

In the evening, Guo Zhen changed into casual clothes and left the Inner Prison, heading for Mingshifang.

He didn't notice that a black shadow hung far behind under the cover of night.

What is Lin Yue's reason for getting close to Guo Zhen? Isn't it just to cut into the plot? According to the plot of the movie, Guo Zhen went to Mingshifang Jinling Tower to go on a date with Mr. Beizhai, and then was killed by Ding Baiying.

Watching Guo Zhen get out of the car and walk into Jinling Tower, Lin Yue pressed the pair of short knives in his waist, activated [Sneak LV2], turned into the alley next to Jinling Tower, and jumped into the backyard with the help of debris piled up in the corner.

At the same time, Guo Zhen walked into Jinling Tower.

The shopkeeper fiddled with the abacus behind the counter, and the waiter shuttled between the dining table and the back kitchen, serving dishes and jugs to diners.

Guo Zhen scanned the hall, but did not see Mr. Beizhai, so he sat down in front of a table, ordered two dishes and a jug of wine, and waited while eating alone.

During the period, he noticed two diners in green clothes on the side and rear dining tables glancing around, and he didn't think much about it.

After three glasses of wine, four people went upstairs and down, and left after paying the bill.

Guo Zhen watched them go out, turned around to fill himself a glass of wine, and was about to pour it into his mouth when he suddenly heard a choking sound behind him, which seemed to be the sound of a long knife being unsheathed.

He hurriedly turned his head, only to see a beam of cold light coming towards him.

Although he has been a eunuch for several years, he is a person who has been on the battlefield. Guo Zhen twisted his waist, turned over and fell to the ground, letting the light of the knife cut diagonally from behind him. When he looked up, he saw a waiter in front of him had his throat cut , fell to the ground with splashed blood.

On the other side, the shopkeeper and the boss were dealt with by thugs disguised as diners before they could react.

Guo Zhen pushed his hands to the ground, and was about to run for his life. Unexpectedly, he took only two steps. The man with the warrior bun near the door kicked hard, and the bench in front of him flew over with a whining sound, and hit his chest heavily. .


Guo Zhen let out a miserable snort, and backed up until his back hit the vertical beam.

At this time, a fake diner next to him jumped out with one hand on the table, raised the long knife in his right hand high, and slashed down with all his might.

It's over!

This thought flashed through my mind.

At this moment, a sharp whistle was suddenly heard, and a blood flower burst from the throat of the fake diner holding a long knife in front of him. He took half a step back and fell straight down.

While the lights were shaking, the curtain leading to the backyard was cut in two, and a masked man rushed out from behind. Swinging to his side, grabbing the slanting lapel of the chest and throwing it to the back door.

A strong force surged, and Guo Zhen flew backwards uncontrollably.

In the process of retreating, he saw that the man raised the long knife that fell on the ground with his foot and slapped the opposite side, forcing the fake eater with the samurai bun to retreat. , When it was over, he turned around and rushed to his side, grabbed the back of his heart and lifted it up, and quickly escaped from the cafeteria.

The backyard door was open, and there were two corpses lying beside it. Guo Zhen was dragged by the masked man and ran all the way, leaving Mingshifang, and came to an empty alley in Huanghuafang.

Finally, the masked man let go of his hand.

Guo Zhen gasped for breath, and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you righteous man for saving my life."

"Save you? Heh..."

Guo Zhen was stunned for a moment, because of the tone of the other party, and because of this voice, he seemed to have heard it somewhere.

At this time, the masked man turned around and tore off the black cloth covering his head and face.

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