Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 665 Do you want to be a hundred households?

"Do you want to be a hundred households?"

Yes, it is a straightforward sentence, do you want to be a hundred households?

Lin Yue looked at Lu Jianxing with a smile on his face.

This guy is an official fan in Xiuchundao I, and he wants to be Baihu crazy. Whether he is for the peace of mind of his mother, or for the promotion and wealth, the attraction of Baihu is fatal to him.

"Eunuch, what do you want to do next?"

Lu Jianxing's face was a bit ugly. In fact, when Lin Yue asked him to wait at the door just now, he had a premonition of something ominous.

Just now when Lin Yue and Lu Wenzhao were talking in the room, they didn't deliberately lower their volume. He knew exactly what they said. Although he had only returned to the capital not long ago, he had no idea about Guo Zhen, Shen Lian, and Beizhai, but he had a vague premonition that things were not easy.

This father-in-law from Dongchang deliberately involved him, right? After the conversation with Lu Wenzhao, I called him to see him off, and when it was over, I just said straightforwardly, do you want to be a hundred households?

Sure enough, he was cheated.

However, Lu Jianxing is very clear that for a person like him with no background and no financial resources, if he wants to climb up in an institution like Jinyiwei where officials and children gather together, he can only rely on opportunities, and when the opportunity comes, he will make a difference. .

Lin Yue said: "Be optimistic about Lu Wenzhao, and report to Dongchang immediately if there is any disturbance."


Lu Jianxing was a little hesitant. Lu Wenzhao was a member of Qianhu. Although he was not his direct leader, he was still a middle-level and high-level manager in the Jinyiwei system, and this Eunuch Lin belonged to the Dongchang yamen.

"Lu doesn't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"Since Eunuch Lin is worried about Lu Qianhu, why do you still say those things?"

Lin Yue said with a smile: "There is a word called scaring the snake by striking the grass."

It took Lu Jianxing a while to understand, maybe that Shen Baihu was just a decoy, and the father-in-law in front of him was going to Lu Qianhu.

If Lu Wenzhao handed Shen Lian over to Dongchang, he might be bitten back. After all, if he could get the seat of Qianhu in Jinyiwei, his ass would definitely not be clean. If Lu Wenzhao didn't hand over Shen Lian to Dongchang, Eunuch Lin in front of him would have more excuses to make trouble.

After this guy is gone, have you spent all your energy on conspiracy and tricks? I can't afford it, I really can't afford it.

"Don't worry, Father-in-law, Lu knows what to do."

Lu Jianxing answered with clasped fists, looking very sensible.


Didn't wait until the next day, something happened in the evening.

When Lin Yue and Pei Lun arrived at Shen Lian's house, Jin Yiwei's people had already surrounded the yard.

There were three corpses under the south wall, the identities of Jin Yiwei's small banner officer and two Tiqi, all of them were from Lu Wenzhao's office.

According to Baihu's statement, it was Lu Qianhu who sent someone to monitor Shen Lian's family and report back immediately if there was any movement, but the desired return turned into death news.

"The little flag officer at the gate was smashed to pieces with a heavy weapon, and the two riders over there were killed with a single knife." Pei Lun checked the wounds of the dead body and informed Lin Yue of the situation.

"What did you say to Shen Lian this afternoon?"

"Oh, I just used Monk Jinghai to find out his reality. Who would have thought that this guy is very tight-lipped, and his answers are impeccable."

"That's all, nothing else?"

Pei Lun shook his head: "No more."

Lin Yue said: "It seems that this guy really has a connection with Donglin Rebellious Party."

This Pei Lun had always been honest before, but since he learned that the East Factory was going to handle a big case, he started to make small plans, such as disclosing the news to Shen Lian that the East Factory was going to handle a big case.

It makes sense when you think about it.

People like Pei Lun just want to be content with the status quo, not to cling to anyone, not to curry favor with anyone, and to live their lives in peace and stability, but as the investigation of the case gets deeper and deeper, and the involvement becomes bigger and bigger, I thought it was the president of Jinyiwei. The revenge case of Qi’s murder turned out to be found on the body of the eunuch Guo Zhen, the eunuch in charge of the internal official supervisor, and then the Dongchang intervened, and then there was the Donglin Rebel Party with Beizhai as the core. Burned, it seems that someone didn't want Dongchang to investigate the treasure ship case. When they met in the morning, they learned that Guo Zhen and Shen Lian used to be colleagues in the West Route Army.

Today, the scale of the case and the people involved have exceeded his expectations too much. If it continues to develop, God knows how many heads will be lost later. As the person who knows the case best, he may be able to keep his position if he chooses the right position. If you take a wrong stand, you will be dismissed from office at the least, and beheaded at the worst.

Therefore, as long as Shen Lian is forced to leave Shuntian Mansion, it is best to escape from the customs, and you can take away a very crucial link. It will not be so easy to continue to expand the scale of the case. The longer it is delayed, the possibility of nothing The greater the sex, the further from the truth, the safer he is.

The struggles of small people in the big era...

Lin Yue shook his head. How would he feel if Pei Lun knew that it was not Dongchang who was going to handle a big case, but he was going to handle a big case? Naturally, Wei Zhongxian didn't know that everything was a follow-up to the Treasure Ship case. The investigation of the emperor's falling into the water was entrusted to Zhao Jingzhong, who was in charge of Zheng. .

Xi Zong's days are numbered. If he wants to get close to the core of power to complete the main task, all he can do is to start with Ling Yunkai's murder case and make the snowball bigger and bigger until Zhao Jingzhong is under pressure. Wei Zhongxian will naturally give it to him. He has more trust and power expansion.

"Master Lin, Master Lin..."

A voice attracted his and Pei Lun's attention.

"Lu Qianhu is here?"

"Ah, here we come." Lu Wenzhao nodded at Pei Lun: "This time I'm passive! I didn't expect that Shen Lian is really Donglin's rebellious party. If I knew he had such great ability, I should have sent more people over."

Lin Yuexin said that you continued to act, thinking that I didn't know that this was a scene you directed and acted yourself? The injury on officer Xiaoqi was clearly caused by Ding Tai's mace, and the other two were killed by Ding Chong. Others may not know the relationship between Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying, but he knows it very well.

He asked Lu Wenzhao to pick someone up at Shenlian Dianmao tomorrow, and he sent people to follow him tonight. It seemed that he cared about Father-in-law Dongchang's orders, but what happened? Shen Lian had a helper, and killed the Jin Yiwei who came to carry out the surveillance mission.

It's not Lu Wenzhao's fault, it's because the opponent is too cunning.

It's really scheming, and it's really ruthless.

"It's true that Shen Lian let Beizhai go." Pei Lun said, "So, the knife on his shoulder was also done by himself?"

Lu Wenzhao said: "This Shen Lian is hiding deep enough. But don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will have someone post a portrait tomorrow to arrest Shen Lian."

Lin Yue cooperated and said, "Thank you, Lu Qianhu."

Lu Wenzhao laughed and said, "Don't work, don't work. Don't worry, Mr. Lin. As soon as there is any news, I will immediately notify Dongchang."

After that, Lin Yue walked around Shen Lian's yard for a while and then went home.

After waking up the next day, I went for a walk around Xizhimen, and I saw two portraits hanging prominently at the door, one by Shen Lian and one by Beizhai.

Beizhai's portrait was posted two days ago. The image comes from Shen Lian's description. Naturally, there are countless pictures, but Shen Lian's portrait is much more real. As long as he appears nearby, he will definitely be caught.

It seems that the plot has changed a lot. Shen Lian should have reached a certain level of cooperation with Ding Baiying and others.

Shen Lian likes Beizhai's paintings-Let Beizhai go-Be forced by Ding Baiying to burn the Jinyiwei archives-Discover that Guo Zhen is an eunuch in charge of the eunuch and is related to the case of the emperor falling into the water-Pei Lun reveals that Dongchang Wei Jie is going to run a grand The news of the case - it was discovered that Lu Wenzhao had sent someone to monitor him.

Putting these things together, no matter how stupid a person is, he might know that he has been involved in a terrifying conspiracy. On the one hand, Ding Baiying did not want him to be taken away by the Dongchang people, and on the other hand, she wanted to kill him to silence him, but she was also afraid that after his death, the treasure ship supervision records would fall into the hands of Wei Yan, so the best choice between the two was to form a temporary alliance. In response to the pursuit of Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

It's a pity that Lu Wenzhao's group didn't know that Lin Yue deliberately forced them into this delicate situation.

Well, it's time to play a trick.

At this moment, a big yellow dog walked and sniffed all the way, came out from the alley diagonally opposite, and saw him standing in the crowd with his hands behind his back, kicking on all fours, and ran nearby barking.

Lin Yue looked down at the big yellow dog, his expression changed slightly, and he stopped going to the Yamen, turned around and walked along the way he came.

It took less than a stick of incense to return to Dongcheng's home.

The courtyard door was open, and a three-coloured cat was lying on the apricot tree near the west wall, looking warily at the main room to the north.

Lin Yue took out the pair of Qimen weapons Ziwu Yuanyang Yue, which was completed yesterday. This weapon appeared in the Qing Dynasty and is a unique weapon of the Baguamen. In the world of "Ip Man", his wife Gong Er is the successor of Baguazhang. Ziwu Yuanyang Yue is naturally a very normal thing, but it is a pity that the blacksmith of this dynasty has never seen this kind of weapon, and it took a lot of work to meet his requirements.

Walking to the front of the north room and pushing it lightly, the door opened with a bang. Seeing the scene ahead, Lin Yue narrowed his eyes.

Special thanks to Dachun whose name has been used for tipping 10,000 starting coins, Brother Cai 118119 for tipping 1,000 starting coins, and Shi Tianle for tipping 100 starting coins.

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