Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 666 Is it okay to marry two?

There are two women sitting on the seats in the living room, one is Miao Tong, she changed into a gray embroidered beige today, her hair is tied behind her head, she doesn't wear earrings, her dress is very plain, she looks like a married woman.

The moment Lin Yue pushed open the door, she was taken aback, as if she had done something wrong, and she looked a little flustered.

"Don't you have important business to deal with today? Why are you back?"

Miaotong wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands to conceal the sadness in her heart, while pretending to speak calmly.

"Oh, on the way to the Yamen, I saw a new product in the powder shop, so I bought two boxes and brought them back for you to try."

While speaking, the Ziwu Yuanyang ax hidden behind him disappeared, and when he stretched out his hand, there were two very exquisite rouge boxes in his palm.

"Thank you, husband." Miao Tong took the rouge box and forced a smile.

"Who is this?" Lin Yue looked at the pretty woman on the other chair.

She wore a sky-blue veil skirt with a white lining inside, her long hair hanging behind her back, and the coiled part on the top of her head was fixed with a white jade hairpin.

If Miaotong is the feminine type, she is the delicate type.

Lin Yue asked who she was, but in fact he knew who she was very well.

Zhou Miaoxuan, also known as Beizhai.

The big yellow dog came to warn, meaning that a suspicious person had entered the house. He thought it was Yan Yanbin, the son of Yan Peiwei, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who came to look for Miaotong, but she didn't expect it to be her.

Sister and sister want to see each other, so one can imagine what will happen. It is easy to understand that Miaotong's eyes are red from crying.

"She is... oh, she is a tailor who specializes in making clothes for the girls of the Jiaofang Division. She has a good relationship with me. When I heard that I was redeemed by someone and I have a home, I came to have a look. I don't want to talk about it. What happened to a certain sister..."

Miaotong's mind turned very fast, and within three or two breaths, she found a very reasonable argument.

"Ah, yes." Beizhai took advantage of the situation and made a blessing: "I met Eunuch Lin."

Play, keep playing.

Lin Yuexin said that I have always used my acting skills to show off to others, just the two of you, let alone know Beizhai's identity, even if you don't, it's just daydreaming to hide it from him.

A good actor, if he wants to arouse the emotions of the audience, he must first blend in with his own emotions. The woman in front of him is nice and respectful on the surface, but when he was doing Wanfu, resentment flashed in his eyes. When he went to Fangsi Hutong to pick up Miaotong, she was like this. emoji.

The eunuchs, Wei Zhongxian's lackeys, enemies of the Donglin Party, or the eunuch who occupied her sister, of course they would hate, of course they would hate.

"Yes." Lin Yue nodded: "There is no need to be polite."

Beizhai straightened up, turned his head to look at Miao Tong, his eyes were full of deep meaning: "It's getting late, I should go back too, take good care of yourself, don't let the sisters worry."

Miao Tong said: "You go after lunch."

"Next time, I still have some work to do." Beizhai got up and walked outside.

"Then you go slowly."

Miao Tong got up to send it off, but Lin Yue stopped in front of Bei Zhai: "Since she is Miao Tong's good sister, she must take care of the business. Where is the shop? I'll cut some clothes."

Hokusai had an unnatural expression on his face.

At this moment, Miaotong grabbed his hand from behind: "Linglong used to make women's clothing."

Lin Yue glanced at her with a half-smile, and deliberately squeezed her sister's hand tightly in front of Bei Zhai: "That's it, that's really a pity."

For a moment, Bei Zhai's face seemed to be frozen by a cold current.

"Eunuch Lin, I hope you can treat Sister Miaotong kindly."

After saying this, she turned and left.

Lin Yue looked at Bei Zhai's back and thought, Am I not treating her well enough? How can I treat you kindly? What do you mean by that? Can't do some kind of bed exercise, isn't it kind?


After seeing Beizhai off, the two returned to the house and sat down.

"Is she married?"

Miao Tong was taken aback when she heard Lin Yue's question: "No."

"No." Lin Yue half-truthfully said: "You have been here for so many days, and no one has come to visit. Since she is your best sister, why not...I marry him so that someone can be with you , you won't be bored."

Miao Tong looked at him with incomprehensible eyes, but who would marry a father-in-law if the girl had some wealth and status in the family? And is her eunuch husband too keen on accepting women? More importantly, she and Beizhai are sisters, and both marry him?

"Don't get me wrong, I just think it's too boring for you to be alone at home every day, and it's better to have someone to accompany you."

"Husband, doesn't Mama Zhang come to do housework every day? I like her very much."

Miao Tong took his words seriously, after all he was a eunuch, he redeemed her body because he liked her before, so what's the point of marrying another? So nine out of ten it is really to make her happy every day.

But it's a waste of money to raise one more person for no reason.

"Then it's up to you." Lin Yue smiled and did not continue the topic.

From the way Bei Zhai looked at Miao Tong when he left, he could almost guess the result of the conversation between the two. Under such circumstances, the sisters would inevitably cry when they reunited. However, when it came to the issue of hurting him, Miao Tong's choice should be to refuse. Cooperate, otherwise Beizhai's attitude towards him is not resentment, but simple contempt.

The human heart is full of meat, he helped her redeem her body, gave her a title and a superior life, and also had a moving "infatuated love". Just imagine for such a partner, whether you love it or not, at least no kind woman can bear to harm it.

Want to poach my corner? You are still a little tender.

After lunch at home, Lin Yue bid farewell to Miao Tong and went to the Dongchang yamen, just in time to meet Zhao Jingzhong who was walking out with a dark face, gave him a cold look, and led two foremen into the warehouse.

The eunuch on duty told him that Wei Zhongxian went to the palace with the parrot that could speak auspicious words, and he was very happy when he came back. At noon, he asked Shang Shanjian to cook a table of dishes and drank half a jug of wine.

Lin Yuexin said that it was no wonder that Zhao Jingzhong saw his constipated face, so it was because of this.

But what's going on with the silly bird?

He originally thought that Wei Zhongxian was playing with birds to relieve his boredom. After all, he was under a lot of pressure recently, so he never thought that he would actually send it to Xi Zong.

In fact, it is understandable for Wei Zhongxian to do so. A playful guy like Xi Zong has been ill in bed for almost a month, and he is destined to be suffocated. Having a parrot who can speak human to accompany him is of great help to maintain a good mood.

The key is that the big villain can actually say auspicious words. It seems that this bird is also a master who sees people's dishes. I'm afraid that if he doesn't cooperate well, he will be plucked and deboned to make a pot of soup for the eunuchs in Dongchang. Quenching.

Although he can no longer be around Wei Zhongxian, it is not bad to have such a result, and it may be of great help.

In the evening, he went to Chunxi Hall to buy an emerald hairpin, and then went to Liubiju not far away to weigh half a catty of pickles, carried them in his hand and walked home unhurriedly.

When passing by the market entrance, I suddenly heard a dog barking from the front side. The big yellow dog raised by the family ran out of the alley and stood next to it under the banner of the cloth line, barking.

Lin Yue's expression changed, and he quickly walked towards the east city.

When I was young, I came to the front of the hospital.

The door was open, and Zhang Ma, who had been hired to take care of Miao Tong, collapsed at the door of the firewood room. Lin Yue quickly stepped forward to check his breath, and found that he was still alive, but passed out.

Three steps and two steps walked to the door of the north house, and hurriedly pushed the door to enter the living room.

The round stool fell over, the teacup fell to the ground, and several beaded curtains separating the living room and bedroom were broken.

One, two, three, four, all four rooms were searched, but there was no sign of Miaotong.

When he came out of the bedroom, he noticed a small arrow nailed next to the calligraphy and painting on the north wall of the living room, and underneath it was a palm-sized letter paper.

Pull out the little arrow and unfold the letter paper to see, there is a line of small characters written in the middle - do you want to save your woman? At three o'clock in Haishi, only one person is allowed to come.

Miao Tong was robbed!

Cloud slope? Another cloud slope.

No need to think about who did it.

From the analysis of the signs in the room, Miao Tong resisted when Ding Baiying and his gang took them away. He was very pleased about this, at least she trusted him more than those people.

Lin Yue sat down next to the Eight Immortals table, picked up a cup and took a sip of herbal tea.

Can the soft ones be hard? A bunch of bastards, even women who are powerless take advantage of them.

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, took a few more sips of tea and went to the yard to wake up Mama Zhang who had fainted.

The old woman said that she heard a strange noise behind her while she was washing clothes, and she was knocked unconscious by a hard object before she could look back.

Lin Yue didn't say much, took out a few pieces of silver and sent her to see a doctor.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

The bamboo forest on Yunqi slope in the north of the city.

Lin Yue once again saw Ding Chong sitting on the big bluestone, holding a flute and playing there, and thought to himself that he was so uncreative, why wouldn't you change to a pretentious routine?

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