Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 667 I'm Really Not a Eunuch

Hearing the sound of footsteps on the edge of the bamboo forest, Ding Chong put away his flute and turned his face to look. Seeing Lin Yue approaching alone, he turned his body slightly and put down his foot that was originally on the bluestone.

"Girl, I thought you weren't coming."

Lin Yue frowned when he called out "castrate", and said in a cold voice, "Where is Miaotong?"

Ding Chong jumped off the bluestone and looked at him with contempt: "Miss Miaotong is really wronged to follow a hermaphrodite like you."

Lin Yue's frown deepened, and anger surged in his heart. The ugly words of "eunuch" and "hermaphrodite" were constantly diminishing his goodwill towards Ding Baiying and his group.

"What? Are you unhappy? You haven't had a bridal chamber after redeeming Miss Miaotong, have you? Is it wrong for me to say that you are a eunuch?" Ding Chong flicked his green cloth cloak, took off the round shield and short knife behind his back, Looking at him with hatred on his face: "I think Yunqipo's feng shui is good, with mountains and rivers behind it, it's cheap for you eunuch."

Before Lin Yue could speak, he heard a strange noise from the side and rear. Looking back, a sturdy figure blocked his way with bamboo leaves all over the ground.

"Hey, Ding Chong, don't be so impatient. For such an incomplete thing, burying it in Yunqipo won't damage the Feng Shui of this place. I think there is a saline-alkali land in the north. It might rot faster if buried there."

Ding Tai looked playfully at the thinly dressed father-in-law of Dongchang in front of him. They decided to check his old background before attacking this mad dog who had been chasing and biting his ass. Although he was a little surprised that he dared to go to the meeting alone for Miaotong's sake, but for the eunuchs, naturally nothing was too much.

Looking at the front and then at the back, Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice: "You burned the archives, right? Guo Zhen was also silenced by you? Even the emperor dares to harm, so you are not afraid of copying and beheading your nine clans?"

"Hey, this dog knows quite a lot." Ding Chong patted the surface of the round shield with a knife, making a crisp metal impact sound: "But how about it, do you think you can get out of here alive?"

Ding Tai also said behind him: "Killing a bastard like you, sir, I still think my hands are dirty."


The spiked head of the mace fell to the ground, shaking up a mass of wet and greasy soil, and there was a smell of decaying vegetation in the air.

"Ding Chong, I leave it to you."

"I'll kill everyone, and you will be the one who bury the corpse."

"no problem."

In his conversation with Ding Chong, Lin Yue seemed to be a weak chicken who could be slaughtered casually.

Cha, Cha~

The short knife rubbed against the edge of the round shield, splashing sparks.

Lin Yue said expressionlessly: "So you kidnapped Miaotong just to lure me out of the city so that I could kill you."

A gust of night wind blows by, rustling the thin bamboo leaves.

The rogue braids on the back of Ding Chong's head swayed, and the hem of the cloak also swayed. She looked at him like an idiot. Does such an obvious question need to be answered?

"I thought you were going to make a deal with me." Lin Yue said: "But it's okay, you don't make a deal with me, I want to talk to you about a deal."

Hearing what he said, Ding Chong slowed down his movements.

Lin Yue turned his face to look at the sparse green bamboo area behind him: "Since you're here, why don't you show up and see?"

A figure flashed in the bamboo forest, and Ding Baiying came out holding the highly recognizable Qi family knife.

The hem of the skirt swayed slightly, and the fringe of the sword fluttered. Although she was a woman, she had the elegance of a literati and the flair of a swordsman.

"I really want to know what you have to say." Ding Baiying stood still two feet away from Lin Yue: "If you want to delay, I advise you to stop thinking about it."

There was contempt and indifference in her eyes, if the eunuch opposite hadn't been clinging on to the case, she would have never shown up to see him if she wanted to know how far he had grasped the case.

"You killed Guo Zhen to silence, and you want to kill me who has mastered the important case, have you ever thought that one day you will also silence others?" Lin Yue said: "You and Guo Zhen conspired to assassinate the emperor. Is it for yourself?"

Ding Baiying's face changed when she said this.

"You should have heard of what Ming Taizu did to the meritorious ministers back then, right? If the capable ministers and generals who fought together in the world ended up like this, what would they do to those ministers who knew about their scandals?"

"A stray dog ​​who is neither male nor female, you want to sow discord?" Ding Chong raised his short knife and stared at him coldly.

"Follow me, in this troubled world, I will protect you from death."

"Hehehehe." Ding Chong seemed to hear the most embarrassing joke in the world, and her laughter was also quite awkward: "A mere eunuch, even a man is a dog, do you think you are Wei Zhongxian? "

Ding Tai said: "It's good that he is Wei Zhongxian, and the world will be peaceful from now on."

"Will the world be peaceful without Wei Zhongxian? Also, let me tell you a secret." Lin Yue looked at Ding Baiying and Ding Tai, and then moved his eyes to Ding Chong's face: "I am not an eunuch, and I have no intention of being loyal to Wei Zhongxian." .”

"Not a eunuch? He said he's not a eunuch." Ding Chong felt that the eunuch in front of him was too good at sensationalizing: "If you take off your pants and show me, I will believe that you are not a eunuch."

Ding Baiying's originally calm face had a new expression.


to mock.

and sorrow.

"Kill it."

After saying this, Ding Baiying turned around and walked into the depths of the bamboo forest. The night wind blew her long hair and long gown.

She firmly believed that the king would not harm them, because he was a well-educated and gentle gentleman, and there was no one who was more loyal than them in this world. It was really despicable for a eunuch who was incompetent to try to drive a wedge between their monarch and his subjects.

Ding Chong yelled loudly, and with all his strength, the dagger sharply pierced Lin Yue's chest.

In her opinion, how powerful is a weak eunuch from an ordinary family?

However, when the dagger was less than a foot away from the target, the person in front raised his hands that were originally placed behind him, and with a soft bang, the dagger was pulled away.

Ding Chong was startled, his eyes caught a ray of blue light sweeping towards him.

Fast, unbelievably fast.

She didn't have time to think about it, so she quickly raised her shield to block.

At this moment, a foot kicked her calf violently, and her body involuntarily fell to the side.

How can it be? !


With a shout, the dagger left his hand, followed by another heavy kick.


Although she was blocked with a round shield, a huge force drove her body back four or five meters, and she fell heavily on the ground, feeling that all her bones were falling apart.

At the same time, Ding Tai, who realized that something was wrong, rushed into the battlefield with a mace and smashed it down on Lin Yue's back.


Tens of kilograms of things went away wrapped in the angry wind.

Who would have thought that the little eunuch on the opposite side seemed to have eyes behind him, kicked his feet on the ground, backed away at an extremely fast speed, and crashed into his arms before the mace fell, twisted back when he was done, and hit the ground with his swirling elbow. on his head.

Ding Tai felt his eyes go dark, and the pain radiated from his left ear to most of his face.

Before he could react, the thin guy in front of him hit his right elbow, slapped, and slammed into his right ear again.

Dazed once, dizzy twice.


The mace fell to the ground and made a hole, and Ding Tai fell to the ground without a sound.

Ding Chong and Ding Tai were beaten to the ground almost as soon as they met each other.

Ding Baiying was stunned, and looked at the little eunuch in shock. Lu Wenzhao had told her clearly that Lin San was a guy with no background and no martial arts. Why... why did he become so powerful all of a sudden? Before, she thought that kidnapping Miaotong and forcing people to go out of the city to kill her was equivalent to killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. How could she know that this chicken is super powerful.

Those thoughts came and went quickly, she held the handle of the knife in her right hand and rushed towards Lin Yue, her steps were broken and fast.

Tread Tat Tat.

The soles slap the ground.

During the run, she raised the knife, threw it in front of her, and jerked her hand holding the handle.

With a choking sound, the long knife came out of its sheath, and made a slash from the bottom right to Lin Yue's head.

Soon, the posture is also handsome.

But for Lin Yue, who had set his personal attribute to 19 agility before coming to the appointment, it was not fast enough.

Turning the toes and twisting the waist, Ziwu Yuanyang and Yue went forward to meet him.


The blade of Ziwu Yuanyang's ax rubbed against the blade of the Qi's knife, sparks flew all the way.

Lin Yue pushed forward, and Ding Baiying stepped back.

Which one is strong and which one is weak will be determined once they are combined.

Seeing that her strength and agility were suppressed, she felt a little regretful that she shouldn't underestimate the enemy so much. If the three of them fought together just now, Lin San might have been dealt with.



Ding Baiying bumped into a bamboo, causing a bamboo leaf to fall, and at the moment when her attention was slightly distracted, an ax that was stuck on the long knife was wiped towards her throat.

She quickly turned over to the side, rolled on the ground, and just about to get up when she slapped the ground with her hands, her right leg suddenly felt cold, followed by unbearable stinging pain.

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of her, one hand grabbed her wrist holding the knife and pulled it forward, then turned into a fist and punched her hard on the tiger's mouth, the Qi family knife was difficult to grasp on the ground.

Lin Yue took advantage of the opportunity to break her body, and the ax that was not thrown was locked at her throat.

"I'll give you another chance, surrender or resist?"

Ding Baiying tried her best to raise her head, wanting to see his face, this man is too strong, beyond imagination.

"Hunting dog, let go of Master."

At this time, there was a roar from behind, and Ding Chong, who had regained some strength, picked up the dagger that fell on the ground and attacked.

Ding Baiying was not his opponent, let alone Ding Chong.

In the blink of an eye, the dagger landed on the ground, and Lin Yue's feet were hooked and stumbled underneath. Ding Chong, who put on a good Hanfu and insisted on a whole rogue element, fell to the ground. This time he couldn't get up again. looked at him with hatred.

"Girl dog, kill me if you have the guts."

Lin Yue squinted his eyes as he watched them, and a strange thought flashed through his mind.



"You... what do you want to do?"

"Son of a bitch."

"Let me go, let me go..."


After a loud slap.

There was no sound at the scene.

Thanks to Chaoshen Heitian for the 100 starting coins

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