Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 675 Threesome with one man and two women


The sharp whistling sounded from far to near, Lu Wenzhao didn't dare to go any further, and turned his head to avoid it.

A black awn clung to his scalp and went away, and the strong wind blew past his face, stinging and radiating half of his face.

"Brother, are you okay?"

When Ding Baiying was questioning, a silver light shot out from the reeds, like a white snake spitting out a letter, piercing Lu Wenzhao's throat.

He swiped with a knife.

There was a crisp sound of jingling.

However, the spear shot quickly, like a tarsal nail, Lu Wenzhao backed up again and again, but his shoulder was still cut by the spear, a hole was torn in his clothes, and red blood overflowed.

"Zhou Tai!"

Over there, Yin Cheng forced back Ding Chong's attack, hugged his injured arm and said excitedly: "You're not dead? It's great."

Shen Lian also breathed a sigh of relief, took the opportunity to move the knife forward, pushed Ding Baiying away, and slashed towards the injured Lu Wenzhao.



The Xiuchun Knife collided with the Miao Knife, making an ear-piercing friction sound. Lu Wenzhao's face flashed with pain, and he took half a step back.

Just as Ding Baiying was about to attack Shen Lian from behind, there was a thud from the front, and the spear pierced her chest. She could only dodge to the rear and let the spear strike. When she turned around, Lin Yue was already standing in front of her.

"You are really loyal to do this for King Xin."

"I'm sorry, I was ungrateful." Ding Baiying said, "But I have no choice."

"Well, I have no choice." Lin Yue flicked his spear, stabbing Ding Baiying's face repeatedly.

She tried to use the Qijia knife to cut the long handle behind the gun point, but found that every movement seemed to be calculated by the opponent, either by a small margin, or forced to rescue.

The two hit each other three times in a row, Lin Yue handed out the gun with one hand, but the head of the gun fell to the ground, Ding Baiying found an opening and strode forward, Qi's knife stabbed forward.

At this moment, Lin Yue kicked the barrel of the gun, and the tip of the gun that had landed on the ground jumped upwards. The barrel of the gun hit her arm with a snap, and the Qi family saber was out of focus and missed the target.

Lin Yue took advantage of the situation and pressed forward, the handle of the gun swung forward and hit her in the chest.

Ding Baiying snorted, and took three steps back, with a look of surprise on her face besides pain.

Lin Yue pulled back the long spear, swung the body of the spear and stabbed again.

She took a deep breath, pressed the long knife to her waist, and held the handle with her backhand.

this pose...

Sword drawing?

Lin Yuexin said it's okay to deal with long spears?

However, he did not retreat, and the gun continued to move forward.

When a bit of cold light came into her eyes, Ding Baiying raised the knife and pressed it down suddenly, with a crisp click, the handle of the gun snapped off.

Just when she looked over with a hint of pride, she found a short knife stopped less than an inch from her throat.

It turns out that the long spear is just a bait, and the short knife is the ultimate move.

Lin Yue threw the butt of the gun without the tip to the ground, grabbed the Qi family knife from her hand and threw it behind her, then grabbed her arm and put it in her arms. The short knife was resting on her throat, and was about to threaten her Lu Wenzhao gave in. Seeing that Ding Chong had almost cornered Yin Cheng with the cooperation of the two masked men, he stretched out his right foot to hook the ground, took the broken spear point and held it in his palm and shook it.


The tip of the gun pierced Ding Chong's calf, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Over there, Yin Cheng took advantage of the situation and counterattacked, cutting the throat of a masked man.

Seeing that Yin Cheng was out of trouble, Lin Yue turned around with Ding Baiying, but before he could speak, he suddenly caught a glimpse of people in the woods behind him.

"No, let's go."

He shouted a little late.

Whoop, whoop, whoop...

The dense arrows drew parabolas in the air and pierced into the ground in front of them.

Before he had time to think about it, he quickly withdrew his knife, pulled Ding Baiying and ran forward.

At the same time, with the sound of a gunshot, Lu Wenzhao, who had his back to Shen Lian, was shot, and a cloud of blood burst out on his back. Shen Lian, who was not far away from him, was also shot in the shoulder by the arrow, grinning in pain , grabbed a masked corpse on the ground as a human shield.

Xu Xianchun, the governor of Jinyiwei Beisi, came out on a white horse: "Lu Wenzhao intends to rebel, he is treasonous, kill me."

Boom, boom, boom~

Several more shots were fired, one of which hit Lu Wenzhao's leg, his skin was torn apart, and he fell to his knees, barely supporting himself with the Miao Dao.

"Senior brother, senior brother..."

Ding Baiying wanted to run to Lu Wenzhao's place, but was held back by Lin Yue.

"You still can't see it? The blocking of us was arranged by King Xin. Only he knows your whereabouts. Where did Xu Xianchun get the news and bring a large group of troops here?"

Ding Baiying was not stupid, she immediately came to her senses when he said it.

"Let's go, junior sister, let's go..."

Lu Wenzhao also figured it out, and with a seedling knife on the ground, he forced himself to get up.

The arrows stopped falling, the gunshots stopped, and soldiers with spears and swords appeared in the reeds. At this time, Yin Cheng noticed that Bei Zhai had gone and returned.

It wasn't because she was worried about the situation here, but because the five soldiers forced her back with spears.

"Catch that woman and live."

Seeing Beizhai's figure, Xu Xianchun remembered what Wei Zhongxian told him to do, and tried his best to find Xinwang's beloved fan and bring him back to the capital.

Now he can see that King Xin has the support and trust of Wei Zhongxian. Once the new emperor ascends the throne, it will undoubtedly be a great achievement for him to find the emperor's woman, but for Wei Zhongxian... the emperor's obsession with women is naturally very good.

"Let's go, take Bei Zhai away." Shen Lian pulled out the arrow stuck in his shoulder, held the Xiuchun knife and rushed towards the soldiers who were hiding and killing them.

Lin Yue dragged Ding Baiying towards Bei Zhai's location, and when the two soldiers charged with their weapons up, they were shot through the throat by a hand crossbow he took out from nowhere.

Shh, shhh~

Two arrows whistled, and the soldiers with spears in front of Beizhai fell to the ground on their backs.

Lin Yue took out another crossbow and shot three arrows at the reeds. After finishing, he grabbed Bei Zhai's arm and dragged a woman with one hand to the side of the yellow-maned horse that was not scared away by the gunshots for some reason.

Ding Baiying looked behind and refused to get on the horse. Lin Yue knocked him unconscious with his fist and threw it on the horse's back. Then he took Bei Zhai and got on the horse again. When he lifted the reins, the horse screamed and carried the three people on its back. Run south.

Seeing the target fleeing on horseback, Xu Xianchun didn't care about killing Lu Wenzhao and Shen Lian. He pointed at the front and ordered the cavalry behind him: "Follow me."

Horseshoes galloped and dust spread everywhere. The cavalry troop ignored Lu Wenzhao, Shen Lian, and Yin Cheng, quickly crossed the battlefield, and chased after Lin Yue.

The three people on the yellow-maned horse were naturally inferior to the cavalry behind them, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

Just when Bei Zhai put his attention behind his back and raised his heart in his throat, he suddenly realized that his body lightened and he flew up. When he looked back, he found that the yellow-maned horse jumped up. It seemed that it was going to fly. Skip what, but before...

It is the rolling water of the Yellow River.

This idea flashed in my mind for an instant, and with a plop, the three of them fell into the water with their horses.

She only felt a strong force coming, the back of her head hurt, and she lost consciousness all of a sudden.

The big river is surging, and the muddy water is flowing eastward.

The cavalry on the shore watched the yellow-maned horse go away with the waves driven by the rapids, leaving only one head floating on the water, and the two women and one man seemed to have been swallowed by the rapids.

They followed the horse downstream for a while, and found that they had to stop searching after doing futile work, and returned to Xu Xianchun's location to report the target's fall into the river.


cough cough...

Bei Zhai coughed up a puddle of muddy water, opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw the man in front of him pinching Ding Baiying's mouth and blowing air into it, he suddenly became sober.

cough cough~

This time it was Ding Baiying who coughed, and Lin Yue patted her on the back a few times, and after spitting out a few mouthfuls of river water, her condition improved, at least she was able to sit up and breathe.

He wouldn't have saved her in the same way just now, right? This method really... makes people feel complicated.

"Where is this?" Beizhai looked around and found that there were reeds.

Lin Yue said, "The south bank of the Yellow River."

"South Bank? You brought us here?" Beizhai looked horrified. There were people who crossed the Yellow River, but she had never heard of a person who crossed the Yellow River with two burdens.

Lin Yue knew what she was thinking, and said in her heart that you had never heard of it, and neither had I. I just stuffed you into the portable space and dived here by myself.

Seeing that he was silent, Beizhai changed the subject and said, "Where are Shen Lian and Yin Cheng?"

Lin Yue shook his head.

At this moment, Ding Baiying, who regained some strength, looked to the north: "Senior brother..."

"Wait here for a while, I'll go look around and see the situation."

After speaking, he brushed aside the reeds with his two knives and left, leaving behind two women who had their own concerns.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ding Baiying was awakened by the sound of horseshoes from the east. After fumbling for a long time without a weapon, she was about to pull Bei Zhai away when a familiar voice wafted into her ears.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

Lin Yue pushed aside the reed and walked to the two of them: "I killed a few officers and soldiers and took their horses. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Leave here first and find a safe place to stay."

While talking, he took out a package from behind and threw it over: "You guys look too conspicuous, put them on."

When Ding Baiying and Beizhai took a look, their expressions changed slightly.

What he threw over were two sets of clothes, but that wasn't the point, the point was that the action reminded them that the clothes were all wet and clinging to their bodies, and now it was summer...

"I'll go out and wait for you." Lin Yue ignored the embarrassment on their faces, turned and walked out of the reed field.

When they were young, after the two changed their outfits, Lin Yue led them to pick a small path to the south. At night, they found an abandoned house to live in, and hunted a pheasant for them to barbecue to satisfy their hunger. Leave by horseback.


An hour later.

Jinan government office.

Xu Xianchun saw Lin Yue.

"Are you the one who dispatched the Jinan government garrison to the north bank of the Yellow River?"

Lin Yue said, "Yes, it's me. Do you have any objections?"

He took off Wei Zhongxian's waist badge and waved it in front of Xu Xianchun, the apprehension envoy's expression changed slightly, thinking how he forgot about this.

Lin Yue said with a cold face: "Why are you here? It's easy for me to track down the whereabouts of Shen Lian and the others. After finally setting up a big net, I just waited for those few people to get in, and you messed up everything. "

Xu Xianchun said: "The factory owner asked me to come."

"The boss asked you to come?"

Xu Xianchun did not explain in detail, but said in a questioning tone: "The general of the garrison told me that you arranged an ambush mission for them, but you disappeared halfway, and it took a whole day to come back now. Where did you go?"

This question is very tricky and difficult to answer.

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