Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 676 On How to Be a Big Pig's Trotter

Lin Yue took Wei Zhongxian's badge and asked the local garrison to cooperate with him. Those people followed his instructions and set up defenses on the north and south banks of the Yellow River. As a result, half of the people disappeared during the battle, and they disappeared for a whole day. For the military officer, this is serious. dereliction of duty.

Xu Xianchun came to kill Lu Wenzhao and others under the order of Wei Zhongxian, but the short knife masked man jumped into the Yellow River with two women and disappeared. What if the new emperor came to the throne and found out that his beloved fan died and asked him to trouble him? In order to avoid being convicted, the best way is of course to shirk responsibility.

Obviously, Zhang Ban Lin, who came to Jinan from the capital quietly, is a good scapegoat.

"Where have I been?"

Lin Yue smiled coldly, took off the cloth bag in his waist and threw it on the ground: "Let's have a look."

The general flag that Xu Xianchun brought by his side stepped forward, untied the cotton rope that was sealed, and his expression changed.

There is a human head in the cloth bag.

"As far as I know, Lu Wenzhao is involved in the treasure ship case. He has a junior sister named Ding Baiying who has been cooperating secretly. The murder in Jinling Tower should be done by her with Ding Chong and Ding Tai. Originally, I followed Shen Lian and his party came to Shandong, intending to take him away when they crossed the Yellow River. After returning, they asked Lu Qianhu to go to the yamen to question him and explain his relationship with Beizhai. But for some reason, Ding Baiying's men Bringing people to appear, disrupted the battle plan and almost killed me. Fortunately, I am familiar with the surrounding terrain, and after many twists and turns, I finally resorted to counter-kill. Master Xu, I still want to ask you, why did Lu Wenzhao's people intersect? One kick, did you leak the relevant information to him?"

"Uh." Xu Xianchun was left speechless by his question. He originally wanted Lin San to be responsible for Beizhai's death, but this guy put him in the army first, and suspected that he leaked information to Lu Wenzhao, so that the matter failed.

"The factory boss gave me the order to get rid of Lu Wenzhao, the thief who murdered the emperor, and his henchmen, and capture Beizhai and his party alive. As for why Lu Wenzhao knew the whereabouts of Shen Lian and Beizhai, I have to ask him himself."

"Where's Lu Wenzhao?"


"Dead? Did you ask me to ask him?" Lin Yuehan said, "What about Shen Lian, Bei Zhai and others?"

"I took Shen Lian and Yin Cheng, the fledgling Jinyiwei Xiaoqi, and Lu Wenzhao and Ding Chong died in battle. The guy named Zhou Tai slipped into the river with Bei Zhai and Ding Baiying, and disappeared."

"Falling into the river? Did you send someone downstream to look for it?"

Xu Xianchun said: "It's the flood season now, the man took two women into the river, do you think there is a way out?"

Lin Yue said: "I only know that life is about seeing people and death is about seeing corpses. The treasure ship case has a lot to do with it, so we can't just let it go."

"I heard what Ban Zhang he planning to continue the investigation?"

"if not?"

"Leader Lin, I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it. Is it necessary to investigate the matter at this point?"

When Xu Xianchun said this, there was a glint of gloating in his eyes.

Lin Yue knew why he had such a change. He was able to become a new star in Dongchang because of Wei Zhongxian's appreciation, and it was the Baochuan case that turned appreciation into power. Xu Xianchun, as an old fox deeply involved in the officialdom, naturally figured out the change of Wei Zhongxian's mentality. He can basically conclude that the investigation of the treasure ship case will not be mentioned again. In this way, Lin San will face the dilemma of "unemployment".

This is the reason why Xu Xianchun was arrogant before and then respectful. Now that he heard Lin Yue say, "I want to see people, I want to see dead bodies." I took it for granted that he couldn't recognize the status quo or was unwilling to fall out of favor, and was dying.

"This is a case handled by the factory bus on my behalf. Don't bother Mr. Xu."

Hearing what he said, Xu Xianchun smiled blandly: "Then I wish Ban Zhang the best of luck and success in no time."

Having said that, Lin Yue naturally didn't waste his words anymore, he cupped his fists at Xu Xianchun, turned and left the yamen.


How did Xu Xianchun know that Lin Yue was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, he didn't act exaggeratedly and hysterically, how could he justifiably stay in other places and not return to the capital for a long time?

Two days later, in a ruined temple in Tai'an Prefecture, Lin Yue skinned a pair of hares, removed their internal organs, and put them on a piece of hardwood.

Because of the hot weather, he sweated a lot.

Over there, Beizhai was leaning against the door of the ruined temple, looking at the crescent moon in the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Ding Baiying hugged her knees and huddled in the shadow of the corner. It seemed that she hadn't recovered from the shock of Lu Wenzhao's death and Xin Wang's betrayal.

There were three people in the ruined temple, but no one spoke. In the oppressive atmosphere, there was only the crackling sound of firewood and the soft sound of fat evaporating on the surface of rabbit meat.

With the smell of meat wafting out of the ruined temple and riding the wind, Lin Yue took the roasted rabbit meat to Ding Baiying, tore off a golden hind leg and handed it over: "Eat some. "

She shook her head slightly: "I'm not hungry."

"You just drank some water yesterday, and you didn't finish half of the steamed stuffed bun. You can go to Hangzhou quickly, but it will be more than a month, and it can't be like this forever? People can't be resurrected after death. Since God let us fall into the river, the rest Let’s live well in the next day.”

Ding Baiying looked at the person squatting in front of her, half immersed in the shadow of the headless Buddha statue, half lit by the light of the bonfire.

Although he ruined their good deeds in Jinling Tower, he saved her life twice in a row - the first time in Yunqipo, preventing them from being settled by the fake eunuch Qiuhou, and the second time in the reed marshes on the north bank of the Yellow River. Thousands of troops took her away.

But what did she do in return? For the safety of King Xin, I have no choice but to ask you to die? Now Xin Wang ruthlessly discarded them as useless pawns, what he did in the past became a great irony, but facing Zhou Tai, she felt deep guilt besides gratitude.

"I know you don't have an appetite, but you will have the strength to ride a horse tomorrow if you eat a little bit. And I want to ask you about sword drawing skills. How about repaying me for saving you again?"

That's not a favor, it's a kindness.

Ding Baiying looked at the face opposite and suddenly felt that it wasn't so scary anymore.

"Thank you." She stretched out her hand and took the newly roasted rabbit leg. She didn't know whether the thank you here was for his roasted rabbit meat, or for her life.

"If you think it's delicious, there's more over there." Lin Yue replied with a smile, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the ruined temple.

"Zhou Tai...will you go to Hangzhou with us?"

Hearing the question behind him, he stopped to think for a while and said, "I've inquired about it. Xu Xianchun thought we were drowned, so he brought his troops back to the capital. We should be safe as long as we cross the border of Shandong. Well, I'm going to After sending you and Beizhai out of Shandong, return to the capital."


"Shen Lian and Yin Cheng were captured by Jin Yiwei, I want to go back and see if I can find a chance to rescue them."


Ding Baiying was silent for a moment and said, "I really envy them having a friend like you."

Lin Yue didn't speak. He took the roasted rabbit with one leg missing and walked to the entrance of the ruined temple, leaning against the wall to look at Beizhai's side: "Eat it while it's hot, the taste of the meat will change when it's cold."

She was not as miserable as Ding Baiying. She took the roasted rabbit and grabbed it with both hands and took a bite: "Well, the roasted game you made is still delicious. Last time you went to find out the news, I burned the pheasant."

"If it's delicious, eat more. There's more over there. If it's not enough, I'll make two more."

"Enough is enough." Beizhai said, "I may not even be able to eat this one."

Lin Yue smiled, and was about to get up and leave when she suddenly took out a silk scarf from her bosom: "Wipe off your sweat, your clothes are soaked."

"Thanks." Without being pretentious, he took the silk scarf and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I heard that nine and a half out of ten people who enter the Imperial Prison will die in it. Can you really rescue Shen Lian and Yin Cheng?"

"Did you forget? I still have an ace in my hand."

Bei Zhai suddenly raised his head: "You mean...Guo Zhen?"

Lin Yue nodded.

"You said... Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying were betrayed, did he really do it?" Up to now, she still can't accept the fact that Wang Xin is a villain who is greedy for profit.

Lin Yue said: "This is the most reasonable speculation so far. Lu Wenzhao wants to kill you and Guo Zhen. He wants to kill Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying. As the saying goes, big things don't care about small things."

"I think he must be under a lot of pressure to do this as a last resort."

Well, Lin Yuexin said how naive you really are, you overestimate your IQ if you describe it as silly, white and sweet, and you even participated in the treasure ship case to assassinate the emperor, why do you still have illusions about King Xin? I've never seen you so infatuated with Shen Lian. As expected, the more scumbag a man is, the more women care about him.

for example……

"If you want me to say, it's all the fault of that damned Lin San. If he hadn't been biting the case like a mad dog, how could things have developed to this point?"

When she said this, she took a bite of the rabbit leg meat, as if it was the young prisoner of the East Factory who occupied her sister and separated her from Zhu Youjian.

"I believe that the king of Xin will definitely pick you up, but the time is not yet ripe for Wei Xie to fall." Lin Yue said something against her will according to her mood.

Damn Lin San?

mad dog?

Scolding, just scolding now, you will feel better later.

After a few days.

Lin Yue sent the two of them out of the border of Shandong, and rushed back to Jinan Mansion as soon as they were done. He received an urgent message just after seeing the person in charge.

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