Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 677 Let go of that Wei Ting

Someone came from Dongchang, along with Wei Zhongxian's order to immediately stop investigating the treasure ship case and return to the capital, just as Xu Xianchun hinted to him.

In fact, everything was in his expectation. Now that he has learned the sword-drawing technique and has increased his favorability, it is already the eighth month of the lunar calendar, and Zhu Youxiao has only two days left to live, and it is time to return to the capital to advance his plan.

Lin Yue didn't waste time, found a fast horse, and drove to the capital early the next morning.

Four days later, he returned to the capital and went to the Dongchang yamen immediately.

After all, Xu Xianchun is the governor of Jinyiwei Beisi, and he is qualified to speak eccentrically in front of him, like the foremen, secretary, and captain of the East Factory. Even if he knows that Wei Zhongxian ordered him to stop investigating the treasure ship case, his power will not be as strong as before. Big, dare not show gloat.

Dongchang, and even well-informed people in the capital are discussing one thing, Xi Zong is afraid that he will die, and the candidate to succeed Xi Zong is probably the one from Xinwangfu.

Lin Yue knew that Wei Zhongxian was helping Zhu Youjian to build momentum.

"I know all about what you did in the south, yes, you are a man to make."

Half an hour later, Lin Yue saw Wei Zhongxian.

"Master, my subordinates don't understand why the investigation of the treasure ship case was suspended."

"The people involved in the incident are all dead, is it still useful to investigate further?" Wei Zhongxian took a sip of tea from the teacup Gui Xiang handed over.

"..." Lin Yue didn't say much, and took out Wei Zhongxian's badge and handed it over.

"I know you are very unwilling and have many doubts, but some things are just like this."

Wei Zhongxian waved to the side, and a little eunuch walked up to him holding a tray, and lifted the red silk on it, revealing the yellow-orange gold underneath.

"Here is one hundred taels of gold, which can be regarded as a reward for you. In addition, I will report to His Majesty and promote you to be a eunuch in charge of ceremonies."

From the head of the internal officer to the eunuch of the chief of ceremonies, he jumped three levels in less than two months. With this speed of promotion, I don't know how many people will be so envious that they can't sleep.

But Lin Yue knew very well that Wei Zhongxian did this to keep his mouth shut.

Giving a sweet date with a mallet is a very practical way to control the next. The investigation of the treasure ship case was stopped, the jade card was handed back, and the power in his hand also shrank accordingly. In order to appease him, he gave money and grades. good.

Of course, during the period when the new emperor ascends the throne, he will definitely be buried in the snow. No matter for King Xin or Wei Zhongxian, a stable transition is the top priority.

"Thanks to the factory for the public reward." Lin Yue clasped his fists in thanks.

Wei Zhongxian said: "I rushed from Jinan to the capital non-stop, haven't I returned home yet?"

"Yes, the subordinates came to see the factory owner as soon as they arrived."

"Well, I remember you have a little lady in your family?"


"A few days ago, southern officials paid tribute to some bird's nests and sea duck eggs. You can go to Shangshan Supervisor to get some back."

"Thank you, Mr. Factory." Lin Yue cupped his fists again to thank him, and left with the gold.

One hundred taels of gold, if converted into silver, is one thousand taels, which is a lot of money compared to his salary.

Lin Yue didn't immediately go to the Shangshan Supervisor to pick up his things and leave. He gave Wei Ting a wink when he was approaching the door, and half a quarter of an hour later the two met in the elegant room of the opposite teahouse.

Without any politeness or nonsense, Lin Yue pushed a cup of tea in front of her: "The factory owner stopped the investigation of the treasure ship case because of Wang Xin's relationship?"

"How did you know?"

Wei Zhongxian is an eunuch with no offspring, and the only one he really trusts is Wei Ting, a righteous daughter. Speaking of which, the old man did not raise her as a man, but she has always forced herself to be a man, imitating everything from dressing to acting style mature male.

Lin Yue said: "First, it can basically be concluded that the treasure ship case was caused by human beings, so why did Guo Zhen and his gang do this? Once the emperor dies, who will benefit? I can't think of anyone but Xin Wang Second, Xu Xianchun told me in Jinan Mansion that Lu Wenzhao used Beizhai to threaten King Xin to impeach the factory owner, and that a Jinyiwei Qianhu who had no backing dared to threaten King Xin? Do you believe this? Anyway, I don’t believe it. There is also Beizhai. According to the information I got, Lu Wenzhao went to Shandong to kill people and silence him. Since he knew that Beizhai was a remnant of the Donglin Party, why didn't he arrest him? Wouldn't Beizhai be able to blackmail King Xin after he died? Thirdly, when I came back from Shandong, I heard people in the city talking about the Emperor and King Xin, if you want to say that the factory owner doesn’t know about this, is it possible?”

"I know what you mean, but it's a big deal..."

"That's why I asked you to come to the teahouse for a talk. The factory owner doesn't necessarily pay attention to what others say, but he will definitely listen carefully to what you say."

Wei Ting picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip: "What do you want me to say?"

"I suspect that Lu Wenzhao's death was the result of King Xin borrowing the hands of the factory guild to kill people. Such a ruthless character who can even kill powerful subordinates and even brothers, once he gains power in the future, I worry that the factory guild will be tricked by him."

"Lin San, do you know how serious the consequences will be for you if these words are heard by someone with a heart?"

"So I'm risking my own life to share the worries of the company. As the saying goes, good advice hurts the ears and good deeds."

Wei Ting stood up, walked around to the screen, opened the door, looked around and closed it.

"I will find an opportunity to talk to my adoptive father, but you'd better be honest in the near future, because several eunuchs who have a good relationship with Zhao Jingzhong have interceded, and the foster father has agreed to call him back to the capital."

Lin Yue said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."


After coming out of the teahouse, Lin Yue went to Shangshan Supervisor. The eunuch on duty had already prepared what Wei Zhongxian ordered, a catty of bird's nest, a bag of Xianglian, a box of sea duck eggs, some dried bamboo fungus and a jun tribute rice.

Lin Yue called a little eunuch for help before he carried these things home.

When he entered, Mama Zhang came out of the north room in a panic. She didn't know what happened at home, she just said "Hello, father-in-law" after not seeing her for a long time, and she opened the courtyard door and left.

Miao Tong was standing at the door in short shirt and pleated skirt to meet him, her eyes could not hide her miss, after all, he had been away for many days, and he sent a letter back in the middle, the world is not good now, the banditry in Shandong is serious, and the number of bandits is increasing day by day, She was very concerned for his safety.

Lin Yue asked the little eunuch to put the things into the kitchen, rewarded her with two pieces of silver and sent them away. After finishing the work, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. He pressed her face and asked in his ear, "It's been so long See, miss me?"

Miao Tong remained silent, but her cheeks were slightly red, and her breathing became hasty. It is said that men will not have much interest in women without that thing, their voices will become harsh, and their behavior tends to be feminine, but for some reason, in the past month, except for not undressing and naked, she has not been around A little of the above was observed in him.

"Don't be like this in broad daylight, what should you do if someone sees you?"

She struggled, but not very hard.

Lin Yue said playfully, "Who would come here? Your tailor sister?" If Miao Tong knew that he had been with Bei Zhai for so many days, I don't know what he would think.

"How long will you stay here this time? Will you go out again?"

"I won't leave the capital again in the near future."

"That's right." Miaotong seemed to suddenly think of something: "The parrot has been here several times since you left, and the day before yesterday I lost a jade hairpin. It...wasn't it stolen from the palace?"

After speaking, she broke away from Lin Yue's hand holding her waist, went to the bedroom and opened the jewelry box on the dressing table, and took out a jade hairpin that was all white and without variegation.

"If it's really something from the palace, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble, so I dare not say anything."

Lin Yue said: "You did the right thing. After these two days, I will go to the palace and ask to see which empress has lost the jade hairpin and returned it."

Miao Tong nodded, "Mmm".

Lin Yue didn't tease her anymore, because his mind was on the jade hairpin... no, it should be said on the arrangements in the palace.

"Indeed, it's about time."

Miao Tong said, "What did you say?"

Lin Yue babbled casually, "Oh, I said I'll cook bird's nest for you tonight."

The next day, when it was close to noon, Lin Yue bought some food and wine and went to Mr. Zheng's house. Jin'er was overjoyed to see him come back safely. In Lin Yue's arms, he was still complaining about why he became a father-in-law because of his good Zong Buchuan.

When it was almost evening, he left Chief Zheng's house, thinking about taking a trip to the Jinyiwei Yamen, and going to the prison to see the situation of Shen Lian and Yin Cheng. Unexpectedly, he had only walked halfway, and he saw the anxious look on the face of the servant Xu Hai Said: "Boss, something serious happened."

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