Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 678 I want to...disaster the palace

Seeing that Xu Hai was sweating profusely, Lin Yue took off the water bag from his waist and threw it to him.

"Don't worry, drink some water before talking."

gurgle gurgle~

Xu Hai drank for a while, and was almost halfway through the job. It can be seen that it took a lot of effort to find him.

"Miss Si didn't know what she said today, and the factory owner was furious, saying that she has taken care of too much recently, and asked her to stay at home for a few days and calm down."

Wei Ting was reprimanded?

Lin Yue thought that Wei Zhongxian might not listen to the persuasion, but he didn't expect him to react so strongly that even the righteous daughter who had always trusted him would be grounded.

"After the factory owner drove away the fourth lady, he asked someone to ask you to go to the yamen for questioning. I saw that the atmosphere was not right, so I rushed over immediately. Boss, this must be mentally prepared."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder, said "good job", and walked straight to the Dongchang yamen without waiting for Wei Zhongxian's people to find him.

After half an hour, Wei Zhongxian called him into the dining hall.

Before catching up with the meal time, I would ask him if he had eaten, and if he hadn't eaten, sit down and eat, but this time he was omitted.

"Did you hear what Wei Ting said from you?"

"Yes." Lin Yue said: "This subordinate thinks that the factory owner can listen to Miss Fourth's advice."

"Okay, you, you are afraid of offending me, so you use Wei Ting as your weapon, are you so unwilling to give up the power you have?"

Lin Yuexin said that you still have the face to criticize me, and I want you to give up the position of admiral of the East Factory, are you willing?

"The factory owner, the subordinates also have good intentions."

"Good intentions?" Wei Zhongxian said: "Do you think that many people call me nine thousand years old, so I can really live nine thousand years old? I have already told you that the treasure ship case is not allowed to be investigated again. It seems that you still don't give up."

"..." Lin Yue remained silent.

Wei Zhongxian put down his chopsticks, and said expressionlessly: "Leave the affairs in the yamen alone, I heard that you are good at counting, go to inspect and check the books, calligraphy and paintings in the warehouse of the Supervisor of Rituals."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys orders." With the same expression as before, Lin Yue clasped his fists in agreement, and walked out of the dining hall with small steps.

He was sure that Wei Zhongxian would not listen to Wei Ting's advice, because an old fox like Wei Zhongxian must have made the worst assumptions about the situation that the new emperor might face after he ascended the throne, but there was no way, because as an eunuch, he had to rely on the power of the emperor. Big trees can call the wind and rain.

Now the Ming Dynasty has serious internal and external troubles. Once the political situation is unstable, the world may be in chaos. If the Ming Dynasty falls, as an eunuch, he will almost offend the entire Jiangnan wealthy gentry and civil official group. The court continued to enjoy the glory and wealth, so it could only bet that Zhu Youjian needed him to balance the party struggle in the court.

When he instructed the people below to build momentum for Zhu Youjian's ascension to the throne as emperor, Lin Yue and Wei Ting clearly expressed their opposition, which undoubtedly did not know how to advance or retreat.

One is to kill the chicken to show the monkeys, so as to avoid the situation of distraction in the Dongchang Yamen, and the other is to send a signal to the king of Xin---you see, in order to help you to the top, I scolded the righteous daughter and punished the generals , When Xi Zong dies, you should treat me kindly after you come to power.

Perhaps someone overheard the conversation in the dining hall and told his colleagues in the yamen about Lin Yue's relegation. There are emoticons, and there are also those who gloat.

Going to the warehouse to inspect materials can be said to be the least lucrative job, and the work is arduous and prone to mistakes.

Zhao Jingzhong's people were sneering, and Lin Yue was also sneering in his heart, a group of short-sighted scum, whoever gets close to Wei Zhongxian now will be a member of the eunuch who will be arrested first in the future.

What's more, when he was going to make some noise in the palace, Wei Zhongxian sent him as a supervisor of ceremonies, which saved him a lot of effort.


In just two days, the news that Lin Zhangban, who was once in the limelight, was "cast into the cold palace" spread throughout the capital's large and small yamen.

Needless to say, this was again the result of Wei Zhongxian's people fueling the flames behind.

Lin Yue didn't care about the gossip outside the palace, and he didn't care about all the eyes in the palace. Even if he was sent to inspect the warehouse, it was an eunuch inspection, and the rank and treatment were not comparable to ordinary eunuchs.

"Hello, Eunuch Lin."

The oncoming eunuch greeted him.

"Hello, Eunuch Lin."

"Hello, Eunuch Lin."

The two newcomers who followed also greeted respectfully.

Lin Yue nodded, and asked the three of them to go to Kunning Palace, and said a few words to the eunuch on duty. The eunuch went in to report, and came out after a while with the news that "the empress let you in".

After entering Kunning Palace, Lin Yue met Xi Zong's wife, Queen Zhang Yan.

It has to be said that she is indeed a woman with an overpowering appearance, dressed in a red large-sleeved gown, covered with a scarf, and wearing a phoenix crown with emerald tassels on her head, she is radiant.

Counting with her fingers, she is only 21 years old this year, and in modern society she might still be a little girl in college.

Speaking of it, Zhang Yan was pitiful enough. Four years ago, she was pregnant with Xi Zong's child, but was murdered by Wei Zhongxian's pair of eaters, the Hakka family. The child died before it was born, and she has not been pregnant since then.

What's even more exasperating is that instead of avenging his own child, the carpenter's husband has a lot of trust in Hakka and Wei Yan. As a queen of the dynasty, he lived a miserable life.

"The eunuch on duty said that you picked up the jade hairpin that I lost a few days ago in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?" Zhang Yan sat on the chair in the middle, her voice lowered, as if she was not in a high mood.

Thinking about it, her man is almost dead, so it's no wonder she's happy.

The man died at the age of 21. He had been a widow in this deep palace compound for more than ten years until Li Zicheng invaded the capital and hanged himself that night.

Lin Yue sighed, what a poor woman, he just needs to love her a lot.

Since the system has given a mission goal of killing Zhu Youjian and becoming the emperor himself, if it can be achieved, it may be a way out for these women to take over the country and at the same time laugh at the Sangong and Sixth Courtyard. Women are raped to death and raped, what a crime.

In his opinion, an emperor who does not seek the well-being of the people, but only for the long-term rule of the family, is not too much.

Of course, it's interesting to think about the little eunuch causing trouble in the palace.

"Yes, I found a jade hairpin when I was inspecting the warehouse, and a court lady I knew told me that the empress had worn it."

While speaking, he took out a white jade hairpin from his sleeve and held it in his palm.

Zhang Yan looked down and found that it was indeed the jade hairpin that was lost a few days ago. She asked the eunuchs and maids of Kunning Palace to search for it for a long time but failed to find it.

"You're doing great, what's your name..."

She was about to ask him what his name was when she suddenly heard rustling under the eaves, and a green shadow flew into the hall and landed directly on the copper frame that was as tall as a person next to him.

The maid standing next to her seemed to be used to the scene in front of her, not to mention moving, she didn't even blink her eyes.

"Ah, the weather is nice today, it's quite windy and sunny..."

The somewhat sharp voice stopped in the middle: "Ah, you have today too, ah, you have today too."

This damn stupid bird!

Lin Yue hated his teeth from the bottom, if it wasn't for his own +++++1CM great career, and the dream of a universal man who disrupted the palace, he would have plucked that bitch and stewed it into a bowl of bird soup to feed rhubarb up.

Zhang Yan was wondering who the Feitian General was talking about, when the bird fluttered off the copper frame and landed on Lin Yue's shoulder.

"One thousand taels, one thousand taels, ah, one thousand taels."

"What one thousand taels?"

Zhang Yan looked at Lin Yue.

"I want to report to the empress, General Flying Sky was bought for Eunuch Wei at the south of the city for a thousand taels of silver."

She frowned when she heard the word "Eunuch Wei", but soon felt relieved. These days, eunuchs and maids who do not pay tribute to Wei Zhongxian and his henchmen can be described as rare. You must know that even a good general like Yuan Chonghuan also repaired for him. What about the Guosheng Temple?

At this time, the big villain spoke again: "Bring it, bring it..."

Lin Yue raised his head, looked at Zhang Yan with a helpless smile, took out a palm-sized wooden box from his sleeve, opened the lid and put it on the wooden table next to him.

The bird hopped up the wooden table, poked its head into the wooden box, and pecked at the contents with its bright yellow beak. From time to time, it happily raised its wings and made a sound of "delicious, ah, delicious".

Zhang Yan and the maids were stunned, where is the palace? Eating this thing is absolutely unique. After the Flying General entered the palace, he was free to eat all kinds of cakes, cakes, soups, and pastries, but he had never been like this before. It looks like life is enough.

"What's in your wooden box?"

After all, she is a 21-year-old girl, even if she is a queen, she will never be able to hold back her curiosity.

Thanks to Feike Naruto for the 100 starting coins.

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