Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 806 I want to say that all of you here are scumbags

"There are fourteen units in total, which one do you want to hear?"

Teacher Cao thought he heard it wrong: "What did you say, can you say it again?"

Lin Yue repeated: "I said there are fourteen units in total, which one do you want to hear?"

Zhao Ye looked back at him.

Not only Zhao Ye was surprised, but Fang Hui, Qiao Ran, and He Sha, the best friend of the four-eyed girl Kong Lingcao...all looked at him curiously, because Lin Yue's words were very provocative.

Provoked the English teacher on the first day?

"Which one did I teach yesterday?"

"I didn't come yesterday."

He was so arrogant even before he came, Teacher Cao was angry: "Unit 8, if you can't memorize it, just go out and stand outside for me, and come in when you recite it."

Lin Yue closed the English textbook: "have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous..."

At the beginning, someone laughed at his accent, and Chen Xun even wrote down the words "Lu Style English" on a piece of paper for Qiao Ran and Four Eyes Girl to read, but he couldn't laugh afterward, because Teacher Cao only asked them to recite The first two paragraphs are good, because the latter two paragraphs are relatively long, and the sentence patterns that need to be memorized in this unit are basically in the first two paragraphs.

When it came to Lin Yue, the four paragraphs of the full text were memorized smoothly and without mistakes.

Teacher Cao was both surprised and embarrassed, and felt that he couldn't get off the stage. He wanted to set a negative example, but the heavy punch he swung hit the air, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Standard English and dialects of the ninth unit, back."

The people below looked at each other in blank dismay, because the ninth unit hadn't been learned yet, and Teacher Cao made it difficult for the transfer students.

"what is standard english? is it spoken in Britain, the US, canand, Australia, india and newzealand..."

I didn't read the textbook, didn't think about the content, it was the same as before, except for my accent, I didn't miss a single word.

Teacher Cao was a little confused, and adjusted the brown myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose. In fact, he was still a little flustered, and continued to teach him what he hadn't learned before? That's a bit too much, if it spreads out, it will be laughed at by colleagues, and the students will not have a good impression of themselves. Let him sit down and pretend that nothing happened, and he is a bit unwilling.

"Teacher, do you still memorize it? You can pick the whole book at will." Lin Yue picked up the English textbook and looked at the man on the podium provocatively.

"For our students to be admitted to a good university, you need to put in five times and ten times the effort of the people in the imperial capital. Therefore, I am not targeting anyone. I want to say that you are the top students here. There are Qiao Ran and Chen Xun in the first class of senior high school." Well, put it on our side, which is the middle-level level.”

One sentence stunned the whole class.


Zhao Ye stared at Lin Yue with a pair of mouse eyes, looking at the map.

Qiao Ran and Chen Xun's grades were at the top of the whole grade, but he only ranked in the middle, so how about Qiao Ran and Chen Xun? Is the subtext saying they are all trash?

After provoking the teacher and classmate, this person has character, really has character, just like his clothes.

Many girls, especially the four-eyed girls Kong Lingcao and He Sha, looked at Lin Yue with undisguised anger. This country bumpkin, a country bumpkin, a transfer student from a poor country, dared to ridicule him on the first day he came to Experimental Middle School. The recognized handsome guy in the class, shouldn't people from that kind of family have super low self-esteem? Why is the situation reversed?

Yes, it is precisely because of his low self-esteem that he acts very conceited.

Sure enough, he is still a rural person who has never seen the world...

Facing this group of boys and girls whose hormones are always restless, Lin Yue knows what they are thinking without having to think, has he never seen the world? The whole class plus the one standing behind the podium, the world they have seen is not as good as him.

Why did Lin Yue provoke Teacher Cao? Is what Teacher Cao said wrong? Shouldn't it?

Teacher Cao is right and very reasonable. Students like Chen Xun pretending to be a criminal, Zhao Ye, and students who are in the rebellious period may not take it seriously. How could Lin Yue be confused?

The reason why after provoking the teacher and then attacking the classmates is to complete the side mission.

He wants to let the heroine and supporting roles in the play see his excellence, but at the same time have a sense of distance and realize that the two parties are not of the same class.

Why did you do this?

If you are not good enough, you are not even qualified to be a spare tire in front of these imperial girls with high eyesight. As for the sense of distance, if you don't intentionally create an insurmountable gap, the outstanding Lin students will fall when they chase them Well, how about a spare tire?

Therefore, in order to achieve the highest level of spare tires and turn them into his spare tires, it is necessary to show arrogance and hostility. In order to prevent them from falling in love with him quickly, he also turned off [Teacher Killer LV2]. As for what Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, and Zhao Ye think of him, to be honest, Lin Yue doesn't care at all. They are friends with each other, and only women can squeeze into this small circle. How do you say it? Different circles don't force it!

" sit down for me. You'd better get me a decent result in this monthly exam, otherwise I will definitely talk to your parents."

Teacher Cao was discouraged, because this face-to-face guy didn't know what to say, and said what he thought of, and if he continued like this, don't go to class, let's compete with him.

Lin Yue sat back heartlessly, showing disdain for the hostility around her, but Fang Hui's reaction surprised him a bit, because there was no hostility in her eyes, only curiosity.

"Students, let's continue with yesterday's content today, and pay attention to taking notes."

Lin Yue continued to look at the scenery outside the window, remembering what her female deskmate said when she was in high school. She said that looking at a distance every day could cure myopia, so the frequency of students throwing chalk stubs by teachers increased geometrically.

The chalk is scratched on the blackboard, the sunshine and birdsong outside the window, the half-removed Rukawa Kaede stickers on the desk, the KOF comics in Zhao Ye’s drawer, the whispers of classmates, the boring narration of the teacher, and the sound of shaking correction fluid. da da sound...

It's the smell of the campus, the atmosphere of the classroom. Compared with his high school days, the high school life of the post-80s seems to have something more.

He just stared in a daze all morning, no one paid attention to him, and he ignored others, because he always felt that these people were a bit naive... No, it should be said that he hadn't broken out of his adult thinking yet.

There is evening self-study after class in the afternoon. Due to time constraints, many people choose not to go home. They either bring their own bento for dinner, or go to the canteen to buy bread and instant noodles for a meal.

When Zhao Ye returned to the classroom with the hot rice, he saw Lin, who had slept all afternoon, woke up, and pulled a chair to sit opposite him: "Dude, you know Qiao Ran's name, you know Chen Xun's name, Do you know my name then?"

"Why should I know your name?"

"No, the Big Three in Class One and One of Experimental Middle School, Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, and Zhao Ye, you know their names, how can you not know mine?"

"Chen Xun is the class monitor, and we will have to deal with him in the future. Qiao Ran is the student with the best grades in the class, so he is a competitor. What about you? What value do you have that deserves my attention?"

"'s boring for you to talk like this. Who in the experimental middle school doesn't know that I, Zhao Ye, play basketball well?"

"Is it better than Su Kai?"

"You actually know the name of the captain of our basketball team, so you are also interested in playing basketball?"

"Not interested in."

"I don't believe it, otherwise how would you remember Su Kai's name?"

Zhao Ye took a mouthful of rice and put it in his mouth, waiting anxiously for his answer.

At this time, Chen Xun came in from the outside with the donuts given to him by the four-eyed girl: "Zhao Ye, how do you want people to answer you? If you are interested, do you want to compete with others?"

"What is a match? It is called exchanging skills, enhancing friendship, and making progress together."

"Even if you put honey on your mouth, he won't compare with you."


"Because you bully people."

"Why did I bully him?" Zhao Ye was dissatisfied and glared at him.

"You are only as tall as he is."

This made the two girls who came in behind cover their mouths and snigger.

Lin Yue glanced at the juvenile version of Chen Yu. In "Thirty Only", the two are brothers, and the first day they met here was like gunpowder. In this world, his height is set at 1.79 meters, and he is also tall in the whole country, but compared to Qiao Ran, Chen Xun, and Zhao Ye, he is indeed a line shorter.

Lin Yue noticed that Fang Hui walked into the classroom with his textbooks in his arms, and responded indifferently: "If you eat well, you will grow taller. Our place is poor and remote, and the quality of life is not as high as that of people in the imperial capital. Look at this equipment."

He patted the table and pointed to the TV.

"In our school there, there is no TV, no heating, no hot water supply, the desks are covered, and there will be a musty smell every time it rains. Three classes share one tape recorder for listening to English. Your experimental middle school is a school. The educational resources are equivalent to the financial allocation of high schools in our county."

"What are you doing so far away? Does the quality of life of the people in the capital have anything to do with you?"

"Yes, why not?"

The classmates who heard the conversation between the two gathered around, wanting to know why Lin Yue said that, yes, the people in the capital are doing well, are you doing your shit!

Thanks to the book friends with tail number 2964 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, Sansanqian, Moldy Star, Time and Space Gold for the 500 starting coins, and Wuyi Misty Rain for the 100 starting coins.

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