Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 807 Not interested in helping you popularize science

Chen Xun said in a deep voice, "I'd like to hear about that."

"You city people, do you know?" Seeing the blank faces of the students around: "It seems that I don't know. In better areas, the annual public grain can reach one-third of the total output. In areas that are worse, one-third The annual public grain delivery sometimes exceeds half of the total output.”

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Where did you hear this fallacy?"

Lin Yue curled his lips: "Ignorance."

Young people don't know the dangers of the world, and he has no obligation to explain anything to them.

"Is that why you're targeting us?"

"No, this is not the most important reason, standing on the same starting line as you, if possible, I would rather he be an ordinary farmer." Lin Yue spat at his feet: "Bah~" stood up and walked back and forth go outside.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who hurt your uncle..."

Just as Chen Xun was about to reply, Qiao Ran grabbed his arm and said, "If you stood in his position, you might be more extreme."

"So, you mean we let him go?"

"Why do you always fight with him? Just ignore him if you don't get along?"

"I just can't stand him acting like everyone else owes him."

Qiao Ran didn't argue with him, but patted Zhao Ye's shoulder: "Have you finished eating?"

The silly man put the last bit of rice into his mouth and nodded: "It's over."

Qiao Ran said, "Let's go play basketball after eating."



Lin Yue left the classroom and went to the warehouse to get his school uniform from the teacher on duty. He is not a person with regional discrimination. After all, he has entered the world of movies and TV dramas before. He was a soldier in Wuhan, a native of Hunan, was born in Jiangsu, and lived in Toronto. Maybe someday he will have to talk about Beijing movies. The reason why you are aggressive here is all to complete the task.

There are people playing football on the lawn of the playground, the girls in the stands are cheering, there are sports talents running in vests and shorts on the plastic track, and the flags on the tip of poles in the distance are fluttering in the wind.

Comparing the lawn without grass in a small county, the circular running track covered with clods, and the open-air basketball court made of red bricks, Lin Yue shook his head, a little speechless.

The evening self-study horse monkey wandered in the corridor for a long time, sometimes peeking through the back window to look in, sometimes standing silently at the window between the front door and the back door, as if it were a supervisor who would not let me be lazy.

Teachers at that time were not yet willing to open cram schools, and they would not link up with bookstore owners, let alone fool students with poor grades into enrolling in some pheasant universities to earn rebates.

The behavior of the big horse monkey looks wretched, and the group of Chen Xun and Zhao Ye said it with contempt, but Lin Yue thinks exactly the opposite.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Lin Yue packed the books and stuffed them into the drawer below, got up and left the classroom, rolled out the Phoenix bicycle left by his uncle in the shed, and walked to the school gate.

Chen Xun and Qiao Ran were waiting for Zhao Ye. When they saw him pushing a bicycle, they said in a strange tone, "I thought it was some teacher."

Lin Yue looked at Qiao Ran's mountain bike, Chen Xun's variable-speed bike, and then at the bulky Phoenix brand bike in front of him, and said with a strange tone: "Only a guy with low self-esteem in his bones will show off his parents' assets to seek a little psychological comfort. "

Chen Xun's face became ugly.

Lin Yue didn't bother to talk to him, and continued walking forward.

At this time, a bell rang from behind, and Konglingcao and He Sha pushed their bicycles to Chen Xun and Qiao Ran.

"Is that person talking harshly again?"

Qiao Ran didn't speak.

Konglingcao looked at Chen Xun and said, "Don't worry, I will help you out tomorrow."


Twenty minutes later, Lin Yue threw the bicycle into the carport downstairs of Tongzi, turned around and entered the corridor.

Originally, with his uncle's qualifications, if he got married a few years ago, he could be allocated a house. However, because he is single, the house allocation is naturally gone. For so many years, his uncle has lived in a tube building in the old district, with toilets and washrooms. The living room is shared, and I set up a table in the corridor outside the door for cooking, and put the gas stove up. Every weekend at noon and night, from the first floor to the fifth floor, it is all shrouded in oily smoke. If you don’t go out, you will know what the neighbor is today. Eat braised pork or scrambled eggs with leeks.

After his uncle was buried, the Railway Bureau did not take back the single room, but handed over the right to use it to Lin Yue, promising that he could live here before he was admitted to university, and the public facilities such as the cafeteria and bathrooms in the bureau would also be open to him.

In a room of more than 10 square meters, there is a bed, a desk, a dining table, two chairs, and a 19-inch color TV. The signal line is connected to a simple antenna outside the window. a station.

Throwing the satchel with the school uniform on the bed, Lin Yue picked up the kettle on the dining table by the door, poured a cup of warm water into the white porcelain cup printed with "Commemorative Opening of the Beijing-Kowloon Line", and took a sip.

The imperial capital in 1999 did not have the neon lights that should be seen in an international metropolis. The old tube building of the Railway Bureau was filled with a strong smell of cigarettes. From time to time, there were men and women quarreling next door, or children crying to see The shout of Saint Seiya.

Lin Yue found a clay pot on the balcony beside the desk. There were several heads of garlic planted in the pot. The bright green garlic seedlings had grown very tall. He rummaged through the drawer of the desk and found a pair of scissors. Cut off the garlic sprouts and bundled them into small handfuls, and poured some water into the pots.

There was a cardboard box under the bed, and he pulled it out to see that there were neatly stacked Huafeng Sanxian Yimian inside. Now Uni-President and Master Kong are gaining momentum, thanks to Uncle, they can still buy this kind of old brand without sauce buns.

He took out a bag casually, crushed the bread into pieces, tore open the powder packet, poured some out into the bag, shook it evenly, took a handful and put it in his mouth.

It is said that this way of eating is the favorite of those born in the 1980s. When Lin Yue was in elementary school, he already had crispy noodles or dry noodles.

"It tastes... pretty good."

Lin Yue glanced at the very confusing pattern of instant noodles on the packaging bag, and then looked at the pieces of flour cakes that were stained with seasoning powder inside. He felt that it was better than the Little Tiger Team crispy noodles and little raccoon crispy noodles he bought when he was in elementary school. It's delicious, and when it comes to the latter two kinds of crispy noodles, he still has the urge to scold the manufacturers, cheating children's feelings or something, he must go to hell.

I still remember that in order to collect all the cards of the Water Margin 108 Generals, I stole the money that my family put in the drawer to buy crispy noodles. Later, the incident happened and I was almost beaten to death by my father.

After eating the instant noodles and throwing the packaging bag into the trash can, Lin Yue lay on the bed with his clothes on, staring at the mottled ceiling in a daze.

Hasty that year? This drama is The Year of the Rich.

Played BP player in high school, rode variable speed bicycles in school, Qiao Ran’s PS2 game console, Fang Hui’s mother’s four circles, Su Kai’s Kawasaki 9R, Zheng Xue, Qiao Ran, Fennel...

Today's movies and TV series are more and more exaggerated, the more they are made, the more they are separated from the public, and the more they are made, the more anxiety they sell, but this has nothing to do with him. He is here to complete the task and experience the youthful years of the post-80s. As for the characters in the play Female, leading and supporting roles... I really don't have any favorites.

At least in his opinion, Fang Hui, Lin Jiamo, and Shen Xiaotang combined are not as beautiful as Ye Lanqiu or Su Han.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to pry Chen Xun's corner, he is still very happy - all should not be excused by saying "whose youth has no regrets" or "I was young and immature at the time", right?

Anyway, my main task is "Since ancient times, deep affection can't be kept, only scumbags can win people's hearts", since these women have to suffer some emotional injuries when they mature, why not let him be the boy who can't get rid of and forget in school.

In the early morning of the next day, he got up from the bed, gave half a catty of garlic sprouts cut last night to a middle-aged man whose wife had a chronic disease in the diagonally opposite room, and went downstairs to ride the Phoenix bicycle to the school. When he saw the teenagers gathered in front of him, he was taken aback.

Famous scene!

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