Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 815 You are welcome to make trouble

Anyway, he had already warned them, and if these people didn't listen, he couldn't blame him.

Maybe you don't think too much when watching the plot, but if you think about it seriously, Chen Xun and the others are quite extraordinary.

They pulled the switch to watch the game between the Lakers and the Magic, so that all the students in the school could not attend classes, but not everyone likes basketball, and there are people who just want to study, especially senior high school students who are facing the college entrance examination. Have you ever felt other people's feelings?

If the big horse monkey didn't keep an eye on Fang Hui, it would be a bit too much if she took the initiative to report to the teacher in order to gain benefits, but the current situation is that the big horse monkey has his eyes on her and threatened her to leave if she didn't tell who did it. go home. She didn't do it, and Chen Xun and others never asked her if she agreed to pull the switch. Now she is required to carry everything alone to protect her classmates? If you don't carry it, call for collective cynicism.

What kind of garbage is this?

In Lin Yue's view, if she chooses to carry it, she is kind-hearted, and if she chooses not to carry it, she should.

So this time he had to cripple a few.


In the afternoon, Fang Hui arrived half an hour early. After parking her bicycle, she went to the library, where she met Qiao Ran again. The two chatted about "The Little Prince" for a while, and then Fang Hui changed his mind: " Qiao Ran, you have a good relationship with Chen Xun and Zhao Ye, can you persuade them to return Lin Yue's book, this is really not good."

She knows better than anyone what it feels like to be targeted by everyone.

In the morning when collecting history homework, she heard Chen Xun and Qiao Ran's discussion, they said that she could handle it well. That's not wrong, she can really handle it, because that's how she came here in the third year of junior high school, and she was coldly and violently abused by the whole class for a whole year, so it's nothing to suffer such setbacks now.

Qiao Ran said, "I persuaded them, but they didn't listen."

"I think they're going to mess up if they keep doing this."

"What kind of trouble can happen? After two days, when Chen Xun and Zhao Ye have calmed down, they will return it to him, not to mention that he hasn't missed the two-day class."

"I don't think he's one to swallow his anger."

Qiao Ran closed the book: "At what time are you still worrying about others?"

Fang Hui stopped talking.


Office of the second grade.

The teachers who have no classes in the afternoon have not yet arrived, and the teachers who have classes in the afternoon are either preparing lessons or correcting homework.

At this time, someone opened the door and walked into the office.

"Old Liang, will the calligraphy competition held by the Cultural Palace last year still be held this year?" The teaching director, Da Ma Hou, met the eyes of several teachers and sat with his head on the seat by the window.

Liang Huihua is an old man at the school, teaches Chinese, and is also a member of the Hard-tipped Pen Calligraphy Association in the district. He was the one who led the students to participate in the Cultural Palace Calligraphy Competition last year.

"Yes, but this year it will be postponed to September." Liang Huihua looked at Da Mahou and said, "Why do you ask this?"

We all know that Da Mahou's characters are among the last few teachers in the Experimental No. 1 Middle School, and the students even slandered him in private by using characters like his own. Dama Monkey also has self-knowledge. Activities such as calligraphy competitions and appreciation of calligraphy and painting have always been avoided whenever he can. It is rare for him to actively participate.

"I remember this competition. The awards in the student group are extra points for the selection of provincial outstanding students."


Liang Huihua understood that the awards of the student group of the City Cultural Palace Calligraphy Competition are related to the selection of provincial outstanding students, and provincial outstanding students can get 20 points in the college entrance examination.

What is the concept of 20 points in the college entrance examination? How many people can be wiped out?

"Old Ma, which family are you helping..."

Da Mahou didn't answer the question, and handed over a few pieces of letter paper in his hand: "You can read it yourself."

Liang Huihua turned it over in her hand, her face suddenly changed.

The writing on the paper is class rules, very repetitive, but this is not the point, the point is that the handwriting written in Xingkai pen has a square shape, straight strokes, and rigorous structure. It is beautiful, no matter how you look at it. The words were written twenty times, and the quality was consistent. It seemed that the word "self-discipline" was written all over the text.

"Who wrote this?"

"The new transfer student from Class One, Senior One, Lin Yue."

Liang Huihua had never heard of this name before. Who would have thought that Cao Runsheng, who was buried in his homework, raised his head, rummaged through the pile of homework on his right, and took out one of them and handed it to the two of them: "It must be him."

The big horse monkey took the homework, opened the cover, and his eyes lit up.

The lines of round English characters are elegant and agile, as if they are about to jump out of the paper.

I thought he could only write Chinese characters well, but I didn't expect that he could write so well in English.

Da Mahou handed the English homework book to Liang Huihua: "His chalk writing is better than yours."

"How is it possible, are you joking?"

Liang Huihua is a member of the District Hard-tipped Pen Calligraphy Association, and her first-hand chalk calligraphy is recognized as the No. 1 in Experiment 1. Can a student write chalk calligraphy better than the teacher? is it possible?

He naturally wouldn't know that even if he didn't have Li Wen's brushwork and painting skills, Lin Yue had taught children to read and write. He was a visiting professor at HK University, and his qualifications as a teacher were higher than theirs.

When he saw the English homework in his hand, the ridicule on his face subsided a lot. Anyway, he couldn't write such beautiful English, and the class rules copied in Xingkai just now were indeed beautiful.

Cao Runsheng over there said: "I don't like this student, he is too proud and complacent, and he is a bit out of group, but his English is indeed better than any student I have ever taught."

boom boom boom~

While the three were talking, there was a knock on the door outside.

Liang Huihua called out, "Come in."

The door opened, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old student appeared in front of everyone.

Cao Runsheng's face changed slightly, he really said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

"Which class are you in? Who are you looking for in the office?" asked the young teacher by the door.

Lin Yue said: "Oh, I'm a first-year student. I came to find Director Ma, and Teacher Xu said that he is here."

The big horse monkey recovered from surprise: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Yue said: "A classmate in the class hid my textbooks. I hope the director can help me get them back."

"Is there such a thing?" Da Mahou frowned and said, "Students nowadays are really lawless. It's too presumptuous to disobey the school's arrangement and engage in tandem to bully new students."

After saying this, he took Lin Yue away.

The reason why he asked Lin Yue to copy the class rules before was not to punish him sincerely, but to balance the psychology of other students. Chen Xun led more than 20 students to fight against him, and even gave him a political class, which made Lin Yue suspicious In life, on the one hand, he wanted to maintain the majesty of his teaching director and punish Chen Xun to write a review, but on the other hand, he didn't want to see the students take their anger out on Lin Yue. on the go.

He was really afraid of something, and dared to hide the textbooks of his classmates. If he taught him a lesson, how would he be a dean in the future?

Liang Huihua looked at the back of them leaving and asked Cao Runsheng: "Is he that Lin Yue?"

"Yes, it was him. The first English class he transferred here offended the whole class. I only found out afterwards that he was Lin Yaowen's nephew."

"Lin Yaowen?"

"Just last year, the employee of the railway bureau who sacrificed himself and saved seven colleagues."


Liang Huihua suddenly realized: "If he really wins the prize in the municipal calligraphy competition held by the Cultural Palace, and his grades are even better, he may really be awarded the provincial outstanding student."

"Who can tell what will happen in the future..." Cao Runsheng looked like I didn't like him. Studying seems to be a very personal thing, but no matter how good a student's grades are, the relationship with other students in the class is not harmonious. Being excluded or even hit, emotional fluctuations will definitely be passed on to learning, which will have a negative impact.

"It will take time to prove whether it is a good thing for him to transfer here from a small place."

Liang Huihua glanced at him, but said nothing.

Lin Yue and Da Mahou came out of the office of the second grade, and did not go downstairs directly, but went around in a circle, ran to the toilet, and then went down.

"There is also a toilet on the second floor, why do you have to be on the third floor?"

"I urinate urgently and can't hold it in."


The big horse monkey was very speechless.

This is of course a lie, as he owns [Steel Bladder LV2], let alone hold back for a while, it’s fine if he doesn’t go to the bathroom for three or four days.

He did this because he was waiting for someone—Fang Hui.

The two came down from the third floor, just in time to meet Fang Hui walking up.

"Fang Hui." Lin Yue called out to her, "See if this is the ballpoint pen you lost?"

"Hey, yes, why is it in your hands."

"Oh, I picked it up between the radiator and the floor."

"thank you."

"You're welcome, we're all classmates, we should."

As soon as the two of them spoke, they fell behind logically. At this time, Dama Houer pushed open the door of the classroom. Under the horrified eyes of some people... Wow, a basin of water poured down from above.

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