Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 816 Three Words For You——Double Standard Dog

The hair of the big horse monkey is wet, the clothes are wet, and the sexy mustache is also wet. The appearance of the soaked chicken is very interesting.

But no one laughed, and no one laughed.

Especially Zhao Ye, he obviously watched Fang Hui come up from the first floor, and then put the water basin on it, waiting to give the traitor a blow, but why did the person who was drenched become the teaching director?

Fang Hui is the kind of doormat type student who can bear it.

But the macaque...

It's a catastrophe! Zhao Ye's face turned pale with fright.


The big horse monkey's lungs were about to explode. Originally, he came here with anger, but as soon as he entered the door, he poured a basin full of water. What kind of behavior is this? This is to challenge his authority.

"Who did it? Who did it?"

Drops of water trickled down the tufts of hair and landed drop by drop on the ground.

He slammed the desk, and the table trembled several times.

"Post up big-character posters, pulled electric switches, hid classmates' textbooks, and now treats teachers like this. I will leave my words here today. If I don't expel one or two people this time, my name, Ma Huinan, will be written upside down."

Anyone can see that Da Mahou is really angry this time. After all, he is the teaching director. Class One and One of Senior High do this. If no one gets out, how will he mess around in Experiment One in the future?

In fact, he knew that this basin of water was not prepared for him. He thought it was prepared for Lin Yue by the troublemakers who hid Lin Yue's textbooks. .

No one speaks, and no one dares to speak. In this case, whoever speaks is unlucky.

Ah Choo~

Ah Choo~

The big horse monkey sneezed twice.

"Director, why don't you go change your clothes first, or you'll catch a cold. It's flu season now." Standing at the door, Lin Yue said kindly.

The big horse monkey took a deep breath: "Both of you go back to your seats first."

Lin Yue nodded at Fang Hui, walked back to his seat and sat down.

The monkey's glasses are covered with water droplets, and the clothes are still dripping: "Don't tell me, tomorrow... is the last time I give you. If you don't say anything, I will contact your parents to hold a parent-teacher meeting. I asked them to give me an explanation."


Dama Monkey slapped the table again. From now on, all classes in Class One, Senior One will be suspended until I figure out who did it.

After speaking, he left in anger, and the water stains formed a row where he passed.

Lin Yue felt a little funny, who said that monkeys in Malaysia are stupid? You can't punish students physically, right? High school students are very rebellious, and if they are in a hurry, big things will happen, right? I don't torment you, I torment your parents to see whether you are united or your parents are united.

He was the only one in Class One and One of the high school who could laugh.

Zhao Ye covered his head behind the book, feeling very flustered, his family is not as rich as Chen Xun and Qiao Ran's family, if he is really going to be expelled from school, maybe his father won't let him study from now on.

"Why do you think it's such a coincidence? Just as you put the water basin on, the big horse monkey appeared..." Chen Xun turned his body back, but his gaze pointed to Lin Yue's seat.

After waiting for a while without any response, Chen Xun took the English textbook that Zhao Ye was holding in front of his face, and saw his buddy's face turned pale, with an expression of pissing.

"Why? As for what? I'm so scared."

"I feel like I'm getting kicked out."

"No." Chen Xun said: "The two traitors were in the hallway when Dama Monkey came, and they didn't know who did it. As long as we are united, Da Mahou will definitely have nothing to do with us."

"Yes." Kongbellcao said from the side: "Don't worry, if anyone dares to betray you, I, Kongbellcao, will be the first to have nothing to do with him." When she said this, she glanced at the person behind the desk on the right.

He Sha pretended not to hear.

At the same time, Qiao Ran glanced sideways at Lin Yue, who seemed to be reading miscellaneous books as if nothing had happened, and then at Fang Hui. Thinking of the conversation between the two in the library, he suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

This matter...could it be him...

"Student Qiao Ran." A voice rang behind his ear: "Can you help me pick up the pen cap?"

Qiao Ran lowered his head and saw a black pen cap with a gold rim lying across the leg of the chair.


The classes of Class One and One in Senior One were suspended, and they had been doing self-study all afternoon.

In the words of Da Ma Hou, if you are afraid of falling behind in progress, then confess the person who did the bad things, otherwise the course will fall too much, and I will have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.

Of course it doesn't matter to poor students, but students with good grades obviously become irritable. If there is no result until tomorrow, the parents' meeting will be held, and they will inevitably be scolded when they go home.

During the break between afternoon class and evening self-study, Lin Yue didn't go home. He took out the lunch box he bought in the morning, which contained rice with tomato juice, sliced ​​ham sausage and half a fried egg.

Chen Xun and Zhao Ye left the classroom right after class, not knowing what to do, Kongbellcao and He Sha were worrying about the cold bento, in the past it was Zhao Ye who took them to the canteen to help them heat up their meals, now Zhao Ye not only has no appetite to eat , I'm not in the mood to help them heat up.

"Ms. Xu has a microwave oven. Would you like me to bring it there and heat it up for you?" Lin Yue walked up to He Sha and said.

She froze for a moment, showing hesitation, until she noticed that Kongbellcao's face had turned cold, and she declined politely: "Thank you, but no need."

Lin Yue didn't say anything, just smiled at her, turned around and left.

A group of brats playing with him to the detriment, if I don't sink the boat of your friendship, I won't be called Lin Lucha.

"Who is it?" Konglingcao looked at Lin Yue's back and curled her lips: "I'm rushing to be courteous, who cares about your help."

He Sha picked up a spoon to scoop up a mouthful of cold rice, feeling particularly hard to swallow.


Evening self-study will pass quickly.

The big horse monkey didn't peep in the corridor like before, and he didn't know if he was still angry and didn't bother to take care of the people in the senior class, or he really caught a cold and went home early to rest.

After the get out of class bell rang, Lin Yue packed up his desk and went downstairs. He found the broken Phoenix in the carport and pushed it out. He felt something was wrong. Looking at the nearby lights, the tire was flat.

You must know that he only inflated it when he came in the morning.

very nice……

Another famous scene of the post-80s generation.

Who hasn't been punctured yet. Oh, and lost bicycles, but with the appearance of this broken phoenix, its fate is likely to become a part of the scrap yard instead of falling into the second-hand car dealer.

He monitored the first class of high school, the office, but not the bicycle shed, but it didn't matter, he could figure out who did it with his toes.

Is it bad to play?


next morning.

The classroom was as usual, with people playing and fighting, copying homework, reading extracurricular books, and fiddling with hair.

Five minutes before the class bell rang, Chen Xun walked in through the front door.

Today, his condition is very bad, his forehead is bruised, and there are blood marks on the back of his hand.

"Chen Xun, did you play again last night? What a fierce confrontation, why is your face so red?"

Before Ren Gaoying finished speaking, Zhao Ye staggered into the classroom, his ankle seemed to be sprained, and as it was, he couldn't even think about playing basketball for at least a week.

"Who can do it?" Chen Xun patted the podium, and his eyes fell directly on the boy who was studying hard by the window seat.

"I'll ask again, who did it?"

"What's the matter, Chen Xun? You're so angry." Someone asked below.

"Don't you dare to do it or not? It's ok, pour lubricating oil into the brake disc, it's enough damage."

When Chen Xun said this, there was an uproar in the audience, dripping lubricating oil into the brake disc, thanks to this kind of hurtful move, it seems that the injuries on Chen Xun and Zhao Ye's bodies are due to this incident.

Everyone followed his gaze, and Lin Yue became the focus.

Lin Yue pursed his lips, and didn't make any difference. What kind of weirdoes are these two?

"Don't think that I don't know who did it, so if I pretend to be deaf and dumb, I can pretend that nothing happened?"

Lin Yue yawned, looked out the window and said slowly: "There is a word called double-standard dog. I don't know if the students have heard of it."

There was no such word in 1999, and many people looked confused.

"Don't understand?" Lin Yue looked at the people standing on the podium: "The squad leader not only has excellent grades, but also is well-informed. He must know the meaning of this word. Let me explain it to everyone."

"You..." Chen Xun thought for a while, and realized that the kid was scolding him, and the words he used were very harsh.

"Speak up? Why don't you speak up? Don't you have the face to speak up? Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others. At critical moments, you should be a coward, but ask others to be brave. Speaking in Northeast dialect, why are you so slapped?"

"It's not good, it's not good, the big thing is not good."

When the smell of gunpowder was strong in the classroom, the bellflower ran in from outside.

Chen Xun said, "Can't you just stop bluffing? What's wrong?"

Thank you for the 1830 starting coins rewarded by Time and Space Gold, the 1000 starting coins rewarded by the old boy in the 1980s, Mo Xueyunyi, the 500 starting coins rewarded by Sleeping God like the wind, three thousand fighting fighters, boring universe, Da Ni Buddha Temple Wutian, Demon Realm Little Tiger, Qijie Weiwei No. 2 rewarded 100 starting coins,

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