Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 817 You are a bunch of garbage

Kong Lingcao said: "Just now I went to the office to ask the teacher if today's math class is still available, and I heard them talking about what happened in our class, saying that after returning yesterday, Dama Monkey was admitted to the hospital because of high blood pressure. It's a big deal, but the principal was very angry when he found out, and said that he would deal with it seriously, and he had to expel some of them to go home. This morning, our parents will be notified to hold a parent-teacher meeting at the school in the afternoon. Whoever doesn't come, whose children will be dismissed immediately. "

"Da Mahou is hospitalized? Is it true? He didn't mean to make trouble in Dali on purpose, did he?" Chen Xun's face was very ugly.

Lin Yue looked at the group of people in the class, and said to himself that there are a thousand ways for Da Mahou to punish you, that is, to always uphold the mentality of adults forbearing children, and you are in the rebellious stage, so you don't have the same knowledge as you. Now, no matter whether his blood pressure was really high or a fake high yesterday, the principal must give feedback, whether to let the students mess around or take care of the feelings of his subordinates.

Therefore, this time, there is less talk about class one and one in the first year of senior high school.

Chen Xun couldn't take the time to talk about the brake disc being dripped with lubricant: "Students, this is a life-and-death moment. If we compromise, we will never be able to hold our heads up in front of the big horse monkey again, so we We must unite and advance and retreat together. The law does not blame the public, as long as there are no traitors among us, they will not dare to do anything to us."

"Yes, whoever is a traitor is the public enemy of the whole class." The students below were full of fighting spirit, and some people glanced at Lin Yue and Fang Hui.

"What are you doing? What are you doing!" With a stern shout coming from the door, the big horse monkey walked in from the outside: "You guys are really going to rebel if you don't accept punishment for doing something wrong and even engage in collusion."

Chen Xun was taken aback, and looked at the short man opposite him in astonishment. Didn't it mean that the Malaysian monkey was hospitalized with high blood pressure? Coming out so soon?

Konglingcao also looked stunned, looked at Chen Xunzhi and shook his head, meaning that he was not lying, that's what the teacher in the office said.

Dama Monkey stepped onto the podium: "You are still the class monitor like this. From now on, don't be the class monitor. Go down."

"The squad leader is chosen by the whole class. If you say you won't let me do it, you won't let me do it? Then what do you want the squad leader to do?" Chen Xun came down from the podium, took two steps forward and was very unconvinced. He stopped and turned back to question the teacher. horse monkey.

"Then we don't need the class monitor." Lin Yue stood up suddenly: "Aren't you willing to support him? From now on, I suggest that all teachers stop teaching class one and let everyone study by themselves, okay? Who wants to come to class? Who will come to the evening self-study, let alone stealing books and splashing water to puncture the tires, even if you steal and fight, the school will not care about it in the future, how about calling the police station to deal with it?"

No one spoke, and they all looked at him unhappily, feeling that the traitor was speaking for the monkey again.

"Sit down and talk nonsense and let me out."

The big horse monkey reprimanded Lin Yue.

Zhao Ye, Kong Lingcao and the others felt that he had a hot face and a cold butt, and that he didn't show his soft bones to other people, which was really ridiculous and shameful.

Lin Yue didn't contradict Da Ma Hou, and sat back in his seat. Only this group of guys who didn't know whether to describe it as naive or stupid thought Da Ma Hou was reprimanding him, but the fact was that the dean was protecting him.

"I said yesterday that today we must find out the person who pulled the electric switch and put the water basin at the front door of the classroom." The big horse monkey said, "Now give him another chance to stand up and admit his mistakes, and the school will give him a lighter punishment. Once verified, it will be dealt with seriously and will not be tolerated."

No one spoke, and the class was particularly united.

"Fang Hui."

Fang Hui stood up slowly and looked down at the table.

The big horse monkey said, "I'll ask you again, who pulled the switch."

Fang Hui's hand holding the ballpoint pen became tighter and tighter, and his voice trembled: "No... I don't know."

"Don't know?" Da Mahou pointed to the outside: "Go... give me a run on the playground, ten laps."

Fang Hui moved her chair back, put down her pen, and walked out of the classroom with her head down.

There was silence in the classroom, Chen Xun and Zhao Ye looked at each other.

They all thought that she and Lin Yue were the same thing, and told Da Mahou about pulling the switch. After all, Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, and Zhao Ye were bumped into by Fang Hui when they pulled the switch. Next, the classmates in the class bullied her a lot, and the result? Facts have proved that she neither told Da Mahou who pulled the switch nor explained to everyone. She took everything by herself.

"If I said that I was complaining and extreme in the past, then today I can say that I look down on you and this group of rubbish."

Lin Yue stood up from his seat, ignoring the warning eyes of the big horse monkey and the resentful eyes of the students, and walked to the front podium: "There is a kind of people called exquisite egoists. Guang, but you are a bunch of animals in human skin, bastards with selfishness and barbarism carved into your bones."

"Just now there was a bastard among the bastards who said that he dared to act bravely. Yes, I did the thing that dripped lubricating oil in the brake discs of both of you, but I want to ask, who was the person who punctured my tires before that? Who? Do you dare to admit it? To watch the game between the Lakers and the Magic, the electric switch is turned on, so that all the students in the school can’t study by themselves at night. I don’t know anything about the NBA, and I don’t want to watch it. I just want to study hard. You can ask for leave, you can skip classes, you can leave early, what’s the matter with pulling the school’s electric switch? When something goes wrong, you still throw yourself into the crowd, saying that the law does not blame the public, right? Encouraging the collective to fight against authority is particularly revolutionary. What do you think? It’s very honorable and passionate, isn’t it? Honorable uncle, passionate uncle, is the teacher exploiting you? Or oppressing you? Study hard, get into a good university in the future, have a proud starting point, and you will be comfortable in the future, even if the teacher Can you benefit more from it because of the rate of admission to higher education?"

"What do you mean by being united and advancing together? The school really wants to let you fend for yourself. There is no supervision and no guidance. How many people in this class can be admitted to college by self-study? For those who pulled the switch, I really want to ask you a question. You only have one life, and the consequences of delaying the future of other students, can you afford it? After doing something wrong, you hide in the crowd to avoid responsibility, and you also blame the teacher for oppressing the students, portraying the teacher as a villain and criticizing them verbally and pensively, and even worse, ostracizing, isolating, Bullying an innocent girl, don't say she didn't tell the teacher the truth, even if she did, it's understandable, because you didn't ask her opinion when you pulled the switch, and she is not your friend, she has no obligation to sacrifice herself to protect garbage like you interests. Look, is this a human thing? Cats and dogs are more innocent and kind than you.”

"Why are you talking so much? Are you stupid?" Da Mahou was anxious and angry, and said in a low voice: "If the truth makes sense, there won't be so many vagrants in society."

Lin Yue knew what the big horse monkey meant. In terms of reasoning, a teacher who taught politics couldn't beat someone like Chen Xun? The reason why Dama Monkey is unreasonable is because many years of experience as a class leader told him that it is far more effective to reason with facts and facts with rebellious teenagers who do not know well, immature but arrogant, and are far less effective than carrots and sticks.

"If it doesn't make sense, I have to say it. I never wrong my mouth. If they target me because of this matter, they will accompany me to the end." After saying this, he gave the middle finger to the last row of the classroom.

"It violated the class rules by dripping lubricating oil on the brake discs of my classmates, and I didn't consider the safety of passers-by. I accepted the punishment and ran 30 laps on the playground."

Lin Yue left, with the dissatisfied eyes of many students and the incomprehension of Damahou.

The dissatisfaction of the students is easy to understand, because some of them have not yet realized how much hard work they will have to pay for their indulgence today, and the reason why Dama Monkey doesn't understand is because this transfer student is unexpectedly mature. It stands to reason that he Being mature, he naturally understands that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, but he doesn't care about the possible consequences of doing so.


The big horse monkey can't figure it out.


When Lin Yue came to the playground from the teaching building, Fang Hui was the only one on the track.

"Are you really running? Da Mahou is just trying to put on a show in front of the class, saying ten laps is just to bluff people."

"Hey, why are you here?"

Lin Yue said: "I dripped lubricating oil into the brake discs of Chen Xun and Zhao Ye's bicycles, and they dropped them. The horse monkey found out about this and fined me to run 30 laps on the playground."

Fang Hui was stunned for a moment, looking at the boy in school uniform running beside him: "Thirty laps? Are you dying?"

One lap of 400 meters, ten laps of 4,000 meters, thirty laps of 12,000 meters, almost one-third of a marathon.

"So, I've actually run a marathon."

"what do you mean?"

While the two were talking, Lin Yue glanced sideways, his eyebrows slightly frowned.

"What's going on? That's not how TV shows are played."

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