Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 820 Accidentally Became a Friend of Women

"Because...we are not the same way." He Sha's eyes wandered, and she didn't dare to look him in the eye.

"Is it because of the bellflower? She hates me very much, and you and her are best friends." Lin Yue said, "Don't worry, for you, I will try to change her impression of me."

After saying this, he pushed his bicycle and walked forward.

He Sha looked at his back as he went further and further away, and wanted to catch up, but felt very uncomfortable, so she could only follow behind slowly, and rationally told her that Lin Yue was from a small place, and he had the same family background as people like them in the imperial capital. There is a huge gap between him and his cognition, but if he puts aside his reason, he is indeed a very good boy, especially his persistence and courage in being right.

"Uncle Hong, show me this bicycle. It was fine in the morning, but after school, the tire is flat."

"Oh, you can put it there first, and I'll take a look at it for you when I'm done with the things at hand. By the way, the tire of your old Phoenix has been repaired."

"thank you."

Lin Yue parked He Sha's bicycle aside, and took out two small mats from the tricycle compartment, one for himself and one for He Sha.

The car repairer took a look at the little girl and continued to change the pedals of the bicycle in front of him.

"Uncle Hong, you really should learn about the repair technology of electric vehicles. I saw a report two days ago, which said that Shanghai's Qianhe, Suzhou's Antelope, and Nanjing's Continental Pigeon, these brands are in the development of electric vehicles. There has been a major breakthrough in the world, and practical and reliable electric vehicles will soon be produced. I think this is like the black and white TV sets and tape recorders in the past. In the future, it will definitely replace bicycles and enter thousands of households.”

"You kid is quite concerned about national affairs."

"My grandfather often said that the biggest shortcoming of country people is that they are short-sighted, relying on the weather for food and not knowing how to plan for a rainy day."

"So when the city leader asked him if he needed help, he hoped that you could transfer to the imperial capital to study?"


"Then you must study hard, and you must not disappoint the old man's expectations."

"That's for sure. There's still more than a month before the summer vacation. For this final exam, my goal is to be the first in the grade."

"If you really get the first place in your grade, in the next two years, you won't be charged for car repairs at Uncle's place."

"You don't need to charge money for tire repair and inflation, but you still have to pay a cost price for replacement parts."

Master Hong amused him: "I thought you were going to say some excuses."

"Hahahaha." Lin Yue said, "It's a little bit less expensive."

He Sha looked at the old and the young who were talking and laughing, and suddenly felt that this scene was super warm. Lin Yue picked up Chen Xun and Zhao Ye in the class. They said that they were aggressive and used modest words, but they were not as good as the shabby-dressed Xiu at the intersection. Master Che's relationship...but it's like the year-end friendship mentioned in the book.

How long has he been transferred to Experimental No. 1 Middle School?

Half an hour later, the setting sun was like blood, the clouds were flourishing, and the bus stop was crowded with young people waiting for the bus.

Lin Yue and He Sha parted ways at the intersection: "Be careful on the road."

"The same to you."

He Sha glanced at him and rode away on her bicycle.


There are no classes on Sunday.

Lin Yue got up before dawn, poured some water on the garlic in the clay pot on the window sill, took the big villain out of the dormitory of the Railway Bureau, and took the first bus to the vegetable basket project demonstration area in the suburbs of the city.

It’s already May, and it’s the season when catkins are flying all over the sky. The grass curtains outside the vegetable greenhouses have been raised, and some vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, and loofahs are decorated with heavy fruits, and some bloom in colorful bouquets.

When he came to the shed area, a van drove past with the dust and stopped in front of the open space full of leaves. The door opened, and six or seven plainly dressed women got out of it. More than twenty.

In 1999, the vegetable industry in Shouguang had reached a certain scale, but due to storage and transportation problems, it had not yet become a vegetable garden in the imperial capital. In order to meet the growing demand for vegetables, vegetable farmers in the suburbs of the city built one greenhouse after another. There are many greenhouses and a serious shortage of labor force, which has created a small labor market. Some middle-aged women who go to work in big cities will disperse to these labor markets. Pulling away, that is, later said to be called "daily knot"-and the word "daily knot" is widely known, but also belongs to the group of great gods in Shenzhen.

"Boss, boss..."

Lin Yue ran a few steps quickly and stopped the middle-aged man who came down from the driver's seat.

"You brought them here to pick vegetables, right?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Yes."

Lin Yue said, "Excuse me, is there any shortage of people here?"

"Young guys who come to grab jobs are very rare." A middle-aged woman joked with Lin Yue while putting on her gloves.

There is a potential division of labor between men and women in this labor market. Women do most of the work of picking vegetables and fruits, housekeeping and cleaning, while men tend to be in the construction industry, such as large and small bricklayers and carpenters.

For jobs like picking vegetables, it costs 40 yuan a day during the busy farming season, and more than 20 yuan under normal circumstances. This amount of money is basically not valued by male laborers. Occasionally, men have to take on this kind of work, but they rarely persist Because the work is so piecemeal, and because it sucks to hang out with a bunch of women.

Lin Yue smiled at the women over there, and explained: "Boss, it's like this. I'm a student in Nancheng Experimental No. 1 Middle School. I don't have classes this weekend, so I want to find a daily job to earn some living expenses."

"That's fine, try it." Hearing that he was a work-study student who came over on weekends, the boss was willing to give him a chance.

"Thank you boss." Lin Yue said as he followed the group of middle-aged women to the front of the shed.

"I knew about work-study programs at a young age. If my family is half as enlightened as this young man, I will be motivated to work outside."

"Who says no? The one in my family is in the third grade of junior high school. He likes to go to the game arcade after school every day. Two days ago, he was caught by his father. He took the leather shoes for a good meal, and his buttocks were black. What's the use? To be honest, it's only two or three days, and you can play as you should in the past."

"Young man, don't blame me for talking too much. Your physique looks good, but picking vegetables is a quick job, and the income is not much. Let me might as well go to the Huangcun Market to find a job for floor tiles. At least 50 yuan, and a meal."

"Sister Wang, I'm still a student, and I can earn a lot more by moving bricks at the construction site, but if I'm tired and bump into something, how can I go to school tomorrow?"


A group of women took Lin Yue as the focus and babbled endlessly.

He laughed along with him the whole time, pretending to be a shy teenager, and occasionally answered a question or two for them.

Of course he wouldn't tell them that he didn't come here for the 20 yuan. You must know that he has the magic skill of [Double Harvest LV1].

Working in the vegetable greenhouse, as much as you can pick, you will save as much as you want in your portable space.

Even if you are passive and slow to deal with things, you can make hundreds of catties a day. Whether you eat it yourself or sell it, it is a good choice.

You must know that even though it is Mayday, vegetable prices are much cheaper than in winter, but the imperial capital is an imperial capital after all, and the vegetable prices must be more expensive than small places. Eighty cents a catty of beans in my hometown is at least one yuan or three here, and three or four in my hometown. A pound of pork costs five yuan here.

Of course, he doesn't like this kind of money, but since he wants to experience a different life, this time he doesn't want to let himself be as busy as he was in "To Youth", passing cars, horses, and mails all slowly. My life is also a very comfortable thing.

Moreover, he makes many dishes for another purpose in the portable space.

There is nothing to say about picking vegetables. The boss can do whatever he wants. During the lunch break, the women all bring bentos. Steamed buns, steamed buns, small pickles and so on gather together to eat their own meals. He also took out a bag of Huafeng three For Xianyi noodles, I asked the boss for a pot of boiling water to soak in it.

In the afternoon, when the clouds were all over the sky, the boss gave him twenty-six yuan and praised him for his quick hands and feet, and he did no less work than those middle-aged women.

It was already dark when he took the bus back to the urban area. He went to a Shanxi Daosha noodle restaurant not far from where he lived and ordered a bowl of Daosha noodles and a side dish. Take out some of the vegetables full of portable space, put them in a plastic bag, knock on the diagonally opposite door, and give the vegetables to the people who live the most difficult life in this building... Although from the perspective of personal disposable income, they It is the poorest one.

on Monday.

Lin Yue still didn't report to Class 2. Da Ma Hou saw that he was determined and didn't bring up the matter of shifting again. He was allowed to stay in the window seat of Class 1 and Class 1. Anyway, in Da Ma Hou's opinion, it would be a matter of time As for the matter, when he knows it hurts, he will naturally stop those thoughts and obediently go to the second shift.

From the beginning of the morning reading, He Sha was a little absent-minded, until the empty bell grass called her to go to the bathroom together during the big class, and the two of them went out, but the back foot stopped. In fact, it was not just the two of them, but everyone in the first class and the first class were listening attentively. . Because the loudspeaker in the school's broadcasting room began to roll names, the names of Qiao Ran, Chen Xun, and Zhao Ye from Class One, Senior One.

They held their breath and waited for the school's results.

At the same time, Lin Yue, who was basking in the sun at the stairs on the side wing of the teaching building, raised his head and glanced in the direction of the radio station. He was also waiting for the decision on the punishment of the three people, although he had already predicted it.

Thanks to the lazy cancer patient I7 for the reward of 700 starting coins, Beiliang Yimeng for the reward of 500 starting coins, space-time Jinjin for the reward of 300 starting coins, the little tiger in the devil world, the Qijie Weiwei, and the book friends with the tail number 8043 for the 100 rewards starting currency,

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