Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 821 Yes, I’m the Weasel Greeting the Chicken

"Notice, notice, students please pay attention..."

A style of broadcasting with a country big speaker, and I don't know which teacher is doing it.

"After investigation, Chen Xun, Zhao Ye, and Qiao Ran in Class 1 and 1 of Senior High School turned on the power switch privately in the evening self-study, seriously violating school discipline. Afterwards, the three not only refused to admit their mistakes, but also joined forces to fight against teachers and retaliate against classmates. The management has caused an extremely bad impact. Now the school has decided to give Zhao Ye a stay in school for probation, Chen Xunji’s serious demerit, Qiao Ran’s serious warning, and suspension of class for a week to reflect at home. This notice is hereby given to all students. As a warning, don’t learn from the three of them, and be a good student responsible for yourself, your parents, and the school.”

Stay in school for probation, record a major demerit, and give a serious warning.

From heavy to light, it was quite linked to the academic performance of the three of them, but none of them were expelled.

In addition to expulsion and persuasion, the punishment in high school is just to scare people, and it is usually revoked before the college entrance examination.

Lin Yue was not surprised that the school made such a decision, because someone had intervened in this matter.

It's Hou Zhen——Teacher Hou who took a month's sick leave.

As the teaching director, Da Ma Hou insisted on driving Zhao Ye and Chen Xun home. Considering Qiao Ran's special situation, and he had a good word to say afterwards, he decided to give him a warning.

At this juncture, in order to plead for Chen Xun and Zhao Ye, Hou Zhen dragged her recovering body back to school to meet the principal, and because her father-in-law was a veteran cadre in the education system, Zhao Ye and Chen Xun The parents apologized and promised to educate them well so that the children would not make mistakes again. The headmaster had to sell some face and found Da Mahou and asked him to give the three of them a chance.

The principal has already spoken, what can Dama Monkey do? So two expulsions and one warning turned into one detention for probation, one demerit and one serious warning.

Or there is a saying that in the imperial capital, if you copy a brick and smash it at anyone, there are nine cadres out of ten.

An exaggeration is an exaggeration, but the truth is correct.

Lin Yue also knew that the people in Class 1 and 1 were cheering, starring Kong Lingcao and Ren Gaoying, and Lin Jiamo was asking Fang Hui about the origins of Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, and Zhao Ye.

In fact, he already knew that the school would not dismiss all three of them. With the energy of Da Ma Hou, Zhao Ye could be brought home at most. After all, Chen Xun and Qiao Ran were among the best in academic performance, and it also mattered if they had money at home. There is no room for maneuver if it is said once.

From Lin Yue's point of view, it would be better for the three of them to stay, because without them, wouldn't it be difficult to "chase" those girls? How can it be a spare tire if it is not difficult?

And he recently had an idea, which was inspired by Bellflower and Hesha-scuttling the boat of friendship between these people.


When Lin Yue returned to the classroom, Zhang Huiran said in a strange way: "Some people still want to be the class monitor? I think they're just thinking about shit."

"Ming people don't talk dark words, dare you make a bet, if I can be the monitor before the end of the semester, you jump off from the second floor, if I can't be the monitor, I jump from the second floor."

Zhang Huiran looked out the window and remained silent.

"Counsel." Lin Yue scolded unceremoniously.

He jumped from the second floor, nothing happened, but Zhang Huiran broke at least one leg.

Just like before when he said that the students in class one were a bunch of rubbish, he attracted more than twenty hostile looks, but unfortunately they only dared to be angry, because the three most capable people in class one made him almost learn If you can't make it, if you really want to take this gamble, if you lose, you will break your leg if you lose, what if it's not good?

Now a fool can see that the big horse monkey is leaning towards him, and only in this case will a fool bet with him.

jingle bell~

When the class bell rang, the Chinese teacher stepped into the classroom on time, glanced at the seats of Chen Xun, Zhao Ye, and Qiao Ran, and then at Lin Yue, his eyes finally fixed on He Sha's face.

"He Sha, why didn't you go to the office to get your homework just now?"

He Sha is the representative of the Chinese class, and it is her responsibility to send and receive Chinese homework: "Sorry, I forgot."

The Chinese teacher patted the homework on the desk: "Send the homework first."

"Oh." He Sha agreed, walked over to pick up the Chinese homework book on the podium, and distributed it to the students in the class by name.

"Students, today we are studying Lesson 9, "Red Cliff Fu". This ancient essay was written by Su Shi, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty..."

When the Chinese teacher was introducing the text, He Sha walked up to Lin Yue and said, "Your."

When Lin Yue took the homework, he said in a low voice: "Your newly bought card is so beautiful."

He Sha shook her hands holding the homework book, and her little face was slightly red. She used the kind of slender and simple hairpins, not the big hairpins with pearls, broken diamonds or patterns. If you don’t pay attention, it’s easy to Ignore the difference between the hairpin you wear today and the hairpin you wore a few days ago.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Yue smiled and didn't say much.

He Sha continued to send out her Chinese homework: "Lin Jiamo."

"Here, here." Lin Jiamo answered, shaking her right hand.


That afternoon.

The mathematics class that was originally scheduled in the morning was dropped due to the teacher's temporary errands and chemistry. Because there were math homework and simulation problems to be handed out, the bell grass called He Sha to go to the office with her.

"Did you hear what Lao Liu and the others said just now?"

"What words?"

"They said that this time Da Mahou sent Chen Xun and the other three lightly because of Teacher Hou's face."


"They also said the teacher would be back in a little over a week."


"At that time, Chen Xun and the other three will also come back to class, ah, finally we don't have to look at Da Mahou's stinky face anymore."


The sky bell grass suddenly accelerated and stopped in front of He Sha.

She almost bumped into her best friend.

"Hesha? What's wrong with you today? You've been absent-minded all day."

"Is there?" He Sha hurriedly explained, "I'm quite normal."

"Is something wrong?"

Just as He Sha was about to say no, a girl suddenly appeared in front of her and bumped into Kongbellcao's shoulder with considerable force.

"Don't talk on the stairs, good dogs don't get in the way."

Not only did the girl not apologize, she also scolded them as she walked away quickly.

"Hey, what do you mean... who is it?"

Kong Lingcao's lungs were about to explode, looking at the place where the girl who bumped into her disappeared, and then looking at the math homework book that fell on the floor, I don't know how I provoked that person.

At this moment, a person came out from the corridor at the back, and without a word, helped to pick up the math homework books on the floor.

"This classmate, thank you..."

Kong Bellcao subconsciously thanked her, but halfway through her words, when she saw the face opposite her, her gratitude dissipated in an instant, replaced by disgust: "How could it be you!"

She knocked over the math homework book that Lin Yue handed over to the ground: "I don't need your help."

Lin Yue looked at Kongbellcao, then at He Sha standing next to him, then turned and left.

Konglingcao said: "Mind your own business!"

He Sha squatted down lightly, picked up the math homework book that was knocked over by the bell grass, and stacked it on the simulation problem: "Xiaocao, I think you are a bit too much for saying that, and he did it out of good intentions."

"Good intentions? Will he be kind?" Sky Bell Grass said, "It must be the kindness of the weasel to wish the chickens a New Year."

He Sha said, "Xiaocao, why can't you think of the good of people?"

"Based on what he did to Chen Xun, Zhao Ye and Qiao Ran, I will never forgive him for the rest of my life."

"What did he do to Chen Xun, Zhao Ye and Qiao Ran?"

"This...he is hostile to us, he scolded us."

"Then is he wrong? We did wrong Fang Hui. Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, and Zhao Ye did violate the school rules by turning on the switch in order to watch the NBA."

"You...Which side are you from? What ecstasy soup did that kid give you? Are you protecting him so much?"

He Sha came to her senses after hearing what Kongbellcao said.

"I... I didn't protect him, but I just felt that it was wrong for the people in the class to hate him so much, and the teacher is not our enemy. The reason why everyone hated him was that they were poked into a sore spot by him and were unwilling to accept it. In fact, it is true that we did something wrong, if there is anything wrong with him, all I can think of is the problem of attitude.”

"He Sha, do you know? Your tone of voice is becoming more and more like that annoying guy."

"Xiaocao, are you listening to me carefully? Can't you put aside your prejudices and think about the logic of the matter?"



"No reason!" Kong Bellcao went upstairs with her math homework book in her arms. She really wanted to tell He Sha that as long as Lin Yue and Chen Xun were against each other, she would never have a good impression of him, but it was very possible. It revealed that she liked Chen Xun, so she didn't say anything in the end.

He Sha sighed and quickened her pace.

At this time, Lin Yue came out of the corridor, looking at the two people's backs with strange expressions, unexpectedly, she was right.

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