Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 822 I Really Don’t Know What a New Concept Essay Contest is

The empty bell grass said that he was a weasel giving the chicken New Year's greetings, and it was true.

Not only did He Sha and Kong Lingcao deepen their differences in their attitudes towards him, but he also arranged for the sophomore girl who knocked over her math homework book.

Thinking about it seriously, scuttling their friendship boat is pretty good. In the TV series, because Chen Xun likes Fang Hui, Kong Lingcao keeps tripping Fang Hui overtly and secretly. She is too mean and not a good girlfriend. Candidates.

In the next few days, Lin Yue showed kindness to Kongbellcao from time to time, such as saying hello when they met at school, occasionally asking Fang Hui and Lin Jiamo if they wanted to help heat the meal during afternoon class and evening self-study intermission, and occasionally asking Kongbellcao Do you want to help heat up the meal with He Sha? If you meet by chance when you are shopping at the canteen, you will let the boss give you a little profit when you check out. In short... no matter how Kongbellcao slaps him, ignores him, or even satirizes him in front of everyone, he He didn't care about it, and showed his gentle side. In Fang Hui's words, he was a different person than before.

It's not that Lin Yue doesn't care, it's because he doesn't care about others.

The worse Kongbellcao's attitude towards him was, the more rigid her relationship with He Sha became, and the boat of friendship became weaker and weaker, because in Hesha's view, he swallowed his humiliation and tried to talk to Kongbellcao for her sake. ease the relationship.

a week later.

Chen Xun, Zhao Ye, and Qiao Ran each handed in a 10,000-word introspection book, and selected the key parts to read aloud in front of the teachers and students of the school during the flag-raising ceremony.

Originally, Chen Xun, Zhao Ye, and Qiao Ran were sought after by many girls because of their good basketball skills. They were celebrities in the first grade of high school. Now that they have made such a fuss, the whole school knows about them, and even Lin Yue has become a The subject of many discussions.

He scolded the students in Class One and One, and didn't scold the students in other classes, so those male students who were usually unhappy, Chen Xun, Zhao Ye, Qiao Ran, who liked to show off and attract girls' attention, had a good impression of him. Xun, Qiao Ran's girls, and the basketball team were not very friendly to him.

Anyway, they all agreed that it was his "credit" for the three of them to be so ugly. Although Lin Yue explained to others many times that the three of them were punished because they violated school rules, what he did was a fair person saying what was fair, but No one believed it, and everyone insisted that he was the key contributor to Da Ma Hou's victory over the three thorns in class one and one of senior high school.

have to.

Lin Yue understands how difficult the work of a middle school dean is. The biggest problem for children of this age is not whether they are good or bad in their studies, but that they do not have a correct view of right and wrong. What is said in books is right, and what is said on TV is right. What is right is right, what sticks to me is good, and what doesn’t stick to me is to be defeated. This spirit of struggle and thinking of hatred runs through the entire period of rebellion.

And some teachers are victims of fighting spirit and hate thinking.

Of course, this kind of thing was limited to that period. In the time when Lin Yue lived, some teachers had already realized, why should they argue with students? Wouldn't it be good to treat them as a source of income?

After the flag-raising ceremony, Lin Yue returned to the classroom and sat down in his seat. There was a burst of warm applause behind him, accompanied by wailing.

Chen Xun, Zhao Ye, and Qiao Ran walked in amidst cheers, as if they were welcoming heroes.

"I, Hu Hansan, are back again." Zhao Ye was very happy, with his head held high, and he walked forward with figure-of-eight steps, when he suddenly saw Lin Jiamo on the desk behind Fang Hui, he was shocked for a moment.

"Yo, there's a new student in our class? Let's meet, my name is Zhao Ye... Zhao Kuangyin's Zhao, Huohua's Ye."

Lin Jiamo ignored his outstretched right hand: "I know, I put a basin at the front door of the classroom and showered the student who was covered by the dean."

Zhao Ye's eyes lit up: "Heh, you have found out my details very clearly."

Lin Jiamo rolled his eyes at him: "You said it yourself on the stage just now, and it's hard for people not to remember the pitiful appearance of crying."

Zhao Ye sat down next to Lin Jiamo, and said bluntly, "I am a real warrior who dares to bow his head to the eaves."

Chen Xun glanced at Lin Yue, then at Fang Hui who was tidying up the desk, walked towards his seat, and rubbed Ren Gaoying's head as he passed by Ren Gaoying: "Did you peek at it again when I was away? A martial arts novel."

"How dare you, I'm afraid someone will inform you, and the deposit is ten yuan." He said looking at Lin Yue's back.

"Chen Xun, have you eaten yet? My dad brought me a box of matcha-flavored cookies when he went abroad this time. Would you like to try it?" Kongbellcao took out a tin box with all the outer packaging in English from the drawer. , Open the cover and hand it over.

Chen Xun took out a cookie and took a bite, and saw He Sha sitting there expressionlessly.

"He Sha, what's the matter? Are you in a bad mood today?"

"No." He Sha said: "You have to be careful, don't be caught by the big horse monkey again."

These words sounded like telling Chen Xun to be careful of Da Ma Hou, but only she knew what she actually meant—if you don't get caught by Da Ma Hou, don't mischievously squeeze Lin Yue out, otherwise, no one will be able to save you.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Chen Xun stuffed the remaining half of the cookie into his mouth, and Wangkong Bellcao said, "Did anything new happen at school these days when I was away?"

Kongbellcao began to gossip with him about some hearsay campus stories.

Over there, Qiao Ran went to his seat and sat down, took out a book from his backpack and handed it to Fang Hui: "Here, I will reflect at home and finish reading it in the past few days."

Fang Hui stopped writing, looked at the little prince on the corner of the table, turned his head and nodded with a smile.

"There is also the matter of misunderstanding you before. On behalf of Chen Xun and Zhao Ye, I want to say sorry to you. They are thin-skinned, and I am sorry to apologize in front of everyone. Don't take it to heart when they did something wrong before. "

Fang Hui shook his head: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

jingle bell~

The class bell rang, the Chinese teacher walked in from outside, and everyone in the classroom fell silent.

"what happened?"

The Chinese teacher stood on the podium and looked at the students below: "Where is the monitor? Why don't you shout to stand up?"

Chen Xun sat in the back, motionless.

You must know that Da Ma Hou withdrew his squad leader a week ago and did not re-elect.

During the period when the three were fined and suspended from class, Konglingcao was given the job of yelling to stand up when the teacher came to class. Now that Chen Xun came back, she stopped yelling.


He Sha stood up and said, "Teacher, our class doesn't have a monitor right now."

"Oh." The Chinese teacher glanced at Chen Xun, without saying anything, flipped through the textbook, and closed the book again.

"Today, we won't talk about new content. You have read the first prize articles in the New Concept Composition Competition. I want to hear your impressions after reading. Chen Xun..."

When Chen Xun heard his name called, he stood up quickly.

"Tell me which one is your favorite."

"That's needless to say? "Peeping Man in a Cup"."

"What's the reason?"

"Student Han Han used the change of a piece of cloth sinking into the water to describe how a person goes from being 'pure and flawless' to being 'polluted' and 'eroded' by the dirty water of society, to numbness and depravity. Well, very realistic."

The Chinese teacher nodded after listening: "Sit down."

Chen Xun sat back.

"Lin Yue."

She called Lin Yue's name again.

Lin Yue was looking at the scenery outside the window, because there happened to be a group of willow catkins sandwiched between the gaps in the window lattice, those thin white flakes trembled in the wind, like a child afraid of the cold.

Hearing the Chinese teacher call his name, he stood up and looked at the opposite face with a small bun face, which made people want to pinch a woman.

"Lin Yue, tell me, which one is your favorite?"

Lin Yue heard someone whispering behind him, saying that the Chinese teacher must have done it on purpose, after calling Chen Xun and calling Lin Yue, it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

Even Fang Hui, who was always calm and calm, looked at him, and Lin Jiamo was even more energetic, wanting to hear his high-level explanation of the winning works of the New Concept Composition Contest.

"I haven't read the winning works of the New Concept Composition Contest."

What Lin Yue said stunned everyone. The new concept as a competition is the hottest thing in the middle school circle. Not only the students are talking about it, but also the teachers are talking about it, and even the parents have paid a lot of attention. Some people even say that it will become a "cradle of young writers", and Peking University, Fudan University and Nankai University are all co-organizers, and the award-winning contestants have a great chance to be recommended to prestigious universities.

The Chinese teacher mentioned this competition more than once in class, telling everyone that if they want to write a good composition, they must read more award-winning works, and then learn from each other's strengths to make up for their weaknesses. Under such circumstances, Lin Yue actually said that he hadn't read it...

"We have no news there, and there are very few reports on the New Concept Composition Competition." Lin Yue said a reason that everyone agrees with, and then changed his voice: "But speaking of favorite articles, I am deeply impressed by an essay. .”

Thanks to Garfield, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by Nicole Gurney, the 500 starting coins rewarded by readers with the tail number 6480, the 200 starting coins rewarded by Time and Space Gold, the little tiger in the devil world, the Wutian of the Great Ni Buddha Temple, The 100 starting point coins rewarded by the boring universe,

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