Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 824 It's not tiring to work with men and women

"Teacher Hou, I want to recommend someone."

Lin Yue hadn't finished speaking.

Zhao Ye, whose chin was resting on the table over there, muttered softly, "I choose me?"

The scrutiny from Hou Zhen fell on Lin Yue.

After pondering for a moment, she said, "Who?"

Lin Yue stood up and spoke, so she couldn't pretend she didn't see it. She thought that it was just like what the people in the office said. Refuse to suffer.

"Empty Bell Plant."


Wow, there was an uproar under the podium, no one thought that the person he recommended would be Kongbellcao, you must know that Kongbellcao is Chen Xun's follower, she never said anything when Chen Xun said one thing, and she never said anything when Chen Xun told her to go east. Not to the west, in other words, there is not much difference between Kongbellcao being the squad leader and Chen Xun being the squad leader.

Facing the gazes from all directions, Columbus was a little at a loss. Lin Yue strongly recommended her size to be the squad leader in front of the big horse monkey. Why did he turn a 180-degree turn and propose her to be the squad leader?

Thinking about his courteous behavior before, what on earth is he going to do? Learn from the scene on TV where the leader of the rebel army, Huangpao, retreats to advance?

Kong Lingcao looked at Chen Xun, wanting to know his thoughts, but failed. The person he liked just looked puzzled, and didn't say whether he would support her as the monitor or not.

Only He Sha knew that Lin Yue really didn't want to be the squad leader. What Da Mahou said when he asked him to transfer shifts was all nonsense, and the purpose was to stay in the first shift. she.

At this moment, Lin Yue spoke again: "Teacher Hou, as long as Campanula is the class monitor, I will definitely help the class win this month's blackboard competition."

The whole class was in an uproar again. You must know that since they entered high school, Class 1 and 1 have never been ranked first in the blackboard newspaper for nearly a year, and the best time was only third place. Because the poster painters from other classes performed abnormally.

As long as Campanula is the class leader, he will help him get the first place in the class? What a big tone!

Yes, he is good at writing chalk characters, but the blackboard newspapers are not only read by chalk characters, the quality of the chalk drawings is also good or bad, which is more important than the chalk characters.

At this moment, Chen Xun raised his hand, signaling that he had something to say.

Teacher Hou said, "Chen Xun."

"Teacher, I agree with Lin Yue's proposal. The board newspaper evaluation is related to the honor of the class. Last month we were at the bottom, and this month we must not be the last again. No matter what conflicts there are in our class, one thing is certain, We must never let outsiders compare us, don’t you think?”


"That's right!"

"It's time to let the people in Class Two and Class Three see our true strength in Class One."

Now that Chen Xun speaks, the others will naturally stop being tense, and the collective sense of honor will rise, with a look of enthusiasm.

Lin Yue was expressionless, and said to himself that you didn't say anything about the honor of the class before you "boasted in Haikou", and you said that you helped the senior one class get the first place in the evaluation, and you jumped out and said, "There are conflicts within the class." Not counting contradictions, the most important thing is to resolve external contradictions.”

That's called a dignified righteousness, that's called a high-sounding one.

It's easy to say good things and do bad things.

The empty bell grass was recommended by Lin Yue, presumably there will be no embarrassing her in the future, Chen Xun and others also accepted this proposal.

Hou Zhen saw that the two sides had reached a consensus. Although she was very helpless and unhappy with this kind of "political compromise" where you give in one step and I take another step back, there is no better choice now, so she could only sigh and said: "The empty bell grass ,what is your opinion?"

What can she say? Chen Xun's opinion is her opinion.

"Teacher Hou, I'm afraid... I can't do well."

"You have to have confidence in yourself." Hou Zhen said: "If you have any problems that cannot be solved, please ask your teachers and classmates. I firmly believe that you can be a good monitor of this class."

Kongbellcao nodded: "Then...then let me try."

Hou Zhen pressed her wrist down, signaled Chen Xun and Kong Lingcao to sit down, then turned to look at Lin Yue: "Then I will leave the blackboard newspaper to you?"

Lin Yue said, "I need someone to help me."


"Fang Hui."

When Fang Hui heard this, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Yue in astonishment.

Qiao Ran frowned when he heard this.

Over there, Hou Zhen suddenly realized: "I remembered when you said that, Fang Hui filled in the column of personal expertise in the self-introduction of the file as art, right?"

Fang Hui clenched her fists, stood up and said, "Yes, I learned a little bit when I was young."

"Okay, Lin Yue, you haven't been in our class for a month, you know the situation of your classmates well enough." Hou Zhenwang Fang Hui said, "Can you help him with the board report?"

"I... will do my best."

She looked at the English textbooks wrapped in book covers on the table, speaking weakly and authentically.

"Then let's make a deal like this. Kongbellcao is the class monitor, and Lin Yue and Fang Hui will be in charge of the next board report." Teacher Hou picked up the textbooks on the desk: "Okay, let's go to self-study."

She said this and went out.

Chen Xun looked at Fang Hui's back and felt very happy, as if...he was being tricked by that Lin Yue again.

Ever since he accused Fang Hui of being a traitor last time, he felt guilt and pity when he saw the girl running on the playground. When he returned to class today, he found that the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she was. To get to know her.

But now?

Hey, the two of them are going to publish a blackboard newspaper together, isn't it tiring to work with a man and a woman?

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the empty bell grass, and the four-eyed girl grinned when she saw him look over.

Didn't Campanula have an affair with Lin Yue behind his back? Otherwise, why did you suddenly recommend her as monitor?


jingle bell~

The get out of class bell rang.

Students who were close to home left the campus one after another, and students who were far away from home began to think about food.

Fang Hui looked around to see if there was no one around, stood up slowly, and walked up to Lin Yue who was reading miscellaneous books: "You... how do you know I can draw?"

Lin Yuehe borrowed "Mathematics Bulletin" from the library: "I saw you drawing on the desk when I was looking for books in the library last time, and the drawing is quite good."


Fang Hui didn't know what to say, she did have the habit of drawing in the library, she didn't expect Lin Yue to find out.

"I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Afraid you can't draw well?"

Fang Hui nodded: "Chalk drawing is a bit different from sketching..."

Lin Yue said: "Don't be afraid, I will help you."

"I'll help you too." With a bright voice, Lin Jiamo put her arms around Fang Hui's waist from behind: "Isn't it just a blackboard newspaper, kiddo, I'm famous in 43... I have good eyesight, as long as I If you say yes, you will definitely win the first place in the competition.”

"Oh, Jiamo, stop making trouble, this is not a game."

"I know it's not a game, I mean it."

"What's serious? What game?" Zhao Ye, who has always been thick-skinned, came over and said, "Not only am I good at basketball, but I can also play games."

Lin Jiamo glared at him: "Why are you everywhere? We're talking about blackboard newspapers."

"Hey, why don't you be so fierce? If you are fierce, it won't look good." Zhao Ye said, "Isn't it just publishing a newspaper? I, Zhao Huohua, can also help."

Lin Jiamo said, "How can you help?"

"I can help you see if the words are crooked."

"Go and go, let's cool down."

"Zhao Ye." Chen Xun's voice came from the back door: "What are you dawdling in there? Are you still playing basketball?"

"Fight, of course." Zhao Ye agreed, winked at Lin Jiamo and said, "Would you like to go downstairs to watch my brother play? Don't you like Rukawa Kaede? I will give you a handsome basket today."

"How do you know I like Rukawa Kaede?"

"Your pen case is covered with his stickers."

"Zhao Ye!" Chen Xun became a little impatient, "I'll go home if you don't leave."

"Hey, here we come, here we come." Zhao Ye slapped the table before he had time to say anything more, "Remember to watch me play, we're on the basketball court in front, you can see it just by looking down from here."

After leaving this sentence, he followed Chen Xun and left.

Looking at his back, Lin Jiamo sticks out her tongue: "Fart!"

Lin Yue thinks that the previous word is suitable to describe Chen Xun's expression.

Seeing the girl I like cooperating with others, I feel uncomfortable, just feel uncomfortable!

"By the way, you two haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Lin Jiamo and Fang Hui shook their heads together.

Lin Yue said, "Give me the bento, and I'll go to Teacher Xu's to warm it up for you."

This was not the first time he was helping others, and the two of them were not pretentious, and each took out the bento they brought from home.

Lin Jiamo's lunch box is very ordinary, just a rectangular lunch box with rounded corners made of stainless steel. Fang Hui's lunch box is a small pink round box with a gauze scarf on the outside and a knot on the lid so it can be carried in your hand. inside.

"Huh, I don't remember this before." Lin Yue pinched the knot of the scarf and mentioned it, remembering that there was no such outer packaging before.

Fang Hui whispered, "You often help me heat up the rice, and every time the shell is quite hot, I just..."

"Oh." Lin Jiamo clapped his hands together: "Fang Hui is still careful, you see, I can't think of such a thing."

Lin Yuechong smiled at the two of them, and left with the lunch box. Although he has [Ghost Gloves], he doesn't have to worry about burning his hands, but it is undeniable that Fang Hui's actions really made him feel good.

Coming out of the classroom, he walked a few steps forward when he was stopped by a person.

Special thanks to TANG Ranran for tipping 10,000 starting coins, Space-Time Gold for tipping 1,400 starting coins, Boring Universe and Paying News for tipping 100 starting coins,

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