Roaming in the world of film and television


It is Kong Suzuki, the new monitor of Class One, Senior One.

"Lin Yue, stop there, I have a question for you."

Lin Yue ignored her and continued walking forward.

"You stop, I tell you to stop."

Kong Lingcao shouted and chased after them, and the two of them walked to the first floor. Lin Yue was "blocked by her because he was avoiding a classmate."

"What are you running for?"

"I know what you want to ask, but I don't feel the need to answer."

"You know what I want to ask?"

"Don't you just want to ask me to recommend you to be the squad leader, what kind of medicine can be sold in the gourd?"

"Yes, I want to know what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd."

"I told you a long time ago, there are not so many twists and turns, I just want to improve our relationship."

"I do not believe."

"Believe it or not."

Lin Yue pretended to be angry, turned to the side, quickly walked past Kong Lingcao, and walked towards the teacher's dormitory building.

Kongbellcao stared at his back for a while, stomped his feet, and said, "Just because of what you did to Chen Xun and the others, you will never think about it in this life", threw off a pair of braids, and walked towards the outside of the teaching building. go.

Not long after she left, He Sha walked out of the infirmary next to her, looking at her best friend in the carport with a blank expression.


The next day was another break between afternoon classes and evening self-study.

Fang Hui looked at the vegetables in the lunch box, turned around, and looked puzzled at Lin Yue who came back after delivering the lunch box to He Sha.

"The dishes here..."

Her family ate twice-cooked pork for lunch, and her mother put the leftovers into her bento. Now there are two more side dishes in it, hot and sour potato shreds and cold cucumber.

"Oh, Mr. Xu bought some food a few days ago, and I haven't had time to make it. I think it will go bad if I don't eat it. I fried a hot and sour potato shreds and took a few cucumbers. Everyone shared some."

Will the vegetables bought by Mr. Xu go bad if you don't eat them?

There is no living condition for fungi and bacteria in the portable space. In such a never-failing fresh-keeping store, he can store hundreds of catties of vegetables in it until 2014 without any problems.

I sent more than ten catties of vegetables to Mr. Xu. A work-study farm child is also his class representative. It is not too much to borrow the kitchen to cook two dishes.

What's more, Xu Jianxun is not from the imperial capital. He is also a person from a small place who was admitted to the God Capital Normal University.

"Oh." Fang Hui said, "No wonder you came back so much later than before."

Lin Jiamo, who had eaten so much rice that the corners of his mouth were stained, said, "Do you know how to cook?"

If Fang Hui didn't ask, she would think Teacher Xu kindly gave it to them.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "Have you heard a word? The children of the poor have long been in charge."

"Well, the hot and sour potato shreds you fry are much more delicious than my dad's. How did you practice this knife skill..." Lin Jiamo picked up a potato shred: "Have you ever seen a potato shred that is as thick as a little finger? Haven't you? It's a pity, I see you a few times a month."

"What are you talking about? It's so lively?" Zhao Ye came from behind with a lunch box in his hands, and made gestures in front of Lin Jiamo with his chopsticks: "Isn't it just a hot and sour potato shreds? Look at what I told you, it's almost as good as it is." It’s time for delicacies from mountains and seas.”

"Why are you everywhere?"

"Hey." Zhao Ye said, "I'm a famous gourmet in the big experiment. If you want to talk about the restaurants near our school, which one have I never eaten? Come on, let me try the hot and sour potato shreds that you are full of praise. What level."

As he spoke, he moved forward, quickly took out a chopstick of potato shreds from Lin Jiamo's lunch box, and quickly stuffed them into his mouth.

"Well, not bad, really good."

He smiled flatteringly, and took another cucumber with his chopsticks.

"Mmm...crisp and fresh."

Zhao Ye looked at the double-cooked pork at the bottom of Fang Hui's lunch box, and the dry-fried octopus at the bottom of Lin Jiamo's lunch box. He shamelessly put two pieces of meat in his own lunch box.

"It's a kind of enjoyment to eat a lot of fish and meat every day, and occasionally eat light dishes... No." He nodded his index finger and said, "It's health preservation, health preservation."

"How old are you, you're already thinking about keeping in good health?"

Lin Jiamo was helpless with this thick skin.

"Zhao Ye, what's the matter?" Chen Xun came from behind with a copy of "Popular Software" and said, "You've brought disaster on your food, how can people eat it?"

"No...Chen Xun, why did I spoil their food?"

"Put that donkey's face here and you will affect your appetite, am I right, Jiamo?"

Lin Jiamo nodded with the tip of her chopsticks in her mouth.

" teamed up to bully me." Zhao Ye had an expression of being greatly aggrieved.

At this time, Chen Xun turned to Fang Hui: "By the way, Fang Hui, about the blackboard newspaper, have you thought about what to draw?"

The girl shook her head: "I'm afraid I can't draw well."

Chen Xun said: "No problem, just He Sha painted the big tree last time, it looks like a bundle of celery, but anyone with some art skills can draw better than Ya."

"Chen Xun, who do you think painted a big tree like celery?" He Sha came over with a lunch box, subconsciously stopped beside Lin Yue, and looked at him angrily: "You don't think it looks good, then you draw it. "

"Isn't there Fang Hui in our class now?" Chen Xun said, "You haven't answered the question just now, what are you going to draw?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

Fang Hui looked at Lin Jiamo: "Jiamo, what do you think should be painted?"

"Ask me?" Lin Jiamo pulled out the chopsticks in his mouth: "That must be Rukawa Feng."

"Okay, this is good, Rukawa Kaede." Zhao Ye said: "Draw a slam dunk moment, it's so handsome."

He Sha said: "You treat others like you. You like to watch Slam Dunk and the NBA. Go to the office and ask, is there any teacher who knows Rukawa Kaede?"

"Huh." Zhao Ye said, "He Sha, you've changed. Didn't you also go to the grocery store to watch the NBA when the switch was turned on? When my brother played a game, you weren't the one who yelled for cheers the hardest."

He Sha was startled. That's right, since when did she start thinking about the feelings of those who don't like basketball?

Fang Hui turned to look at Lin Yue: "Lin Yue, what do you think we should draw this time?"

"Isn't there a saying called Xuehai Wuya Kuzuozhou? I think...the theme of this blackboard newspaper is called boating." Lin Yue said casually.

It's about the blackboard newspaper. Although he issued a "military order" to win the championship, he really didn't take it to heart. Not to mention that Fang Hui's art skills are good, even if she has never learned it, someone with his "calligraphy and painting" skills Now, are you afraid that you won't get the first place?

Chen Xun said: "There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work? Such an old theme, what era are you from?"


Hearing this sentence for the first time, all the people around Lin Yue looked blank. After more than ten seconds of silence, Chen Xun finally came to his senses, and his face changed: "How are you talking?"

Lin Yue curled his lips: "Fang Hui and I are the ones who published this issue of the newspaper. Since you have so many opinions, why don't you submit it yourself? As long as you can't get the first place at the end of the month, don't blame us for not doing enough."

"You!" Chen Xun was stunned by his words: "First in grade, this is what you said..."

"Yes, I did."

"What if you can't get the first place?"

"If I can't get it, I'll go to the second class immediately. I won't be here to obstruct your eyes, but if I get the first..."

"What do you want?"

"I remember you can play the guitar."

"Who told you that?"

"Don't worry about who told me, if you take the first place in the newspaper competition, the guitar will be mine."

"You can't play the guitar."

"I'll use it as a decoration, can't I?"

Hearing the word "decoration", Chen Xun was a little annoyed.

"Why? Can't bear it?"

"Who says you can't bear it, just gamble!"

Lin Yue smiled coldly and turned his head away. People like Chen Xun are actually very difficult to get along with. He didn't think much of it when he was watching TV dramas, but he realized how self-centered he was after actually seeing him. Fang Hui and Lin Jiamo were obviously eating and chatting with him, so he satirized Zhao Ye Cheeky, he came over to show his presence in front of Fang Hui, just brush it up, the other girl asked for his opinion, and he was still making sarcastic remarks on the sidelines.

Thinking about the plot carefully, among the three of Zhao Ye, Chen Xun, and Qiao Ran, Qiao Ran is the most stable. He abides by the principle of "not fighting" when facing good friends and girls he likes, otherwise he would not hide in England to study at university , Zhao Ye is thick-skinned, and he is a friend and a half-servant to Chen Xun, so the whole drama is a group of people going around Chen Gongzi, watching him pretend to be aggressive, watching him fool around, and watching him flourish in youth.

Now the girl he likes and Lin Jiamo don't squeeze him out like other students, but get along well, so he becomes anxious, angry, and unhappy, which really shows the waywardness of the only child of a wealthy family to the fullest.

Seeing the sudden coldness of the atmosphere, Lin Jiamo hurriedly used her brain to seek relief.

How do we do this?

After a few breaths, her eyes lit up.

There is.

Only then did I realize that the name of the four-eyed girl was mistaken, it should be the door bell grass, because it has been used for a long time, so it should be called the empty bell grass, as long as everyone knows about it.

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