She searched and searched, and searched and searched.

Finally found Lin Yue's name at the 28th position on the overall list.

Ordinarily, based on his grades, he shouldn't be ranked 28th, at least he should be in the top ten of his grade.


Qiao Ran also found out about this. He is a 28th grader. For a city center like the Experimental No. 1 Middle School, although he is also a seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University, his performance is much worse than his usual performance.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xun found his name in the 37th position on the overall list, turned his face and saw the expressions of the two, and couldn't help asking.

Qiao Ran pointed to a place in front of him.

"Hey, grade 28, I thought this guy would have to..."

He didn't say what he said later, because the test results in various subjects were weird.

Mathematics: 150.

English: 148.

Chinese: 145.

Physics: 150.

Chemistry: 150.

History: 41.

Politics: 46.

Looking at the first five subjects, it is definitely the first sign of the grade, but the history and politics behind it... It is not cut in half, it can be said to be a cliff. A full score of 150 is not even a passing grade.

What's the situation?

Fang Hui also noticed the scene where the grades from chemistry to history were stretched. The three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry were full marks. In terms of these three subjects alone, the first grade in class six could be rubbed against the floor, but history and politics failed. What the hell?

This is a test paper of 150 points. If the test paper is 100 points, that guy is only about 30 points.

Others use subjects such as history and politics that can be learned by memorization to gain points, but he is good at losing points.

"Even if the water is released, it shouldn't be so far behind." Qiao Ran felt very helpless, but Fan Linyue's history and political achievements were normal, and the first place in the first class of senior one was not his turn.

"Hey, look, that guy named Lin Yue did well in the exam, he's in grade 28."

"This...what's the matter with mathematics, physics, chemistry, history and politics?"

"Is Ya so biased?"


"Let's go." Qiao Ran withdrew from the crowd.

Fang Hui nodded, and followed him to the teaching building. She was going to ask Lin Yue what was going on. How could a person who knew English texts by heart be confused about politics and history?

The three of them came to the front door of Class 1 through the stairs on the side of the teaching building. As soon as they entered the classroom, Fang Hui noticed that the atmosphere was different, and his eyes swept over the faces of the students in the front row.

Ren Gaoying coughed lightly: "I didn't write it, I didn't write it."

Later, Zhang Huiran said, "I can testify to this."

Fang Hui turned her face to look at the blackboard, there were six large characters written on it.

"Fang Hui likes Qiao Ran."

She stood at the door, her hands began to shake, her eyes began to turn red, and she couldn't help recalling the memories of being misunderstood by her classmates and giving a small report; she didn't know who to erase the blackboard newspaper she had finally drawn.

Qiao Ran stared blankly at the words on the blackboard, not knowing how to explain them.

At this time, Chen Xun rushed to the podium, picked up the eraser and wiped off the chalk writing on it, and then slapped the podium with both hands: "Who is so boring? Is it interesting to do this?"

Everyone is whispering, no one pays attention to this.

"I didn't dare to admit it last time, and I didn't dare to admit it this time. It's enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, a person came out of the back door, without even looking at him, he went straight to his seat and sat down.

"Look, the king of the first department is here."

"Full marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry, how did you get it?"


The discussion about Lin Yue dilutes the tense atmosphere in the classroom.

Qiao Ran looked at Fang Hui and said, "Don't think too much, go back to your seat first."

Fang Hui glanced at Lin, who was melancholy about his mid-term exam results, walked slowly to his seat, and folded his arms on the table.

The one thing she wanted to do the most before going upstairs was to ask Lin Yue what happened to his political and historical achievements, but now she was really in no mood to ask such a question.

Since Lin Yue entered the door, Chen Xun has been staring at him, asking himself in his heart, is it him? is it him?

It should not be "Fang Hui likes Qiao Ran" on the blackboard, it should be "Fang Hui likes Chen Xun", because the person who secretly wrote on the blackboard is none other than him, but I don't know who changed the name.

Did Qiao Ran change it?

It shouldn't be, Qiao Ran in his impression is not someone who would do such a thing, but Lin Yue... is even more impossible, because if Lin Yue is interested in Fang Hui, why change it to Qiao Ran's name? Rival assists?

Who would that be?

Who will it be?

He glanced at He Sha, and found that He Sha was looking at the bellflower with complicated eyes.

"Huh, what's the matter?" Lin Jiamo walked into the classroom through the front door: "The atmosphere is not right, Chen Xun, why are you standing on the podium? Fang Hui, Fang Hui... who is bullying you again?"

Jiang Xiaoxuan wanted to tell her what happened, but seeing Chen Xun's stinky face, she swallowed the words back.

As for what happened, no one knew better than Lin Yue.

Because he was the one who changed "Fang Hui likes Chen Xun" to "Fang Hui likes Qiao Ran".

Or Chen Xun is not a thing, obviously Qiao Ran has been chasing Fang Hui, and the two of them walked very close, when the whole class isolated her, Qiao Ran was the only one who supported her, but at the back, Chen Xun Pity came from guilt, and love came from pity, so she started to envy Qiao Ran and calculated her good brother in all kinds of ways, like writing "Fang Hui likes Chen Xun" on the blackboard, and "bringing life to Qiao Ran" in the class. Rice cooked into rice", step by step to force Fang Hui to accept him, and then tell Qiao Ran that we are good brothers for life.

If it wasn't for the purpose of breaking up the Iron Triangle, he would definitely expose Chen Xun's tricks in public, and then laugh and take a sip of salt soda.

Although it is said that there is no first-come-first-served approach in the pursuit of love, when you stand at the same starting line with your good brothers, you should always be more open and aboveboard. Only people like Qiao Ran can bear it, otherwise Zhao Ye would call him "Qiao Ma".

In the plot, "Fang Hui likes Chen Xun" did not affect the relationship between Qiao Ran and Chen Xun. Here it becomes "Fang Hui likes Qiao Ran". Can Chen Xun sit still?

He's looking forward to what's next.

Chen Xun saw that no one would admit it, and everyone ignored him. In addition, when the class bell rang, it was not easy to stand on the podium, and walked to his seat with a gloomy face.

Just as everyone's eyes followed his footsteps and moved back, there was a "dong dong dong" knock on the front door.

A girl in a school uniform, but not a classmate, appeared at the door.

Someone recognized her as Chen Tongtong, the physics class representative of the first and second grades of senior high school, and also a famous class flower of the first and second grades of senior high school. It is said that last New Year received a drawer of greeting cards showing love, including boys from the second and third grades of senior high school. of.

"Is student Lin Yue here?"


A whistle sounded in the classroom, and even Fang Hui, who was depressed, couldn't help but look up.

"I'm here." Lin Yue looked at Chen Tongtong who was standing grandly at the door.

"The history teacher called you to go to the office." Chen Tongtong looked at him carefully, and left with a stack of test papers.

Lin Yue frowned, put down his book and walked outside.

Because the first class was self-study, the discipline was looser, and people in the classroom began to whisper, not understanding why the history teacher called him over.

Five minutes after Lin Yue left the classroom, the students in the class started discussing the mystery of "Fang Hui likes Qiao Ran". Lin Jiamo also learned about the incident from Jiang Xiaoxuan, and racked her brains to try to persuade her.

At this time, a person walked into the classroom with his hands behind his back and stood on the podium.

Why did the big horse monkey come here? I don't have his class today.

After all, it was the teaching director, the shadow of a famous tree, and the entire classroom was instantly silent.

The big horse monkey looked at the people in the classroom, and his eyes fell on the empty seat by the window.

"Where's Lin Yue? Didn't come?"

He Sha stood up and said, "The history teacher told him to go to the office."

"Oh." The big horse monkey nodded without stopping, and walked away with its hands behind its back.

Fang Hui was lying on the table in a daze, Lin Jiamo left her seat and leaned over: "Let's go, Fang Hui."

She glanced at her girlfriend with a blank face: "Where are you going?"

"Go and eavesdrop outside the office." Lin Jiamo said, "First the history teacher came looking for him, and then the big horse monkey. There must be something interesting going on here."

"But...but what if the teacher finds out?" Fang Hui was really moved by her persuasion.

"I found it, and if I found it, I said to get the history test paper."

The next class is history class. According to the normal operation, after the exam, the teacher will spend at least one class time to explain the test questions, so it is really reasonable for the class representative to go to the office to get the test papers before class.

"Let's go, go."

Lin Jiamo took her hand and left the seat.

The people nearby look at me and I look at you, not knowing what the two of them are doing.

What they didn't expect was that when the two went out, He Sha slipped out of the classroom through the back door, and the three girls walked to the first-year office like spies.

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