Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 836 The old driver overturned

end of june.

A torrent of rain fell in the early morning, soaking the ground, the road, the cars on the road, and the running pedestrians, as well as the laziness on their faces.

After finishing his morning reading, Lin Yue put away his book and looked sideways at the willow branches swaying gently in the breeze.

He has been transferred to another school for more than 2 months. Although the relationship with other students is still not very harmonious except for Fang Hui, Lin Jiamo, and He Sha, it is still much better than at the beginning. After all, those people understand a truth- ——He is the kind of guy who doesn't offend me, I won't offend others, and if someone offends me, he will retaliate. As long as you don't confront him head-on, you won't be embarrassed.


Accompanied by the smell of Ariel washing powder, Lin Jiamo walked over to his desk and looked at him with a smile.

"Roujiamo, what the hell are you planning?"

"Lin Yue!" She patted Lin Yue's table: "How many times have I said, don't call me Roujiamo, don't call me Roujiamo, it's so ugly."

"I think it's pretty good. When I see you, I think it's delicious, juicy, crunchy, and it's full of meaty aroma after one bite. The taste is amazing."

"Woo..." Lin Jiamo looked at him angrily, "I wanted to give you a present, but I won't give it!"

Lin Yue shrugged, with a sorry expression on his face, an expression I didn't expect.

She took two steps back, gritted her teeth, fell back again, took something out of her pocket and slapped it on his desk.

Hand rope, red hand rope.

Not to mention, it's pretty well edited.

Lin Yue picked it up and looked at it, then put it down gently: "..."

Seeing that he didn't respond, Lin Jiamo leaned over and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome..."

Her voice was a little louder, which alarmed the rest of the class. Zhao Ye, who was fiddling with the tape recorder on the podium in front, snatched things from Lin Yue's desk.

"What is it? Such a mother..." After speaking, he suddenly realized something: "No, Lin Jiamo, you sent him off, why didn't you send me off?"

"Why did I send you off? Are we familiar?" Lin Jiamo caught a glimpse of He Sha coming in from behind, and shook her hand: "He Sha, He Sha..."

"What's wrong?"

"This is for you." She handed over a blue bracelet.

"Your hands are so clever." He Sha said with a smile, "Thank you."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Fang Hui walked over carrying a stack of homework.

"This." Lin Jiamo handed her a white bracelet: "I made one for everyone, and this is yours."

Fang Hui put down her homework and took the white bracelet: "It's so beautiful, thank you."

Lin Jiamo was about to speak, when Zhao Ye quit over there: "No, I won't do it if there are theirs but not mine. I'll treat this as a gift from you."

He was talking about the red bracelet that Lin Jiamo gave Lin Yue.

"Hey, Zhao Ye, why are you so thick-skinned? I gave it to Lin Yue, so return it to him quickly."

"I'm thick-skinned, what's the matter? If you give it to him, he doesn't even thank you, which means he doesn't care about what you gave him."

Lin Jiamo said: "If I make up something, I can give it to whoever I want, and you want to take care of it?"

Zhao Ye turned his head away, with an attitude of not listening to Wang Ba's chanting.

He Sha couldn't stand it any longer: "Zhao Ye, I'll give you mine, and you can return the one Jiamo gave Lin Yue to him, okay?"

"Your?" Zhao Ye thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Zhao Ye!" Lin Jiamo stomped her feet, took a deep breath, and tried to suppress the unhappiness in her heart: "You give him back that bracelet, and I'll weave another one for you, no, two! It's all over, right?" ?”

"Hey..." I heard that there were two, and felt that he was taken seriously. The kid was happy, and returned the red bracelet to Lin Yue, clapped his hands, pointed at Lin Jiamo and said, "You said it, two."

"Yes, I said, two." Lin Jiamo looked at him angrily.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Ran came in from the outside with a copy of "Reader", noticed Lin Jiamo's expression, and then looked at Zhao Ye behind who raised his hands and cheered as if he had won a battle: "He bullied you again?"


"Don't mind, Zhao Ye is not a bad character, but a little childish."

"Yes, his intelligence is only three years old." Lin Jiamo sat down on Fang Hui's chair, and noticed that Lin Yue picked up the bracelet and looked at it carefully, and his mood improved a little.

At this time, Fang Hui suddenly remembered something, looked at He Sha and said, "He Sha, I went to the office just now and saw your name on the art summer camp planner that the art teacher helped to promote, are you ready to learn to draw? "

"Well." He Sha said: "In the first year of junior high school, the housekeeper learned a little bit, but he didn't pay much attention. You have all seen that the big trees drawn in the April board newspaper competition look like celery. I want to take advantage of this Improve your skills next summer."

She said it easily, and no one thought much about it, except herself.

Since they won the first place in the panel newspaper competition in May, Fang Hui and Lin Yue's fixed match for the pictorial newspaper has become a fixed match for Fang Hui and Lin Yue. One draws and the other writes. If it is said that she and Lin Jiamo, the only role is to help carry chalk and support the chair.

"Ah... it's going to be summer vacation, I haven't figured out how to spend it yet." Lin Jiamo said with a confused face: "Fang Hui, have you thought about how to spend it?"

"How can I live? Eat, sleep, read homework, and occasionally listen to music and watch new movies and TV shows."

"Hey, Lin Yue, Lin Yue... your family is in the countryside, is there anything fun to do in the countryside during the summer vacation?"

"You'd better think about the final exam." Lin Yue looked out the window without looking back.

"Cut, disappointment." Lin Jiamo pouted, walked back to her seat like a boneless earthworm, and lay down on the table: "My dad said that he won't buy me the BP machine that he promised me if he didn't do well in the exam this time. "

He Sha smiled at Fang Hui, turned around and returned to her seat, and then the bell for class came as scheduled.

Li Jing, a Chinese teacher, walked into the office with the textbooks, said to start class, and Kong Lingcao yelled "stand up". After saying hello formally, she began to lead the students to review the content of this semester.

And Lin Yue...

Lin Yuete was troubled.

Overturned! Really overturned!

The generals, emperors, tycoons, senior scumbags who think he has planned and decided to win thousands of miles... Bah, warm man, why did he overturn?

The last time he brought Lin Jiamo to the school basketball team's indoor training ground to look for Su Kai, he found that something was wrong. Lin Jiamo didn't fall in love with Su Kai at first sight. For the next month or so, let alone the interaction between the two, Lin Jiamo didn't even mention "" The name "Su Kai", on the contrary, is the same as He Sha and Fang Hui, who often say his name.

If you want to say good friends, just give me the bracelet, the red one...

Others may not have noticed, but he saw the flash of red on Lin Jiamo's cuff.

He Sha, blue; Fang Hui, white; only he and Lin Jiamo have the same color.

If he can no longer see this girl's concern, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill her.

Regarding the spare tire mission, this is how he planned it.

In the early days of transferring to another school, the characters of Konglingcao and He Sha were set up and confessed early, so that they hesitated on whether to accept him because they had a bad relationship with Chen Xun and were hostile to the students of the imperial capital.

As for Fang Hui, she is a Virgo girl who is entangled, indecisive, or difficult to choose. As long as she is placed between herself, Chen Xun, and Qiao Ran, and Chen Xun is not given a chance to stalk her, she It's just a lost little white rabbit.

As for Lin Jiamo, based on how she fell in love with Su Kai at first sight in the TV series, she thought... this place is good, the two of them have nothing to do, and that crazy little girl came to her.

Fortunately, high school girls are very reserved nowadays, so Lin Jiamo said she likes it, and even pulled He Sha and Fang Hui to cover it. As for He Sha, he is sure that as long as he repeats what he confessed last time, or even asks if you like me, she will answer yes without hesitation, but he doesn't say anything, because her inner reserve makes her I am also embarrassed to come here and say that we were not suitable before, but now we are very suitable, so I can only use other thoughts, such as

Participate in the art summer camp to improve the level of painting, so as not to be poached by Fang Hui when the drawing board says "Men and women work together and work is not tiring".

Just now Lin Jiamo asked him if there was anything interesting in the countryside, but he didn't say anything, because if he did, with his madness, he might persuade Fang Hui and Qiao Ran to go to the countryside to "experience life".

"Lin Yue, Lin Yue..."

Li Jing's words woke him up.

"What's there outside the window, looking so engrossed?"

There was a burst of laughter in the class. If you want to say that among all the teachers who dare to "disgrace Lin Yue", Hou Zhen is one, Li Jing is one, and basically no other teacher dares to provoke him. As for the mathematics, physics and chemistry teacher, he is better than the big teacher. Pandas are precious, and they are good students who can be bragged about at the wine table in the future. History, geography, politics... The teachers are afraid to piss him off.

Lin Yue looked at her and said a word.

Li Jing's face changed: "Get out!"

"Hey." He agreed very simply, stood up and left, leaving the whole class to laugh or not to laugh, all of them were blushing.

You said that you provoked him, and you were beaten back every time. It can be said that you have been defeated repeatedly, and you have been defeated repeatedly. What are you trying to do?

Thank you Cup and Quilt 666 for the 3,000 starting coins, the fire in the middle of the night, the land without tears, the me of the almighty universe, pay the news, tell you the 1,500 starting coins you want to reward, the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Sleeping God like the wind, ten lines , 500 starting coins rewarded by Fengtongyin, book friends with tail number 3387, book friends with tail number 4568, don’t like tomatoes, 100 starting coins rewarded by boring universe

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