Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 837 You Are Not In New Oriental (Two in One)

In Lin Jiamo's view, Lin Yue deserved to be punished, and Li Jing also deserved to be punished.

Both of them are looking for trouble.

Who doesn't know that this guy can get high grades in the exams, math, physics and chemistry. Don't talk about being in a daze in class, even if you sleep there and draw little people, as long as you don't disturb other students, the teacher will not care.

As for Li Jing, if she had to tease him, she would lose face as usual.

"There is your silhouette outside the window."

These are Lin Yue's original words.

There is no evidence to say that he molested the teacher, because it was cloudy outside, and the lights in the classroom were not bright enough. There were indeed faces reflected in the windows. He said that it was true that there was Li Jing's silhouette outside the window.

Blame him for using "silhouette" instead of "figure".

"Stop laughing and concentrate." Li Jing tapped on the blackboard and said seriously.

The students in the classroom quickly straightened their spines and read carefully.


Summer vacation is here.

Lin Jiamo got the BP machine that her father had promised before, but after buying it, she realized that she had been cheated, because that shameless Zhao Ye called her once every three days, asking her if she had finished her summer homework, and lent him to copy it down.

And the person she wanted to contact the most disappeared just like that.

Fang Hui is in the same situation as Lin Jiamo. Sometimes Qiao Ran asks her if she wants to go to the library, and sometimes Chen Xun calls her to see a new movie. She pushes and hides when she can. Calling Lin Jiamo together, at this age she still doesn't know what's wrong with her, but one thing is certain is that she is afraid of Chen Xun's aggressive questioning, and also afraid of Qiao Rannuan's bewildering eyes, On the contrary, the guy who left without hesitation and didn't even bother to make a phone call became the target of her and Lin Jiamo gnashing their teeth and complaining about their ruthlessness.


The last day of summer vacation.

Lin Yue drove a van and turned into an alley, turned left and right, and stopped in front of an old courtyard house.


The door opens.

Wu Tingting got down from the carriage with her head down, walked to the back and opened the carriage door, and took out a hard white plastic box containing fruits, which contained watermelons.

"Let me do it."

Lin Yue stopped her, took the heavy box of watermelons and walked towards the courtyard.

"Which house?"

"The one on the east side..."

Wu Tingting sighed, staring blankly at the figure who disappeared over the threshold, it took her a while to react, and followed into the courtyard.

Inside is Baifeng's grandfather's house. The old man's son died early, and his daughter-in-law remarried. He raised Baifeng alone. After Baifeng died in a car accident, there was no one to take care of him. She, Lao Tang, Sun Tao and others would come here from time to time. Move and lift, make bedding and stuff, and do what you can.

For half a month, Lin Yue was either selling fruits or vegetables on the street next to the residential area. She would go to accompany him when she had time after work. Come here at home or here, and say that he just hired her to look after the stall, and she deserves all of these.

Ten minutes later, the two came out.

Just as Lin Yue was about to get in the car, Wu Tingting took his hand: "Wait a minute."

After she finished speaking, she ran towards the entrance of the alley, and returned within two minutes, holding two bottles of iced soda

"Seeing that you are sweating profusely, are you thirsty?"

"It's okay." Lin Yue took the air-conditioned soda bottle and looked at the word "Fanta" below: "I thought it was the Arctic Ocean."

"You also know the Arctic Ocean?"

"Well, my uncle said before when he came home that when I grow up, he will take me to the capital to play, eat the roast duck from Quanjude, and drink the soda from the Arctic Ocean..."

"The dead cannot be brought back to life. The living must continue. You have to look forward and don't always think about the past."

"Yes." Lin Yue took a long sip with the straw in his mouth, and said with a feigned sigh: "The Arctic Ocean is gone, isn't there still Fanta? And this foreign drink may be more conscientious."

"The speaker has no intention", but the listener does. Wu Tingting's heart trembled slightly, and her expression changed slightly.

"Oh, if you want to put it this way, foreign companies are all conscientious companies? You worship foreigners."

He used to say that KFC is a company with a conscience, but now he says that Coca-Cola is a company with a conscience. Foreign companies have a conscience, but domestic companies have no conscience.

"Yes, why not, Quanjude, Goubuli, Qingdao Prawn Thirty-eight, the ancient city of Lijiang in Fenghuang, Sinopec on the expressway, and the People's Bank of China are top-notch."

"Hey, you're still singing." Wu Tingting said, "With your tone, why do I want to hit someone more and more?"

Lin Yue quickly stuffed the empty bottle into her arms, opened the driver's door and sat in.

How could Wu Tingting really hit him, it was just a joke.

"To be honest, selling fruits and vegetables is not suitable for you. Didn't you say that you worked in New Oriental for two days before? I think such a company is more suitable for your work-study program."

Lin Yue said: "I don't agree with the three views of the person who came back from the United States. Why do you make yourself unhappy? And..."

He started the car and gasped slowly.

"There is no you in New Oriental."


The faceless one who was about to be eliminated chugs away with black smoke like a fairy farting.

Wu Tingting was choked by the black smoke and frowned, and couldn't fan the wind with her hands holding the two soda bottles, so she stomped her feet behind her in anger.

"Lin Yue, just wait for me and see how I deal with you next time we meet."

She froze as soon as the "scene talk" was finished, looked at the pair of soda bottles in her hand, and at the old courtyard in front of her, and sighed heavily.


The new semester begins.

A banner welcoming new students was hung at the school gate, and the ugly blue and white school uniform was replaced with a white shirt and black skirt, so there were more beautiful landscapes on the campus, and a group of wretched men on the balcony.

Lin Yue rubbed the blue and white striped tie on his chest with a smile, thinking that the imperial capital is the imperial capital, look at this summer school uniform...

It's so fucking expensive!

Fang Hui said, "Are you worried about the school uniform money?"

She knew that Lin Yue's monthly living expenses were less than 300 yuan, and this school uniform could cost one-third of it.

Lin Jiamo walked into the classroom and stuffed her schoolbag into a drawer: "Put it on, put it on again, I really thought that others didn't know that Dama Monkey had applied for a scholarship for him, and it was more than a thousand."

"Jiamo, that's used to offset tuition fees, book fees, material fees, etc. It's two different things from living expenses."

"is that so?"

"Hi everyone." He Sha approached with a smile on her face: "Lin Yue, how was your summer vacation?"

"It's okay, go down the river to touch fish, go to the tree to pick out birds, carry a stick to stick cicadas, and play everything that can be played. You see, I'm tanned."

"Oh." Lin Jiamo pointed at him and said, "No wonder you didn't call us for the whole summer vacation, and you said that there is no fun in the countryside, you liar!"

"My family is poor and ugly, and I don't have a phone. I don't call if I have one, and I can't afford the long-distance fee."

"PI~" Lin Jiamo made a face at him, "It's just being stingy."

She was angry with Lin Yue, not only because she hadn't heard from him during the whole summer vacation, but also because she hadn't worn the bracelet she made for him for a day, so she said she was too motherly, but Zhao Ye, look at Zhao Ye...

Fang Hui said, "Jia Mo, everyone knows that Lin Yue's family conditions are not good, so you really don't need to be angry with him for this."

"Yes." He Sha unzipped her schoolbag, took out two small pendants and handed them over: "Fang Hui, Jiamo, these are the presents I brought back from the summer camp."

It's not such a precious thing, a small umbrella pendant, and a small red shoe pendant.

Lin Jiamo was quick, snatched the little red shoe pendant, zipped it to the schoolbag, and said with a satisfied face: "He Sha, thank you."

Fang Hui on the other side also took the small umbrella pendant and said thank you. In fact, Lin Jiamo wouldn't choose the little red shoe pendant if Lin Jiamo didn't do it first, she always felt too demonic.

"Ah? How about presents? Do you have mine?"

Audio-Technica came in from the front door. Zhao Ye, who was wearing a black bracelet in each of his left and right hands, saw that gifts were being distributed here, and hurried over and said, "Is there any for me?"

"Yes." He Sha took out three hardcover notebooks from her bag and handed them over: "This is for the three of you."

"I want this." Zhao Ye chose the one that looked the most pleasing to the eye among the three hardcover notebooks, and threw the remaining two to Qiao Ran and Chen Xun.

"Thank you, He Sha, did you pay for it?" Qiao Ran thanked him very politely.

"It didn't cost much, you're welcome."

After she finished speaking, she reached into her schoolbag with both hands, walked up to Lin Yue, took out something and handed it over: "Here, here you are."

The closed hands are opened.

A few people in the back poked their heads to look.

Fang Hui didn't respond, Lin Jiamo regretted it, her guts were green with regret, why did she foolishly give away the bracelet, and she sulked and blamed him for refusing to wear it, look at He Sha, how smart, miscalculated, really miscalculated up.

"Yo, that's enough hard work." Chen Xun threw the basketball to Zhao Ye, and sat down in Qiao Ran's seat first, looking at the two of them with a smile.

What He Sha held in her hand was a fountain pen, which was shiny silver and very beautiful.

He doesn't wear a hand strap, he said his mother, where is the pen? This can always come in handy.

"Hey, where's Parker?" Lin Yue didn't move, Chen Xun took the pen from He Sha, tapped the "PARKER" characters on the shiny edge of the lower edge of the pen cap: "In Xidan market, such a pen is rare. It would cost more than a hundred yuan."

He Sha's breathing became short of breath. Why did she give gifts to Lin Jiamo, Fang Hui, Zhao Ye and others first, because she was afraid that Lin Yue would not accept them first. She thinks that Lin Yue is a student from a poor village in the northwest of Shandong Province. He probably doesn't know the brand, so he can just use it as an ordinary pen. This Chen Xun... I really hate it. Now he calls Parker pen and sells it. What would Lin Yue think?

More than 100 yuan for a pen, enough to cover his living expenses for more than half a month.

If Chen Xun didn't say anything, Fang Hui and Lin Jiamo wouldn't know that He Sha gave him a famous pen.

"Oh, I see that the pen you are using is leaking. Every time you use it, you have to pinch the middle seam a few times. I went to the south during the summer vacation. I just saw that the stationery in the mall was on sale. The price is very cheap, so I bought one and came back. Chen Xun said it was so expensive, so he was only in his early fifties."

Lin Yue looked at He Sha with a reserved face, then at Chen Xun who was sitting on Qiao Ran's seat, took back the Parker pen from him, smiled and said, "Thank you, I like it very much."

He was very clear about He Sha's situation, and he was afraid that he would not accept it because it was too expensive, so he deliberately said that the pen worth nearly 200 yuan was 50 yuan. Over there, Chen Xun's heart can be punished. He purposely told Fang Hui the value of this pen, so that she would know that He Sha was interested in him, and retreated in spite of the difficulties, so as not to leave Lin Yue behind when they talked. The one on the right is long, and the one on the right is short by Lin Yue.


He Sha breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that giving a gift was more difficult than the math problem in the final exam.

Girls of this age.

Lin Yue shook his head, and found a random topic to ease the atmosphere: "Chen Xun, how is your summer vacation?"

"It's okay." Chen Xun glanced at Fang Hui: "Watch "My Fair Princess" with my mother for a summer vacation."

Lin Yuexin said that's right, the director didn't pay attention to some scenes at all, when Chen Xun's mother was watching "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2" when she was still wearing a sweater in the second semester of high school in the TV series, you must know that the mainland premiere is in July In the second half of the year, should I watch "My Fair Princess 2" or the middle part in May? Can his TV receive TW's TV signal? Do you want to live like this in the imperial capital?

Zhao Ye squinted his eyes, clasped his left hand with his right hand, imitating the conversation between Erkang and Ziwei.

"Please don't be in such pain, okay?"

"Please, don't be so charming, okay?"

After speaking, he giggled silly.

"My mother also chased it for a summer vacation. Fortunately, she didn't force me to watch it together, otherwise I would have to spit out the dinner overnight."

Qiao Ran said on the side: "Then you have to thank me."

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhao Ye pointed at Qiao Ran and said, "I really have to thank you. If you didn't live alone, I could use spending time with you as an excuse. My dad will definitely keep me at home for a summer vacation."

Qiao Ran smiled: "Who told you that you scored so little in the final exam and were criticized by the big horse monkey by name. If you can be like Lin Yue, even if you don't go home for the whole summer vacation, he will not care about you."

This time Lin Yue took the first place in his class in the final exam, and he couldn't see any signs of dissatisfaction.

Qiao Ran is not angry, but Chen Xun is not happy about it when he is popular.

No. 28 in the mid-term exam, he is known as the number one partial subject king in the school. The total score of the seven final exams added up to a perfect score of 1050. He scored 1038 in the exam, leaving the second place by more than 30 points.

Looking at it this way, what is he doing in the midterm exam? on purpose? Is the exam a game?

It's related to the scholarship, you have performed normally, but you are just like that without the scholarship, is it interesting?

Anyway, he doesn't like people with the surname Lin now anyway.

Chen Xun didn't know whether it was Lin Yue's 1038 test or whether Li Jing and Hou Zhen deliberately raised the scoring standard. Picking out the words and picking out the bones of the egg, it would be almost 10 points, otherwise, it would be almost the same if they didn't get the full score.

"Oh, by the way, we found a game during the summer vacation. It is so well-made, and the cutscenes are almost like watching a movie, and ah... do you know who sang the theme song of this game? Give you a chance Guess, the female singer is very popular."

Hearing him talk about games, Fang Hui, Lin Jiamo, and He Sha lost their interest, but their appetites were whetted again when they heard the latter part. Chen Xun is also a literary boy, and the person he admires so much must not be an ordinary artist, right? .

He Sha asked, "Who can sing?"

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 0913 for the 3100 starting coins, the 200 starting coins for the three thousand rewards, the 100 starting coins for Zun Mojuhuan, JMGPJAD, and the decadent green shirt.

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