Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 839 You know the smell of the sea

After a whole morning of precipitation, Lin Jiamo also came back to it. Zhao Ye and Chen Xun said that they had no good intentions in bringing Lin Yue to play game consoles.

The PS platform was humiliated, and the arcade platform was recovered.

Because Chen Xun was involved in it, and she was too embarrassed to say too much harm, after much deliberation, she chose to add a lot of money to the game, that is, if Lin Yue won, Zhao Ye would return the bracelet that was given to him during the summer vacation.

It's not that she can't afford to give gifts, it's that she didn't wear the bracelet she gave Lin Yue, and Zhao Ye has one wrist and one wrist, and she can't wait to say that Lin Jiamo gave it to everyone, which makes her very upset and very irritable.

"Okay, Lin Yue, you're improving so fast, don't say that Zhao Ye lets you two, even if you don't let one, you can't beat it?" Chen Xun said while choosing people.

"I know that move." Lin Yue was right. Kusanagi Jing's wild bite third stage comes with a super body, and the damage is not low. It is normal for Zhao Ye, who has ADHD, to die recklessly.

Chen Xun felt that he would not make Zhao Ye's mistakes, because his characteristic was that he was a turtle.

The candidates are selected.

Lianna, Dongzhang, Robert.

Lin Yue still had the same three people, Kusanagi, Shamir, and Damen. The difference from last time was that he put Shamir in the first place.

Chen Xun's first person was Dongzhang, and he was really a jerk, one whirlwind after another.

After Lin Yue ate two whirlwinds in a row, he changed his moves, jumping waves to cheat moves, Shenglong missed, and came down to station A to receive the order to cast.

The little girl crossed her legs over Dong Zhang's head, twisted her waist, and sat down on the ground.

"You know the smell of the sea."


"Didn't you hear clearly? Let's have another one."

Dong Zhang was just sitting to death.

Robert didn't cause any disturbances either, and in the end, because he was tricked into going to Shenglong, he was hugged and taken away by Lin Yue, who was accidentally "conceived" to kill him.

One wears two.

"Haven't you ever played?" Before the start of the third game, Chen Xun looked at him and asked?

"Yes." Lin Yue replied very seriously: "In this life, I have been to the game arcade with my little cousin once, and remember a famous quote from him?"

This is really true. He has only been to the game arcade with his little cousin once in his life, but he has never been there in the past few lives... Chen Xun and Zhao Ye didn't ask, they didn't ask, and he didn't either. You'll talk too much, won't you?

Chen Xun said, "What famous saying?"

Does the kid in grade one and six still have famous quotes?

Lin Yue replied: "If Shenglong misses, the consequences will be serious."


Chen Xun stopped talking, and concentrated on manipulating Liana, but GMAE OVER within 30 seconds.

One wears three.

Zhao Ye froze in place, while Chen Xun looked gloomy.

You say he can play, just like Kusanagi Kyomang's death of Nikaido Benimaru, who tossed and turned over and over again with a trick of the smell of the sea, from the beginning to the end, "fooled" once to kill, you say he can't play Come on, I just killed them both.

"Zhao Ye, bring it here."

Lin Jiamo was in full bloom, she never expected Lin Yue to be so powerful, beating those two people to the point of losing their temper.

Zhao Ye shook his head: "If you don't give won't give it..."

Lin Jiamo looked at Chen Xun: "Chen Xun, can't you afford to lose?"

Can't afford to lose? Mr. Chen wanted nothing but face, so he pulled his face and pulled the other bracelet off Zhao Ye's wrist.

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat."

"Oops." Finally, something on her mind was settled, and Lin Jiamo came to Lin Yue's side: "This room is stuffy and choking, I'll buy you a popsicle."

Without waiting for his answer, he ran outside directly.

"It's all you, why don't you push me to make a bet with her, can I lose both bracelets?" Zhao Ye looked at Chen Xun with a displeased expression.

"Come here... come here."

Chen Xun dragged Zhao Ye to the bathroom in the backyard, not knowing what to say.

Here, Lin Yue was just about to call Qiao Ran to wait outside. A young man with a pot-covered head who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old walked over and inserted a game coin into the coin slot. After entering the selection interface, left and right Press once, press up and down, press up and down, after the selection interface flashes three times in a row, five more hidden characters appear below.

Crazy Yagami, Crazy Leanna, Real Chris, Real Shamier, and True Qijiaosha.

The boy chose Crazy Iori, Crazy Leanna, and Crazy Chris, and looked at Lin Yue with provocative eyes: "Dare you?"

Lin Yue looked at the more than thirty coins in his hand, feeling very helpless.

As the screen changes, a new round begins.

Qiao Ran shifted his attention from the back door to the game console screen, Lin Yue started Kusanagi Kyo, and the boy started Crazy Eight.

"Let's make a bet?" said the boy.

Lin Yue froze for a moment: "What are you betting on?"

"I lost, these coins are yours, you lose, give them to me." He pointed to the signboard of Experiment 1.

Yep, another kid who read too many martial arts novels.

Lin Yue smiled: "Yes."

At this time, Qiao Ran patted him on the shoulder from behind: "Can you fight? Don't be brave, this is also...a battle that concerns the reputation of our school?"

Lin Yue said, "I want to try."

"The ones he chose are all hidden characters, especially Crazy Yagami and Crazy Lianna, they are very fast, I'm afraid of you..."

"Afraid I can't beat him?"

Qiao Ran nodded.

"It may not be easy for me to win, but it's not easy to lose the game. Anyway, I still have time, so I'll just play with him."

Qiao Ran froze for a moment, not understanding what he meant by that.

In the first second of the game, Crazy Ba beat Shenglong with a move, followed by light feet to confirm, a set of ghost bites and Shenglong hit the edge of the board, fell to the ground and got up and fainted. On Lin Yue's side, Kusanagi Jingtiao stood up with a light fist in front of the heavy punch, shook his feet and kicked away, and then took Huang Bite three times in waves.

In the second round, Crazy Lianna had a reversal and was pushed to the edge of the board. Kyo Kusanagi exploded with a set of blows, and then Arabita canceled the second consecutive connection to the super killer Orochi.

Then, the person dies.

The machine also died.

"Boss, the computer is dead, refund the coins." Lin Yuewang shouted to the boss behind the counter with a pair of dead fish eyes.

After the man came over, he took a look, patted the button and shook the joystick, and found that the machine had really crashed. He took out two game coins from his pocket and threw them to Lin Yue.

Lin Yue turned around and threw them all to the young man: "Do you want to fight again?"

After saying this, he walked out of the arcade under the boy's shocked gaze.

Qiao Ran didn't leave, she was waiting for Chen Xun and Zhao Ye.

Half a minute later, the two of them returned to the house, but they only saw the boss pushing the reset button, not Lin Yue.

"Hey, where are people?"

Qiao Ran said, "I'm going outside to wait for you."

Zhao Ye said, "How can I do that? I haven't finished the fight yet, so tell him to come back."

"Still playing? I didn't see that the machine was broken. Is the boss repairing it?"

"Isn't it just shutting down and starting up? Soon."

Qiao Ran sighed: "Do you want to choose a hidden character?"

Zhao Ye stared at him when he told him what was on his mind.

Qiao Ran patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "I advise you not to humiliate yourself."

"What's the meaning?"

Qiao Ran recounted the scene that happened just now: "I've never seen anyone who plays Kusanagi Kyo as entertaining as he is."

In 1999, the King of Fighters 97 was still in a situation of random selection. Later, the top five situation of online battles against two gods and three beasts began to take shape. High school students like Zhao Ye, Qiao Ran, and Chen Xun also went to school every day to fight King of Fighters. Of course, the understanding of this game cannot exceed that of Lin Yue, a post-90s generation—you must know that even in 2020, the King of Fighters has reached 13, and KOF97 is still a mountain that is difficult to overcome.

With the understanding of the game, the basics of operation, coupled with the strongman attributes acquired the day after tomorrow, especially the magical skill of [compound eyes], it is no problem to play against the S-level professional players in 2019, like Chen Xun and Zhao Ye, that is true. You can die with your eyes closed.

Zhao Ye said, "Hey, could this guy be entertaining us?"

Chen Xun just kept a cold face and didn't say anything.

When the three of them left the game hall and came outside, Lin Yue had already eaten the popsicle bought by Lin Jiamo.

"Here, Qiao Ran, is this yours?"

Zhao Ye looked displeased: "Why don't I have it?"

"If you want to eat, buy it yourself." Lin Jiamo ignored him, turned to look at Lin Yue: "What do you want for lunch? I invite you."

"Meat clip mo."

"You... Lin Yue! You big villain."

Thanks to Gusu Yan Wang for the reward of 1000 starting coins, sleepy gods like the wind, Dong, book friends with tail number 6480 for rewarding 500 starting coins.

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