Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 840 Lin Jiamo's Confession

Ever since "Final Fantasy 8" and The King of Fighters 97 were abused by Lin Yue, Chen Xun has been honest for a long time, because he can take advantage of the strengths, the first is learning, the second is playing basketball, the third is playing games, and the fourth is playing games. It's music. Now except for the fourth strength, the first three are all trampled by Lin Yue, which is really hard for him to accept.

end of november.

It's winter, and the cold wind blows southward. The trees on the campus fade away from their green clothes and become bare and dry. There are also a lot fewer pedestrians on the street. Even the beggars asking for money on the overpass have moved to the leeward position.

Today is Saturday, and it's a holiday after the afternoon class. Lin Jiamo went to clean the classroom, locked the door, and was about to go outside when a person turned into the corridor.

It was Chen Xun, holding a blue GBC in his hand, and the group of boys in the afternoon talked about it for several breaks.

"Hey, why haven't you left yet?"

Chen Xun said, "I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Lin Jiamo was stunned, wondering why Chen was looking for him.

"Let's go, go to the top and talk."

As he spoke, he thumped and walked upstairs.

Lin Jiamo thought for a while, and followed him all the way up to the roof of the teaching building.

"How do you have the key to the corridor door?"

"Who am I? If you want to fix a lock, isn't that a piece of cake?"

"Tell me, what's the purpose of asking me to come here?" Lin Jiamo walked to the railing and said, looking at Zhao Ye who was playing basketball with the third-year students below.

"I know you like Lin Yue."

One sentence drew Lin Jiamo's attention back.

"Did I tell you the central thing?" Chen Xun put away the GBC: "It will be the millennium soon, if you don't do something, the person you like will be snatched away by other girls."

Lin Jiamo was a little flustered when he told the little girl's mind, but she still had the ability to think.

What Chen Xun said actually made sense.

He Sha gave Lin Yue a Parker pen, which he uses every day. And after more than a month of special training and nearly half a year of practice, it can be seen that He Sha has put in a lot of effort, and her sketches are better than Fang Hui. It is said that she signed up for an advanced cram school last month. The next step is Learn coloring and sketching, and He Sha was the one who drew in the monthly board competition last year, and she won the first place in the whole grade.

More importantly, He Sha used the excuse of asking questions about cultural lessons and painting skills to show her presence in front of Lin Yue every day. Even Jiang Xiaoxuan, who was sitting next to her, could see that He Sha liked Lin Yuelai, so she would be there when she had nothing to do. Chewing her tongue by her ears made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Chen Xun, what exactly do you want to say?"

Chen Xun said: "If you want to confess to Lin Yue, I can help you."

"You? How can you help me?"

Chen Xun chuckled and said something.

Lin Jiamo lowered her head, looked at the tassels of the scarf hanging on her chest, pondered for a moment and said, "Why did you help me?"

Chen Xun said, "Because we are friends."

Lin Jiamo looked at him suspiciously: "He Sha is also your friend."

"Okay, let me tell the truth." Chen Xun sighed, "I like Fang Hui."

Lin Jiamo wanted to say that your liking Fang Hui has nothing to do with helping me confess to Lin Yue, but she thought about it a little deeper: "Fang Hui also likes Lin Yue?"

Chen Xun said: "I'm not sure, this is my guess."

If Chen Xun doesn't say anything, Lin Jiamo won't think in that direction, because He Sha's overtures to Lin Yue are obvious, and she usually goes to check her face when she has something to do, but Fang Hui looks very normal, except that she loves to ask Lin Yue for everything. Opinions, no more interesting actions.

If Fang Hui is interested in Lin Yue, once she confesses successfully, all Fang Hui can do is to give up unrealistic fantasies and accept Chen Xun's love proposal.

Lin Jiamo narrowed her eyes and said, "Well, Chen Xun, you are too calculating."

"Then your answer is..."

"I agree."

"Okay, then let's make a deal." Chen Xun turned and left.

Lin Jiamo looked up at the flowing clouds in the sky, tightened the red scarf around her neck, and walked downstairs.


At the end of December, the library of Experiment No. 1 Middle School.

"Happy New Year."

Qiao Ran pulled a chair and sat down.

Fang Hui recovered from her distraction, and looked up at him: "It's not the New Year yet."

"Tomorrow is Friday. After the New Year's tea party, New Year's Day happens to be Saturday. Tomorrow I have to prepare a show. I'm very busy. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to talk about it."

"Isn't there still Saturday?"

"Saturday... I don't know if I have time."

"Why? Didn't you agree to have dinner together on Saturday?"

"My mother said that she will come back on New Year's Day, but I don't know when she will arrive, so..."

"Oh." Fang Hui nodded, understanding.

Qiao Ran's father was a policeman, and he died because of a mission when he was young. Her mother went abroad two years ago, and she originally wanted to bring him there, but he disagreed, and she couldn't do without her friends here, so The mother and son live in separate places.

"That's right." She unzipped the schoolbag on the chair next to her, took out two greeting cards and handed them over: "The silver one is yours, and the blue one is Chen Xun's."

"Why did you give this as well?" Qiao Ran said while going to pick it up.

Fang Hui asked, "Have you already collected a lot?"

Qiao Ranyan said insincerely: "No."

"Jiamo bought a lot of greeting cards for junior high school classmates, high school classmates, and teachers. I thought she couldn't use them up, so I took a few from her."

"Like This……"

"By the way, this." He held a blue greeting card and said, "I think it's better for you to hand it to Chen Xun yourself."

"Give it to him, I, Chen Xun..."

She still remembers the expression on Lin Jiamo's face when she was choosing a greeting card for her, holding a card with a heart pattern on it, and saying that she would write the most romantic New Year's greetings for Lin Yue. Got pricked with a needle.

Lin Jiamo likes Lin Yue, although she can usually see some clues, but at such an important moment, she has low self-esteem and anxiety. Thinking of Qiao Ran, thinking of Chen Xun, and thinking of Lin Yue, it feels like walking to the end of life. At a crossroads, I don't know which side to choose.

She was afraid of seeing Lin Yue, because she would think of Lin Jiamo's liking for him, and she felt uncomfortable. She was also afraid of seeing Chen Xun, because she always felt that she owed him too much, and she didn't know how to pay it back. Time will be easier, that's why Qiao Ran was asked to give Chen Xun the New Year's card.

"Okay, I'll pass the card on to him."

Qiao Ran naturally wouldn't put pressure on Fang Hui, although he didn't know why she would do this... In fact, deep down in his heart, he was somewhat happy, which meant that Fang Hui trusted him more between himself and Chen Xun.


The New Year's Day in 2000 is the end of a century and the beginning of a new century. Both the national level and the school level attach great importance to it.

After the class ended on Friday morning, the whole class mobilized after the first class in the afternoon, blowing up balloons, hanging colored paper, and pasting "Happy New Year" on the windows.

The desk and the podium form an "opening", leaving an area in the middle for students to perform their talents. Zhang Huiran and Ren Gaoying brought people to buy melon seeds, peanuts, candies, oranges, bananas, apples and other snacks, and some people rented VCDs and audio equipment. As for the atmosphere, it was more exciting than New Year's Eve.

The task of Lin Yue and He Sha was to draw the New Year's posters, and they had to draw the two New Year's posters before and after.

This was not a difficult task for him, anyway, when Hou Zhen was invited over, the two had already finished the painting.

Just like what was shown on TV, Audio-Technica came to dance, and some people performed sketches. Ren Gaoying also talked about Tianjin Allegro.

Lin Yue is not interested in participating in this kind of tea party, because he is a high school student, his dancing is too rigid, his acting skills are too bad, and his singing tends to be out of tune, but he still sits like a loyal audience until the end of the tea party. After all, for the people here, There is only one millennium in his life, so he doesn't want to spoil everyone's happiness.

After finally surviving the tea party, Hou Zhen said a few words of encouragement and New Year's greetings, told everyone to have a good two days, then turned and left.

The students left one after another. At this moment, Chen Xun walked up to Lin Yue who was packing her schoolbags: "Lin Jiamo asked you to go to the rooftop, she has something to tell you."

Lin Yue said "casually": "What can't be said here? You have to go to the rooftop? This winter..."

"How do I know that?"

"Okay, got it."

Lin Yue packed up his things, put on his coat and came out of the classroom, said a few words to Jiang Xiaoxuan who stayed behind to clean up, and then went up the stairs to the roof of the teaching building.

Above the concrete guardrail is a row of colorful lights, shining with colorful lights. Occasionally, fireworks explode in the distant sky, and the brilliance of that moment overwhelms the sky full of stars.

"Knowing that I gave everyone a greeting card, why didn't I give it to you?"

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