Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 841 I really don't know what time management is.

Lin Yue turned his head, and there was a chair under the "2000" made of colorful lights, and a person stood beside the chair.

Lin Jiamo was wearing a goose yellow down jacket and a red scarf and stood in the cold wind. In front of her was the warm air she exhaled.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the guitar in her arms.

Lin Yue said, "It's such a cold day, what can't we go back and say?"

Lin Jiamo shook her head: "Because there is a song that I just want to sing for you alone."

She sat down in a chair, with the guitar across her knees, plucking the strings with her fingers.

ding dong~

After the soothing prelude, Lin Jiamo opened her mouth.

"I haven't felt well yet."

"A climate where snowflakes bloom."

"We trembled together."

"I will understand more about tenderness."

"I haven't held your hand yet."

"Walk across the deserted dunes."

"Maybe I will learn to cherish from now on."

"The sky is long and the earth is long."


It is "Red Bean" by Faye Wong.

The poem said: Red beans are born in the southern country, and a few branches will grow in spring. May you pick more, this thing is the most lovesick.

In the past, Lin Yue played the guitar and sang for other girls. This was the first time a girl played the guitar and sang for him... Although she played the guitar so-so, she sang so-so.

In fact, he knew what was waiting for him on the rooftop, and he also knew what kind of idea Chen Xun was planning, but what moved him a lot was that Lin Jiamo had a lot of blisters on her hands in order to learn this song, and she was in pain while doing homework. Frowning, Fang Hui asked her what's wrong, and always said that something happened, dysmenorrhea.

"Does it sound good?"

Lin Yue stood still. Lin Jiamo put the guitar on the chair after singing, and walked to a place less than 3 meters away from him. Although the words came out, she kept her head down, not daring to look into his eyes.

As a girl, confessing to a boy requires far more psychological barriers than a boy confessing to a girl.

Although she didn't directly say "I like you" or "Let's be together", she believed that Lin Yue could understand.

"I remember you couldn't play the guitar before? Who taught you? Chen Xun?"

"It's Chen Xuntao's master."

"This bad idea is also his idea."

"This... how can... be a bad idea?"

"See how frozen you are?" Lin Yue took her hand and slapped a pair of cotton gloves on her palm: "Here, this is a return gift for summer hand rope. I asked my mother to weave it. Maybe it's a little Soil, you can just use it."

Lin Jiamo raised her head and looked at him excitedly.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

She held the gloves in her arms and looked at Lin Yue's face: "Lin Yue..."

"I know what you want to say." Lin Yue interrupted her, and brushed her hair blown away by the cold wind with his hands: "I'll wait for you at Peking University."

He turned around and walked back, saying as he walked, "It's cold on the roof, hurry up and go home."

"I know... I know."

Lin Jiamo looked at his back and bit her lip thinking about what he just said.

He didn't reject her, nor accepted her, but the sentence "I'll wait for you at Peking University" was tantamount to showing her a clear way.

As long as she can get into Peking University and go to the same university as him, does that mean...

Lin Jiamo picked up the woolen glove she was holding on her chest, buried her face in it and took a deep breath, looked up at the sky when she was done, and shouted amidst the "boom bang" of fireworks exploding: "I must be admitted to Peking University."

After half a minute, she put on her gloves and left with her guitar on her back.

Lin Jiamo didn't know that there was a person standing in the shadow on the north side of the small house at the entrance of the corridor. He had been there as early as when she played and sang "Red Bean" for Lin Yue.




Bundles of fairy wands fell to the ground.

Lin Yue found him just now and asked him to go to the canteen to buy some fairy sticks, and put them together with Lin Jiamo, He Sha and others after the tea party.

After buying it, Jiang Xiaoxuan told him that Lin Yue and Lin Jiamo went to the roof of the teaching building. When he came out of the stairs, he happened to hear the conversation between the two people. Lin Jiamo said, "Because there is a song I just want to sing for you alone."

It is Faye Wong's "Red Bean", which means "Red Bean" of lovesickness.

His world came crashing down.

What made him even more unacceptable was that Lin Jiamo learned guitar and singing, and made such a romantic confession. It was actually Chen Xun who was advising her, and Chen Xun... knew that he liked Lin Jiamo.

The woman he likes likes someone else, and the brother who grew up with him betrays him at a critical moment. This kind of blow is fatal.

Lin Yue came down from the roof of the teaching building, pushed his bicycle and left.

Of course he knew that Zhao Ye was eavesdropping, and that's what he wanted. Didn't Chen Xun take advantage of Lin Jiamo's and Fang Hui's sisterhood to help him out? Then don't blame him for playing dirty... Besides, his purpose is to dismantle the Iron Triangle.


Qiao Ran didn't go to the dinner at Yuhua Restaurant on Saturday night, and Chen Xun was very happy because Lin Jiamo told Fang Hui the result of his confession—although Lin Yue didn't officially accept it, he said he would wait for her at Peking University.

Zhao Ye was silent the whole time, just drinking one cup at a time, and he was in a hurry with anyone who wouldn't let him drink.

Fang Hui's mood was also very low. When people talked to her, she was either "hmm" or "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, the meal was not very pleasant.

Because the table in the back was from the school basketball team, Su Kai and Zheng Xue were there, and Chen Xun was also there, so everyone didn't pay much attention to Zhao Ye's state, no matter how he drank, as long as someone sent him home.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Yue found an excuse to leave.

He walked forward, but He Sha chased him out.

"What's wrong with you today? You ran away before you finished your meal."

"Didn't you sneak away too?"

He Sha stopped talking. In fact, she really wanted to say that it was not because of you that I cheated. How difficult it is to find a chance to be alone with you.

It has been almost a year since Lin Yue transferred to school here, and he has not seen anyone who can grasp the rules of going to and from school. You can say that his time management is very chaotic, but his studies have not fallen behind at all. I remember that once the math teacher asked Ren Gaoying to go to the office to talk, Ren Gaoying used Lin Yue as an excuse, saying that he often deserted in class, The math teacher was furious, saying that he had finished all his college mathematics courses, and you still have the face to compare with him. He still got full marks in class when he took a short test, but you gave a blank paper in a short test in class, can it be the same? It made Ren Gaoyingte depressed.

"You... really want me to be admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts? I'm afraid I won't pass the exam."

"With my help in professional courses, it's not a big problem. You just need to learn cultural courses well." Lin Yue said while pushing the car forward.

"how about you?"

She didn't know why Lin Yue's art was so strong, it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she still looked like a beginner in front of him. Lin Yue kept avoiding this question, but it was not important, she really hoped to see him at the Central Academy of Fine Arts... After all, in her opinion, if he took the art test, the probability of admission would be infinitely close to 100%.

"Tsinghua University? Peking University? I haven't made up my mind yet. Look, they are all schools in the imperial capital anyway, so we can meet each other often in the future."

"Yes." He Sha nodded happily.

The street lights were dim, and the figures of two people and bicycles slowly elongated on the ground.

At some point, the identities of the two of them were switched. It was Lin Yue who confessed to her first, but now she was following in his footsteps, and this change was like rivers and rivers flowing east and west, very natural.


on Monday.

Fang Hui pushed the bicycle into the shed, turned around and walked towards the teaching building, when the bluebells approaching stopped her.

"Come on, follow me to the reception room to get the letter."

Fang Hui hesitated for a moment, but still followed the monitor's footsteps.

"Fang Hui, you are not in a good mood today..."

"Oh, I didn't sleep well last night."

Bellflower didn't take it seriously, picked up the letter thrown in the plastic basket marked "Grade One and One Class" and rummaged through it in his hand.

"Chen Xun, Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, Zhao Ye, Lin Yue, Lin Yue, Lin Yue..."

Hearing Lin Yue's name, Fang Hui suddenly raised his head.

"Hey, why did someone send him a greeting card?"

From the perspective of Kongbellcao, it is normal for those nympho to send greeting cards to Chen Xun and Qiao Ran, but what is it to send to Lin Yue?

Fang Hui whispered, "You are still you, but he is no longer what everyone remembered when he first transferred."

"What did you say?" Sky Bell Grass looked at her suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Fang Hui picked up the letter to Qiao Ran and Lin Yue, turned and left.

Empty bell grass stared at the remaining letters in the plastic basket for a while, shook her head, shook off the messy thoughts in her mind, and walked towards the teaching building.

Back in Class 1 of the second year of high school, Konglingcao sent the letters from others. Before Zhao Ye and Chen Xun came, they put the letters in their drawers until less than five minutes before class, Familiar footsteps sounded from the back door of the classroom.

Chen Xun is here.

She hurriedly took out the letter belonging to Chen Xun from the drawer, and greeted her like offering a treasure: "Chen Xun, yours..."

Before she finished speaking, she was stunned when she saw the person outside the door.

Thanks to Qingliu Zhuoyuan, Sad Whispering, Respecting the Magic Curse, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by the little tiger in the devil world.

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