Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 851 If you dare to forget, I will castrate you

"this is for you."

Wu Tingting was holding a pendant in her hand, and under the pendant was a jade plaque, on which the silhouette of Guanyin Bodhisattva could be vaguely seen.

"This is the jade token I begged for you at the Temple of the Reclining Buddha."

"You came so late just to give this?" Lin Yue said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be quite superstitious."

Wu Tingting didn't say a word. Ever since Bai Feng's death, she believed it, because when she was in junior high school, the blind man who knew fortune-telling under the flyover said that her love life was bumpy, and she needed to work harder than ordinary people to get a happy marriage.

"Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, I hope it can bless you with good grades."


Lin Yue took the pendant in his hand and put it on his neck in front of her.

"There is a question that has been on my mind for a long time."

"what is the problem."

Wu Tingting took a step forward, stared into his eyes and said, "Last year when you went to paint the murals in the front room, you went out to buy paints halfway. I was bored in the room, so... I just checked your backpack, I saw a letter in it, all in English. You know, although I didn’t get into high school, my English grades in junior high school are not bad.”


Obviously, Wu Tingting saw the letter from Professor Ryder of Stanford University.

"Are you going abroad?"



Lin Yue said firmly: "No, no, no."

He said it three times.

At this time, Wu Tingting made a movement that surprised him, leaned over and kissed him on the side of the cheek, then slowly backed away two steps, turned around to meet his stunned gaze, walked out and said: " When you are admitted to the university of your choice, I will introduce you to Old Tang and the others."

What do you mean?

Wu Tingting no longer cared that doing so would make Chen Xun angry.

"The university you like, how can you call it the university you like?" Lin Yue looked at her back and shook his head, but it is good that she can get out of Bai Feng's shadow and learn to accept others.

This girl!

After going to Stanford University, how can he do side missions?

Lin Yue retreated into the room and closed the door gently.


College entrance examination day.

The examinees were all immersed in the questions, only Lin Yue was counting the sparrows on the branches.

The invigilator stared at him for a long time, as if he felt that he had a tendency to cheat, and occasionally motioned his partner sitting by the back door to take a look, until he found the name he wrote outside the binding line, and the two leaned together and chatted. After a few words, the teacher's expression changed as he stood on the podium, as if he realized what the name meant to Experiment 1.

Mathematics, Chinese, English, and then comprehensive science.

When half of the questions on the comprehensive test paper were completed, Lin Yue put down his pen, took a deep breath, leaned to the side, and fell down in the middle aisle.


An hour and a half later, the school infirmary.

The big horse monkey saw Lin Yue lying on the hospital bed: "How did this happen?"

"I broke my stomach after eating at noon today."

"If you don't eat early, you will spoil your stomach. If you eat at this time, you will spoil your stomach. What do you want me to say about you?" The big horse monkey was angry, anxious and helpless.

"Teacher, I'm sorry."

"You are not sorry for me, you are sorry for yourself." Da Mahou walked back and forth in front of the hospital bed with his hands behind his back: "The school wants to recommend you to Peking University, and it still insists on rejecting the style. You need it. Yes, your grades are very good, Tsinghua University and Peking University have no problems from past performance, but now... now you know, right? There are uncertainties in everything in the world."

"I think even if you haven't finished the comprehensive paper, there is still hope to apply to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"you sure?"

Lin Yue didn't want Da Mahou to be sad about his affairs, so he said with a smile, "You forgot, even if my grades are not satisfactory, I still have the option of studying abroad, and it's Stanford University."

After hearing what he said, Da Mahou's complexion became a lot better, and he felt that this was a good thing. After all, compared with Stanford University, Tsinghua University and Peking University are not even the slightest difference.

"As the saying goes, people go to high places, but you are better off. If you want me to say, this is God can't stand it, forcing you to choose a better school."

"Teacher, is it okay not to tell Teacher Zhai about this for now? I'm afraid her body won't be able to bear it."

"You child... oh. Okay, okay, I understand."

The big horse monkey walked away with its hands behind its back.


After the exam over there, Lin Jiamo wandered around the campus before finding Lin Yue.

"How did you do in the exam?" She seemed to be doing well, and she spoke with a hint of excitement.


Lin Jiamo took a small step forward, looked at his face and said, "Don't forget what you promised me."

"What did I promise you?"

"Wait for me at Peking University."

Lin Yue said: "If you don't tell me, I really forgot."

Lin Jiamo gritted her teeth and said, "You have to dare to forget."

She made a sharpening motion with her hand: "I will castrate you."

"Roujiamo, you will scare boys like this, pervert."


When the two were talking, Zhao Ye came out of the classroom, stretched out his hands, and looked like he could have fun after the college entrance examination, but seeing Lin Jiamo surrounded Lin Yue like a sparrow chirping, he felt a little relaxed All gone.

"What's wrong? Didn't do well in the exam?" Qiao Ran patted him from behind.

"The last big question is too difficult, how did you do?"

"Generally, that's it."

While the two were talking, Zhao Ye touched Qiao Ran's arm and pointed to the end of the corridor, and saw Fang Hui coming from behind, and Chen Xun talking anxiously, she walked forward for a while, and saw the Qiao Ran and Zhao Ye forced a smile and waved their hands.

"Fang Hui, how did you do in the exam?" Qiao Ran asked from a distance.

"I... don't know, I'm worried."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Fang Hui nodded and didn't explain much. She took the exam while sick, so her performance would definitely be affected, but only Chen Xun knew about it.

"By the way, where are Lin Yue and Jiamo?"

"I saw the two of them going there just now." Qiao Ran pointed to the direction where the two disappeared.

"I don't know how they are doing in the exam, and Hesha, will the questions on the Central Academy of Sciences be more difficult than in previous years?"

"The exams are over, what's the use of talking about this." Zhao Ye became irritable when he heard this: "If you want me to say, what I have to do now is to go home and have a good sleep, and have a good meal tomorrow."

"Yes." Qiao Ran glanced at Chen Xun who was silent behind him: "We have to figure out where to eat after we break up."

"What Lin Yue meant was to send invitations to all the teachers, come if you have time, and don't force those who don't have time."

"All?" Zhao Ye grinned and said, "Ms. Zhai, too?"

Qiao Ran said: "Zhao Ye, Teacher Zhai insists on taking us through our studies with such a body, we should thank her very much."

Zhao Ye stopped talking.

Qiao Ran said: "Okay, then let's make an agreement, I will call them one by one tomorrow, and today... each of them will go back to each house, each finds each mother."


"Once upon a time, teenagers loved chasing dreams, and all they wanted was to fly forward."

"Travel through thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers, and you can't go back all the way."

"Looking back at Mu Ran, love is far away, and I can't help but be in the sky."

"It's only when I understand love and hatred, that the most painful thing is regret."

In the hall came Zhao Ye's tone-deficient but ecstasy singing.

Zhai Minli was sitting on the innermost seat in the single room, next to her was Chinese teacher Li Jing, on the right was the history teacher, and on the other side was Xu Jianxun, then Lin Yue, Lin Jiamo, Fang Hui, Qiao Ran, He Sha, Jiang Xiaoxuan.

Zhai Minli pushed Li Jing's hand away: "Beer, it's okay to have a drink."

After speaking, he picked up the wine glass, looked at Lin Yue and the others and said, "I usually have a serious face, I like to scold people, and when I get angry, I like to punish people and call them parents, so many students are afraid of me, but the teachers don't. I like this, but sometimes, doing this is more direct and effective than reasoning. I believe you will understand when you step into society. Fortunately, this is the last senior year of high school that I lead, and you are out of the sea of ​​suffering. My sister is also out of the sea of ​​suffering, at least I don't have to face my old menopausal face."

Fortunately, Zhao Ye wasn't here. If he was here, he would have bitten his own tongue when he heard it later, because the five words "menopausal old face" came from his mouth.

Qiao Ran wanted to say something, but Zhai Minli pressed her palm, signaling for her to finish speaking.

"Also, there is one person I want to thank." She looked at Lin Yue: "If you hadn't reminded me last year, maybe I would be lying in the ward waiting to die now, instead of watching you graduate successfully. What about you, mature Speaking of you, you are the most mature one in the class, and the most difficult to control when you are naughty, but there is one thing I am sure of, you are the one I am most assured of in this class, I hope that in the days to come you can remember the suffering of classmates Friends who read, we can support each other in the future life, and the friendship will last forever. Come on, let’s have a drink together, and we will also be worthy of our teachers and students.”

"It's done." Li Jing led everyone to stand up.

Everyone drank the wine in the cup.

Zhai Minli took a breath and said: "Okay, I have said what should be said, and respected what should be respected. It is time to return the time to you young people. I will sit here forever, and everyone will not let go, and I will also If you're tired, let's take a step forward."

Zhai Minli put down her wine glass, picked up the coat that was on the chair behind her, got up and walked outside.

Considering her physical condition, Lin Yue and others did not say anything to persuade her to stay, but they sent her outside together and stopped a taxi.

The history teacher also couldn't chat with Xiaonian, so he also left with Zhai Minli.

After they went back, they had another round of drinking. Zhao Ye and Zhang Huiran ran in and pulled everyone out to play Truth or Dare. Lin Jiamo and He Sha were in high spirits, and Xu Jianxun, who had been drinking a lot, followed them out.

Playing with this thing... Lin Yue naturally hides when he can, and pushes when he can, because he has too many secrets, and telling the truth can scare everyone to death.

"It can't be done, it can't be done, just now when I sent off Teacher Zhai, I was blown by the wind, and I got dizzy. Go and play first, and I'll rest for a while, sober up." He sat down on his buttocks.

He Sha wanted to stay and take care of him, but Jiang Xiaoxuan dragged him away.

Li Jing was going to go out to sing, because Hou Zhen ordered a duet song. To Lin Yue's surprise, she walked around the door and came back. She picked up the thermos bottle on the cabinet behind and filled the teapot with water. , Finished pouring a cup of hot tea and pushing it over.

"Have a cup of tea to unwind the bar."

Lin Yue didn't speak, and pretended to be broken.

Li Jing sat down beside him: "Don't pretend, I know you're not drunk."

This girl... has poisonous eyes.

Thanks to TANG Ran for the 5,000 starting coins, the book friends with the tail number 6480 for the 1,500 starting coins, Shangguan Xiaochilao for the 118 starting coins, Feng Tongyin, Shi Tianle, and the book friends with the tail number 2769 for the 100 starting coins currency.

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