Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 852 It's Too Difficult To Be A Scumbag (Two in One)

Lin Yue kept silent, even if she exposed him, he couldn't show his face immediately, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Hey, wake up, wake up, stop pretending."

Li Jing touched his arm and waved in front of him again.

"Pretend again, if I pretend again, can I tell the people outside?"

Lin Yue continued to pretend to be drunk: "..."

(For some irresistible reasons, this scene has been modified, and some content has been deleted, about 300 words. For friends who have subscribed to this chapter before, it may cost an extra four or five cents. Let me tell you here I’m sorry, it’s just a one-off content, I can only say that I’m speechless, please understand.)

Lin Yue took a sip of water: "Li Jing, this is not like you before. You have changed a lot recently."

"Well, something happened recently."

"Where's your boyfriend? I haven't seen him come to you for a long time."

"We have been separated for more than half a year."

"It's no wonder that the number of times that made things difficult for me in the past six months has obviously decreased." Lin Yuexin said that it's no wonder that Li Jing was depressed for a few days half a year ago, and even took a few days off in the middle. My boyfriend of two or three years broke up.



"Lin Yue, Lin Yue."

Over there, Lin Jiamo pushed open the door of the box, and she ordered a duet duet "You Are the Wind, I Am the Sand" and wanted Lin Yue to sing, but what appeared before her eyes was an empty wine table.

"Hey, where are people?"

She didn't care where Li Jing went, she just wanted to know what her sweetheart was doing.

After coming out of the box, she walked along the corridor, wondering if he drank too much and poured wine in the bathroom with a stomachache?

One step, two steps, three or four steps, getting closer and closer to the bathroom.

"Jiamo, Jiamo..." Just as she listened with puzzled ears, Zhao Ye chased after her from the hall, took her hand and walked back: "Teacher Hou asked everyone to sing "Friends" together. "

"But Lin Yue..."

"Oh, he's such a big man, he can't be lost."

Zhao Ye didn't allow her to say more, so he dragged her away by force.


half an hour later.

Hou Zhen took a look at Zhang Huiran and Jiang Xiaoxuan who helped Xu Jianxun into the taxi: "Students, I'm back. Remember to go back to school often. Experiment No. 1 Middle School will always be your alma mater."

She drank a little too much today, and her tone and gestures were a little immodest.

"Teacher Hou, can you do this?" Qiao Ran looked worried: "Why don't you let Kongbellcao and He Sha take you back, they live near your home."

"Why don't you say that Qiao Ran is the one who is considerate in our class." She shook her hand with a 70% drunkenness: "It's okay, I can go back by myself, don't you guys have a show later? It won't take up your space It's time."

After speaking, she turned her head and got into the taxi that He Sha stopped.

At this time, Lin Jiamo rushed out from inside: "Who of you saw Lin Yue? It's been half an hour, and I don't know where he went."

Fang Hui said, "Isn't he resting in the box?"

Lin Jiamo said: "I've searched everything, and even turned upside down the dining room where the students of Class 3 and Class 4 eat, nothing."

"Oh, I remembered." Hou Zhen rolled down the car window and said, "Li Jing drank too much, Lin Yue worried that she would go alone, so he called a car to take her home."

Knowing that Lin Yue was going to see Li Jing off, Lin Jiamo and Fang Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go back, all of you."

Hou Zhen waved to them and told the driver that the master could drive now.

Watching the taxi disappear, Lin Jiamo said, "Where are we going now?"

Zhao Ye waved his fists and said excitedly, "I propose to go to the bar."

"Is it making trouble?" Lin Jiamo said: "I thought that if Lin Yue was here, I would go to see where he lives, but now it's doing well, and you are really serious, you can't even look down on a single person."

"What's so interesting about the old dormitory building of the Railway Bureau?" Zhao Ye pouted, disapproving.

"That's better than the kennel you live in, too."

"Lin Jiamo, you live in a kennel."

Seeing that the two were quarreling again, Qiao Ran hurriedly persuaded them: "How about, let's buy some food and go to my place. I recently bought a few new CDs, because I haven't had time to watch them for the college entrance examination."

"Okay, okay, okay, this is good." Zhao Ye raised his hands in agreement.

Lin Jiamo glanced at Fang Hui and saw her nodding her head. He Sha had no objection, so she didn't object.

"What about you?" Qiao Ran looked at Chen Xun.

"Okay, I'm just going to watch The Matrix. I heard that Keanu Reeves is very handsome."


The results of the college entrance examination are released.

Volunteer reporting day.

Lin Yue was wearing a white T-shirt, and walked into the campus amidst the sound of pointing and discussion, because a piece of news was spreading.

The first person in the third grade of high school scored 599 in the college entrance examination, which was less than 600 by one point.

This is too far from everyone's predictions. Even if you perform abnormally, a guy who has never dropped 735 in the monthly exams and simulations should not have such a score.

Some people are puzzled, some feel sorry, some ignore it, and some gloat.

"Tsk tsk, sophomore and senior year student Lin, who has been ranked first in his grade for two consecutive years, why did he score less than 600 points in such an important exam?"

"Let me tell you, usually the teacher didn't know how much water was put in, but when it came to the college entrance examination, the original shape appeared."

"Hero's nephew, the impoverished students admitted by the school should be taken care of anyway, right, otherwise the school and the city leaders will lose face, don't you think?"


A group of boys who had long been disgusted with him were talking sarcasticly on the grass under the weeping willow.

Lin Yue didn't bother to pay attention to them, and continued to walk forward, but within five meters, he was stopped by a person.

Looking up, it was a girl.

The class flower of the second class of the third year of high school is called Chen Tongtong.


Lin Yue was puzzled: "Why?"

"I don't believe you only got such a small score in the test."

Lin Yue said: "Is 599 less? Don't forget that I still have 20 points for participating in the International Olympic Competition. Even if I can't get into Peking University and Tsinghua University, there are Renmin University, Science and Technology, Posts and Telecommunications and so on."

Chen Tongtong shook his head and said: "This is not your real strength, why do you want to release water?"

"I don't have it."

"Don't lie to me. I asked Director Ma. You gave me my recommendation spot. Before that, you declined the title of provincial outstanding student and gave it to a male student in Class 6 who lived with his grandparents. And... you know, in the third year of high school, I always used the excuse of helping the teacher with chores, and stayed in the office to peek at your test papers, especially the Chinese and English teachers, who have stricter grading standards for your test papers than ordinary students Much, so I don't believe this is your true level anyway."


It's over, Lin Yuexin said that the female characters in the TV series are enough to give him a headache, why now he has recruited a girl who is not in the plot, if he had known this would be the result, he would not have given her the recommended spot.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Chen Tongtong pretended to do something, but he didn't care about the more and more good students gathered around him. He opened his arms and stopped in front of him: "Why did you pretend to be sick and leave during the comprehensive science exam?"


There was an uproar at the scene, pretending to be sick and leaving during the exam? You must know that this is a college entrance examination, not a mid-term, final, or monthly exam.

The faces of the boys who teased Lin Yue strangely before were not very good-looking.


Lin Yue thought that women are indeed the most difficult existence in the world. They are keen, curious, thoughtful, and have a perverted sixth sense.

"I'm going to study abroad. It doesn't make sense for me to take more exams and less exams. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Chen Tongtong froze in place, and the crowd suddenly realized.

That’s right, the guy who won the double Olympic gold medal and has the highest total score in informatics must have offered olive branches from many well-known universities. From this point of view, it’s normal to give up recommended places and intentionally low scores in the test—the former is to take care of the school Classmate, the latter, if Lin Yue really wants to perform normally and win the first prize in the imperial capital's college entrance examination, if he doesn't go to Qingbei, I don't know how many people who are jealous of him will poke his back, saying that he worships foreigners and doesn't know how to be grateful.

So, this is normal operation.

They thought it was normal, and Chen Tongtong also accepted this logic, but one person couldn't accept it.

"Is that so? Is it really so?"

Lin Yue turned his head and saw that the scalp of the person standing at the door of the reception room went numb.

Depend on!

No wonder the Neptune in the TV series can play off, it turns out it is really difficult.

He just wanted to get rid of Chen Tongtong. This girl was recommended to Peking University, and her life with him would basically be two parallel lines in the future, so there was really no need to get entangled. So what if he is pretty, he is not the kind of young boy who grows up and has never touched a woman. He has a girlfriend, a lover, a wife, a confidante, and there is almost a reinforcement row together, so he doesn't have many thoughts about her.

Who knew that Chen Tongtong was dismissed here, and Lin Jiamo's ship capsized.


Lin Yue didn't know how to answer, if he said he didn't want to go abroad, wouldn't that be lying to Chen Tongtong? If he wanted to go abroad, he would be lying to Lin Jiamo.

Really, it's too difficult for me, it's too difficult to be a Neptune...

Seeing that he didn't answer, Lin Jiamo stamped her feet with red eyes, and ran away crying.

"Jiamo, wait for me." Fang Hui glanced at him and quickly chased him out of the school gate.

Lin Yue sighed, turned and walked towards the teaching building.

This time Chen Tongtong didn't stop her, because what could she say? Since he chose to go abroad, all her questions and wild thoughts were meaningless.

In the beginning, the boy who used the college entrance examination results to run on Lin Yue felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly. After three years, he finally found a chance to make sarcastic remarks. How did he become a Shura field?

Chen Tongtong from Class 2 and Lin Jiamo from Class 1 are both girls with good grades and good looks.

Lin Yue took two steps forward, raised his head suddenly, and saw a woman in a bohemian dress standing on the side balcony of the teaching building, looking at him with eyes that only he could understand.

Li Jing used to wear T-shirts and jeans, and dressed in a simple, capable, and classic way, but today she actually wore a skirt, and she should be on vacation, so coming to school today... could only be because she knew about his college entrance examination As a result, I felt that something unexpected must have happened in the middle, so I ran over to check the situation.

I don't know if Da Mahou told her that he "sick and fainted" during the exam.

I hope she just paid attention to the total score and didn't check his single test scores.

Taking advantage of the people around him not paying attention, Lin Yue made a phone call gesture to the people standing on the balcony of the teaching building, and then walked towards the place where the college entrance examination volunteer form was collected.


"Jiamo, Jiamo...don't do this."

"Why can't I do this? For him, I have worked hard for a whole year without holidays and days and nights, and I can finally go to Qingbei, what about him? He actually chose to go abroad, this liar, a big liar..."

Lin Jiamo kicked and patted the poplar trees on the side of the road, not caring about the incomprehensible gazes of passers-by.

Fang Hui persuaded: "There is no way to do this. Foreign famous universities...are better than domestic ones."

"He didn't tell you 'I will wait for you at Peking University', he didn't give you hope, of course you can say such things easily, you must laugh at me in your heart now, laugh at me like a fool Seriously."

Lin Jiamo shook off Fang Hui's hand and walked forward.

Fang Hui didn't chase, because Lin Jiamo's words were very hurtful. In fact, she really wanted to say, are you the only one who works hard? Are you waiting? Are you wronged? Didn't I also suffer a lot for the phrase "If you never forget, there will be echoes"? Laugh at you as a fool, if you are a fool, then what are you?

"Hey, Jiamo, what's wrong with you?"

He Sha came over on her bicycle and saw Lin Jiamo wiping her tears while walking, so she stopped to ask.

She didn't get a response, Lin Jiamo seemed to be unaware, and walked faster.

"Fang Hui, why...why is she crying?"


Fang Hui didn't know how to tell her about Lin Yue's going to study abroad.

"Why are you two here? Did you volunteer?" Fortunately, Qiao Ran turned out from the side road and relieved Fang Hui.

Fang Hui nodded: "Filled."

Qiao Ran asked again: "Is it the Northern Technology and Business University?"

"Yeah." Fang Hui nodded. Her grades were not good either, because she slept cold the night before the college entrance examination and caught a cold. Fortunately, although she couldn't get into top universities like Qingbei University, Renmin University, and Shanghai Jiaotong University, she was admitted to a key university. The school is still fine.

"Didn't you get admitted to CAFA? What are you still doing at school?" Qiao Ran asked He Sha again.

He Sha said: "I came to see you, hey, why didn't I see Lin Yue, Fang Hui, did you see Lin Yue?"

"Maybe...he hasn't come yet." She didn't tell He Sha what happened just now.

Qiao Ran asked: "Then did you see Chen Xun and Zhao Ye? I called their home and said that I went to school early in the morning."

Fang Hui shook his head: "He called me in the morning and asked me which school I was going to apply for, and hung up the phone without saying anything."

"I can't touch them while standing and talking here, let's go, go to school and have a look, maybe play basketball on the playground, this is the last high school life."

"He Sha is right, let's go." Qiao Ran patted the rear frame: "Come on, come up, I'll take you there."

Fang Hui hesitated for a moment, then sat up with Qiao Ran's waist supported.

Against the wind, the three drove towards the gate of Experiment No. 1 Middle School.

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