Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 853 The scum is so heartwarming

Two days later.

Railway Bureau dormitory building.

Lin Yue was holding an apple in his left hand and a box of milk in his right hand. As soon as he entered the Tongzilou, he saw a person standing at the bottom of the wall opposite his uncle's room.

It's Wu Tingting.

She was wearing a white shirt, black trousers and a pair of high-heeled sandals.

Lin Yue didn't go up immediately, knocked on the door on the right, and handed the milk in his arms to a little boy with a single canine tooth.

"Brother Lin lost the milk to you that day, remember to take care of it, don't let your brother steal it."


In the immature voice of a child, he rubbed the little boy's pot head, got up and walked towards Wu Tingting.

She looked at him sideways, holding a brown handbag in her hand hanging in front of her, with a serious expression on her face, and she seemed in a bad mood.

"It's been a long time." Lin Yue looked at her and said.

Just as Wu Tingting was about to speak, a face appeared from the room just now. It was a woman in her 40s.

"Hey, Lin..."

Seemingly noticing her presence and knowing that it was not time to disturb the two of them, the woman swallowed the rest of her words and retracted her face into the room.

"Come into the house and say something."

Lin Yue took out the key to unlock the lock, opened the door and walked into the room.

Wu Tingting saw at a glance that the birdcage under the window was empty.

"What about the bird?"

"Are you the guy who ruined my good deeds? You've already boiled it into a pot of broth and drank it."


Wu Tingting found that she couldn't laugh at all, and looked at his face: "I heard that you didn't perform well in the college entrance examination."

"Did you hear what Chen Xun said?"

Wu Tingting nodded, and after filling out the application form for the college entrance examination, Lao Tang organized a dinner to celebrate Chen Xun's escape from the sea of ​​suffering. During the dinner, Chen Xun drank a lot of wine, and while he was talking, he mentioned a pervert in his class. His monthly exam results crushed the whole Nancheng, but when it came to the college entrance examination, he withered, but it didn't matter, he had a way out. Either through the Olympic team leader, or contact him through the school's channels, and ask him if he has any intention to study abroad.

Old Tang, Sun Tao and others listened to it for fun, Wu Tingting panicked, she knew who Chen Xun was talking about.

Lin Yue failed the college entrance examination and is planning to study abroad?

What about her?

In the past, she thought that she would only like one person in this life, that is, Bai Feng. When he died, her heart went with him, but after two years of getting along, she has gotten used to Lin Yue's existence. The face is also blurred.

She has already made up her mind that when Lin Yue is admitted to the university of her choice, she will introduce him to Lao Tang, Sun Tao and others--in fact, she had such an impulse when she received the big red book on Qixi last year, but she just thought about it. It was time for Lin Yue to enter his third year of high school, and it was time to sprint to the university of his choice. He should not be distracted, so he held back for a whole year, and finally said it the day before the college entrance examination, and asked him to go to the Temple of the Reclining Buddha for a jade token .

But now, is it possible that the second man she likes will also leave her?

"Well, I didn't pass the exam."

Wu Tingting took a step forward, raised her chin slightly and stared at his face: "Then he said that you are going to study abroad, is it true?"


How should this question be answered?

Lin Yue felt the pain in his gums, as if a needle was being poked in, and it hurt every bit. Say yes, Wu Tingting must be very sad, say no, after going through this kind of situation, she will definitely take herself to meet those gangsters and declare her ownership of him, then Chen Xun will blow up immediately , oh, everything in the pot and bowl is yours, why don't you go to heaven? I really ran to Fang Hui and Lin Jiamo and told him that he was not human at both ends, and God knows if the system would judge him as a "scumbag" if he did this--strictly speaking, he hasn't talked to them until now. Anyone who decides the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, although the plan is to be a scumbag, but when Fang Hui, Lin Jiamo and others calm down and think about it, his relationship with them is that the relationship between AUO and above is not enough. state.

Will a good student who is mature, stable, noble, kind, brave and has a sense of justice, warmer than Qiao Ran, better than Chen Xun, athletic than Zhao Ye, and occasionally humorous, be considered a scumbag? No way.

How the hell am I always acting like a good guy?

Lin Yue felt that his acting life was really a failure, and he was blind to skills like [I am an acting school LV3] for nothing.

After thinking about it, he decided to hide his plan first. Anyway, Lin Jiamo was already crying, and He Sha should know it too. The so-called debt is not worrying, so let it be.

"How about what I asked you to do?"

Wu Tingting took another step forward, and the distance between their faces was less than a foot.

"Don't try to change the subject, answer me, are you going to study abroad?"


"Silent? Is that right?"


Wu Tingting stared at him closely, and when her eyes touched the familiar corner of the pendant inside the T-shirt, she suddenly reached out to wrap her arms around his shoulders, and leaned over on her tiptoes.

After a minute of kissing.

She backed away a little, grabbed his collar and said, "You can leave if you want, and leave the most important memories of your life in China."

Before he could speak, he straightened his face and sealed Lin Yue's mouth again, even more enthusiastically than before.

\u0026%¥ # *\u0026...

This Wu Tingting is really...

If you can't keep people, you can keep precious memories...

Lin Yue was really convinced, and thought that the girls in the imperial capital were really bright, and they were going to be placed in the "hometown of Shandong", and the girls there were not so tough.

When he was emotional, Wu Tingting kicked the open door and pushed him to sit on the bed.


An hour and a half later, she found the handbag in the pile of discarded clothes under the bed, unzipped it, and took out two big red books.

One shows 125 square meters with a small courtyard, and the other shows 94 square meters with a small courtyard. The owner of the house wrote her name. The location is around the gate house bought last year, that is to say, the three gate houses connected together are all under her name.

"I really don't understand, you are going to study abroad, why do you want me to do these things? And... Dad said this is the most stupid investment."

You must know that Liangxiang is a town. Even if it has developed well in the past few years, and the number of outsiders has gradually increased, most of them are odd jobs in the market. Opening a printing shop in this kind of place, the average monthly income is comparable to that of ordinary workers. Clans are not much different.

She stopped studying in the first half of her vocational high school. She really didn't have much survival skills, and she was quick at copying and didn't have to worry about it, wasn't a long-term business after all.

Lin Yue didn't know why she was going crazy this year. She asked her to mortgage the facade house she bought last year to the bank, and then used the loan to buy the facade houses on both sides. The monthly repayment of the loan was more than the profit of the printing shop. Without a good way to earn money, she would have to suffer from the mortgage for half a year at most.

What's even more hateful is that after making such a move, he actually patted his ass and prepared to study abroad.

Lin Yue patted her on the shoulder, let her inside, turned sideways to open the drawer, took out a document and handed it over.


She looked at it carefully under the light of the desk, and found that it was a red-headed document with an official seal on the lower right corner, which contained the city government's approval for the establishment of university towns in Fangshan Liangxiang and Changping Shahe.

Liangxiang wants to build a university town?

How could Wu Tingting not understand what this meant.

More than 300 square meters of frontage houses with yards in the core area of ​​the university city business district... She remembered what Lin Yue said when she bought a house last year. After two or three years, she would do nothing and only collect rent to live every day well. up.

"Where did this document... come from?"

"You just need to know it's real." Lin Yue turned over and said, "Bring it to your dad tomorrow, I think his expression must be very exciting."

"You...why are you..."

"Why do you do this?" Lin Yue said, "Of course it is so that you can have a stable source of income."

"In this way, you can go abroad with peace of mind, without any psychological burden, right?"

this logic...

Lin Yue was speechless and didn't know what to say, but Wu Tingting raised her head and bit down on his shoulder.


Lin Yue groaned and touched the bitten place with his hand.


Grandma's, it's been a long time since she got hurt, and Wu Tingting took a blood. This imperial girl is not only bright, but also really strong when she is pungent.

"You're playing with fire."

Lin Yue looked at her bitterly.

"I'm just playing with fire, what can you do with me? Not only do I want your man, but I also want to leave a mark on you that belongs only to me, so that you will never forget me for the rest of your life."

Lin Yue gave her a fixed look, before leaning forward slightly.

Wu Tingting shook her head to avoid, not giving him a chance to touch her.

Of course, she couldn't be Lin Yue's opponent, and she was defeated in no time.

Chapter 851 has been entered, even if it is revised, it will take daytime to find an editor to unblock it, let me tell you.

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