Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 866 Damn this pervert!

"I invite Lin Jiamo from Peking University and Lin Yue from the Finance Department of our school."

After saying this, the host clapped his hands and turned to leave.

There was a burst of applause from the audience. Of course, it was far less enthusiastic than when Chen Xun came on stage, but to Fang Hui, Qiao Ran and the others, these two names were like lightning flashes across the clear sky.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find him. It turned out that the guy came here to participate in the singer competition, not alone, but in pairs.

Chen Xun, who was chatting and laughing with Shen Xiaotang just now, changed his expression, thinking that he was so annoying to see him everywhere.

He was about to ask Shen Xiaotang why he didn't mention Lin Yue's participation in the competition, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask. Because of the matter of chasing Fang Hui, he never told her about the past grievances between the two, and... this should be Lin Jiamo's idea, after all, Chen Xue came to rob her at the beginning of this semester, and she desperately wanted Confirm the relationship with Lin Yue and announce it to the world, lest the girls in the school have unreasonable thoughts about the person they love.

As far as Lin Jiamo is concerned.


Doesn't he know how many catties and taels the apprentices he taught weigh? Coming here to participate in the singer competition, and even dragging Lin Yue in, is simply humiliating himself.

Chen Xun sneered.

Shen Xiaotang noticed the change in his expression and was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."

Shen Xiaotang glanced at him suspiciously, but didn't ask any further questions, because Lin Yue and Lin Jiamo had already walked out from behind the scenes.

Facing the dark crowd of heads, Lin Yue didn't feel nervous at all, after all, he was used to strong winds and waves.

Because Lin Jiamo took gymnastics classes and had a dance performance at the party last year, she reluctantly held.

"Don't be nervous, you just play the guitar well."


Lin Jiamo moved her hands and sat down on the chair next to her.

Lin Yue glanced around the audience and said, "Today I bring you a song "Deep Breath" by Yu Quan, I hope you will like it."

There was another whisper.

This song was very popular last year. The theme song of the Motorola T191 commercial was very popular.

Most students don't have much idea, just think this song is good, but for those who like K songs, the concept is different.

It is obviously a popular song, but few people in KTV choose to sing it, because it sounds very simple, the melody and lyrics are catchy, but if you really want to pick up the microphone and sing it, you will find that you are making things difficult for yourself.

There is a generation gap between the judges of the singer contest and the aesthetics of the students, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have real talents. They don’t recognize Chen Xun’s style of rock and roll, but they can still accept pop songs. Yuquan is two people, not to mention the former’s high-pitched professional They are all difficult to learn, even the latter's distinctive voice can't be imitated by ordinary people. This is not a KTV. I really don't know who gave him the courage to choose "Deep Breath" to sing.

"Why did he choose this song?" Shen Xiaotang was considered an amateur singer, and naturally knew that not everyone could master the variable speed singing in this song.

Chen Xun said "court death" with a voice that he could only hear.

The two people on the stage didn't think too much, Lin Jiamo took a deep breath, followed Lin Yue's advice not to look down, just like in practice, just pay attention to his back.

"I breathe."

"All the preparations are in place."

"Waiting for your news."

"Can't wait to start the countdown."


"I entered another celestial body."

"Experience the excitement of flying."


When the climax of "Take a deep breath, close your eyes" was sung, the audience was boiling, the audience shook their heads and shouted Lin Yue's name, and even the judges and teachers couldn't help applauding.

He actually sang the original sense of combination. The high pitch and explosive power of "Yu" and the clear and fullness of "Spring" can all be expressed.

Liu Yunwei, Li Qi, and Xue Shan were sitting in the back row looking dumbfounded. The melody of Lin Jiamo's guitar playing was completely overwhelmed by the singing. There is no doubt that even if it was a cappella, the people below would listen with gusto.

"Fang Hui, why did you never mention that he can sing?"

Xue Shan looked at Fang Hui, and found that the girl was gripping the back of the front seat tightly, and she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

Qiao Ran's performance was quite calm, but if you look closely, you will find the corners of his mouth twitching, and the emotion in his eyes is particularly unnatural.

Chen Xun left, and before leaving, he said, Fuck you pervert!

Shen Xiaotang looked at the boys standing on the stage, feeling a little complicated.

Many people applauded Lin Yue, but I was not happy, not because he had reached the state of not being surprised, but because there was a person standing in the aisle in the last row of the auditorium, a person holding flowers.

It's Hesha.

She is not happy.

She is upset because the person beside him is not her.

He is unhappy because she is unhappy.

Unexpectedly, what happened to Chen Xun happened to him.


He glanced at the entrance and saw Kuang Qiang who was gloating.

It turned out that this bastard was playing tricks behind her back. Last year, He Sha called 1513 before going out to collect music, and asked him to call her back at night. Since it was a call back, she naturally had to leave her mobile phone number. I think this incident gave Kuang Qiang a chance .

Originally, he thought that Fang Hui committed suicide by himself in the TV series and took the main responsibility for losing his virginity. He thought it was a bit too much to ruin Kuang Qiang's future, but since this bastard dared to play tricks behind his back, then Don't blame him for being cruel.


Flowers fell to the ground.

He Sha turned around and ran out of the auditorium with red eyes.

Kuang Qiang called her today and said that Lin Yue had signed up for the singer competition. The people in the dormitory decided to form a group of relatives and friends to cheer him on at the scene, and asked her if she was interested in participating, and gave Lin Yue a surprise.

Of course He Sha would not refuse, no matter how busy she was with her studies, she still had to help and cheer up her sweetheart. However, when she came here according to Kuang Qiang's instructions, what she saw was a two-person show between Lin Yue and Lin Jiamo.

Even though she knew that Lin Jiamo was chasing him in high school, the two of them didn't act too outrageously or intimately, which made her feel that she still had a chance. After entering university, Lin Yue would go to Yangmei to see her and counsel her. Her studies, when she has time to talk on the phone, etc...

What about now?

The scene on stage broke through her psychological bottom line.

Because of her major, she often has to go out to gather scenery. Unlike Lin Jiamo, who can visit North Technology and Business University from time to time, she has no sense of security in her heart and worries about gains and losses every day. She wanted to use this important moment to express her heart and tell him I admit my mistake and apologize. When I was in high school, I didn't know how to cherish because I took into account other people's opinions. I hope he can give her a chance to regret it.

But... before he could say what he was holding in his stomach, he took a slap in the face.

He Sha ran out of the auditorium, stumbling over a student who had just entered, and didn't have time to say sorry.

In fact, not only Lin Yue saw her, Lin Jiamo also noticed He Sha who fled.

She came to swear sovereignty to the girls of Northern Technology and Business University, but she didn't expect to even hurt He Sha.


Lin Yue turned around, shook his head, and took her hand to leave the stage.

Yes, no one is right or wrong in this kind of thing, and there is no fairness and justice, but Lin Jiamo is still very sad.

"I didn't expect He Sha to come over. I obviously didn't tell her."

The behind-the-scenes staff didn't know what was going on, and they were still giving them a thumbs up, praising the two for their good performance, but Lin Jiamo had lost interest in dealing with those people. She was worried that Lin Yue would misunderstand that she was the one who told He Sha the news, and used this despicable method to solve his love rival.

"You go back first, I'll take care of He Sha's problem."


"I know you didn't do this." Lin Yue smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can handle it well."

"I'm leaving."

"It's getting late, remember to take a taxi back."


Lin Jiamo didn't say much, picked up her things and left.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yue left the stage. Fang Hui and Qiao Ran were no longer in the mood to watch the show, and were waiting for him at the door.

"Hesha, she..."

"I know." Lin Yue didn't let Fang Hui finish his sentence, and walked straight to the front square of the auditorium in front of Kuang Qiang who was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette.

"The general draws the car, yes, Kuang Qiang."

"What are you talking about?" Kuang Qiang pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "Actually, I didn't expect this to happen. Really, I just want to help you form a family and friends group. He Lijun and Hu Youping from our dormitory also came. Didn't you see it?"

"In that case, I have to thank you."

"Don't, in the final analysis, I also do bad things with good intentions, and they all blame me for talking too much."

Lin Yue didn't talk nonsense with him, just turned and left.

Fang Hui and Qiao Ran quickly caught up.

"Kuang Qiang did this?"

Lin Yue nodded.

"Then... what are you going to do?"

Lin Yue said: "Kuang Qiang will die in an ugly way."

Fang Hui was in a hurry. Although she was also surprised that Lin Yue and Lin Jiamo teamed up to participate in the singer competition, she was mentally prepared. After all, Lin Jiamo ran here for the past six months when she had nothing to do. What about He Sha? The scene on the stage will definitely be sad: "The most important thing now is to confirm He Sha's state, she is emotionally unstable, just run out like this, what if something happens?"

"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with this."

Qiao Ran said, "Do you have a solution? What can you do?"

Lin Yue glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 0954, the book friends with the tail number 7728 for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and the book friends with the tail number 4417 for the reward of 500 starting coins. 100 starting coins from book friend No. 2922.

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