Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 867 I have a good heart, Kuang Qiang

He Sha didn't know how she got back to Yangmei, anyway, she opened her eyes and saw that it was almost noon.

The dormitory was in a mess. There were more than a dozen empty bottles of Yanjing Beer on the floor, and there were snack bags littering the table, such as chicken feet, marinated eggs, and tiger skin peanuts.

Reaching out and tapping her drowsy head, she tried to get up from the bed.

It's okay to lie still, but as soon as he moved, his stomach began to churn.

She quickly got off the bed, rushed into the bathroom and vomited wildly, and it took a long time before she regained her strength, and sat on the ground panting heavily.

She has never drank so much wine since she was a child, and she feels much better after throwing up her stomach, but the drowsiness and powerlessness have not dissipated.

She dipped the cold sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, walked to the sink with strength, and turned on the faucet.


The water gushes.

She picked up a handful of water and slapped it on her face, brushed her teeth once she was done, and then she cheered up.

Lin Yue.

Lin Jiamo...

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the disappointment in her heart, she returned to the room and began to clean up the beer bottles and litter on the floor.

The aftereffects of drunkenness are still there. Basically, if you sweep twice, you will stop for a while, take a breath and continue.

When I was emptying the fruit peels into the trash can with a dustpan, the door of the dormitory opened from the outside, and roommates Wang Min and Zhang Jiangjiang walked in.

"He Sha, stop doing it, let me do it." Seeing that she was not in good condition, Wang Min quickly took the broom from her hand and continued to clean up the accumulated garbage.

Zhang Jiangjiang said: "We will help you ask for leave for the morning class."

After speaking, he walked over and helped her to sit on the bed: "Isn't it just a man? It's hard to find three-legged toads, and two-legged men are everywhere. As for drinking so much wine and ruining your body?"

He Sha bowed her head and said nothing, yes, there are men with two legs all over the street, but how many people like him can you find everywhere? What's more, how can the relationship between three years of high school be measured by money and talent?

Over there, Wang Min also persuaded: "Look at the way you looked when you came back yesterday. If he was in our school, he would definitely hit the door with a bad temper like mine."

"He Sha, He Sha..." When the two of you talked to each other and I tried to persuade her to order something, another roommate, Li Mu, walked into the room: "There is your courier outside the apartment building."

"My courier?"

Dad hasn't been on a business trip recently, He Sha looked blank, wondering who would send her something.

Li Mu said: "Yes, it's still a big piece, go and have a look, the worker is waiting at the door."

He Sha collected herself, got up with doubts, opened the door and went out. Wang Min worried that she might make a mistake, and followed her out of the dormitory.

Just as Li Mu said, there was a small truck parked in front of the girls’ apartment building, and a wooden box half a person’s height was erected in front of the courier in overalls.

"Hi, I'm Hesha."

"He Sha, a first-year student in the Sculpture Department of CAFA?"

"Yes, I'll get your student ID card for you."

"No need." The courier handed her a receipt: "Just sign here."

He Sha took it and signed her name.

The courier looked at the wooden box, then at the delicate girl in front of him: "How about... I'll help you move it in."

Wang Min hurriedly said, "Thank you, we live on the second floor, Room 212."

"You're welcome." The delivery man picked up the wooden box with both hands and walked into the apartment building. The female students on the path avoided each other.

After the courier left, Zhang Jiangjiang walked half a circle around the wooden box.

"Hesha, what is this?"

He Sha shook her head.

Li Mu looked in through the one-inch-wide gap between the wooden strips that sealed the box: "It looks like a painting."

He Sha said, "I didn't buy paintings outside."

Wang Min was impatient, so he borrowed a hammer from the housekeeper's aunt, and used the end of the nail to pound the two ends of the sealing wooden strips, and then pulled out the picture frame wrapped in the dustproof cloth.

Li Mu walked over and took off the dustproof cloth, and an oil painting about half a person tall appeared in front of the three of them.

"This is……"

Zhang Jiangjiang looked at the person in the painting, then at He Sha, and found that it was the same person.

Li Mu said: "The painting is you, He Sha."

Wang Min, who supported the picture frame, turned forward and turned sideways: "This painting is comparable to the level of Professor Tang from our department. Which talent gave it to you? It's so romantic."

In the painting, He Sha is standing in the gazebo by the back sea with a colored pen, concentrating on depicting the quiet Pinghu Lake in the twilight.

The water was rippling, and Grandpa Sun lit the silver scale fairy wand, and the golden color of Xilai wrapped around her hands and brushes, her long hair shook slightly, and the breeze was sweet.

She is painting the quiet Pinghu, and the people outside the painting are painting her quiet.

It was the homework assigned by the teacher in mid-March. The class members went to the vicinity of Shichahai to find their favorite target and complete a watercolor painting. She wandered around for a long time but didn't choose a subject to describe, because she was a native of the imperial capital and lacked freshness in everything there, unlike those students from other places who could always find a bright spot in front of her eyes.

Coming and going, until dusk was approaching, when other students returned to school after work, she looked at the lake in the evening and the quiet park before she entered the state and found the mood she wanted to express with colors and brushes.

On that day, she didn't stop writing with satisfaction until night fell, and left with the easel on her back.

In any case, she never thought that this scene would be recorded by others.

"He Sha, who do you think this" According to Zhang Jiangjiang, the person who can capture this heart-warming moment should be a classmate who went to Shichahai to paint together, but she really couldn't think of it. The Sculpture Department... No, it should be said that the entire School of Plastic Arts has such a high standard.

I remember Professor Wen said that a good painting will calm people down at a glance.

But in this painting, Pinghu in the picture-in-picture is quiet, and the girl outside Pinghu is also quiet.

"I know……"

"What do you know?" Zhang Jiangjiang turned around.

"I know who drew it." He Sha muttered in a low voice, ignoring her messy hair and slightly pale face, opened the door and ran out.

"He Sha, where are you going?" Wang Min chased outside the door.

There was no response, only she knew where she was going.

Li Mu, who was holding the picture frame, looked at Zhang Jiangjiang and said, "Could it be..."

She pointed to the direction of North Technology and Business University.

"Is that Lin Yue really that powerful?"

"Do you think the rumor that the man talked with Professor Wen about impression painting techniques for an hour and a half is groundless?"

Wang Min heard the conversation between the two, looked back at the painting, and sighed heavily. She knew that He Sha was finished, and no one could take his place in the girl's heart in this life.


three days later.

Kuang Qiang walked towards the multimedia classroom of the teaching building holding the apple he had bitten a few times.

It feels almost the same. When He Sha's mood stabilizes, he will greet her with care and care, and open her heart with eloquence and experience. What's next...

Isn't the one named Lin a cow? When he pries the corner of the wall, let's see what qualifications she has to live quietly in front of him in the future.

"Kuang Qiang, the teacher from the Academic Affairs Office asked you to come over."

As soon as he entered the classroom, he heard the monitor call his name.


Kuang Qiang quickly took a few bites of the apple, threw most of the rest into the trash can, and walked towards the complex.

Five minutes later, he knocked on the door of the Academic Affairs Office, stepped into the room, and was stunned when he saw the woman standing in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Kuang Qiang was furious.

The woman glanced at him and said nothing. The director of the Academic Affairs Office over there pushed a piece of paper over: "You are Kuang Qiang from the Department of Marketing, right? Let's see, did you do this?"

It was an ultrasound image report, and the results showed that a gestational sac was detected in the female uterine cavity, and the size was in line with the level of six to five days.

Kuang Qiang looked at the woman and said, "Didn't I already give you the money? Why did you come to school to make trouble?"

"That money is not enough."

"Not enough?" Kuang Qiang said: "At the beginning, I obviously wore a condom, who knows if the child in your stomach is mine."

"I counted the time, it's yours."

"You counted the time and said yes, but I counted the time and said yes."

"Kuang Qiang, you just don't want to be responsible."

"Yes, why am I responsible?"

Kuang Qiang really wants to say that I am a prostitute, why should I be responsible for a chicken, it is your fault that I did not take safety measures, it has nothing to do with me, and giving you 200 yuan is the most benevolent.

But here is the Academic Affairs Office, he can't vent without restraint.

"Are you sure the child is his?" The director of the Academic Affairs Office obviously wanted to protect Kuang Qiang. After all, women are not students of the school, and the school is not responsible for the pregnancy of social people: "Young people, who doesn't want me to say , you should have a good negotiation, if..."

"Okay, you and your partner are here to bully me, a foreigner." The woman picked up the phone and looked at Kuang Qiang with resentment on her face: "Today, I must fight to the death with you."

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