Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 873 Haiwanglin who overturned and did not step on the brakes

"You like Qiao Ran, don't you?"

Yes, Xue Shan likes Qiao Ran.

No, it should be said that she likes many people.

Jerry Yan, Zhou Yumin, Andy Lau, Tony Leung... She likes all these stars, and there are many in the school, Chen Xun, Qiao Ran, Dong Kaizhao from the Department of Economics, Xiaohu Qian from the Department of Management, and this person standing in front of her.

Xue Shan didn't know how to answer.

Lin Yue said: "I can see that you always look for opportunities to strike up a conversation with him when we eat together."

Xue Shan really wants to say that was in the past, and I've been talking to you all the time recently.

Lin Yue continued: "Thank you for listening to my complaint, let me do you a favor too."

"Help me?" Xue Shan was puzzled.

Lin Yue said, "Well, let me chase you."

? ? ? ? ?

Xue Shan's face turned red all of a sudden, don't look at her twittering like a sparrow on weekdays, chatting about celebrity scandals, and gossips in the public, but when it comes to falling in love, she is a young child, and it is still Lin Yue. A well-known good student in the school, the talented musician said that he pursued her, and on the one hand, he felt as if he had been wiped with honey, but on the other hand, he was terrified, thinking that this was not true.

"I mean, I showed Qiao Ran the appearance of pursuing you, and then helped you test his tone, and told him through my mouth that you like him, so I have been hesitant to accept me. You know, I told him Qiao Ran is a high school classmate, I know his character better than anyone else, if you don't push him from behind, it will be difficult for him to take a crucial step."

It turned out to be acting.

Xue Shan's mood was very complicated, her eyes flickered, and she was indecisive.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yue said: "Qiao Ran's personality is introverted. If you don't be too aggressive, you will definitely not have any results."

Now that you're flirting with Liu Yunwei, I don't want to act, I want to be real with you.

This is what is in her heart, but she doesn't have the courage to say it.

"Is this... alright?"

After hesitating for a while, she chose to accept it, because it was better to weigh the gains and losses.

Just like what Lin Yue said, if he forces Qiao Ran, he will definitely get a positive answer. If Qiao Ran accepts her, then he will be with Qiao Ran. If Qiao Ran does not accept her, then he can also enjoy Lin Yue's pursuit. For a few days, as long as the two of them have the opportunity to be alone, there is a possibility that their relationship will warm up, so as to give her a suitable atmosphere to say "Actually, the person I really like is you".

"Don't worry, it's definitely possible." Lin Yue sighed and said, "Speaking of it, I'm also quite selfish."

Xue Shan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"To be honest, I also have the bastard idea of ​​replacing Liu Yunwei with you."

She's not an asshole, she's not an asshole at all, Liu Yunwei is an asshole, who told her that she has seduced so many people, has so many spare tires, and she deserves to miss such a good boyfriend.

Xue Shan took a step forward: "Actually..."

Lin Yue didn't let her finish speaking, because the mobile phone in his pocket rang "just right", he took it out and pressed the connect button.



"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, he picked up the guitar, looked at Xue Shan and said, "I have to go, the next class is the department head's class, I need roll call."

"Yeah." Xue Shan swallowed back the words that came to her lips, because she was interrupted by Lin Yue, and she felt that she shouldn't say "Actually, I like you very much" so quickly, otherwise, wouldn't it seem that she just met someone Is it too unreliable to like one? I have to get along with each other for a while before revealing my heart.

"There is no class tomorrow afternoon, do you want to go to Wangfujing?"


Xue Shan agreed without even thinking about it. As for the courses? No matter how important the course is, it is not as important as him.

Lin Yue went directly to the dormitory after leaving the complex, and did not go to the teaching building. Unlike Fang Hui, Lin Jiamo, He Sha and others, Xue Shan did not have a deep relationship with him. Take Qiao Ran as the first target, and then him... After all, I also said just now that I have the idea of ​​replacing Liu Yunwei with her.

Well, another city was won.

Li Qi, what should we do?

Both Liu Yunwei and Xue Shan have certain personality flaws, which are easy to target, but Li Qi, a girl who looks a bit like Fang Hui, is the most difficult to deal with.



Like a few days ago, Lin Yue pushed open the door of the orthopedic ward with a basket of strawberries.

Wu Tingting lay on the bed and closed her eyes to rest. Her mother checked the accounts on the empty bed next to her. When she saw him come in, she raised her wrist and looked at the scale of her watch.

"Yo, it's past five o'clock, I have to go back and make dinner for her dad." She tidied up the report without looking back, "Xiao Lin, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"Auntie, don't bother."

"It's not troublesome to cook one or two more dishes."

Wu's mother was much more talkative than Wu's father, and Lin Yue felt that she really regarded herself as her son-in-law.

First of all, Wu Tingting was greatly stimulated by Bai Feng's incident. Now that she has finally come out and has someone she likes, the old couple are naturally very happy. Secondly, he is a serious college student with a much higher education than Wu Tingting. Third, Liangxiang He also persuaded Wu Tingting to buy the front room in that area. In the end, his appearance was not bad, and he was more than enough for their daughter.

In this case, Wu's mother naturally treats him more and more pleasing to his mother-in-law when she sees her son-in-law.

"Then you can figure it out, I'm not picky eaters."

"Okay, then I'll just watch and do it." After putting the things away, Mother Wu took the bag and left.

Lin Yue carried the washbasin to the door, turned into the bathroom next to it, took half a basin of water from the faucet and brought it back to the room, mixed some hot water into it, tested that the water temperature was just right, took it and put it on the bed Pressed the towel on her head into the basin and squeezed it a few times, wrung out the water and picked it up to wipe Wu Tingting's face and hands.

"Give it to me, I can do it myself."

"Look at your unnatural face, are you embarrassed to feel that you have slept through it?"

Wu Tingting glared at him viciously: "You have the ability to say this in front of my father."

"Just say it, anyway, it won't be me who is embarrassed."


Wu Tingting was so angry that she gritted her teeth and didn't withdraw from him. She sighed for a while, seeing him not disgusted at all, and her eye circles were slightly red as he wiped her feet with a wet towel.

"You know? People like you shouldn't be so nice to the girls around you. "


"I really don't know how many girls you will harm in your life."

"Say it like I'm loved by everyone."

"Isn't it?" Wu Tingting said, "You think my mother is very talkative, don't you? In fact, my mother is the most picky. I think Bai Feng went to my house and she was kicked out of her. This week, she didn't know that my father was in my house. How many good things have been said about you in front of you, and those little nurses who make ward rounds, haven't you noticed that they always make excuses to make ward rounds after you come?"

"Is there?"

He had just finished speaking here when the door opened over there. A young nurse in his twenties and thirteen years old walked in, pretending to ask Wu Tingting a few questions, and then kindly told Lin Yue how to do nursing care, diet, etc. What are the things that should be avoided, while talking, he still turned to the question of why he always came here in the afternoon, and then jumped from this question to the question of which school he went to...

Anyway, he asked a lot of questions like checking his household registration, until Wu Tingting snorted with a cold face, then turned and left with the folder.

"You don't have to worry about them deliberately sticking to the painful place when they give the injection."

"That's better than being robbed of your boyfriend."


Lin Yue shook his head, threw the wet towel into the basin, and took the nail clippers on the key chain to help her trim the long nails.

Wu Tingting pulled her hand back, but she couldn't pull it back.

"I really don't know how much I owed you in my previous life."

"Sister, I'm serving you now, do you have the face to say you owe me money?"

"You know what I mean by yourself."

Lin Yue smiled at her, let go of her right hand: "The other hand."



After speaking, he grabbed the other hand and pulled the nail clippers in front of his face: "Don't move around, it hurts you when you cut the flesh."



When the nail clippers cut his middle finger, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door of the ward.

"What's the matter?" Wu Tingting noticed his suddenly dark face and looked over.

Lin Yue didn't have time to continue cutting her nails, let go of his hand, walked quickly to the door and opened the door of the ward to look outside. There was an acquaintance standing in front of him, Chen Xun, and at the other end of the corridor, a figure was moving away quickly. He also knew his identity, Fang Hui.

"You brought her here?"

"Otherwise?" Chen Xun looked at him with resentment on his face: "Lin Yue, you are really deep in hiding. Isn't it beautiful to step on a few boats?"

Chen Xun glanced at Wu Tingting lying on the hospital bed: "I really don't know, what are they looking for in you?"

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Then let them fall in love with you? If it happens to others, you are a jerk, if it happens to you, you are youthful and ignorant, in a hurry?"

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